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[mod] [CK2] Dark World


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Okay so I found a couple more (sorry if this is beginning to be annoying).

After I make the werewolf my pet through the succubus choice, and I send him out to deal with the threat, I actually send myself out and risk getting an injury.


I also tried to have a bunch of kids with the werewolves, none of them ended up with the trait so there's that as well.



Did a couple more runs, the problem of sending myself is only present with the werewolf pet option, rest work fine, so probably just needs less or extra FROMs.


As for the children, I figured out why it doesn't work.

Real Father checks are only ran if the child is a secret bastard, i.e. if your character is married and the husband doesn't know.

If it is publicly known, even if the father denounces the child, it's only a day after birth, and the perk is only run on the day of birth, giving him a "real father" stat but too late for the event to check.


So it'll probably have to be rewritten to check if the child has a secret father or not and if they are a werewolf.


Interesting. Didn't know the real_father checks were limited like that. I'll get that fixed.


I'll take a look at the werewolf vs werewolf event too. There are several methods to get to that, and in the Succubus case, I may be giving it a bad reference to go from.

I should add, it may be tomorrow before v0.62 hits. I'm making an adjustment to slave training for warriors as sort of a proof of concept and it touches a lot of things. I'll get the father check and figure out where I'm off of the werewolf vs werewolf from the Succubus path.

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Oh and one more thing I forgot to mention.


In any of the circumstances under which a werewolf prisoner is created and then the option to execute him comes up it doesn't actually kill the NPC.



Attempting to imprison the werewolf causes you to imprison yourself, or your liege to imprison you.

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Love the mod.


A couple of questions:

1) Is there any way to add the succubus trait to my daughters?

2) Is there any way for them to also become immortal? I have had daughters who go up to rank 7, but don't seem to become immortal. I was hoping to have an empire filled with my eternally beautiful daughters in charge of all of the kingdoms beneath me.

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also on side not you may want your assassin event to make sure character isnt immortal. because currently immortal chara still die from effects of death


Immortal characters are able to die via duels and battles anyway. Immortality in the game only protects you from aging and death via disease. So I'm not changing it.

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i was wondering guru. are your traits ment to be choosen at random because if you look you dont have random = no which from what I know your personal traits have chance of being given away at startup


I know that if you flag a trait as a personality trait that it can be randomly assigned to people.

personality = yes

I've never seen any of the traits get assigned when I do things like introduce a new commander or debutante to the court. I suppose it's possible though, so I'll look at adding the flag just to play it safe.


Perhaps that's part of the headache when someone updates the mod and then resumes a saved game.

Oh and one more thing I forgot to mention.


In any of the circumstances under which a werewolf prisoner is created and then the option to execute him comes up it doesn't actually kill the NPC.



Attempting to imprison the werewolf causes you to imprison yourself, or your liege to imprison you.


I must have jacked that up when I 'fixed' something else. I appreciate you making me aware.

Love the mod.


A couple of questions:

1) Is there any way to add the succubus trait to my daughters?

2) Is there any way for them to also become immortal? I have had daughters who go up to rank 7, but don't seem to become immortal. I was hoping to have an empire filled with my eternally beautiful daughters in charge of all of the kingdoms beneath me.


No - only if their born with it (unless you just do the add_trait cheat, in this case it'd be add_trait lilith).


If they obtained Rank 7 by being able to run their own Blood Moon events, then they should get the immortality event about a year after their last blood moon. Outside of that, you could use your new found succubus powers by finding lovers that are robust enough to have a health of 6+, who you can then drain and obtain a major spell power, which allows you to cast immortality on someone.

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]So, just in case you were like me and had massive trouble trying to figure out how to do the father check for the werewolf kids, after literally a day of trying I came up with this.
Tested it about 3 times, worked all 3 times, so I think it should work.



trigger = {

     OR = {
          real_father = {
               OR = {
                    trait = werewolf
                    trait = werewolf_elder
                    trait = werewolf_ancient
          father = {
               is_father_real_father = yes
               OR = {
                    trait = werewolf
                    trait = werewolf_elder
                    trait = werewolf_ancient
          mother = {
               OR = {
                    trait = werewolf
                    trait = werewolf_elder
                    trait = werewolf_ancient
                    has_character_flag = raped_by_werewolf




I figured I'd share since I didn't even know is_father_real_father is an actual valid valid condition, I was just throwing random shit into the txt hoping it would work.

Apparently it did.

All other real_father conditions I tried don't work since the game only checks for a real father if there is a real father which is kind of a stupid system.

All except is_father_real_father that is.


Oh and the character_flag I added was a fix for the rape not spawning werewolf kids. Added a flag for the event, flag removed by birth.

You can use that if you don't have anything yet, but I mean, you probably do, so whatever.



Oh and I remembered the thing I forgot yesterday, the "my bitch" opinion disappears after a few days since opinion modifiers need to have a set duration, tried -1 it didn't work, best I could think of is to set it to years = 999.

Oh and the drain option kills the user, as well as the drain spellpower option not killing unlike the life-force one.

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Hi there.


The new .61 version seems to have affected portraits somehow.


When I tried to start a new character in the British Isles, only English characters were visible.

Looking elsewhere, the Umayyads are visible, but the Asturians are not. French & German areas are visible, Avaria are not. Seems oddly random.

African and Abbasids are visible, Indians are not.


I only use this mod and the sexual crusaders mod. Removing this mod fixes the problem so I have some confidence DW is the cause of the problem.



Addendum: The Blood Moon Ritual is not listed under the intrigue menu.

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Hi there.


The new .61 version seems to have affected portraits somehow.


When I tried to start a new character in the British Isles, only English characters were visible.

Looking elsewhere, the Umayyads are visible, but the Asturians are not. French & German areas are visible, Avaria are not. Seems oddly random.

African and Abbasids are visible, Indians are not.


I only use this mod and the sexual crusaders mod. Removing this mod fixes the problem so I have some confidence DW is the cause of the problem.



Addendum: The Blood Moon Ritual is not listed under the intrigue menu.


For those who need a little more direction on step #1, open up your Dark World mod folder, open the interface folder, and remove any of the portrait_ files that you don't have.


The portrait_ files are:

  • portraits_african.gfx
  • portraits_byzantine.gfx
  • portraits_celtic.gfx
  • portraits_cuman.gfx
  • portraits_easternslavic.gfx
  • portraits_indian.gfx
  • portraits_mesoamerican.gfx
  • portraits_mongols.gfx
  • portraits_norse.gfx
  • portraits_persian.gfx
  • portraits_southern.gfx
  • portraits_turkish.gfx
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I love this mod to death, however, the immortality trait seems more bother than its worth, ive had a ruler for now 150 years, and I cant even find my alive children much less tell them apart with over 60 of them, the fertility of a succubus combined with lustfull, which I doubt you can avoid and still have fun is just way to high, perhaps a spell to add, -1000 fertility?

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Really guy. Are you really going to rep your own mod on someone else's mod page.

Don't be that guy man. You mod doesn't even have anything to do with the other guy's problem.


He things the Immortality trait in DW should have negative fertility, this has nothing to do with your mod.

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Hi there.


The new .61 version seems to have affected portraits somehow.


When I tried to start a new character in the British Isles, only English characters were visible.

Looking elsewhere, the Umayyads are visible, but the Asturians are not. French & German areas are visible, Avaria are not. Seems oddly random.

African and Abbasids are visible, Indians are not.


I only use this mod and the sexual crusaders mod. Removing this mod fixes the problem so I have some confidence DW is the cause of the problem.



Addendum: The Blood Moon Ritual is not listed under the intrigue menu.


The image thing is addressed if you read the first page in the area about Incompatibilities. I'm not removing the functionality, but the information on what you'd need to do yourself is available.


Your female ruler has the Succubus trait and you're not seeing the Blood Moon Ritual? I've no ideas as this is a new error and I can't reproduce it.


Edit: Desmond's response to you is a summary of how to address the image issue. If you have none of the Portraits DLC, then remove everything he mentions.

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I love this mod to death, however, the immortality trait seems more bother than its worth, ive had a ruler for now 150 years, and I cant even find my alive children much less tell them apart with over 60 of them, the fertility of a succubus combined with lustfull, which I doubt you can avoid and still have fun is just way to high, perhaps a spell to add, -1000 fertility?


I'll be adding an option to remove your immortality.


I'm not going to mess with reducing fertility. The concept of you becoming a conduit for Lilith and Lucifer is to propagate the world with your kin, empowering you and in turn spreading their word. I don't have every child become a Succubus because mankind's genetic code is resistant to a degree, which makes the need to have large families important in furthering their goal. Rendering you infertile goes against that whole concept.


I personally get tired of living forever, and usually begin the game of offing the heirs that I don't want until I've my next ruler lined up, then I "join Lilith" by ending my life. Granted, I do it by the manual console command right now, but I intend to soon include that option as an in game event as well.


And kudos on the 60+ kids. The most I ever had was just shy of two dozen, although normally I end up with only a dozen or so. You were one busy succubus.

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]So, just in case you were like me and had massive trouble trying to figure out how to do the father check for the werewolf kids, after literally a day of trying I came up with this.


I figured I'd share since I didn't even know is_father_real_father is an actual valid valid condition, I was just throwing random shit into the txt hoping it would work.

Apparently it did.

All other real_father conditions I tried don't work since the game only checks for a real father if there is a real father which is kind of a stupid system.

All except is_father_real_father that is.


Oh and the character_flag I added was a fix for the rape not spawning werewolf kids. Added a flag for the event, flag removed by birth.

You can use that if you don't have anything yet, but I mean, you probably do, so whatever.



Oh and I remembered the thing I forgot yesterday, the "my bitch" opinion disappears after a few days since opinion modifiers need to have a set duration, tried -1 it didn't work, best I could think of is to set it to years = 999.

Oh and the drain option kills the user, as well as the drain spellpower option not killing unlike the life-force one.


Thanks, that saves me time.


Regarding the opinion modifier, I wasn't worried about duration too much because I plan on having an event that would renew it as he opts to bone your ruler. And that without that, it would indeed expire over time.


The big thing is the bitch character modifier. I've a number of random werewolf events planned that will go poorly for your ruler if they've the I'm a Bitch character modifier.


Good catch on the spell power collection not killing. It is intended to kill, so I fixed that.

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Hey!  Just wanted to say I'm enjoying the mod, but I've found the werewolf events to be kind of severely buggy, and I don't know the cause.


I started a game as Matilda of Tuscany, and got the werewolf event chain early on.  I ended up getting him as a courtier, and some of the dialogue in that choice had him referring to himself as Matilda (and as 'her,' as well).  I didn't think to get a screenshot of that, unfortunately.


A little later, I looked at my courtier list, and found he was on it twice.  Some time afterwards, I looked again, and saw that there were three copies of him, all with the same traits, name, and so on.


That's not the weirdest part, though.  Later that day, I decided to start a new game as Matilda, because I'd made some tactical decisions I wasn't happy with.  I started playing, went on for a few years... and mysteriously, I found the same werewolf -- with the same name and everything -- had shown up in my court without any kind of announcement.


Then, later on, I got a notification that I'd captured him in battle.  And shortly thereafter, I got an announcement about him being appointed to a political position in my husband's family's country.


I did a search on his name... and I found that there were literally hundreds of copies of him, in courts all across the map.  Same name, same traits, and everything.  (Also one or two kids named after him, and a whole host of other werewolf kids whose mothers appeared to have versions of him as their lover.)


I didn't get the werewolf event in this second game until well after the Dolphuses had spread across the globe, and even got to send him after the marauding werewolf.  I don't have any idea how this is happening, but it's certainly strange.


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So what is next on the list for the next update? I'm assuming that a more detailed and accessible spell system will be in place, as well as some more fleshing out of the other sides, such as the werewolf and monster hunters. May I recommend some localization for when you are playing a female of a different religion, such as Zoroastrianism or one of the many pagen religions that were around? Also have you given any thought to the possibility to the idea of a demon culture conversion event that would mix the demon with whatever culture the player character is, like how the norse did things? Also you could include the spell that would allow for more fantasy elements to show up, such as more monsters for example, though I understand if you won't do it as it would take a lot of effort in research and coding.


Merely some musings on for the next update.

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Your female ruler has the Succubus trait and you're not seeing the Blood Moon Ritual? I've no ideas as this is a new error and I can't reproduce it.





Sorry, that was me being a dork. 


I had been testing various things trying to figure out what was causing the portrait problem, but in all my fiddling, I hadn't actually let the game run to the point that the event would trigger.

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Hey!  Just wanted to say I'm enjoying the mod, but I've found the werewolf events to be kind of severely buggy, and I don't know the cause.


I started a game as Matilda of Tuscany, and got the werewolf event chain early on.  I ended up getting him as a courtier, and some of the dialogue in that choice had him referring to himself as Matilda (and as 'her,' as well).  I didn't think to get a screenshot of that, unfortunately.


A little later, I looked at my courtier list, and found he was on it twice.  Some time afterwards, I looked again, and saw that there were three copies of him, all with the same traits, name, and so on.


That's not the weirdest part, though.  Later that day, I decided to start a new game as Matilda, because I'd made some tactical decisions I wasn't happy with.  I started playing, went on for a few years... and mysteriously, I found the same werewolf -- with the same name and everything -- had shown up in my court without any kind of announcement.


Then, later on, I got a notification that I'd captured him in battle.  And shortly thereafter, I got an announcement about him being appointed to a political position in my husband's family's country.


I did a search on his name... and I found that there were literally hundreds of copies of him, in courts all across the map.  Same name, same traits, and everything.  (Also one or two kids named after him, and a whole host of other werewolf kids whose mothers appeared to have versions of him as their lover.)


I didn't get the werewolf event in this second game until well after the Dolphuses had spread across the globe, and even got to send him after the marauding werewolf.  I don't have any idea how this is happening, but it's certainly strange.





I'm having the same thing happen in my game. thier must be hundreds of Dolphus' in my game.


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Hey!  Just wanted to say I'm enjoying the mod, but I've found the werewolf events to be kind of severely buggy, and I don't know the cause.


I started a game as Matilda of Tuscany, and got the werewolf event chain early on.  I ended up getting him as a courtier, and some of the dialogue in that choice had him referring to himself as Matilda (and as 'her,' as well).  I didn't think to get a screenshot of that, unfortunately.


A little later, I looked at my courtier list, and found he was on it twice.  Some time afterwards, I looked again, and saw that there were three copies of him, all with the same traits, name, and so on.


That's not the weirdest part, though.  Later that day, I decided to start a new game as Matilda, because I'd made some tactical decisions I wasn't happy with.  I started playing, went on for a few years... and mysteriously, I found the same werewolf -- with the same name and everything -- had shown up in my court without any kind of announcement.


Then, later on, I got a notification that I'd captured him in battle.  And shortly thereafter, I got an announcement about him being appointed to a political position in my husband's family's country.


I did a search on his name... and I found that there were literally hundreds of copies of him, in courts all across the map.  Same name, same traits, and everything.  (Also one or two kids named after him, and a whole host of other werewolf kids whose mothers appeared to have versions of him as their lover.)


I didn't get the werewolf event in this second game until well after the Dolphuses had spread across the globe, and even got to send him after the marauding werewolf.  I don't have any idea how this is happening, but it's certainly strange.




I'm having the same thing happen in my game. thier must be hundreds of Dolphus' in my game.



ill take a look and see if i can find out what is causing the problem

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