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Sanguine Debauchery enhanced: SD+ (January 2022)

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On 7/12/2019 at 2:24 PM, mopsyd said:

I have been recently debugging a few persistent CTD issues with this mod on Skyrim SSE and wanted to shed a bit of insight I have come across regarding sex scenes with falmers causing CTD and flowering spriggans causing CTD when within render distance.


Both appear to use invalid XMPSE skeletons. I personally do not know how to adjust the skeletons myself, being pretty new to fixing mods, however I was able to isolate the actual issue in the CK for these two problems. Both appear to be invalid arm bone skeleton mappings. I solved this for the falmers by renaming the falmer folder to falmer_broken at SDPlus/meshes/actors/falmer, which forced falmer assets to fall back to the standard XMPSE skeleton. This corrected the persistent falmer related CTD's (during sex scenes and occasionally when killing them in combat). I should note that I had previously attempted to override the falmers in the load order with corrected assets from another source, which did not fix the issue.


The flowering spriggans also cause persistent CTD when within render distance. The warnings in the CK indicate this is related to both an incorrect skeleton file as well as a broken face mesh. I could not figure out how to fix this, so I just use `disable` from the console from a safe distance when I see them in game, which seems to work reasonably well (crashes appear to trigger when they are closer than about 25 paces in game, depending on render settings). I've seen a number of other vague posts asking for help with one or both of these problems, but no particularly relevant solutions, so I wanted to share what I discovered. Perhaps someone more skilled than me in CK-fu can repackage these problematic assets and patch here at some point. It appears that skeleton issues are relatively pervasive with the current XMPSE skeleton build in SSE. As I haven't played the mod in Oldrim prior to this, I doubt this covers all of the issues, nor do I know if fixing these would bork Oldrim compatibility. CK turned up about 10k+ warnings and errors. There were A LOT of invalid bone mapping issues, which in theory would all trigger CTD under the right circumstances. I will post again if I discover fixes/workarounds for any other issues.


Testing in game was done on a new game using alternate start, spawning problematic creatures in via console in god mode after allowing the mods to update and finish initial asset generation, in order to rule out any other theoretical conflicts as much as possible.

To be honest, I don't let falmer get overwritten since I use Animal SOS and More Nasty Critters, so I hadn't noticed a falmer scene CTD until you called it to my attention. As for the Flowering Spriggan, I believe part of the problem with this one is a mesh pathing error that I have only fairly recently caught. The mesh paths for the race are set as meshes/actors/sprigganhost, but the mod's BSA when I unpacked it had it as meshes/sprigganhost. I fixed this little oversight myself.

But to anyone who downloads the SE version, you need to move the folder "sprigganhost" from meshes to meshes/actors.


The Flowering Spriggan is an interesting one though, as while it has 2 actor entries, it seems to function as a singular entity. The SE variant of the XPMS skeleton does work with it of course, once all the pieces are actually in their proper paths (I feel like a numbskull with this one). 


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I m using Simple Slavery and make it send me to SD+. 

But I just appear next to a random NPC and then... nothing. Even when I open console it takes ages until the enslavement starts and very often nothing happens at all even after minutes.


Also, the SD+ MCM "forgets" some of the adjusments I make. I have to make them 2-3 times until they all stick o_O 

Never had a similar issue,...


Was anything changed towards the Simple Slavery compatibility? 

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Hello just reporting a few issues:
CTD when entering Dreamworld, just hear some water running and CTD
CTD when encontering a Flowering Spriggan, my game loads the NPC, she fights normally but when she gets too close to the PC the game crashes

Off topic:
Does anyone know how to disable the "tripping on your heels" animation? My game simply doesn't like it (CTD) I know it is an effect and animation from DD or maybe Zaz but I can´t find the effect on SSEdit of those mods, if anyone could tell me it would be great

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39 minutes ago, R4ThM0R3 said:

Hello just reporting a few issues:
CTD when entering Dreamworld, just hear some water running and CTD
CTD when encontering a Flowering Spriggan, my game loads the NPC, she fights normally but when she gets too close to the PC the game crashes

Off topic:
Does anyone know how to disable the "tripping on your heels" animation? My game simply doesn't like it (CTD) I know it is an effect and animation from DD or maybe Zaz but I can´t find the effect on SSEdit of those mods, if anyone could tell me it would be great


you can set the chance of tripping on heals in the DD MCM. Should be possible to set it to zero. 

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On 7/15/2019 at 1:10 PM, R4ThM0R3 said:

Hello just reporting a few issues:
CTD when entering Dreamworld, just hear some water running and CTD
CTD when encontering a Flowering Spriggan, my game loads the NPC, she fights normally but when she gets too close to the PC the game crashes

...do people even read any of the previous posts before reporting a problem over and over again? ?

I'm going to assume you're using SE. As I have stated before, repeatedly,



Don't see this as a reflection on you, it's just being told this constantly in this manner, with no additional details, gets really grating on the nerves, especially when people don't take the time to browse previous posts before making their own. For some reason redoing facegen on my CK was borked. I've since been able to refresh my CK installation, but I haven't had the time to go back and release an update for the SE version that fixes these bugs yet. So please, just open up CK, select the actors added by SD+, use Ctrl+F4 to export facegen, and resave then re-save the plugin. Yes, you will get a bunch of warnings when opening up the plugin and doing this, and yes, you can ignore them. Also make sure you have the DD Hotfix for the chains as well.

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I understand the frustration of repeating yourself, I really do, but I think it might be a good idea to have a FAQ / troubleshooting sections of this mod that people can go to look for answers to questions or common troubles they’re  having. The current FAQ is kind of out of date. Asking someone to Read through over 600 forum pages is not realistic. I had to hunt through hundreds of posts to get the answers I seek. I generally do rather well reading and searching, but the search features on LL leave a lot to be desired. Maybe if the forum search feature worked more effectively it would mitigate these redundant “problem posts”?  Not a criticism, just an observation from someone whose combed through hundreds if not thousands of posts on this forum and one who doesn’t post that often. 


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1 hour ago, spartan40 said:

I understand the frustration of repeating yourself, I really do, but I think it might be a good idea to have a FAQ / troubleshooting sections of this mod that people can go to look for answers to questions or common troubles they’re  having. The current FAQ is kind of out of date. Asking someone to Read through over 600 forum pages is not realistic. I had to hunt through hundreds of posts to get the answers I seek. I generally do rather well reading and searching, but the search features on LL leave a lot to be desired. Maybe if the forum search feature worked more effectively it would mitigate these redundant “problem posts”?  Not a criticism, just an observation from someone whose combed through hundreds if not thousands of posts on this forum and one who doesn’t post that often. 


Mmm, I wish I could. But DeepBlueFrog has edit control of this thread, as it is his mod. I just maintain the SE conversions of it. Shouldn't be a problem too much longer though, when I can get some free time. I've been retesting a fresh conversion bit by bit, so hopefully if it clears on my current game, I can give Deep the update to post.

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Hey, im using the SE version, i have it linked through simple slavery and all that stuff works fine, so does the spriggan stuff, but when i sleep in front of the sanguine shrine, it loads for a few seconds then CTDs, is this a problem with the mod itself or is it a compatibility issue? i ask this because everything else works fine, and usually when its a compatibility thing, it breaks the whole mods for me

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5 hours ago, AnInsaneMoose said:

Hey, im using the SE version, i have it linked through simple slavery and all that stuff works fine, so does the spriggan stuff, but when i sleep in front of the sanguine shrine, it loads for a few seconds then CTDs, is this a problem with the mod itself or is it a compatibility issue? i ask this because everything else works fine, and usually when its a compatibility thing, it breaks the whole mods for me

Did you do the DD Hotfix? The 2 major things that cause crashing in Dreamworld is borked facegen on the Alicias and Sanguine (which I'm currently working on and testing), and the DD Hotfix not installed, which results in CTD due to the chains on your character and Alicias still having the old HDT-PE weights. Outside of that, there is a rare bug that exists even in LE concerning sleeping at the shrine that could have transitioned to SE as well, but I don't know the details of it.

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On 7/11/2019 at 9:18 AM, Fuzzy_Fox said:

Sounds like you wasn't enslaved to him when you arrived. If you have the settings wrong in the MCM then this can happen. Make sure the setting for the slavery is set to "None" rather than "Opposite." If you are a male when going to his realm and Sanguine is a male also with the MCM set to opposite only then you won't get enslaved by him, this is how it will bug the Dreamworld setting. Trapping you forever. 


Easy way out if you don't fancy a reload is to type into the console "help Whiterun" look for the listings under "cell" pick one and then type in "coc <name of the cell> (not the number) then press enter. So for example "coc WhiterunExterior01" <enter> This will teleport you out of his Dreamworld and back to Skyrim. 


Yeap! That's what happened to me. When it says "Bring me a drink" You ask some of the people there. You find out what he likes. Now here is the thing. If a quest marker showed me the drink. I could have just handed it to her an moved on. But that didn't happen. So i spent about an hour real time trying to figure out this puzzle. The truth is. There is no answer.


I even found a room under the waterfall. Didn't give me any ways out of the place. I had other time sensitive quest to do. I couldn't hang out there all day. So i tried asking more people. No new responses. Tried brining Sanqine every drink in the room. Nothing. The quest is clearly broken. So could you please upload the previous version. it didn't bug out on me like this. Also Please remove Sanquines clothing. Sanquine sometimes appears with Massive tits an i found it hilarious,an putting clothing on her really killed the fun. Thank you.

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On 7/11/2019 at 1:13 PM, spartan40 said:

I’m currently using this mod in my play through, but not the newest version. Can I update mid play through or do I need to start a new game?

Sorry I didn't respond to you earlier but yes, in both LE and SE you can update mid game. Just overwrite with the update files, load your save, and then save and load twice and you'll be good to go.

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12 hours ago, Adviser69 said:

Did you do the DD Hotfix? The 2 major things that cause crashing in Dreamworld is borked facegen on the Alicias and Sanguine (which I'm currently working on and testing), and the DD Hotfix not installed, which results in CTD due to the chains on your character and Alicias still having the old HDT-PE weights. Outside of that, there is a rare bug that exists even in LE concerning sleeping at the shrine that could have transitioned to SE as well, but I don't know the details of it.

Whats the DD Hotfix? sorry if thats a dumb question, but i cant find it anywhere (its probably right in front of me)

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9 hours ago, WarsunGames said:


Yeap! That's what happened to me. When it says "Bring me a drink" You ask some of the people there. You find out what he likes. Now here is the thing. If a quest marker showed me the drink. I could have just handed it to her an moved on. But that didn't happen. So i spent about an hour real time trying to figure out this puzzle. The truth is. There is no answer.


I even found a room under the waterfall. Didn't give me any ways out of the place. I had other time sensitive quest to do. I couldn't hang out there all day. So i tried asking more people. No new responses. Tried brining Sanqine every drink in the room. Nothing. The quest is clearly broken. So could you please upload the previous version. it didn't bug out on me like this. Also Please remove Sanquines clothing. Sanquine sometimes appears with Massive tits an i found it hilarious,an putting clothing on her really killed the fun. Thank you.

The quest is not bugged. You have the settings wrong in the MCM. I am playing this version of SD+ and don't have any problems. Also I am not the author of the mod, just a humble tester. 

If you are not enslaved by Sanguine then you will not be able to complete this quest, you have to make sure that the slavery is set right in the MCM. If it is set as opposite and Sanguine is female as well as your own character then you will not be enslaved. As you are both the same sex. 

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1 hour ago, AnInsaneMoose said:

Whats the DD Hotfix? sorry if thats a dumb question, but i cant find it anywhere (its probably right in front of me)



Though in the future, it is a good idea to check the conversion tracking thread for as a means of finding this stuff. :P



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5 hours ago, bimbochoas said:

i cant find the normal non SE virsion of this mod, does anyone ahve a link that still works,  ie this mod but for  not special edition

They are in the download section of this thread. Just download the ones that are not marked with an SE, specifically "SDPlus20190502" and "SDResources20190502".

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5 hours ago, thomastm said:

blacksmith and guard don't remove dd anymore?

They do... but after a Speechcraft test :)

Try again later or improve your Speechcraft.

8 hours ago, Redflyingmonkey said:

Just a hello to SkyrimLL, remember me ? I'll install your shit again, if you need me testing like old times just ask me ! Also, kudos to you for modding this long, you're a fucking legend mate. 

Thanks and welcome back! Beta testing is now open, so you can grab changes earlier from Github if you want the very latest code.

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On 7/16/2019 at 7:57 PM, Adviser69 said:

Mmm, I wish I could. But DeepBlueFrog has edit control of this thread, as it is his mod. I just maintain the SE conversions of it. Shouldn't be a problem too much longer though, when I can get some free time. I've been retesting a fresh conversion bit by bit, so hopefully if it clears on my current game, I can give Deep the update to post.

I have a FAQ section in Github's wiki. I haven't tried to see if I could allow others to edit it but I could look into that if you want.


I created the SSE conversion thread for my mods for this kind of issues: to make fixes related to SSE easier to find. 

Unfortunately, I find people are more likely to just ask when and where they need things instead of reading about it in an FAQ... myself included :)

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8 minutes ago, DeepBlueFrog said:

I have a FAQ section in Github's wiki. I haven't tried to see if I could allow others to edit it but I could look into that if you want.


I created the SSE conversion thread for my mods for this kind of issues: to make fixes related to SSE easier to find. 

Unfortunately, I find people are more likely to just ask when and where they need things instead of reading about it in an FAQ... myself included :)

Yeah, LL really needs a thead sticky like the Nexus has, where stickied posts are always at the top of the thread page regardless of what page number it is.

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On 7/17/2019 at 1:55 PM, Fuzzy_Fox said:

The quest is not bugged. You have the settings wrong in the MCM. I am playing this version of SD+ and don't have any problems. Also I am not the author of the mod, just a humble tester. 

If you are not enslaved by Sanguine then you will not be able to complete this quest, you have to make sure that the slavery is set right in the MCM. If it is set as opposite and Sanguine is female as well as your own character then you will not be enslaved. As you are both the same sex. 

No my character was enslaved. An no i was not specifically talking to you. I brought this up before with the mod author. An no. My settings where not wrong. Everything preceded as normal. I got enslaved i was suppose to bring him a drink. That's all i was suppose to do. An i did just that. An i brought him every drink. Nothing worked. I was stuck there till my other mods made me starve to death. So i just restarted. An uninstalled the mod. An installed SDPlus 361 instead.

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I'm having trouble getting enslaved by certain NPCs. The enslavement process begins but almost immediately breaks with the message "Your owner is either dead or left you...". Parts of the enslavement process then continue, items are stripped, restraints are put on and the popup with information about disposition, days enslaved, gold to buyout etc. appears. After that the quest to escape has already completed and disappeared from the quest log and if hardcore mode is turned off all the restraints disappear. The NPC retains their slavery dialogue options if you approach them but do not in any other way act as your owner.


Generic NPCs (bandits, hunters) all seem to work fine and slavery begins normally. Some named NPCs work correctly also. Most NPCs that are quest-givers, followers, potential hirelings or similar fail as above. In Riverwood for example, where I was doing most of my testing, Embry the drunk guy and Hilde, Sven's mother worked as expected. Hod, Gerdur, Alvor, Sigrid, Delphine and Orgnar all failed.


Testing was done on a new save. Slavery was triggered through the SD+ Surrender hotkey but I also tested a few of those same NPCs with slavery triggered through Sexlab Survival's "Simply Knock" integration and Deviously Enslaved's local slavery options and results were the same. I haven't tested thoroughly with slavery triggered by Simple Slavery, but the couple of times I tried it, that mod seemed to pull the owner from a list of more generic, less important NPCs and worked correctly.


I've got logs from both a failed and successful enslavement. I triggered them both indoors in the inn in Riverwood to minimise the number of NPCs and scripts and things that might have derailed the scene. Failed enslavement was Delphine, successful was the DCL-added slave trader. Both logs clipped to the point where I hit the surrender button for brevity's sake. I can't see much difference between them other than the message "[_sdras_master] waiting - Master dead or disabled - Stop enslavement" on line 374 of the failed enslave log. The master of course was not dead or disabled at the time.


Any suggestions? 



Enslaved success.log Enslaved faliure.log

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5 hours ago, WarsunGames said:

No my character was enslaved. An no i was not specifically talking to you. I brought this up before with the mod author. An no. My settings where not wrong. Everything preceded as normal. I got enslaved i was suppose to bring him a drink. That's all i was suppose to do. An i did just that. An i brought him every drink. Nothing worked. I was stuck there till my other mods made me starve to death. So i just restarted. An uninstalled the mod. An installed SDPlus 361 instead.

I don't know what else to say since it is working on my end. I get enslaved by sanguine, I bring him the mead he wants and then he lets me go when I ask to be released from enslavement. I would need more details about your situation to reproduce the issue.

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