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Why is Nexusmod so anal about sexual content

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A common thing I read on here is, "uploaded here because it was removed from nexusmods".


Nexusmods have an adult content section and liberty demands that you can do whatever the fuck you want as long as it doesn't cause harm to anyone else. However, I will say that even perverts must have some code ( NO CHILDREN). 


I'm not so quite convinced that they don't like sexual content, they have a few questionable mods themselves on the Nexus so why are they so anal about mods coming from Loverslab. 


Edit: Mods that aren't having exposure to a huge modding community like the Nexus is bad for the players overall. I was a sucker and subscribed to Nexus' premium because I was having so much fun with mods and wanted to give something back but NOW i'm mostly here on Loverslab. 


Edit 2: Very good responses from the LL community! 

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They are a large site that gets a lot of traffic, and as the primary source for Bethesda mods they also happen to be the site that Bethesda actually looks at.


Looking at the big picture, it is absolutely no wonder they are stricter on content. They are the one in the public eye and thus have to hold a higher standard in order to avoid trouble with certain interest groups. Something people seem quick to ignore and instead just pile hate on them unnecessarily.


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A common thing I read on here is, "uploaded here because it was removed from nexusmods".


Nexusmods have an adult content section and liberty demands that you can do whatever the fuck you want as long as it doesn't cause harm to anyone else. However, I will say that even perverts must have some code ( NO CHILDREN). 


I'm not so quite convinced that they don't like sexual content, they have a few questionable mods themselves on the Nexus so why are they so anal about mods coming from Loverslab. 


Edit: Mods that aren't having exposure to a huge modding community like the Nexus is bad for the players overall. I was a sucker and subscribed to Nexus' premium because I was having so much fun with mods and wanted to give something back but NOW i'm mostly here on Loverslab. 


I may only guess that Nexus knows under-aged children frequent their site... and would not wish to be liable if something gets past their scrutiny. I'd imagine it would be difficult to police every file going up and down all day long.

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nexus is very much the public face of modding skyrim, so they have to cater to the masses, like pop music. Not everybody likes it, but at least is listenable as background noise. It is a good place to start if you are just starting out modding, but don't forget that there are plenty of other skyrim mod sites that usually deal with a very specific thing. Here, its sexy mods and anything related to that. Some other mod sites just focus on converting skyrim into a different game entirely, or just armor, etc.


Best advice, google search is your friend, and can usually find you stuff that nexus' own search engine can't.

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Finally, there's a userbase in Nexus that's so terribly conservative and/or quickly get offended about mods involving sex, LGBT, nudity, and other things considered "blasphemy" (there was a modder who got worked up with the sexy armor and "porn" in Nexus that he leaped over to a modding site that prohibits all media offensive to children under 18)... and there's also an increasing population of an under-18 userbase as games other than ESRB-M are being included in the Nexus fold (with mixed results, of course).

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For Nexus they almost HAVE to be anal about content. They cater to the lowest common denominator, being individuals under the age of 18. I thinks it's a great thing they pull in so many people because it leave many specialty sites such as LL relatively untouched by the kind of........well....people that can be a bit closed minded. They are strict because they catch such a serious amount of trolls and thus have to meet the annoyance of those kind of people with equal and opposite measure. I still kinda resent their bitchy ways but i see them as a necessary evil i can poke fun at when i'm bored, and they have some good mods, so..... win-win?

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They are a large site that gets a lot of traffic, and as the primary source for Bethesda mods they also happen to be the site that Bethesda actually looks at.


Looking at the big picture, it is absolutely no wonder they are stricter on content. They are the one in the public eye and thus have to hold a higher standard in order to avoid trouble with certain interest groups. Something people seem quick to ignore and instead just pile hate on them unnecessarily.

Yeah, would Bethesda care if some modders credited your website on their Nexus mod page ? I mean what kind of controversy would come from the word "LoversLab" written on some mod in the middle of the thousands the Nexus has ? There's a fine line between self-righteousness crusaders and just people trying to "hold a standard". Plus, considering the whole LL community as pirates has always surprised me, it's a given that they can't go around allowing LL's mods on the Nexus' front page, but should they really brand the whole lot of us "pirates" in order to do so ? Can't they just openly say the content is too shocking/distasteful/disgusting or whatever the hell they think of them ?


It's been proven numerous times that Nexus is a "private property", people have to follow and respect what the dude owning the website says, and it's perfectly normal. I mean if I'm invited at my girlfriend's house, I won't start throwing my clothes everywhere and running naked and shit. That said, if it is known that the website is a private property, they could just say the actual reason they would absolutely refuse the mere mention of LoversLab's name, and be done with it. 


I personally really don't enjoy being called a pirate when I've never stolen anything in my whole life, be it on the internet or outside of it, and I'd much prefer to be directly called a pervert instead. That's where the piling hate comes from. 

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They are a large site that gets a lot of traffic, and as the primary source for Bethesda mods they also happen to be the site that Bethesda actually looks at.


Looking at the big picture, it is absolutely no wonder they are stricter on content. They are the one in the public eye and thus have to hold a higher standard in order to avoid trouble with certain interest groups. Something people seem quick to ignore and instead just pile hate on them unnecessarily.

Lets also not forget .. it is a privately owned. It is the owners right to select the types of content and services that he/she decides to distribute. There are other sites that are more liberal on "rips" from games which isn't available or even allowed here on LL. Does that make LL a bad place? No, of course not. Each site providing mod and such have the right to decide the level of content that is available and the rules to be able to get these contents.


Let's face it... some of our content here on LL is quite extreme... quite extreme indeed. :)

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Something is wrong with that people over there especially those mods, I don't know if I would have been banned for a comment like this on any other normal website





We actually have a thread dedicated to the stupid crap nexus bans over here ---> http://www.loverslab.com/topic/10134-banned-from-nexus/

If we get into bashing nexus on this thread they will lock it down (since we already have two dedicated to that) and we might loose a opportunity for an interesting discussion. 

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Compared to the steam workshop nexus is a well spring of liberty.


That being said it does make sense for them to cater to the masses so the mods that some might find objectionable and create shit probably aren't worth the hassle, pleasing a couple of dozen and pissing off a couple of hundred wouldn't make sense.


As an observer only (as i've not made any mods so don't have first hand experience) it seemed to me more petty politics that got people banned from nexus than the content of stuff they made.

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Nexus if fine as long as you use it like this.


1. Never post anything in the forums there, you are playing Russian roulette.


2. Only download stuff.


3. Never post a picture of anything, if it has a something as small as a ring from another mod you may get banned.


4. Click the thumbs up on everthing you download, so they know your a good puppet.


5.Remember rule number One.. Don't forget that one.


6. And as bad as you may think it is, it has gotten such a large personna, that they have I guess had to take many hard lines, I don't always agree with.

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After being quite active on Loverslab for almost a month now. I think part of the reason why some mods are being uploaded on LL only is because the modders want to keep the community here unique themselves and their fellow members/supporters. If every mod on LL was uploaded to the Nexus then perhaps the activities on LL will decline. 


And also, as some of you have pointed out, the content here can be quite extreme but isn't it the same type of extreme as that estrus mod on the Nexus, is it not :)



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it reminds me of JJBA's censorship


oh look, Jotaro can't smoke becuse he's 17 years old, let's censor his cigarrete

But a underage girl showing her butt, her 14 years old tits and lips of her snuke its, also the image of her being almost raped by a Ouragutang ITS FINE!!



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Well, its fine for the Ouragutang anyway.


The Nexus has become like the Steam Workshop, the lowest common denominator as stated in a previous post. The Workshop seems kid oriented, the Nexus teen oriented, serious users seek a higher level of dialog like the Lab (or STEP for some dry but useful analysis).

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im just gonna be honest here i only pay for premium on nexus for the servers because the free ones take like 10minues to download 400mb for me when the premium take 2 minutes.



i showed my friends brother whose 8, the most downloaded models and textures mod on nexus.

he will forever be a boob lover from that day.

first thing he asked me is, "so can you like get milk from them too? because that wud be cool" (i can milk these tits, you cant milk those tits, AAARRGH (hope someone gets that joke))

"maybe in the future young padawan, but today is a day TO CELEBRATE! (pause) BREASTS!"

*kawaii as fuck face*

(offtopic again mr tisk tisk)

theres people that call of us weird because we express sex in games in such a positive way, then theres Mods on nexus in internet land, mod like these are called "Nazi Mods" or "White Knights"

But you know, Skyrim is rated 15, and in some 15 movies they are tits and boobs, but then again. Being a popular public site or not, there treating sex like its a thing you'd laugh at in the 5th grade? is it? idk im UK so im just gonna say like 12 years and younger

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Something is wrong with that people over there especially those mods, I don't know if I would have been banned for a comment like this on any other normal website







I'm quite confused on why he was banned, from the link he was banned for saying gaylord, right?


Isn't the ban under the assumption that the slur is used in a derogatory and insulting way? Which would mean he instantly thought gay was an insult when it's not. ( at least where I live US, maybe it's different where the moderator lives so thats why )

I mean you could say that Oblivion literally thought Argis is gay so gaylord is in no way shape or form an insult.


So either :

A. The Moderator instantly thought gay was an insult which opens an entire slew of problems 

B. There was something else edited out or not publicly displayed.

C. They just really didn't like that person

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