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OSex+ The Greatest Virtual Sex Ever

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No offense ... this are very good animations but I do not see any difference when it comes to the game when using Sexlab.

holy cow... you rly mean that?


sexlab certainly has many functions and ways to use sex-scenes and implement them into actuall gameplay


but atleast in my opinion 0sex delivers 100 % better anims and functionality. Not only talkin about sex animations here, just look at the facial expressions and everything that comes with it.

don't take me wrong, I have hight respect for all the mod authors of sexlab but none of them come close to this mod when it comes to animations. compared to 0sex, sexlab animations look like plastic sex robots. lulz

Maybe it's just me, this mod does not seem to me so impressive. Maybe it's because I like the very aggressive animations and this mod is too light for me, I do not care much about facial expressions and that.

It's just you. Are you aware that real sex doesn't last one minute where participants teleport 5 times to random pose without feeling a thing and cumming doesn't create an earthquake that sprays cum all over female even though it was internal?



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OSex definitly has the better animations, but on the other hand SexLab is far more refined and, right now, far more complex. SexLab has the advantage of age, which means more Mods for different kind of tastes. Right now I'm missing all the small fun stuff in OSex, that SexLab already supports like Beatiality, PetPlay (Milk Economy), Slavery (SD+), Storyalternatives (Solutions, PayCrime), Toys (Calypse, ZaZ or DD), Pregnancy (Beeing Female) etc.

OSex is very Young and has a lot potential, but only time will show, if it can be an real alternative, or will it just be an small immersive jewel for some people. Right now, I couldn't recoment to use both at the same time, thanks to the FNIS Limit.

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OSex definitly has the better animations, but on the other hand SexLab is far more refined and, right now, far more complex. SexLab has the advantage of age, which means more Mods for different kind of tastes. Right now I'm missing all the small fun stuff in OSex, that SexLab already supports like Beatiality, PetPlay (Milk Economy), Slavery (SD+), Storyalternatives (Solutions, PayCrime), Toys (Calypse, ZaZ or DD), Pregnancy (Beeing Female) etc.

OSex is very Young and has a lot potential, but only time will show, if it can be an real alternative, or will it just be an small immersive jewel for some people. Right now, I couldn't recoment to use both at the same time, thanks to the FNIS Limit.

How is having 5 animation stages that last about a minute more complex than having over a thousand animations with included seamless transitions emotions and sound specific for each stage with limitless number of stages?

Lets not forget amazing user interface and almost no papyrus usage.


I can understand that people appreciate sexlab as a framework that was amazing for years, but people be real - there is new king in town. :)

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OSex definitly has the better animations, but on the other hand SexLab is far more refined and, right now, far more complex. SexLab has the advantage of age, which means more Mods for different kind of tastes. Right now I'm missing all the small fun stuff in OSex, that SexLab already supports like Beatiality, PetPlay (Milk Economy), Slavery (SD+), Storyalternatives (Solutions, PayCrime), Toys (Calypse, ZaZ or DD), Pregnancy (Beeing Female) etc.

OSex is very Young and has a lot potential, but only time will show, if it can be an real alternative, or will it just be an small immersive jewel for some people. Right now, I couldn't recoment to use both at the same time, thanks to the FNIS Limit.

How is having 5 animation stages that last about a minute more complex than having over a thousand animations with included seamless transitions emotions and sound specific for each stage with limitless number of stages?

Lets not forget amazing user interface and almost no papyrus usage.


I can understand that people appreciate sexlab as a framework that was amazing for years, but people be real - there is new king in town. :)



It is more complex in the number of features it supports:

- Animation Registry

- Sexuality preferences

- Arousal Support

- Equipment Support

- Furniture Support

- Animation identification Support

- Control for different Voices and styles

- Control of animation alignment at runtime

- Control of locations

- Differentiation of bed and non bed situations

- Animation integration for pure NPC action without creating a Stage

- Restriction for specific Animantions via Keywords (like agressive or oral)

- Creature integretaion and creature Gender integration

- Lipsync and Face behavior (Not as advanced as OSa but it exits in the original Framework)

- Toggle restrictions, so that some Animations never could happen

- Every Option adjustable through MCM

- lasting Creampie textures



Yes SexLab right now is, thanks to it's age, far more complex. And OSA or OSex have a long way to go, before they even come to the same versatility. As you said OSA/Osex are WIP right now. And a lot of thing only exist in theory for this Mod. Persona couldn't be defined right now, Orgasms aren't existing, no textures after Sex (i.e. Sweat or Creampies), No restrictions for different Animations right now (Penetration througfh full Armor, different Furnitures/locations should give different options). When a Animation is not aligned throug different circumstances, you have no chance to correct them.

And this are only a few things, OSA/Osex hast to deal with, before you can say that it will be the new king in the turf. Right now it is more like a teenager which try to be an experienced adult.

I didn't say that OSA/OSex never will surpass SexLab. I say that OSA/OSex right now, have a lot of childhood disease which have to be cured first. And that will take some time. Heck some Mod Developers didn't even try to make their mods OSex compatible thanks to some missing features like orgasms or restrictions for animations. And with only one Gameplay Mod out there (Amprus Adventures) OSA/Osex is far away from beeing a hot file. Yes I know about the Bathing Suit But it is not a real gameplay mod, it is just a, cool, playerhome.

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A lot of the things you mentioned are things SexLab needs because of how it's designed, not really features just the needs of the system to function. OSA has it's own unique features catered to it. OSA has supports for all those in it's own way except lasting creampie texture, (in-house) locating beds and certain themes of animation files but it is boasting it's own mountain of features that actually are exclusive. 


You're thinking too microcosm in how modders had to design their stuff around SexLab. OSex isn't just the most epic virtual sex in Skyrim it's the greatest virtual sex available today period. 


Don't forget:


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You're thinking too microcosm in how modders had to design their stuff around SexLab. OSex isn't just the most epic virtual sex in Skyrim it's the greatest virtual sex available today period. 




I'm not thinking too microcosm. Kinky wanted to know where SL is more complex than OSex currently. I've only listed some features that work for SL right now, but not for OSex.

Persona for example. Today, you can design a voice setup for every character while the game is running and a lot of submods exists that play with facial expressions. And OSex? Where are the options InGame? Where can I say that some Characters don't like some acts, or even refuse them to do, while others enjoy them? in version 1.09 I can only hit the Persona-Button, but then only the Back-Button shows up. So no InGame support here.


Then the transition pathes, yes, they are awesome, but also not complete and sometimes they are ... weird. Why do I have to use the whole spooning path, when I want to penetrate girl, whil she is laying on her belly, when I start from doggy?


As already said, OSex is WIP and there is a damn lot work to do, before it can claim the title "King". It has a lot of potential. But there is a difference between a Framework as old as SL and a Framework in an early stage of development.


I absolutly wish that OSex will surpass SL some day. But right now OSex is missing some basic stuff and a bunch different mods that are using OSex..

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You could make your entire argument for taking two sticks that you draw faces on and smash them together while making sex sounds for them but in the end there's quite a difference between that and OSex. For some that might be all the immersion they care about in a virtual sex experience. If that's your fancy i can't really say you're wrong to prefer it but you're making a lot of sacrifices by ignoring the huge upgrades OSex brings right now. In the end it comes down to vision and if the user really doesn't give a damn about key immersion features that OSex brings. I think you'd be hard press to argue that OSex isn't pushing the limits of realer sex simulation and in overlooking every single upgrade it brings I believe you are mostly here to troll me or spread discontent about the project. Of course we have rights to opinion but a lot of the things you mentioned just aren't true and if you wanted to make a bullet point of features one or the other doesn't have the OSex list would be a long essay.


By voice set up you're referring to an arbitrary looping set of sounds from a list which is mundane. OSA plays reaction based sound and facial expressions on que from actual thrusts and events that are occuring. It is all fully customizable in the persona XML per actor that live reacts to speed, thrust and technically arousal too now. MCM will never be handle the detail that OSA can do.

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It is more complex in the number of features it supports:

- Animation Registry

- Sexuality preferences

- Arousal Support

- Equipment Support

- Furniture Support

- Animation identification Support

- Control for different Voices and styles

- Control of animation alignment at runtime

- Control of locations

- Differentiation of bed and non bed situations

- Animation integration for pure NPC action without creating a Stage

- Restriction for specific Animantions via Keywords (like agressive or oral)

- Creature integretaion and creature Gender integration

- Lipsync and Face behavior (Not as advanced as OSa but it exits in the original Framework)

- Toggle restrictions, so that some Animations never could happen

- Every Option adjustable through MCM

- lasting Creampie textures



Yes SexLab right now is, thanks to it's age, far more complex. And OSA or OSex have a long way to go, before they even come to the same versatility. As you said OSA/Osex are WIP right now. And a lot of thing only exist in theory for this Mod. Persona couldn't be defined right now, Orgasms aren't existing, no textures after Sex (i.e. Sweat or Creampies), No restrictions for different Animations right now (Penetration througfh full Armor, different Furnitures/locations should give different options). When a Animation is not aligned throug different circumstances, you have no chance to correct them.

And this are only a few things, OSA/Osex hast to deal with, before you can say that it will be the new king in the turf. Right now it is more like a teenager which try to be an experienced adult.

I didn't say that OSA/OSex never will surpass SexLab. I say that OSA/OSex right now, have a lot of childhood disease which have to be cured first. And that will take some time. Heck some Mod Developers didn't even try to make their mods OSex compatible thanks to some missing features like orgasms or restrictions for animations. And with only one Gameplay Mod out there (Amprus Adventures) OSA/Osex is far away from beeing a hot file. Yes I know about the Bathing Suit But it is not a real gameplay mod, it is just a, cool, playerhome.



Green - SexLab has it, OSA doesn't

Gold - Sexlab has it, OSA doesnt need it

Red - Sexlab has it, OSA has even better



- Animation Registry - OSA operates differently, also this registry if perfect wouldnt need sexlab loader for aditional animation packs.

- Sexuality preferences - OSA lets you do all the action (and you know what your preferences are).

- Arousal Support - work in progress in OSA. Previous versions of OSex let you choose it yourself.

- Equipment Support - There is whole ESG setup for equipement in OSA. You can even undress NPC that is walking arround town by using inspect.

- Furniture Support - missing in OSA atm. Sexlab support is buggy though.

- Animation identification Support - If you mean sexlab animation tags - OSA has/will have its own way of tagging

- Control for different Voices and styles - OSA actualy makes those not sound realistic and not like a repeating robot

- Control of animation alignment at runtime - this is a needed feature if you have messed up animation alignment - not the case in OSA where alignment is perfect.

- Control of locations - You can start a scene wherever you want in OSA.

- Differentiation of bed and non bed situations - already mentioned above as furniture support that is missing from OSA atm.

- Animation integration for pure NPC action without creating a Stage - already exists in OSA

- Restriction for specific Animantions via Keywords (like agressive or oral) - tags already mentioned above

- Creature integretaion and creature Gender integration - this is up to modders and peoples tastes to add those animations. OSA supports creatures but as a framework it doesnt have to contain those type of animations.

- Lipsync and Face behavior (Not as advanced as OSa but it exits in the original Framework) - you were saying sexlab is more complex so if they have same feature why mention it?

- Toggle restrictions, so that some Animations never could happen - OSA lets you choose what you want to do, you dont have to tell a computer what you dont want to see.

- Every Option adjustable through MCM - Unlike MCM, OSA lets you control everything LIVE

- lasting Creampie textures - True OSA doesnt have these (yet), but should it have them?

How many mods add those textures to Sexlab?

So furniture support and creampie textures are only thing sexlab has and OSA doesnt.

If i start listing what OSA has and Sexlab doesnt then its obvious Sexlab doesnt have more features. You can consider it more complex (Big papyrus engine vs tiny bit of papyrus) but being complex in that way doesnt make it better - only makes it harder on the game.

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Don't make this sound like a liberal x conservative discussion people.
Let's be objective, the older system already has the flavors some minorities seek so it's only understandable those will continue to prefer it, as far as complexity, I've taken a small look at the internal workings of both and I find it hard not to say that the new system is far, far more complex and above all ambitious, it's just lacking some connectors that allow other moders to communicate/interact with the tool itself and the documentation for it, for the time being.


As far as quality of animation though if it's not obvious to you I dunno what to tell ya.

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Don't make this sound like a liberal x conservative discussion people.

Let's be objective, the older system already has the flavors some minorities seek so it's only understandable those will continue to prefer it, as far as complexity, I've taken a small look at the internal workings of both and I find it hard not to say that the new system is far, far more complex and above all ambitious, it's just lacking some connectors that allow other moders to communicate/interact with the tool itself and the documentation for it, for the time being.


As far as quality of animation though if it's not obvious to you I dunno what to tell ya.


Its not really a discussion. More like "Hey i think other mod is great so ill talk how this mod is not like that mod" talk. Funny how i never see this kind of talk in sexlab thread to get modders to make sexlab better. I wouldnt mind that OSA and OSex actualy get some serious competition.


Then again i guess people expect more from this mod coz they see it as superior but miss some old features.


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I think you really missunderstood me. Maybe it is so, b/c english isn't my native language and I'm using some words wrong.

I'm not try to troll anyone here. All I say, right now OSex is too young to be the best thing out there. I say, it has the potential to be the best out there. And no, I'm not ignoring the features it has right now, or the ways it goes to solve some problems. I'm talking about results and the current realese state both frameworks have right now.

I've never said that SL is perfect or uses the best ways right now.

You say, you can customize Persona in the XML file. If you read my post carefully you can see that I never ignored this fact. I talked about usercomfort of manipulating the persona InGame. Most users out there don't understand XML or papyrus, they want an easy aproach. And that is smth missing here. The ESG on the other hand, is exactly what most users want. Easy accessible ways to costumize their game.

You say the animations are aligned perfect, that is true as long as your team is making them. But was is with developers who work independent from you guys? Or what happend with characters with totally different sizes? Look at the SOS size dilemma right now. I know SOS is a pretty good example for bad programming, but it is one of the most popular bodymods out there.

I didn't want to discourage anybody here, I want to give some constructive thougts and a different perpective to the current situation. So don't become arrogant. As you can read in my former posts, I'm a fan of this mod, and I want it to be the best it can be. I want it, to surpass SL. But right now, it is not there. I also never said that SL is more immersive than OSex. I never talked about immersion or realism at all. OSex is on of the most immersive mods I ever faced, since Frostfall and Hunterborn.


So to make a long story short: Think about usercomfort and think about finishing the basics, so other moders become interested in this framework.

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I think that's fair, OSA just needs a bit more time to build it's moder based features and documentation, the keyword then is that we need other people to do what they did for Sexlab. Create, and honestly they don't need everything in place to start, take advantage that this is a WIP, build something to show you're putting some work in, then ask for cooperation in due time.


Part of your past points were a bit like telling the sexlab people that they don't have dancing or posing features, which I'm sure you can see it's an unfair comparison and could upset them.

Sexlab is a bit more of a framework than people think. For some reason they credit most sexlab dependent mods as if they're part of it by default. Can't compare them like that.


PS: Sorry, I sometimes edit my posts a lot until someone replies.

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- Sexuality preferences - OSA lets you do all the action (and you know what your preferences are).

- I'm talking also about NPCs here. Not only the preferences the player want.


- Arousal Support - work in progress in OSA. Previous versions of OSex let you choose it yourself.

- As you say WIP, so not here yet.


- Equipment Support - There is whole ESG setup for equipement in OSA. You can even undress NPC that is walking arround town by using inspect.

- True, but you can also penetrate a girl which is wearing full plate at the time, in OSex. So some feature are not there yet.


- Animation identification Support - If you mean sexlab animation tags - OSA has/will have its own way of tagging

- Again WIP so not finished yet.


- Control for different Voices and styles - OSA actualy makes those not sound realistic and not like a repeating robot

- Control of animation alignment at runtime - this is a needed feature if you have messed up animation alignment - not the case in OSA where alignment is perfect.

- Yepp you totaly misunderstood me here. I never said that they are good, I say that they work right now, and that a user can modify them without leaving the game, when smth strange happend.


- Control of locations - You can start a scene wherever you want in OSA.

- And you have to start a new one, if smth goes wrong.


- Animation integration for pure NPC action without creating a Stage - already exists in OSA

- My apology I never seen that happen, but you are right


- Creature integretaion and creature Gender integration - this is up to modders and peoples tastes to add those animations. OSA supports creatures but as a framework it doesnt have to contain those type of animations.

- Correct, but I couldn't find the creature support in the files. So I thought it doesn't exist right now.


- Lipsync and Face behavior (Not as advanced as OSa but it exits in the original Framework) - you were saying sexlab is more complex so if they have same feature why mention it?

- B/c you said it wouldn't exist in SL.


- Toggle restrictions, so that some Animations never could happen - OSA lets you choose what you want to do, you dont have to tell a computer what you dont want to see.

- Somewhat true and somewhat false. Look at the roulette feature of OSex.


- Every Option adjustable through MCM - Unlike MCM, OSA lets you control everything LIVE

- But not every option, some have to be done in the files outside of the game.


I hope that makes some of my points a little bit clearer.


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I like 0SA but to completely disregard SexLab is like what. IMO there's a new queen in town. The king, old as he may be, is still a cool fella, and you should hang out with him and appreciate him despite his quirks. It's like dissing your dad because you got a new dad.


Also is my pc utter shit or does anyone else have a problem with 0S not starting up properly? It's weird, but the library is empty, and most configurable options remain 'undefined'. Even the menu colors don't load. Returning to menu then reloading the save usually fixes it.

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- Sexuality preferences - OSA lets you do all the action (and you know what your preferences are).

- I'm talking also about NPCs here. Not only the preferences the player want.


- Arousal Support - work in progress in OSA. Previous versions of OSex let you choose it yourself.

- As you say WIP, so not here yet.


- Equipment Support - There is whole ESG setup for equipement in OSA. You can even undress NPC that is walking arround town by using inspect.

- True, but you can also penetrate a girl which is wearing full plate at the time, in OSex. So some feature are not there yet.


- Animation identification Support - If you mean sexlab animation tags - OSA has/will have its own way of tagging

- Again WIP so not finished yet.


- Control for different Voices and styles - OSA actualy makes those not sound realistic and not like a repeating robot

- Control of animation alignment at runtime - this is a needed feature if you have messed up animation alignment - not the case in OSA where alignment is perfect.

- Yepp you totaly misunderstood me here. I never said that they are good, I say that they work right now, and that a user can modify them without leaving the game, when smth strange happend.


- Control of locations - You can start a scene wherever you want in OSA.

- And you have to start a new one, if smth goes wrong.


- Animation integration for pure NPC action without creating a Stage - already exists in OSA

- My apology I never seen that happen, but you are right


- Creature integretaion and creature Gender integration - this is up to modders and peoples tastes to add those animations. OSA supports creatures but as a framework it doesnt have to contain those type of animations.

- Correct, but I couldn't find the creature support in the files. So I thought it doesn't exist right now.


- Lipsync and Face behavior (Not as advanced as OSa but it exits in the original Framework) - you were saying sexlab is more complex so if they have same feature why mention it?

- B/c you said it wouldn't exist in SL.


- Toggle restrictions, so that some Animations never could happen - OSA lets you choose what you want to do, you dont have to tell a computer what you dont want to see.

- Somewhat true and somewhat false. Look at the roulette feature of OSex.


- Every Option adjustable through MCM - Unlike MCM, OSA lets you control everything LIVE

- But not every option, some have to be done in the files outside of the game.


I hope that makes some of my points a little bit clearer.




Making it look like you're putting words in other peoples mouths by using quotes that way is what can start arguments. x'P

I'm personally not even gonna try to see who said what.

I like 0SA but to completely disregard SexLab is like what. IMO there's a new queen in town. The king, old as he may be, is still a cool fella, and you should hang out with him and appreciate him despite his quirks. It's like dissing your dad because you got a new dad.


Also is my pc utter shit or does anyone else have a problem with 0S not starting up properly? It's weird, but the library is empty, and most configurable options remain 'undefined'. Even the menu colors don't load. Returning to menu then reloading the save usually fixes it.


I think I remember people saying installing the latest papyrus utils would fix that for them.

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He has a different point of view, and it's fine. Even if I personally think you have to be blind to see this mod under sexlab. Without all the mods around sexlab, sexlab is pretty... empty, to be honest. 0SA doesn't even need that much additionnal mods to make it great.

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- Sexuality preferences - OSA lets you do all the action (and you know what your preferences are).

- I'm talking also about NPCs here. Not only the preferences the player want.


- Arousal Support - work in progress in OSA. Previous versions of OSex let you choose it yourself.

- As you say WIP, so not here yet.


- Equipment Support - There is whole ESG setup for equipement in OSA. You can even undress NPC that is walking arround town by using inspect.

- True, but you can also penetrate a girl which is wearing full plate at the time, in OSex. So some feature are not there yet.


- Animation identification Support - If you mean sexlab animation tags - OSA has/will have its own way of tagging

- Again WIP so not finished yet.


- Control for different Voices and styles - OSA actualy makes those not sound realistic and not like a repeating robot

- Control of animation alignment at runtime - this is a needed feature if you have messed up animation alignment - not the case in OSA where alignment is perfect.

- Yepp you totaly misunderstood me here. I never said that they are good, I say that they work right now, and that a user can modify them without leaving the game, when smth strange happend.


- Control of locations - You can start a scene wherever you want in OSA.

- And you have to start a new one, if smth goes wrong.


- Animation integration for pure NPC action without creating a Stage - already exists in OSA

- My apology I never seen that happen, but you are right


- Creature integretaion and creature Gender integration - this is up to modders and peoples tastes to add those animations. OSA supports creatures but as a framework it doesnt have to contain those type of animations.

- Correct, but I couldn't find the creature support in the files. So I thought it doesn't exist right now.


- Lipsync and Face behavior (Not as advanced as OSa but it exits in the original Framework) - you were saying sexlab is more complex so if they have same feature why mention it?

- B/c you said it wouldn't exist in SL.


- Toggle restrictions, so that some Animations never could happen - OSA lets you choose what you want to do, you dont have to tell a computer what you dont want to see.

- Somewhat true and somewhat false. Look at the roulette feature of OSex.


- Every Option adjustable through MCM - Unlike MCM, OSA lets you control everything LIVE

- But not every option, some have to be done in the files outside of the game.


I hope that makes some of my points a little bit clearer.




Yes it makes them clearly completely wrong. :)


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Hmmm...from my point of view Osex along with OSA, is by far the most beautiful pice of work done in a long time, so sexlab is missing a lot on that account. However as mentioned earlyer you cant make a creampie, and that is mostly why i dosent use the mod instead of sexlab. Currently i runn both. One when i really want stunning framework (Osex), and sexlab if i want creampie and using all the other mods that it support. This is just my 5 cent :)

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Hi there.  I have to say I love this mod a lot, but there are some issues I have questions about. I'm not sure if its the mod, or just my lack of understanding of work this.  


When i use the mod, and I go the main menu, and go to scene selections and such, I get a few circles that have designs in them, and a bunch of empty circles that have scene descriptions.  Sometimes the scenes work, but recentily a lot of the scenes don't.  None of my characters will do what I select.  Am I doing something?


I really like this mod, but my understanding of modding is extremely limited, hence why I'm here for help.


I'm assuming the 'empty circles' are simply the scenes which don't have icons illustrated for them yet. Remember, this is a work in progress, it isn't complete.


When you say some of the scenes don't work, you'll need to spell it out I'm afraid - what exactly are you doing, when does it stop working, what were you expecting it to do, etc.



The work in progress explains some of the icons not having illustrations, so thanks for that, I totally forgot its a work in progress.


As for the scenes don't work, it happens randomly.  Most times it works well and I have no complaints.  However sometimes, even after restarting my game and my computer, the characters freeze. Most times the freezing happens, its during the initial embrace scene.  I then try to get them to kiss, or spank, or sex, and nothing happens, they just stand there in each others arms frozen.  Even when I exit out of Osex and resume normal gameplay, they still stand there frozen.  I'm wandering if its the mod, or if its my computer, or something else?  



Sorry for not being clear in my initial post.  I have strep throat and am hoped up on medication that clouds the mind, so i apologize for not being clear. 

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Hello all,


I've tried a few searches for this issue but haven't been able to find a fix. Whenever I start a scene with this mod, my character's schlong becomes extremely misshapen. I figured this kind of thing would happen if more extreme sliders were used for genitals, but I don't think my sliders are tooooo extreme are they? If I go back into RaceMenu and shrink everything back down to their defaults, this issue disappears. I wonder if this is some incompatibility that I'm unaware of.


Here are some before and after pics. 0Sex drastically shortens and, uh, makes the schlong look like some kind of strange mushroom:





This only happens when an 0Sex scene is started. SL scenes are fine, and running around otherwise works fine.


Also, though this is probably the wrong place to be posting about this, another issue I'm having is that in RaceMenu, adjusting any of the schlong length sliders will adjust the length in an unusual way, but only the first time I move the slider. For instance, if I load a game and go into race menu, then increase/decrease any of the schlong length sliders by a single tick, the schlong will shorten as if I had decreased the slider a few times. This only happens the first time I adjust each length slider until I load/restart/etc. I'm only reporting this here because it may be what's causing 0Sex to butcher my character's schlong.


I've read that any mods messing with SOS size may cause strange behavior, but as far as I know, the only mod I have that does this is SL Aroused with the SOS option turned off.


I would really appreciate it if anyone would point me in the right direction!


BTW, fantastic work on this mod. The animations are amazing!

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Hello all,


I've tried a few searches for this issue but haven't been able to find a fix. Whenever I start a scene with this mod, my character's schlong becomes extremely misshapen. I figured this kind of thing would happen if more extreme sliders were used for genitals, but I don't think my sliders are tooooo extreme are they? If I go back into RaceMenu and shrink everything back down to their defaults, this issue disappears. I wonder if this is some incompatibility that I'm unaware of.


Here are some before and after pics. 0Sex drastically shortens and, uh, makes the schlong look like some kind of strange mushroom:





This only happens when an 0Sex scene is started. SL scenes are fine, and running around otherwise works fine.


Also, though this is probably the wrong place to be posting about this, another issue I'm having is that in RaceMenu, adjusting any of the schlong length sliders will adjust the length in an unusual way, but only the first time I move the slider. For instance, if I load a game and go into race menu, then increase/decrease any of the schlong length sliders by a single tick, the schlong will shorten as if I had decreased the slider a few times. This only happens the first time I adjust each length slider until I load/restart/etc. I'm only reporting this here because it may be what's causing 0Sex to butcher my character's schlong.


I've read that any mods messing with SOS size may cause strange behavior, but as far as I know, the only mod I have that does this is SL Aroused with the SOS option turned off.


I would really appreciate it if anyone would point me in the right direction!


BTW, fantastic work on this mod. The animations are amazing!


I'd say you have two options. Either discard all racemenu changes to your genitalia and allow OSex to manage it (Example of this: schlong decreases size during felatio to fit mouth) or you go into OSA options to disable the purity option, close and open the OSA menu again and you'll have a new option that allows you to disable genitalia management done by OSA. Then it should stay the way you've modified it, but it won't autoshape for the scenes.

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I think I remember people saying installing the latest papyrus utils would fix that for them.



Ayo I done did that and it doesn't seem to help. On a new game it'll always start up or if I clear the scripts and variables of the mod using a save tool, but if I quit out of that game instance and load it on another run it'll be stuck.


Is there any way to force a menu reload from the console or something?

TBH Maybe my installation is just too script heavy and it gets choked up when booting up on load, doesn't help that I don't have the best pc lamo

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