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problem with nexus?

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... that's why registration comes into play.


Keep in mind that compared to violence and its cruel impact on mankind nudity is just a religious central theme, originally launched by paranoid folk with splitted tongue that loves to control the lust of others and thus their minds, but only to live out the own perversity...

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Oh yeah' date=' always forgot in little details

but still, showing nudity to 8 years old kid is wrong




Makes you wonder how early humans survived before inventing clothing, as well as every other species on this planet still not wearing clothes.


Shame is best installed early on. We need a severely repressed population rot with guilt if we are going to keep channeling the inner conflicts into explosive backlashes fueling outer conflicts and war.


-Jesus Fucking Christ

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Well said! This Puritan attitude to keep children 'safe' from the harm the sight of a naked body might cause just serves as one of the most important and powerful control mechanisms to repress societies. Like you said, people are infused with a false sense of shame and guilt.


It's futile anyway as TV and oversexed public advertisement don't impose such restrictions on themselves, so children can rather easily catch a glimpse of nudity no matter where they are. And it's a different kind of nudity as it oftentimes is depicted out of a familiar and natural context. Imagine a young boy with his own TV set, secretly watching some shows late at night. Or a young girl browsing an average fashion magazine.


Isn't it peculiar many of the very same people responsible for this kind of repressive thinking turn out to have a certain unhealthy fondness for the combination of children and nudity? Clerics, politicians... But they are quick to use their 'for the children!' argument to justify their agenda.

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Two things, lastwolf333:


1: Don't tell people how to raise their kids. It's not "wrong" for a kid to see nudity. To /you/ it's morally wrong, but a lot of people don't give a flying fuck. I happen to be one of them. If/when I have kids, hopefully never, but if I do, I intend to introduce them to important crap like the sexual repression of this nation and the reasons to fight against it early on. Because they're my kids, and I won't let "god", and I surely won't let some dude on the internet, tell me what it's okay to teach them.


2: The whole "FER DA CHIREN" thing doesn't seem to be popular around here. You know how you try to repress people that don't mind introducing kids to the sexuality that's so prevalent in society by saying that it's "wrong"? It goes both ways, and this is just one way, where we repress you the same way by pointing out how dated the whole morality BS line is.

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Derailed again, the last few posts admittedly have nothing to do with Nexus, given that game nudity is accepted over there. I've nothing against Nexus on this issue. It was just a false flag waved by a single poster here.


Just wanted to mention that for anyone just now jumping in and wondering WTF.

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But that's a very big demon that even has its claws here. Just look at how we separate mods with skin from mods with swords, with nakedness being under "adult". I would even prefer a stereotype, like a "boys" section for toy guns and "girls" for toy dolls, over this violent repression.


Then again, my forum days were brief at the Nexus, so you would know much better about their attitudes. You seemed to have been familiar with the owner and moderators, once, no?


Come to think of it, I do actually remember a lot of their members being outspoken against the number of sexy mods. So, okay, maybe I was too quick to dismiss some of our posts as getting off track.

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Well, this one a long time I have watched. Fascinating, the commercial Reaper indoctrination that has ended in a brainwashing of the Illusive Man and his Nexus. Still he buys into control (like others before him), songs the color of oily shadows, yet that's just an integral part of the indoctrination process that consumes power seekers, finally.

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Right. The mine is called Noa (my 2nd name), bi by passion. And Specialist Samantha Traynor is bi also, already checked. There are more, I sense their weakness.

Hope is irrelevant, assuming direct control. I indoctrinate them all for I am the Harbinger of their perfection, in charge of this mission... ^^


Commander Noa Shepard



Back to topic.

Nexus! You are an impressive illusion, as empty as your future, pitiful. You will end because we demand it.

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No question about it. Sooner or later, people will get tired of the dictatorship and its moderators' gestapo tactics, and rebel. As much as it may be DarkOne's site, it's not his community, and the people /will/ have a say in how things are done, otherwise you're just asking for more serious consequences than a few people posting angry topics on the forums. If a board suddenly becomes filled with pages of angry users calling the great leader out, file servers become clogged with angry users creating traffic jams in the connections, and supporters of Nexus find themselves ostracized and targeted as enablers of this Templar-like society of over-entitled old men and women under the banner of a despot, the foundation will crumble. Drastic tactics, but tell me, what revolution against tyranny was ever won with flowers and Hallmark cards? What revolution didn't rely on internal strife, distraction tactics, and chaos among the populace?

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To vanquish organized terrorism - and here we are dealing with terrorism of the mind that patronizingly calls for the rule of the sword, the total being in line with feudalistic ideas of social togetherness in which anything you have to offer, want to aquire or have to say on the marketplace of goods is to be understood as a medieval fief, an illiberal grace that easily can be given by subscribing and taken by banishing at will - one ultimately has to lay siege to the marketplace, to cut off the mod platform from its mod supply, to make it an empty hull that no longer attracts those folk that is going for the highway to hell and its all-in-one offerings. That is 'assuming direct control'. To fight the patron and his kinsmen from inside, the infiltration and indoctrination, well, this would just end in the popular public show - the hanging of the rebel or the legendary burning of a witch as in my case. Dollars to doughnuts...


However that may be, in the meantime I tend to adopt the watchword of the dark brotherhood that the he who is not with us is against us with the bitter consequence that those experienced modders that against one's better judgment can't resist uploads to the Nexus market get ignored together with their fine products. This is bad news, no doubt, but conscious blockade runners are the last we need in a siege worthy of the name.


My name is Shepard. I'm ready to punch the mod collectors and you're too close!

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Well, I spoke up.




"Where in the rules is it stated that discussing who created a mod or not breaks the ToS? Moreso, when we're actually trying to get to the bottom of this, who is /anyone/ to try to put a stop to that, when the community may well be able to find a lot more proof than anyone else. This transcends Nexus authority, and brings up the topic of this site's harsh policies toward open debate. If nobody can talk about something, what's to stop those in "power" here from pulling the wool over everyone's eyes and making sure we're never any wiser on the subject? I can understand not being too happy about the way the debate went toward the end, with the namecalling and random people showing up claiming ownership, without any proof, but just talking about it being an offense? That would be considered taking it a bit far anywhere, much less a community-driven site like Nexus."


DarkOne and his staff need to realize that the community is the captain of the ship. The staff, even DarkOne, are just the hull of the ship, nothing more. They keep the site running, but the community is the only reason the site exists, and is able to continue existing. If you piss off enough of the community, you stop being relevant and boom, site goes down the drain and you're out in both monetary and social terms. I kind of hope Nexus eventually just drops, so Steam Workshop can take its place. It's where you have to be to even legitimately own the game, anyway.


Alas, my call for action will likely fall upon deaf ears, and I will be forced to actually make a new account. Did I mention that at least once a day I save my list of tracked files, that way if/when I get banned I can just throw out a dummy account, make up a new persona for it, and find the mods I want again? XD



Edit: Edited my post, 90% because I admittedly hate making new accounts, and know that as one person I can't change anything, 10% because I maybe came across as too militant and anti-authority in the post. "Edited; not the place for this particular problem. "


Edit 2: The topic was locked, the reason given being "because the ongoing discussion interferes with the investigation." Bull. Shit. I don't trust Nexus to investigate a damn thing without screwing it up, and they definitely have no authority to rule who the actual author of a mod is, when Steam Workshop has already decided that "Soma" is the one, as his/her upload of it has been around for a while now, and still gets updates, in addition to their own information provided about who the original author was, and how they handed over authorship.


Are there any laws that apply to this situation that I/we could point out to Nexus staff to maybe wave the threat of getting the law involved in their faces? I'd love to see Nexus brought to court for hosting work that doesn't belong to them, in all honesty. It's deserved, after all the crap they put people through over literally anything they can think of.

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As you can see now,

Valve/Steam ('the Reaper') doesn't give a damn on what the Nexus ('the Collector') has a bitch about, short-sighted, pitifully - the latter is nothing and gets harvested in passing, facing destruction, slowly but surely like a lunger cos the former is superior. The Collector has failed. A Reaper is true power. I told you that already before...

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So let me get this straight. In order of events:


1. The mod is created from a Korean author at Naver but unknown outside of Korea.

2. Soma uploads it to Steam. No one is the wiser.

3. Zotman12 gives original credit to unknown Korean, maybe named Elysees, when uploading to Nexus (instead of here at LL).

4. When challenged about zotman12 giving a Korean cred on Nexus, Soma on Steam lies about "rewriting it from the ground up."

5. Either Steam or Soma removes mod on Steam WorkShop.

6. Nexus rules in favor of zotman12. Mod remains on Nexus.


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Reading all that drama nonsense is another reason why I prefer to host my own mods on my own site. For someone coming in from the angle of not knowing anything about the mod or modders in question, it all looks pretty silly.


As for Nexus' involvement, you're right that they aren't the judge, jury and executioner, end-all, be-all of modding ethics in any way. I don't know what would be fair in this situation, but as someone who has run a forum before, I can tell you that if it were up to me I'd toss the mod out altogether as being more trouble than it is worth.

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Lemonbalm, removing the mod from your own website would be your prerogative and I wouldn't knock you for it in the least. However, doesn't that make you "judge, jury, and executioner" that you just knocked Nexus for in your previous sentence?


It's not a mod I would use, anyway, but if it were, then I'd be wondering why no one has provided a link here on LL. We care less about permissions and just sharing here, right? Am I wrong that many mods found here are often from East Asia, maybe from Naver, and provided here for the world to share, no matter the who, what, when, where, how?


Btw, as of the time of this edit, Nexus hasn't removed the mod (the one credited to a Korean modder); they've only locked the comments section.

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Lemonbalm' date=' removing the mod from your own website would be your prerogative and I wouldn't knock you for it in the least. However, doesn't that make you "judge, jury, and executioner" that you just knocked Nexus for in your previous sentence?[/quote']


Hmm.. perhaps, but my thoughts are more along the line of it's not my job to discover who stole what, nor to pass judgement, so I'd get rid of it so it wouldn't be my problem anymore. Probably hypocritical of me, but I did say I'm not sure what the fair option would be. I just know I personally am not keen on that kind of drama and would not care to pick sides.

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Hmm.. perhaps' date=' but my thoughts are more along the line of it's not my job to discover who stole what, nor to pass judgement, so I'd get rid of it so it wouldn't be my problem anymore. Probably hypocritical of me, but I did say I'm not sure what the fair option would be. I just know I personally am not keen on that kind of drama and would not care to pick sides.



Yeah, it probably wouldn't had been a problem on your own site anyway. Like I said, I've really no problem with your sentiments. You'd probably we wise to cut it in the butt right away.


It kind of seem like Nexus has set themselves up for such behavior by inadvertently encouraging it with their own behavior.

Do as I say, not as I do.

But, Dad, I learned from watching you!

Go to your room.

That's it, I'm telling Mom!


You and I would probably just grow up and leave home.

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Quite a long while ago, a friend of mine got banned from Nexus for asking how to update his Skyrim.


The moderators then went on to said that he was pirating Skyrim and you would never need to ask for an update because Steam does it for you.


When my friend tried to explain he was asking for the 1.4 beta update (which requires you to manually enable in steam), the mods simply ignored him and continued to say he was a crook.




On a more relevant note on myself:


I made a post on another forum back then about my ban issues. I was also banned from Nexus for uploading a remix of the Oblivion soundtrack for Skyrim.





I'm also a freshly banned member from nexus. I got banned for creating a mod that changed the Skyrim intro music to the Oblivion theme. I wrote a long appeal letter, but they don't seem interested in lifting my ban.


However one of the things they listed on the appeal form instructions was written like this:

"If you understand why you were banned and believe you have learnt from your mistake then write a genuine letter of apology here and a moderator may reinstate you based on your actions."


Which to me sounds like they want you to do some begging or pandering to the mods to let you back in. It probably doesn't mean it that way, but it's what it comes off as.


"This form will only work once and communication is one-way; you will not be able to converse with the moderation team so put everything you think you need to in to the fields below."


This second set of instructions is also difficult swallow because it seems to me that the moderators don't really want to justify their bans to the individual users and aren't interested in coming to an understanding with the affected user.


The admin and mods are free to run the site as they wish, but merely owning a site doesn't mean that the rules and moderation techniques are entirely reasonable. There is a 'zero tolerance' policy on the website for copyrighted material, but there's also apparently a "zero distinction" policy between deliberate malicious pirates (who do not want to pay for anything) and people who want to positively contribute to the modding community, but uploaded a mod that has copyrighted material that they are not aware of.


Either way, I was addressed like a criminal and had my username posted on the banned forum with a moderator comment mocking what I did as if I was a banned trophy to be displayed. It was quite unprofessionally handled by the mods, and it's quite unfair that they are free to make personal insults on your ban publicly, but you have to appeal through private channels on a one-way communication system if you want to initiate dialogue. If a user is not clear headed enough to write a well written response, the moderators will post that response on the banned forum to further mock that user, almost none of the actual level-headed appeals are posted, which gives an unrealistic impression that every user who gets banned are irrational and juvenile.


The knee-jerk reaction to instantly ban someone for a small upload is counter-intuitive and makes little sense. On one hand, they disallow voting below 9/10 on all mods (and ban users who vote lower) to encourage new modders to make better mods, but on the other hand bans are instantly slammed on new modders who upload a mod (that they deem), are against their rules. It creates a barrier for people (like me) who are new to the modding scene, and who are very likely to make mistakes with their first uploaded content. It will ultimately discourage them from making mods and integrating into the community. At the very least the moderators could have removed the file and given a warning to the user, especially when the user is a new modder. Clicking 'ban' on whenever they feel something is amiss gives the impression of lazy moderation work to me.


I don't see how banning people is seen as a more effective way of controlling copyright when giving a stern warning and removing the file easily accomplishes the same thing (especially if the person is a new and a non-repeat offender).

Both stops 'copyright infringement', but the latter preserves your modding community and allows it to grow as modders learn what is allowed or not.


I do make efforts to read forum rules when I join a new community, but the rules and regulations on the Nexus boards are not very user-friendly and are divided into many sub-threads instead of a unified thread where everything can be read in one place. Many people are going to try to read that one important thread to try to get the general idea of how they should conduct themselves and move on to make mods.


It's also strange that when someone is banned that they are locked completely out from downloading mods, for whatever that reason is, it is a very illogical policy that has no relevance on piracy or copyright issues.



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The striking weakness of the player community is that it has no collective consciousness, not even a collective memory, not to mention a collective plan. Everyone thinks of himself as not involved and when involved as immune, invincible and immortal... till the very end. And there you go, backing the largest faction on the Nexus, the outcast.


One reason why my empty profile got some additional 8.000 views over the last fifteen months of banishment is because I've fought for you guys - and not for me! Though retrospectively seen it looks like the most ridiculous fight I've ever fought in my life up to now, for most people don't learn something new, they resist on ignorance instead. And that's pitiful.

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I have a question ...


The mods have copyright laws that prevent be shared elsewhere?


For example' date=' a mod created by a modder that only shares his mod only nexus, it is illegal for someone take this mod and hang it on another page?


No, because Bethesda really owns the mods. It's just bad manners to do so. The only gray area is when a person has created, for example, a mesh or texture from scratch. Then the question is, is it his copyright because it's original, or Bethesda's because it's meant for use in their game?


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