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problem with nexus?

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So all this is translated as it is impossible to overtake a community nexus in mods content without modders.


I understand because they do not insist on creating something better, if there are so pampered modders as some say then there is plenty to do. (is in correct "so pampered" in spanish "mimados" good translation?)


Thank you very much at all for answering my questions I was very clear and also very disappointed with reality.

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Surenas' date=' given the number of times you've said that in this thread, I don't think they can hear you.


I'm not even going to counter all that you said because I don't have the required reading comprehension when it comes to your particular posting style. I'm not saying that to be rude' date=' but half the time I skip your posts because they don't really make any sense to me. Call me dumb if you want. I don't care.


Surenas words may seem too poet or sensational' date=' but a dry speech on the topic doesn't quite get across the huge implications, for instance; in my words above.



It's not that no one hears Surenas, it's that she is saying nothing worth listening to. It is saying a lot, while saying nothing. Posting nonsensical metaphors doesn't make you a poet, it damn well doesn't make you a good writer, and it doesn't mean a damn thing.


Or should I have posted this:

The lion roars but not even the mice understand its fury! Waves can continue to crash against obsidian, yet they never make any progress. The jumble of the stars signifies nothing, the soul is what projects the ideal of beauty. In the end, all death will approach everyone, lest the children rise up to grab the crown from the horns of vile obscenities!


Do I make my point?

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That was pretty clear, no?


Anyhow, it's weird then that I think I can understand her posts. Okay, not always, but I can relate to throwing stuff into one's post that you might call "encrypted" because you do actually only mean for certain people to get it. Then there's always the whole speaking to someone on another level whether they are ware of it or not, like when you see images or hear sounds or feel cold. There are lots of ways of communicating and not all of them will provoke a well thought out response translating into words.

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I had to deal with this kind of abuse for so long too. So even my skin being thick overtime. So if i see someone asking what i have answered allot i would jump on them the same way. Call it rude' date=' but if i find it even ruder if the main page has the answer even your readme and still someone ask for it. meaning that they just grabbed your mod without even bother to read. Now that is stupid.


I can sympathize. But you have to consider that it actually took them more effort to download the mod, try to install it, then failed, then came back to Nexus, posted a question and then waited a few days for a reply before they could get the mod working.

It takes less effort to just read the readme file and if they had known that the installation instructions were in there, and they would have gone through that route instead. There are some people who are genuinely new to modding, which is why when I make simple mods for sharing, my readme.txt file is named installation_instructions.txt instead, because the readme file (outside the modding community) usually means credits to the author, which people might skip because they couldn't install it in the first place.

Sympathy/empathy seem hard to come by in such forums. We're so much better at these things when face to face. But, yeah, when someone asks what appears to be a stupid question from a modder's POV, it's best to assume that they aren't intentionally making life harder on themselves. Best to treat them as if it was an honest mistake by someone new, like you seem to naturally do. I see better behavior over in more open file sharing forums, probably because not everything in these more opened forums is a competition. Nexus is all about getting everyone to compete, including the site itself with its stated reasons for using ExtremeTracker (bragging rights) and its thread of the banned, just to name a couple of examples.


There's this weird virus going around in the community that makes mod authors cool if they write snide, crude, yet funny comments in their descriptions showing they are rock stars who don't have the time to deal with "stupid" questions. I'm with you. It's not a reflection of great character. It's plain immaturity.


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Guest GingerTom
thesapien--Anyhow, it's weird then that I think I can understand her posts. Okay, not always, but I can relate to throwing stuff into one's post that you might call "encrypted" because you do actually only mean for certain people to get it. Then there's always the whole speaking to someone on another level whether they are ware of it or not, like when you see images or hear sounds or feel cold. There are lots of ways of communicating and not all of them will provoke a well thought out response translating into words.


Yes, I, for instance, have no problem understanding Surenas but that could possibly be because I'm a composer/artist myself (working on my 17th music album at the moment.)


You either have it or you don't.


thesapien--Nexus is all about getting everyone to compete


Another nail on the head hit! :D

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I don't know what drugs the trolls are on to feed their boners, but like on the Nexus where they get support by the staff whenever they are focused on rebels or folk that is different and not in-line I don't give them a second chance - I cut off their balls on sight so that they have to sing their songs in soprano henceforth. The most hated of the Nexus isn't here to please trolls.

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I can understand Surenas just fine. If anything it's easier to understand her than most, because of the cryptic vocabulary used. I'm a writer, myself, so I can appreciate it.


Back on-topic with Nexus, it's funny seeing the posts in the UBW topic now. I apologized for supporting Soma, even though I legitimately thought he was in the right, and not two posts later someone says that everyone that supported Soma should have to apologize. What is this, some sort of focus group for children where we all have to apologize for every mistake we make? I'm tempted to report the post, and just put the reason as "forum vigilantism". If they want to enforce their rules so badly, I've got plenty of posts to report, even if a lot of them are from days long past. XD

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Izanagi, I'm having a hard time distinguishing you from that which you criticize. I don't mean to put you on the offensive and hope I'm way off with my questions, but Why do you feel the duty to report others on the Nexus? Maybe you've been undercover, in deep, too close for too long?

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The fact that the English version is banned for something, yet the translation is not astonishes me, maybe it's a business decision for them. I think this is their train of thought.

Get the English version, then come back here to translate it. Give us your downloads.

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...both site owners have the right to moderate and use whatever staff they want to use and set whatever rules they want to set...

I don't disagree with that. My gripe is with their attitude. People break their rules and get banned. Okay' date=' that's fine. I accept that. What I don't accept is the need to broadcast each person's offense publicly. There has been more than one occasion where someone has been mistakenly banned, then reinstated, and instead of an apology the staff were like "Yeah, it was a mistake on our part, but you should have done XY and Z to prevent it." That's blaming the member rather than owning their mistake. Personally I have way more respect for those who can sincerely admit when they have erred and apologize.


The other thing that is not about their site = their rules is following people onto other sites and leaving comments and/or banning them from the Nexus for what's done on other sites. I also have a screenshot of Vagrant0 threatening to sign up someone's email to sites that will spam him. Also, you can't even go have a good gripe about them on other sites or Dark0ne might ban you. I take issue with this particularly. People who don't like Nexus aren't necessarily using it to be two-faced, but because there aren't enough alternative places to get mods.


And before anyone goes in and says that people from the screenshots I linked above are scumbags who deserved what they got - I'm not necessarily disagreeing. What I take issue with and am using the pictures to illustrate is that I'm getting the feeling that moderators are stalking us in their spare time, just looking for an excuse. One would think they'd have better things to do.




I know I'm probably not nearly finished with this thread by this point and am probably about to state something that has already been gone over, but seriously, isn't stalking someone on the internet like, I don't know, ILLEGAL? Seriously, I looked this post over and, despite the anonymity of the internet, that there are some laws over here in the USA that says something along the lines of this being illegal and punishable by law.

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I know I'm probably not nearly finished with this thread by this point and am probably about to state something that has already been gone over' date=' but seriously, isn't stalking someone on the internet like, I don't know, [u']ILLEGAL[/u]? Seriously, I looked this post over and, despite the anonymity of the internet, that there are some laws over here in the USA that says something along the lines of this being illegal and punishable by law.

I'm no legal expert, but I think the illegal stalking element comes in when someone is harassed to the level of being in fear for their lives, or at the very least when it interferes with their lives. Drive-by snarking on the part of the moderators probably doesn't fall into that category unless they start threatening people. Personally it makes no difference to me, getting all up into people's personal business on other sites is just as wrong.


Edit: I was too tired to think of it last night, but here's another example on Mods Reloaded. DarkOne makes an appearance at the end of page 2. http://modsreloaded.com/ip-addresses-exposed-on-nexusmods-t4200.html

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I know I'm probably not nearly finished with this thread by this point and am probably about to state something that has already been gone over' date=' but seriously, isn't stalking someone on the internet like, I don't know, [u']ILLEGAL[/u]? Seriously, I looked this post over and, despite the anonymity of the internet, that there are some laws over here in the USA that says something along the lines of this being illegal and punishable by law.

I'm no legal expert, but I think the illegal stalking element comes in when someone is harassed to the level of being in fear for their lives, or at the very least when it interferes with their lives. Drive-by snarking on the part of the moderators probably doesn't fall into that category unless they start threatening people. Personally it makes no difference to me, getting all up into people's personal business on other sites is just as wrong.


Edit: I was too tired to think of it last night, but here's another example on Mods Reloaded. DarkOne makes an appearance at the end of page 2. http://modsreloaded.com/ip-addresses-exposed-on-nexusmods-t4200.html


Read threw that and I should note that the icon they talk about has disappeared, or at least I don't see it. DarkN00b probably hid it form normal view, but seriously this does raise a lot of questions. Also, might I add I got all warm inside when that Martian admin went to town deconstructing his "Defense" (And I use that term VERY lightly) of this whole affair and, basically, gave Dark a taste of his own medicine. A tyrant kings power ends at the border of his realm. Trying to impose your will on others in someone ELSE'S realm is a good way for said tyrant to find his big head about to be separated form his shoulders. (or in the case of the internet, smashed into digital oblivion via the Almighty Bannerhammer of Justice.)

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Read threw that and I should note that the icon they talk about has disappeared' date=' or at least I don't see it. DarkN00b probably hid it form normal view...

[/quote']I didn't notice that because I'm using a blocker but you're right. I just used two different browsers and I see that the button is gone now, but the blocker is still showing that tracker as active. If he finally made it private then that's good. Tracking was never the issue. Public display of those stats was. Maybe complaining finally produced results. Funny how there was no mention of it.. they just did it real quiet-like, kind of how they have unbanned a few members on the sly without announcing it in their trophy area(dezdimona was one of those I think, though if there was such an announcement feel free to correct me).



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At least you get an impression now of normal life in the bygone Nazi-Germany or the Soviet Union under Stalin. Wasn't that easy not to end up as an outcast in a German KZ or a Russian Gulag, I guess, somehow similar to the virtual survival on the Nexus of today. Strange, isn't it? ^^

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Thesapien, I can see how it might seem a bit odd that I work to eliminate the presence of some types of people via reporting, whilst bashing the entire Nexus system. It's the way some of the people I regularly report treat others that makes me do it, though, and not just that they're "breaking the rules". On one hand, it provides an opportunity to strike at those that have no place breathing, much less saying horrible things to people on forums, and on the other hand, it makes me look like a "team player" and less of a troublemaker to those I seek to undermine in the future, namely the moderators. Enemy of my enemy is what it boils down to. If I hate trolls, and Nexus administration hates them enough to ban them, it's a win for me if the trolls get banned, and a lucky coincidence that it cleans up the mess over there.

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....Enemy of my enemy is what it boils down to. If I hate trolls' date=' and Nexus administration hates them enough to ban them, it's a win for me if the trolls get banned, and a lucky coincidence that it cleans up the mess over there.



Yeah I see what you mean here, still, isn't it kind of ironic that the mods on there hate trolls and yet most of them act like trolls themselves? Do they thus hate themselves then (Would explain a lot) Or are they just being hypocrites as usual. Meh, I'm going with the latter. Still, lets all pray they don't procreate anytime soon. The world is full of idiots. We don't need them spawning new ones for us to deal with. :dodgy:

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Is it against Nexus rules to make use of this website? I am gatting that impression. Do they have something against Lovers Lab?


That's right. Your impression was accurate. Back when I was on Nexus, someone was kind enough to Personal Message me the link to LL, taking a risk, after my public request, of having their email read, something else they have admitted to doing, but I was unaware of at the time.


Oddly, I didn't get any warnings after linking to sharethefiles for "unofficial" updates of Skyrim, something that often gets people immediately banned. I got banned later though for, uhm, other reasons.


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