Koko.Hekmatyar Posted May 5, 2015 Posted May 5, 2015 I was thinking about this today when I was playing DAI. Given how much of an impact Denuvo+Origin can have on some systems I was wondering. If BW said they were adding Denuvo to ME4 would that keep you from buying the game? I myself am unsure if it would be a deal breaker or not I guess it would depend on ME4s sys reqs.
Zor2k13 Posted May 8, 2015 Posted May 8, 2015 Would help if people knew what it was: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denuvo This DRM mess will only get worse, devolve further into a really long episode of tom & jerry with some road runner thrown in for extra stupid action.
Koko.Hekmatyar Posted May 8, 2015 Author Posted May 8, 2015 Would help if people knew what it was: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denuvo This DRM mess will only get worse, devolve further into a really long episode of tom & jerry with some road runner thrown in for extra stupid action. I know what it is but I also know it has an impact on performance as it has been tested using a legit copy of the game and a cracked version. not surprisingly the cracked version had better performance then the legit copy.
Zor2k13 Posted May 8, 2015 Posted May 8, 2015 I am sure you know what it is that is why I said it would help if "people" knew what it was:-)
lordgdavid Posted May 9, 2015 Posted May 9, 2015 My favourite game is the Mass Effect trilogy as a whole. I like it even more than the Witcher games. But Bioware has to stop this shit. They have to get rid of EA, because the whole drm bullshit is getting out of control. Every single decent game developer knows that CD Projekt manages to create quality AAA games without drm and a fucking parasyte like EA. As gamers we have to support those devs that have the courage to do what CD Projekt does. And until then I will fucking pirate Bioware's every single game I like even though I bought all their games until now except for DAI.
Chaos63 Posted May 9, 2015 Posted May 9, 2015 Absolutely. Shepard's story is done, a shitty drm would only serve to push me further away from this new unrelated shit they have in store. While we're on the topic, fuck DA3 and fuck Denuvo.
Koko.Hekmatyar Posted May 9, 2015 Author Posted May 9, 2015 I am sure you know what it is that is why I said it would help if "people" knew what it was:-) Sorry I didn't mean to sound angry or be rude. I made that post shortly after reading some rather appalling information on the SWTOR forums.
jxm Posted May 9, 2015 Posted May 9, 2015 I was thinking about this today when I was playing DAI. Given how much of an impact Denuvo+Origin can have on some systems I was wondering. If BW said they were adding Denuvo to ME4 would that keep you from buying the game? No, wouldn't stop me...what would stop me byuing the game is: ME3 as a whole, and ME2 as it can hardly be seperated from part 3 anymore...not sure what they are up with ME4 now story-wise, but after that disapointing story-disaster they pulled of before (and its not just five minutes of the end, the problems are deeper than that...), I am not so eager to revisit that universe, DRM or not...
windpl Posted May 11, 2015 Posted May 11, 2015 I was thinking about this today when I was playing DAI. Given how much of an impact Denuvo+Origin can have on some systems I was wondering. If BW said they were adding Denuvo to ME4 would that keep you from buying the game? No, wouldn't stop me...what would stop me byuing the game is: ME3 as a whole, and ME2 as it can hardly be seperated from part 3 anymore...not sure what they are up with ME4 now story-wise, but after that disapointing story-disaster they pulled of before (and its not just five minutes of the end, the problems are deeper than that...), I am not so eager to revisit that universe, DRM or not... And if it will be choose your adventure sort of game where you can ignore main plot?
jxm Posted May 11, 2015 Posted May 11, 2015 And if it will be choose your adventure sort of game where you can ignore main plot? Hm? Like Skyrim? Not sure, even in Skyrim I simply don't advance teh plot often, but I know its there, and I don't mind as it simpyl doesn't effect me. But ME has always been about the main plot, it was the point of the series...well, at least for me, Bioware seemed to have had other ideas (hence ME2 not advancing anything plotwise in connection to ME1, and ME3 even ignoring plot-threads established in ME2 - Harbinger is still pissed about THAT, I tell you ^^) At the moment however, I have not much of an idea what ME4 will be like, I guess I know more about the plot of Star Wars 7 ... (and hey, I sometimes manage to ignore the Prequels ever existed, so maybe...ah...we'll see...)
arrow72 Posted May 15, 2015 Posted May 15, 2015 Fuck ME4, after what they did with ME3 they'll be lucky if I even pirate it.
testsubject013 Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 Ea is not going to let mass effect end not until it stop making money for them. according to a "leak" the next mass effect game takes place in the andromeda galaxy and it sounded alot like DAI in space
jxm Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 Ea is not going to let mass effect end not until it stop making money for them. according to a "leak" the next mass effect game takes place in the andromeda galaxy and it sounded alot like DAI in space Leaks and Mass Effect, never good signs Andromeda-Galaxy? Would fit, this way they can totally scrap everything they build and trashed in ME2-3 ... Red-blue-green? Would no longer matter... But what happened? My guess: Shep woke up in the rubble, realized the whole story she was in turned into some weird nonsense and made an Exodus into another galaxy that made more sense? Where a biological race eradicates all mechanical life every 50000 years to prevent little ghost kids with hoodies starting to talk shit...or something like that...
the_mess Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 I bought all ME games so far but I guess I'll just pirate ME4 if it uses this pos Denuvo. The thing caused hickups and what not in Lords of The Fallen. I never tried it, but judging by the posts in Steam. Besides, if ME4 is not a sequel (even with completely different characters) I don't think I am gonna bother anyway.
Chaos63 Posted May 16, 2015 Posted May 16, 2015 Denuvo is nothing but bad news. And EA/BioWare is taking a risk by potentially running Mass Effect into the ground. The series should have ended with Shepard. It has.
Geralt034 Posted May 20, 2015 Posted May 20, 2015 Planning to buy it any case. After all considering how briliant was third ME and that Inquisition was done just right, i don't give a fuck about any anit-pirate systems.
Koko.Hekmatyar Posted May 21, 2015 Author Posted May 21, 2015 Planning to buy it any case. After all considering how briliant was third ME and that Inquisition was done just right, i don't give a fuck about any anit-pirate systems. I bet you'll give a fuck if it impacts your systems performance enough that the game is almost unplayable.
windpl Posted May 21, 2015 Posted May 21, 2015 ME 4 is a marketing leak just like DA:I was, both leaked on reddit, both coming from supposed marketing surveys and without an intact DRM Like DA:I has Denuvo is nothing it would be inert. it only works in conjunction with a DRM. but all it did was take a month to be cracked instead of day one. now that they know how it probably won't take much time at all to crack. DA:I is playable it has it, don't see why ME:4 would be any different. But really if you don't want DRM if you don't want Denuvo then quit pirating the fucking games and software, seems fairly simple to me. Only reason a Dev. even messes with DRM is because their tired of being ripped off by a bunch of lazy dirtbags that have nothing better to do with their time then crack games and the millions of lazy scumbags that download the shit and then bitch if they get a fucking virus, you ask for it if you DL the shit. Yes that's why Russians have games about 80% cheaper than others, there is no piracy there and therefore they have cheaper games, oh wait... It is other way around! They have rampart piracy and therefore games are cheaper!
Geralt034 Posted May 21, 2015 Posted May 21, 2015 Planning to buy it any case. After all considering how briliant was third ME and that Inquisition was done just right, i don't give a fuck about any anit-pirate systems. I bet you'll give a fuck if it impacts your systems performance enough that the game is almost unplayable. Considering that DAI have it and i didn't noticed any affection on my system... I still don't really care about it. Plus, i think i could understand them. ME 4 is a marketing leak just like DA:I was, both leaked on reddit, both coming from supposed marketing surveys and without an intact DRM Like DA:I has Denuvo is nothing it would be inert. it only works in conjunction with a DRM. but all it did was take a month to be cracked instead of day one. now that they know how it probably won't take much time at all to crack. DA:I is playable it has it, don't see why ME:4 would be any different. But really if you don't want DRM if you don't want Denuvo then quit pirating the fucking games and software, seems fairly simple to me. Only reason a Dev. even messes with DRM is because their tired of being ripped off by a bunch of lazy dirtbags that have nothing better to do with their time then crack games and the millions of lazy scumbags that download the shit and then bitch if they get a fucking virus, you ask for it if you DL the shit. Can't say better. Yes that's why Russians have games about 80% cheaper than others, there is no piracy there and therefore they have cheaper games, oh wait... It is other way around! They have rampart piracy and therefore games are cheaper! Not completely correct. For example - Bethesda games more expensive then in other regions. Most of other brands - more or less the same, but it never came to 80%. As for piracy, wouldn't tell for all or even biggest part of russian game comunity (which i personaly find as bunch of uncivilized cads who have no idea of respect other gamers and game devs), there still quite large part of people who honestly pay for games.
Koko.Hekmatyar Posted May 21, 2015 Author Posted May 21, 2015 ME 4 is a marketing leak just like DA:I was, both leaked on reddit, both coming from supposed marketing surveys and without an intact DRM Like DA:I has Denuvo is nothing it would be inert. it only works in conjunction with a DRM. but all it did was take a month to be cracked instead of day one. now that they know how it probably won't take much time at all to crack. DA:I is playable it has it, don't see why ME:4 would be any different. But really if you don't want DRM if you don't want Denuvo then quit pirating the fucking games and software, seems fairly simple to me. Only reason a Dev. even messes with DRM is because their tired of being ripped off by a bunch of lazy dirtbags that have nothing better to do with their time then crack games and the millions of lazy scumbags that download the shit and then bitch if they get a fucking virus, you ask for it if you DL the shit. CDProjektRed manages to make a profit with the Witcher series without using a DRM yep poor EA can't make a single game without needing a DRM to keep it from getting Pirated. DRMs are a waste of time as has been proven more then once there is no DRM or DRM addon that the Pirates can't get around given enough time. The Problem is that companies don't trust their consumers so they use DRMs or addons like Denuvo which pisses them off because it has to run through another program like Steam/Origin and you HAVE to keep the game connected to the internet. Denuvo itself is a resource hog combined with Origin having to remain open to play the game compounds that making a noticeable impact on the games performance so is it really a surprise that people would choose a pirated version with better performance over the legit copy with lesser performance? FYI just because I support the no DRM mentality and am against companies using Denuvo doesn't make me a Pirate every game I have from EA the good, the bad, and the never should have been made is bought and payed for with my hard earned cash and because I work to make the money I buy these games with I expect as a consumer to be able to play these games with the best possible performance allowed to me and with the set up like they had with DA:I that was not the case..
...0... Posted May 21, 2015 Posted May 21, 2015 ME 4 is a marketing leak just like DA:I was, both leaked on reddit, both coming from supposed marketing surveys and without an intact DRM Like DA:I has Denuvo is nothing it would be inert. it only works in conjunction with a DRM. but all it did was take a month to be cracked instead of day one. now that they know how it probably won't take much time at all to crack. DA:I is playable it has it, don't see why ME:4 would be any different. But really if you don't want DRM if you don't want Denuvo then quit pirating the fucking games and software, seems fairly simple to me. Only reason a Dev. even messes with DRM is because their tired of being ripped off by a bunch of lazy dirtbags that have nothing better to do with their time then crack games and the millions of lazy scumbags that download the shit and then bitch if they get a fucking virus, you ask for it if you DL the shit. This! Very well said I never dl any pirate games. Also boycot most of them EA/Ubisoft and maybe soon Bethesda also.
tacomarine Posted May 21, 2015 Posted May 21, 2015 snip Only reason a Dev. even messes with DRM is because their tired of being ripped off by a bunch of lazy dirtbags that have nothing better to do with their time then crack games and the millions of lazy scumbags that download the shit and then bitch if they get a fucking virus, you ask for it if you DL the shit. I actually laughed at that. Let me tell you my mentality. If you go buy a screwdriver from a store, you get a recipt and if it breaks or dosn't perform you can get your money back. E.A in particular has gotten to the point where they give you the handle of a fucking screwdriver, and give you the top half a month later two sizes too small. The people that only pirate games and never support the dev? Yes, they're dirtbags. But you can't blame people that are fed up with buying something as advertised and then getting a hammer instead of a screwdriver. I can understand the 'try before you buy" mindset, because some overly large gaming companies are more focused on the profit than making a good game. That's one of the reasons i don't have DA:I, it's an RPG (see: ROLE-PLAYING) with pretty stupid forced choices and a main char as interesting as Commander Shepards voice. (Edit-This was in december, before the cracked game existed. My roommate bought it for the xbox1. Just wanted to get that clarified) Now, back ontopic. I don't know enough about ME4 to say weather i'll buy it or not. The intensity of the DRM might affect my desision, but I'll just wait and see what the reviews say, probably. There is a possibility that it'll be a good game, there's plenty of options that dosn't even break cannon. But sadly i'm more interested in The Mandate and Kenshi. You know, Indie games that still have a soul
Chaos63 Posted May 21, 2015 Posted May 21, 2015 CDProjektRed manages to make a profit with the Witcher series without using a DRM yep poor EA can't make a single game without needing a DRM to keep it from getting Pirated. DRMs are a waste of time as has been proven more then once there is no DRM or DRM addon that the Pirates can't get around given enough time. The Problem is that companies don't trust their consumers so they use DRMs or addons like Denuvo which pisses them off because it has to run through another program like Steam/Origin and you HAVE to keep the game connected to the internet. Denuvo itself is a resource hog combined with Origin having to remain open to play the game compounds that making a noticeable impact on the games performance so is it really a surprise that people would choose a pirated version with better performance over the legit copy with lesser performance? FYI just because I support the no DRM mentality and am against companies using Denuvo doesn't make me a Pirate every game I have from EA the good, the bad, and the never should have been made is bought and payed for with my hard earned cash and because I work to make the money I buy these games with I expect as a consumer to be able to play these games with the best possible performance allowed to me and with the set up like they had with DA:I that was not the case.. Denuvo was never going to be impregnable, it was going to get the old cannonball sooner or later and the whole team knew it. The reason they did it anyway is so they could cash in another extra percentage for the short time the game was non-piratable, which was what, one-two months? It's funny since it didn't give them the 100000000% better sales that they bragged about before they shat it out. As a result many people still regret wasting money on a game they can't get to run over 30fps, while pirates only regret the waste of bandwidth.
Cynical Misanthrope Posted May 21, 2015 Posted May 21, 2015 I got really surprised when the CEO of UbiSoft (I think it was him) a few months back, admitted the DRM don't work and are a waste of time and resources. However, If they will stop using it is another topic for another day.
Koko.Hekmatyar Posted May 21, 2015 Author Posted May 21, 2015 I got really surprised when the CEO of UbiSoft (I think it was him) a few months back, admitted the DRM don't work and are a waste of time and resources. However, If they will stop using it is another topic for another day. Yeah that's the thing they are a waste of time and resources and they know that no matter how advanced the DRM is the crackers WILL get around it eventually but they keep wasting money on them regardless. They should spend less time worrying about their crappy DRMs that are useless in the end and more time making a quality game that people WANT to give you money for.
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