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OSex+ The Greatest Virtual Sex Ever

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@nt95 and Smoking Atom


Did you make a clean save and uninstall the previous version before updating?  I found with this last update when I removed the previous version I didn't get any "Osex.esp missing" message when loading my save and had to roll back 5 saves before I got the message.  Installing the latest after this got it working.  This issues I was having sound almost exactly like what you guys are describing.


@CEO -


Is this: 

-Save games unloadable if saved with OSex

Potentially something to do with the the event that clears any risidual spells on a new load. Maybe triggers to much at once if a lot of NPCs were saved with an ActraCom in one session. Will look into this more but more testing and feedback would be great on this matter.


...the reason that sometimes attempting to load a save results in a black screen and needing to cntl-alt-del out of the game?  I've been scratching my head trying to find the pattern that leads to this problem? I'm guessing that the residual spells haven't been wiped and that the result is this "dead" save?  If so, I'll continue to poke around looking for the pattern and will post any observations that seem relevant.


I uninstalled the old version and installed the new version.  Deleted FNIS patch and recreated it.  Started a new game.  It's just the latest 4.1 patch that is causing the issue with mod-added NPCs.  I went through the entire process several times and it failed each time.  I then went back to 8.3 and that version worked with no issue.

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I'll have an updated 1.08D.2 in just a bit tonight.


SF's script dominated this wizard week wish Round 2, so I didn't have to do anything. Instead I've gone ahead and taken on the round 3 wizard wish which was to add an ini config. In time these options will be controllable from in game also but this should serve for now at least.


3 options so far:


if anyone desperately needs further config beyond these for now let me know, I will get to more of the details shortly, now that the system is in place it's easy to add the checks into the script for pretty much anything.


The config is made using Pipdude's excellent IniParser script which made it all possible so i can't take any credit.





The Wizard Wish Week list is getting cleared up now, there's still a major one which is:


- casting spells on chickens, and other things that are restricted locks out control and forces the player to have to quit. I'll get to this in wizard wish week but still need some planning to solve it.


- a few other errors being talked about that there isn't enough information on to fully solve yet


I"m going to make the next round about my own Wizard Wishes to bring back a few things, it will most likely take me through the weekend to complete:


- Bring back redressing

- Make eyes shut again for kissing

- Bring back reactions to more things besides spanks like 1.07 does. Penetration, actors getting moved etc.

- Looking into a few of the quick wishes like having the main menu center first on more commonly used things etc.




@CEO -


Is this: 

-Save games unloadable if saved with OSex

Potentially something to do with the the event that clears any risidual spells on a new load. Maybe triggers to much at once if a lot of NPCs were saved with an ActraCom in one session. Will look into this more but more testing and feedback would be great on this matter.


...the reason that sometimes attempting to load a save results in a black screen and needing to cntl-alt-del out of the game?  I've been scratching my head trying to find the pattern that leads to this problem? I'm guessing that the residual spells haven't been wiped and that the result is this "dead" save?  If so, I'll continue to poke around looking for the pattern and will post any observations that seem relevant.


Two concerns here around this. Basically the UI holds all data on actors as you encounter them in one session. This data cannot be saved with your game so on quitting the UI forgets everything. ActorCom is meant to be a way to keep in sync the game with the UI. If you engage an actor with OSA they first have actracom placed on them and the UI is informed about and makes a database on that actor. When you quite the game the UI's data is erased but actorcom has not had a chance yet to be removed. To synchronize this on loading a new game all actorcom receive an event that force the spell to dispel itself. Also any actors with the full scene spell (Actraga) are given a command to have it be dispelled and to unlock the actor from being rooted in place an animated.


I've done a lot of tests myself around this and haven't been able to cause any problems with it BUT it might be possible that if a ton of actorcoms were saved that it causes problems. I didn't discover anything like this yet just speculating. There might be more elegant ways to keep the UI and Actra spells in sync in the future.


The second theory:


I use a few placed objects that are invisible to root the actors too and also wizard sex uses them as targeting and casting locations, for example when lightning bolts come from the ground. I have had reports on 1.06 OSex (Old one on nexus) that after extended usage over months saves no longer load. It's possible it might just be a clean save thing or left over stuff from a buggy OSex but if it is a fault of the script the one thing I can see that could potentially bloat up a save is these objects not being removed. Later on in wizard wish week I will provide a visible mesh to replace the invisible one for testers to see how their saves fare and if OSex is leaving marks or if it's all being removed.


It's a bit tricky to fully test because sometimes they will stay for a while, Papyrus is hesitant at times to delete something until the cell is fully unloaded but usually it does. This means even if it is working some of the invisible markers might hang around for a little bit. I want them all gone 100% of the time if any are lingering.





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Sorry to bring it up again, but was anything going to be done about tails?


I updated the 1.08D post with it Boo. It's a ton of work but something i would like to do at some point so I am on board. Not pre 1.08 but I'll see. The time it would take would be massive, maybe I'll look into the details and start working on it here and there at least.



That's all anyone could ask for, thanks!

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@nt95 and Smoking Atom


Did you make a clean save and uninstall the previous version before updating?  I found with this last update when I removed the previous version I didn't get any "Osex.esp missing" message when loading my save and had to roll back 5 saves before I got the message.  Installing the latest after this got it working.  This issues I was having sound almost exactly like what you guys are describing.


@CEO -


Is this: 

-Save games unloadable if saved with OSex

Potentially something to do with the the event that clears any risidual spells on a new load. Maybe triggers to much at once if a lot of NPCs were saved with an ActraCom in one session. Will look into this more but more testing and feedback would be great on this matter.


...the reason that sometimes attempting to load a save results in a black screen and needing to cntl-alt-del out of the game?  I've been scratching my head trying to find the pattern that leads to this problem? I'm guessing that the residual spells haven't been wiped and that the result is this "dead" save?  If so, I'll continue to poke around looking for the pattern and will post any observations that seem relevant.


I uninstalled the old version and installed the new version.  Deleted FNIS patch and recreated it.  Started a new game.  It's just the latest 4.1 patch that is causing the issue with mod-added NPCs.  I went through the entire process several times and it failed each time.  I then went back to 8.3 and that version worked with no issue.



I always use PDT between versions of Osex so that is not the cause of the problem in my case.  I have actually got the mod working on rare occasions with npc's that have not worked before but it is somewhat tricky to do.  It seems to have something to do with the position of the target or what idles that are performing at the time. Also a big open area does seem to increase chances of connection with the target lady.  I have also found better success rate if the target lady is walking which can get a bit awkward at times. If the lady is standing still, sitting or leaning against a wall the mod usually gets stuck at the start.

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I patched the 1.08D post with this rounds fixes.



Here's what is added / changed so you can decide if you want to bother redownloading:




Wizard Wish Week Round 2 (Presumed) Wish Come Trues:



- Custom Followers now work 


- Positioning should be 100% perfect now (I made some adjustments to this since the script patch a few days ago, working with Kinky on it. It might not be exact due to the

changes let me know.)     


- Scene will always start on the player location


- INI now available @Data\meshes\0SA\_0S\Config.ini


- allowMaleGenitalScaling=1 (Set this to 0 if you don't want cock scaling


- sortRoleByAnimGender=1 (Set this to 0 if you don't want female actors to be automatically the "sub" actor


- Female player characters will start as the sub unless set otherwise in the ini.


Wizard Wish Week Round 2 BONUSES UNLOCKED:



- A new lifted position is added (Noble). (This will be getting a kiss in wizard wish week also, the exit transition is not 100% yet




- Cabooser got polish and one additional spank. (Getting there)








- I had to test fem/fem to see if the genderRole ini option was working and whenever I do that I wind up wasting a lot of time taking screen shots, here there for Pasq fans:






more in here -- >



















Special thanks this round to people helping out big time so I didn't have to do much and a tribute of thanks to some above and beyond contributions of personal time and work to the project in the last few weeks / months.
Thank you so much!
ARISE Sir Pipdude... Knight of 0S3KSY and my Champion
Arise Sir SF... Knight of 0S3KSY
Arise Sir Migal... Knight of OS3KSY
Arise Sir Kinky... Knight of 0S3KSY
Arise Sir Arialynn... Knight of 0S3KSY
also found this in my screenshot folder: How sick is that Dusk? (or whatever it was called)
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The new demo 4.2 now works for me. !!!  Only problem now is people siting in chairs and leaning against walls still freeze the mod. (see my earlier posts).  Not sure about people in beds yet but I suspect they will have problems too.


Thanks CEO for fixing this.




Confirmed - People in beds don't work either.

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Ran into a bit of a problem, I have sexlab installed (for the threesomes, gangbangs, and creature sex), and when I installed 0sex 1.08d, mod manager prompted me to overwrite MfgConsoleFunc.psc, MfgConsoleFunc.pex, MfgConsole.ini, MfgConsole.dll which was already installed by sexlab and i clicked on no, seeing as I might ruin my sexlab setup and might have to redo everything from scratch.


Followed the usual FNIS procedures, went in-game, loaded my save, pressed 'Num 0' while facing thy spouse and voila worked perfectly, with all the UI and initial anims, but I did not know how to navigate so I went to look into the MCM MENU only to find that 0sex was NOT THERE. Apologies for caps. My guess is that it did not register in mcm because I did not install the 0sex mcmconfig files and the game was still using mcmconfig files from sexlab, I'm actually guessing here though, that might not be the cause. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

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Ran into a bit of a problem, I have sexlab installed (for the threesomes, gangbangs, and creature sex), and when I installed 0sex 1.08d, mod manager prompted me to overwrite MfgConsoleFunc.psc, MfgConsoleFunc.pex, MfgConsole.ini, MfgConsole.dll which was already installed by sexlab and i clicked on no, seeing as I might ruin my sexlab setup and might have to redo everything from scratch.


Followed the usual FNIS procedures, went in-game, loaded my save, pressed 'Num 0' while facing thy spouse and voila worked perfectly, with all the UI and initial anims, but I did not know how to navigate so I went to look into the MCM MENU only to find that 0sex was NOT THERE. Apologies for caps. My guess is that it did not register in mcm because I did not install the 0sex mcmconfig files and the game was still using mcmconfig files from sexlab, I'm actually guessing here though, that might not be the cause. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?


Mfg console is included in both mods its not an issue.

MCM menu doesnt exist since version 1.08, also not an issue.

0sex and Sexlab are 2 separate things and do not conflict with each other they only share some resources.


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Ran into a bit of a problem, I have sexlab installed (for the threesomes, gangbangs, and creature sex), and when I installed 0sex 1.08d, mod manager prompted me to overwrite MfgConsoleFunc.psc, MfgConsoleFunc.pex, MfgConsole.ini, MfgConsole.dll which was already installed by sexlab and i clicked on no, seeing as I might ruin my sexlab setup and might have to redo everything from scratch.


Followed the usual FNIS procedures, went in-game, loaded my save, pressed 'Num 0' while facing thy spouse and voila worked perfectly, with all the UI and initial anims, but I did not know how to navigate so I went to look into the MCM MENU only to find that 0sex was NOT THERE. Apologies for caps. My guess is that it did not register in mcm because I did not install the 0sex mcmconfig files and the game was still using mcmconfig files from sexlab, I'm actually guessing here though, that might not be the cause. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?


Mfg console is included in both mods its not an issue.

MCM menu doesnt exist since version 1.08, also not an issue.

0sex and Sexlab are 2 separate things and do not conflict with each other they only share some resources.




Oh, thanks for clarifying that, hope i'm not being a bother but is there a page here explaining the navigation controls?

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1.08 d4.2


Perfect alignment every time

Female player starts as sub (but only with male partners) im really happy this is finaly here, although i would prefer if it works for female partners too if female partner is taller.

I tested positioning with npc sitting, sleeping... all worked perfect except in one case.

I ordered Lydia to sleep and then targeted her for sex, positioning was perfect, my player (female) was dom and Lydia sub, but Lydia was taller (which would be great if her role is dom since she really is taller).

More spanks added.


Not sure about custom followers since i dont have any.


Major things left to be fixed:

Slot 31 issue

Not Intended actors issue (chickens)


Minor issues left to be fixed:

Speed descriptions (ill try to catch all remaining ones and report), missing icons, unfinished menus / paths (new cowgirl).


Wizard sex - sub actions -  blowjob pathways jump to standing prespank (probably unfinished) before continuing to proper animations. METEO ritual alignment and expressions.


Papyrus log is puzzling i got different results. One had spam i think that one was before cleaning save game, newest one is almost perfectly clean. Ill do more testing then post log if it catches something.


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1.08 d4.2


Perfect alignment every time

Female player starts as sub (but only with male partners) im really happy this is finaly here, although i would prefer if it works for female partners too if female partner is taller.

I tested positioning with npc sitting, sleeping... all worked perfect except in one case.

I ordered Lydia to sleep and then targeted her for sex, positioning was perfect, my player (female) was dom and Lydia sub, but Lydia was taller (which would be great if her role is dom since she really is taller).

More spanks added.


Not sure about custom followers since i dont have any.


Major things left to be fixed:

Slot 31 issue

Not Intended actors issue (chickens)


Minor issues left to be fixed:

Speed descriptions (ill try to catch all remaining ones and report), missing icons, unfinished menus / paths (new cowgirl).


Wizard sex - sub actions -  blowjob pathways jump to standing prespank (probably unfinished) before continuing to proper animations. METEO ritual alignment and expressions.


Papyrus log is puzzling i got different results. One had spam i think that one was before cleaning save game, newest one is almost perfectly clean. Ill do more testing then post log if it catches something.


Can i ask what schlongs are you using for fem characters? Cuz one i have some probs with alignment.

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Can i ask what schlongs are you using for fem characters? Cuz one i have some probs with alignment.


I dont use any. By perfect alignment i meant initial actor positioning. Im not sure if schlong for females is aligned perfectly in every animation. For males it seems to be perfect except in ritual one.


Oh, thanks for clarifying that, hope i'm not being a bother but is there a page here explaining the navigation controls?


Numpad is where all your keys for controlling 0sex are.


Num0= start Num,= end

NUM 4568 are dpad

Num7 = yes Num1=no

Num9= shift



If you want to change those keys check the link in my signature.

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Hi Kinky,

Thanks for this list and the testing. I think this covers just about everything that still needs to be fixed outside of a few more uncommon bugs that are showing up here.


Unless more wizard wishes come up, I'd say this is getting close to a final. Here's what's left:


- I'm going to finish my wizard wish, and get redressing, eyes shut in kissing, and more reactions to things like penetration back in.

- Get the last remaining points you brought up here

- See if I can bring back NPC NPC scenes quickly, if it requires a lot of work I'll hold off for now

- Make a check system to remove buttons from nav in certain situations. For example I can't release on nexus with bad boys of skyrim animations so need a gate to deactivate those buttons, and also I want undressing to only show applicable choices etc.

- Finish the menus


I'll launch of nexus after that. The illustrations and animations are always going to be semi unfinished and in development so I think this is fine for now, I don't think i can realistically set a goal to finish every single animation and illustration currently unfinished without goin crazy. Helps to work on new things to break the chore of it.


- I can add an effect that selects by height in the event of a tie, for example if there are two females in the scene. This would override the option to make the player always the dom unless they are a female player and can be placed as the sub. I'll have the option just take a bunch of numbers which signify different ways for the script to handle a tie.




I have a question, now with demo 2 is this just a patch for demo 1, or a completely new thing?


the latest version 1.08D4.2 is standalone and all other osa osex stuff should be removed prior to installing it.



are you planing to do boobjobs you got handjobs why not boobjobs? just a suggestion.


Yes I will take it on eventually. I avoid the breasts because the size varies to much from user to user and I can't set them to a custom size like I can the cock and hand. i'm playing with idea of limiting the amount of breast related scenes but making a few variations that tie into breast size which would be defined in sexdentity. It still would not be great for exact stuff like nipple activities etc as they could be anywhere. Sex with cleavage is more possible however since scale shouldn't really matter or at least can't be optimized more for one size or the other.


I'll see what I can do about working a few in. I have a few things coming up that have priority but then will try to get it. I'm behind on intimacy animations so need to bring back some kissing to keep the mod balanced so that will be next will be a couple more doggy styles I have almost done, doggy female pleasure scene which is almost done too, Kinky's blowjob request, and a few Bad Girls of Skyrim to balance the Bad Boys of Skyrim. Climaxes are high on the list too and will be coming back and expanded soon.

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I uninstalled 1.063, installed 1.08D4.2, and started a new save. Pressing num 0 does nothing, enter doesn't open the menu. I tried putting this at the bottom of my load order, the top, and disabling every plugin except for this. Still no luck. Am I missing something? I'm using Mod Organizer to manage the mods, btw.

Edited by CritikalDissonance
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Having an Issue with 0Sex


First off, Love the mod, totally awesome idea and implementation!


My Issue isn't 'game stopping' but I do have to reload. After One 0Sex Scene or Session (once I hit the End Key) the characters back away and then the Male actor (My PC for the testing of this) loses his 'gear'. The Groin area becomes Non-Rendered. It seems to happen when the erection should be deflating, so I tested out turning off the Auomanage of Erections but no luck. In order to get the schlong back, I have to totally reload skyrim. I've tried excluding slot 52, no luck. I tried equipping an Item Schlong after the vanishing act and it didn't show up. Not sure if this is related but i'll mention it, after the first scene I tested, I used the SkyUI group button to redress my character but it didn't show up on the actor. In the inventory, he was dressed, but on screen it didn't render the clothing. I had to go into first person and back to 3rd person to see the armor again. I cannot find any work around for getting the schlong back though. Once it warps out it is totally invisible until I reload the game.


As for other 'sex' mods, installed, I have Seclab Framework, Defeat, Amorous Adventures. That's it. When I installed 0Sex and it's Patch which I just downloaded today, I got some script overwrite popups and I did a yes to all. After that, I started getting an error from Sexlab because it said my PapyrusUtil wasn't the correct version, so I had to reinstall it over the existing one. I noticed in the interim that 0Sex responded much faster with the old Util which it came packaged with than it did with the new Util, but even so, it still warped the schlong after the End was pressed.

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I uninstalled 1.063, installed 1.08D4.2, and started a new save. Pressing num 0 does nothing, enter doesn't open the menu. I tried putting this at the bottom of my load order, the top, and disabling every plugin except for this. Still no luck. Am I missing something? I'm using Mod Organizer to manage the mods, btw.


Try this:


This is from a mod conflict, called more Immersive Hud II or something like that. It was made weird and makes somel other UI mods have an issue with it, you might still have those files even if you uninstalled it.




Uninstall and deactivate more Immersive Hud II 


go here They are in \Skyrim\Data\Interface\





and hudmenu.gfx


Having an Issue with 0Sex


First off, Love the mod, totally awesome idea and implementation!


My Issue isn't 'game stopping' but I do have to reload. After One 0Sex Scene or Session (once I hit the End Key) the characters back away and then the Male actor (My PC for the testing of this) loses his 'gear'. The Groin area becomes Non-Rendered. It seems to happen when the erection should be deflating, so I tested out turning off the Auomanage of Erections but no luck. In order to get the schlong back, I have to totally reload skyrim. I've tried excluding slot 52, no luck. I tried equipping an Item Schlong after the vanishing act and it didn't show up. Not sure if this is related but i'll mention it, after the first scene I tested, I used the SkyUI group button to redress my character but it didn't show up on the actor. In the inventory, he was dressed, but on screen it didn't render the clothing. I had to go into first person and back to 3rd person to see the armor again. I cannot find any work around for getting the schlong back though. Once it warps out it is totally invisible until I reload the game.


As for other 'sex' mods, installed, I have Seclab Framework, Defeat, Amorous Adventures. That's it. When I installed 0Sex and it's Patch which I just downloaded today, I got some script overwrite popups and I did a yes to all. After that, I started getting an error from Sexlab because it said my PapyrusUtil wasn't the correct version, so I had to reinstall it over the existing one. I noticed in the interim that 0Sex responded much faster with the old Util which it came packaged with than it did with the new Util, but even so, it still warped the schlong after the End was pressed.


Thanks for the nice comments!


This was in issue that happened in 1.06 that took a while to figure out but eventually I believe was due to the NetImmerse script being out of date. I'd start with that as it's 99% chance the fix, you can download it off nexus, "NetImmerse" make sure it is overwriting anything else that might be bringing a copy of NetImmerse.


PapyrusUtil is some other bug with another mod or a left over from some older version of OSex I've stopped packaging it with OSex so it doesn't come from here. My mod does use it but I'm depending on users to get it themselves.

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OK, so I downloaded Netimmerse Overide 3.4.4 installed it, and ... nope. Still get neutered by the ending. I have the latest version of Papyrus Utils (3.2) and I reinstalled that too just to be sure. I haven't gotten the hang of all the controls yet, especially any key combos that use numbers because they usually don't work. Instead the hotkeys for weapons get triggered. I use the num-5 and num_8 menus mostly and i've gotten some cool animations running. But having to save, and reload the entire game every time I do that is gonna get really irksome. Is there a Schlong reset console command?

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I need help please guys, I've been stuck on this for weeks and can't proceed without a solution. If anyone give another set of eyes on this to figure out what is stopping it from working for me:


Using this in MiscUtil:




scriptname MiscUtil Hidden
; Get an array of files in a given parent directory that have the given extension.
; directory is relative to the root Skyrim folder (where skyrim.exe is) and is non-recursive.
; extension=".nif" to get all .nif mesh files.
; (default) extension="*" to get all files
string[] function FilesInFolder(string directory, string extension="*") global native





Testing block of code (I stuck it in OnConfigInit for the MCM script to test:




debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Data/meshes", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Data/meshes/", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/Data/meshes", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Skyrim", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Data", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Data/", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/Data/", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/Data", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Skyrim/", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/Skyrim", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/Skyrim/Data", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Skyrim/Data/", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("../", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/../", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("..", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/..", ".nif"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Data/meshes", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Data/meshes/", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/Data/meshes", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Skyrim", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Data", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Data/", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/Data/", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/Data", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Skyrim/", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/Skyrim", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/Skyrim/Data", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Skyrim/Data/", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("../", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/../", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("..", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/..", ".esp"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Data/meshes", ".txt"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Data/meshes/", ".txt"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/Data/meshes", ".txt"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/", ".txt"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Skyrim", ".txt"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Data", ".txt"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Data/", ".txt"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/Data/", ".txt"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/Data", ".txt"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Skyrim/", ".txt"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/Skyrim", ".txt"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/Skyrim/Data", ".txt"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("Skyrim/Data/", ".txt"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("../", ".txt"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/../", ".txt"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("..", ".txt"))
debug.messagebox(MiscUtil.FilesInFolder("/..", ".txt"))


All return just []. Any idea how I can make this find something?

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