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ah yeah, the faction armor system is... incredibly overcomplicated. One of the reasons why I never extended faction smells to humans, apart from the fact humans don't have a good sense of smell and don't care one bit about sparing you after sex.

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I'm not sure if this error is in Pregnancy, Spunk, or something I did wrong, so I'm posting this in both. I wasn't even looking for a problem, I spotted this on accident while doing something else.


Yeah, just some stupidity on my part - will fix it soon. Hope Hal isn't getting too many 'sperm ain't working' reports.


About the shaders: the only way I could've intentionally made them no longer work on clothes is by setting them to "affect skin only" but I'm quite sure I never did (because in that case, they never get applied to a nude body either). I did somewhat lower the opacity here & there, could be that makes them a little more difficult to spot on clothes. And then there is the default finnicky behavior of the whole shader system which is beyond my control. Especially people who don't use arousal would suffer from stuff not working, and sexout callback dialog occasionally throws a wrench in the works too (shaders disappear sometimes when switching between 1st & 3rd person, dialog forces you in first).


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Came back after a break, so had to update to all the new versions.


Seem to be getting same thing with 0.85, as other guy was with previous version, no pregnancy,

and debug values show a whole lot of simply 0 for all the variables, so no sperm or anything like that seems to be passing about regardless of NPC type. (no error in the debug, but attempts and changes to option show all the same preg1main udf variables remaining 0.)

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Came back after a break, so had to update to all the new versions.


Seem to be getting same thing with 0.85, as other guy was with previous version, no pregnancy,

and debug values show a whole lot of simply 0 for all the variables, so no sperm or anything like that seems to be passing about regardless of NPC type. (no error in the debug, but attempts and changes to option show all the same preg1main udf variables remaining 0.)


10 Jan 2015 Edit: Appears to be working now with version 0.86.


I've been experiencing the "all 0 variables" and no pregnancy issue too, as reported by a few. [1] [2] [Aenain01]


Versions: Spunk 0.85, SexoutPregnancyV3-20141210.1, SexoutCommonResources-20141210.1, SexoutNG - Beta 2.8.89b7, NX15, NVSE 4.6.2.


MCM settings such as Player Percentage of Fertility in Female Cycle at 95% and being jacked up on FertX didn't help. No pregnancy even if I was 'Very Fertile'.


Even in a fresh new game my character had sex with ALOT of different men from all parts of the Mojave, made no difference just 0 value in debug and never any semen/sperm activity.


Almost as if every man of the Mojave is sterile for what ever reason... until I was suprised to see there is a chosen one, a man who isn't sterile.


I walked into the Old Mormon Fort late at night to find a spare bed to sleep in because tired [Hardcore Mode] and with Sleep Rape Rate at 5% in SexoutAssault my character was raped loved by Arcade Gannon of all people, he must have noticed how fertile and lusty my character was and blessed me the seed my character was looking for but could never find.






After this happened I thought "hey it's working now for some reason even though I've changed nothing, yipee!", so I loaded up a save before the "event" and went around Freeside having sex with junkies, thug, Kings and no dice, all 0 values, Arcade Gannon is the only non-sterile man it seems.


Strange indeed? Hope the Doc can look into it, will provide what ever debug logs necessary, Thankies. :lol:

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Logs would come in handy, yeah, ideally from before a scene starts and then letting it run a while. I'm also not at all sure what Hal's debugprints are really supposed to mean.

Also note that sperm isn't immediately detected in high quantities after sex, it takes a bit of time for them to travel up.

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Ok so with custom races I am using mojave delight it uses a type 3 body. So the cum textures apply to the body but when armor gets put back on the cum texture just dissapears so now only the cum is on the face not the armor. My compannions vanilla and other dont have that issue. Does mojave delight need custom character ini?

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I keep getting stuck stop tokens with Spunk enabled for some reason.  Not always, but seemingly at random.  More often it happens on the exteriors, but sometimes indoors.  Never seems to happen after bed sex.  I didn't notice it until the leftover stop token kept a CBDialog from launching.


When I disable Spunk, no stuck tokens.  Tried with and without Preg Beta (thought it might be Preg since it won't load when Spunk is disabled).


Could timescale have anything to do with it?  I have timescale set differently for exteriors, so...  just a guess.

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Timescale is only a factor with my tracking systems, and well, accounted for. Other than that, I dunno. I don't use any tokens and interference with NG is limited to having pride extend the default time for my arousal stuff if it's on, taking over the cum explosion, and casting FinishNow.

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FinishNow I think is the only place it can come from.  Happens with both finite and variable range duration.  I see what you mean though.  Come to think of it, I didn't notice it until the NG update.  Maybe disabling Spunk is simply getting rid of the FinishNow, and therefore it goes away.

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FinishNow removes any Pause tokens the actor might have, then adds a Stop token. During the waiting stage (101) of the main effect script, if there are any stop tokens, the timer for the act is prematurely expired and the stop tokens removed -- then the script carries on as normal. Basically it just fiddles with the timer causing the script to believe it has expired.


I really can't see anywhere in NG where this can go wrong, and the token itself isn't scripted or anything like that.


What CAN cause the issue is if multiple stop tokens are being given to the act in different frames. If the main effect has seen a stop token, removed it, and progressed past stage 101 (the main 'waiting' stage) -- tokens added after that are not removed.

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What this means is that FinishNow should not be called more than once on a particular actor, for a particular scene. If the FinishNow is working (sex is being stopped early) but Stop tokens are being left behind -- this is a good sign that someone/something has called FinishNow again on the actor while they're already in the process of 'finishing'.


Give me a little time and I'll redo pause & finishnow to use NX vars instead of the tokens, should have done that forever ago anyway.

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Yeah, my automatic casting of finishnow in my arousal script is pretty tight, no multiples possible. There is a chance though that the other place I cast it, when people press the 'pullout' key, is less safe in that regard, so I'll tighten that up. I'm curious if T actually used it though.


Edit: well, having said that, there is a chance finishnow is cast multiple times from arousal too - the arousal scripts run on every actor involved, and I believe the stop tokens are added to & monitored on the spelltarget actor only, so if a second arousal script casts finishnow again before NG's cleaned up, that could be a problem.

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