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[Mod][Wip] Beeing Female (For Ssl 1.5)


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Well, I´m sorry if i create more problems, but skyrim crashes on me whenever i use the new Beta 3.

I have narrowed it down to the NPC´s: Whenever BeeingFemale would normally create a new listentry for a NPC, it instead crashes.
That´s the reason i can walk around in dungeons just fine, but upon entering a hold i´m back on the desktop.

Does anyone know some fix for that? Thanks for reading!

Edit: If it helps, here are the last few logentries before it crashes:
"ERROR: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdateGameTime - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type

[None].fwabilitybeeingfemale.UnregisterForUpdateGameTime() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].fwabilitybeeingfemale.OnEffectFinish() - "FWAbilityBeeingFemale.psc" Line 107
[04/28/2014 - 10:02:26PM] 
ERROR: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdateGameTime - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type
[None].fwabilitybeeingfemale.UnregisterForUpdateGameTime() - "<native>" Line ?
[None].fwabilitybeeingfemale.OnEffectFinish() - "FWAbilityBeeingFemale.psc" Line 107
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had the other pregnancy mods installed before like hentai and procreation.

but this seems to be a better "all in one" mod so i am testing around beeing female at the moment and i got a bunch of questions.


i am not realy sure if i installed it wrong (basically just threw it in the nexus mod manager and started it there) or if they are bugs or i am missing other mods that are required.... but there are a few "weird thingys" i.e.:


-a bunch of mouse over menu text at the bottom of the menu shows not the supposed text but i guess the link to where the text shoudl be? i.e. "$FW_MENUTXT_SETTINGS_RrelevantNPC"


-same with anal cum chance "$FW_MENUTXT_Men_NoVaginalCumChance"... also anal cum chance seems always to "reset" to 2% after you i.e. set it to 10%... atleast it shows 2% in the menu.. when i then click it again to edit its 10%.


-the addon page has on the right side just "vampire race" as text and checkbox... but also "invisible no text" options all over under the vampire one.. some even show numbers.3, 1, 0, 1.


because if these "bugs" i am not sure if my installation is buggered or if i.e. the other menu options under the vampire addon just dont show because i dont have the addon mods that would go there or so... and as i didnt see anyone else here with these problems it might be a buggered installation on my side... so i thought i quickly ask if that is how its supposed to be or not.

there are a bunch of race inits at the start.. so i guess the addons are doing that to do.... whatever they do.



also found that cooking addon on page.... 59? well post 1162 that was linked from a previous beta.

the current beta 3.19 does give me 20/30 potions at the start.... but i guess i do need that cooking addon to craft more of them or are they somehow avaiable in beta 3.19 as its + addon (whatever addon is)?

(atleast i dont see them in alchemy or cooking. while i was testing this with a new char in the inn of the "start town")

kinda edit: well even with cooking mod active nothing shows up with my level 1 char...not sure if i anything will show with higher level or if i have more ingrediens that are needed or if it just doesnt work)


another thing i noticed is that there inst a "power" to remove the sperm like in procreation ? saw something in the first post about crafting vinegar potions for that... but well these dont show up either in the alchemy or cooking atm.

i guess with the "safe zone" menu options you could remove it either "anywhere"/ in water with a bonus/ or with a special potion bonus?



the 2 percs didnt show up either.


also there isnt realy much "what does what info" avaiable (or maybe i just didnt see it as i am pretty new to this mod and got no experience from previous versions, but i.e. in the first topic its not realy explained.. in the beta 3.19 post it isnt either.. and ingame i think these options dont have a info text)... i.e. what do the checkmarks for khajit and argonian actually do exactly? well i guess its racial modifiers +/- to contraception and all that.

i think procreation had i.e. orcs give more sperm (maybe 2 instead of 1) and elves had a multiplier to longer sperm life.


also i guess the contraception "pill" % lower the "conception chance" ?  i.e. 50% contraception would lower a 30% conception chance to 15% ?


and one more question... are the "irregularity %" options from procreation planed for beeing female? as i think they are actually pretty neat so all the timers are not always exactly the same values... i.e. sperm always lives for 12h... where with a 50% irregularity sperm could live 6-18 hours. or the cycle could shift by some hours etc (i.e. are you now pregnant or did your cycle just shift a day?)



somehow got a body working with bodyslide2 and some body files from estrus i think (PSB body?)... somehow mixing a cbbe custom preset onto the psb body made the belly grow bigger ... but no the breasts. (probably need to mess with it more.. i am pretty new to the bodyslide stuff).

but i noticed that the menu options for the breast and belly expansion are a bit messed up?

i.e. if you mess with the 2 enable check boxes it kinda randomly enabled ans disables the sliders below?

and the breast slider shows a number 1.0 less then you set it to. (i.e. shows 0.4  after you set it to 1.4. (similar problem as the anal chance maybe?))




apart from these issues (that might be bugs... or might be my installation or so you never know with the elder scrolls haha... so i thought i "report" what i found "weird" incase its an actual bug and others have the same issues) the mod seems to be pretty good. i.e. didnt had CTDs yet or so.


maybe consider adding the irregularity options from procreation? maybe a option to set the timer for the contraceptive potions? (so you could i.e. set it to 1 day or 3 days so it fits more with whatever the player decides to choose for the cycle times)

well and options for the contraception/pill potions and a chance to remove sperm... both of these are pretty neat to have. (incase that they are not "avaiable" atm in the current beta).


well time to test around with it some more...







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had the other pregnancy mods installed before like hentai and procreation.

but this seems to be a better "all in one" mod so i am testing around beeing female at the moment and i got a bunch of questions.


Even BeeingFemale isn't a replacement for all pregnancy mods. For example it can't replace Estrus Chauru. Estrus Chaurus is pritty good and BeeingFemale don't got a way to do something with Chaurus.

It can't replace Hentai Pregnancy - Because BeeingFemale is based on reality... for many peaple it's way to realistic and they don't like such realistic things in a phantasy game.

Ok maybe it's better then one specific mod i won't name. I don't like this pregancy mod and the way it was developed - is working - eats performance....


i am not realy sure if i installed it wrong (basically just threw it in the nexus mod manager and started it there) or if they are bugs or i am missing other mods that are required.... but there are a few "weird thingys" i.e.:


-a bunch of mouse over menu text at the bottom of the menu shows not the supposed text but i guess the link to where the text shoudl be? i.e. "$FW_MENUTXT_SETTINGS_RrelevantNPC"


Thanks - I will take a look on it. Seems i've done something wrong in the translation file. I will correct it with the next release.


-same with anal cum chance "$FW_MENUTXT_Men_NoVaginalCumChance"... also anal cum chance seems always to "reset" to 2% after you i.e. set it to 10%... atleast it shows 2% in the menu.. when i then click it again to edit its 10%.


Hmpf - i've already saw this bug - but i thought i've correct it - seems i've missed it, sry. The Version I#ve got doesn't have this bug anymore. All i remember the setted value is stored but it's just displayed wrong.... but i'm not sure


-the addon page has on the right side just "vampire race" as text and checkbox... but also "invisible no text" options all over under the vampire one.. some even show numbers.3, 1, 0, 1.


The numbers are a feature and only visible when debug messages are activated. They show how many AddOns of this AddOn Type are installed.

You have 3 Race AddOns installed, 1 PMS AddOn, 0 CME (Cycle magical effects) installed and 1 Misc AddOn ... so 3, 1, 0, 1

If you had 4 Race AddOns there would be another AddOn below Vampire Race. The AddOns are listed 1 Left, 1 Right, 1 Left, 1 Right, 1 Left, 1 right... and so on

If you don't want the numbers, just switch the message mode.


because if these "bugs" i am not sure if my installation is buggered or if i.e. the other menu options under the vampire addon just dont show because i dont have the addon mods that would go there or so... and as i didnt see anyone else here with these problems it might be a buggered installation on my side... so i thought i quickly ask if that is how its supposed to be or not.

there are a bunch of race inits at the start.. so i guess the addons are doing that to do.... whatever they do.


Each RaceAddOn can handle more races.... for example the Vampire Race.... it handels the "Nord Vampire Race", "Khajiit Vampire Race", "Elder Vampire Race", "Orc Vampire Race", ..... Those are all vampires. You can see all handeld races when you click on the AddOn. After clicking it won't disable - instead another menu opens where you can get some informations about the AddOn and even disable it if you don't want it.


also found that cooking addon on page.... 59? well post 1162 that was linked from a previous beta.

the current beta 3.19 does give me 20/30 potions at the start.... but i guess i do need that cooking addon to craft more of them or are they somehow avaiable in beta 3.19 as its + addon (whatever addon is)?

(atleast i dont see them in alchemy or cooking. while i was testing this with a new char in the inn of the "start town")

kinda edit: well even with cooking mod active nothing shows up with my level 1 char...not sure if i anything will show with higher level or if i have more ingrediens that are needed or if it just doesnt work)


For now there aren't any crafting in BeeingFemale. The next realise will contain some. For now you need the cooking Mod that allow crafting.

AddOns are Mods for BeeingFemale with specific functions and events. Misc AddOns are scripted AddOns that gain access to alomost all BeeingFemale functions and Events so other modders can create a Camera-Effect, or disable pains whenever they want vai a script, ..... and so on. The other AddOns like Race AddOn will make it easy to create support for a specific Race without disable other AddOns.

Vor Example the Vampire Race. All vampires got lower pains. And they got other durations. Same to Khajiit.... And a Khajiit Vampire Race got both.... The Painlevel and the duration of a phase is calculated using both AddOns and the Default Setting that was set up in the menu.

Another thing is... using the Khajiit AddOn all Khajiit may born a little Khajiit Baby instead of a "default" nord baby.

A few posts before the was posted a RCOTS AddOn. With this AddOn (i think - sry couldn't test it) it's allowed to born Khajiit Child Actors as well as Orc Child Actors, and so on.


another thing i noticed is that there inst a "power" to remove the sperm like in procreation ? saw something in the first post about crafting vinegar potions for that... but well these dont show up either in the alchemy or cooking atm.

i guess with the "safe zone" menu options you could remove it either "anywhere"/ in water with a bonus/ or with a special potion bonus?


You need the cooking mod to create the "Anti Sperm Essence". With this fluid you can wash your sperm out. The Fluid Idea is based on early reality. In early days woman used Vinegar to wash out the sperm. When you open the cooking pot menu, the Anti Sperm Essence is listed in "Others"



the 2 percs didnt show up either.


The percs were removed in Beta 2 again. They overwrote the language and bring up some bugs. So there was no other way and they won't come back anymore. instead there is a way with the Misc AddOns to modify the values and some days there will be other ways too.


also there isnt realy much "what does what info" avaiable (or maybe i just didnt see it as i am pretty new to this mod and got no experience from previous versions, but i.e. in the first topic its not realy explained.. in the beta 3.19 post it isnt either.. and ingame i think these options dont have a info text)... i.e. what do the checkmarks for khajit and argonian actually do exactly? well i guess its racial modifiers +/- to contraception and all that.

i think procreation had i.e. orcs give more sperm (maybe 2 instead of 1) and elves had a multiplier to longer sperm life.


True - the final version will have a Book. I'm writing it right now but it's a lot of text and someone have to translate it when i'm done. My english is well - but it's way not good enough to write a ingame book with around 15 - 20 pages.

In Beta 1 and Beta 2 there was already a little book - so i already know that this will be a lot of text. The Mod contains so many many and even more features that i even don't know what the mod already can do and i don't know how to write it..... and there will be even more features in the final.... 5 different kinds of miscarriage, still birth... and with diferent phased of them..... the complete menstruation cycle.... egg traveling duration, .... different kinds of PMS... what is PMS?!... different kinds of labor pains, birth, pregnancy (why are the breasts growing so slow?!) ... i have to explain a lot of things.... contraception, ...  it's realy a lot of text and the poor guy who will translate this text from german to english......hopefully i will find someone to do this.

About the Race-AddOns. When the Argonian Race AddOn is activated some stats, durations and pains are modify. When you use the "Baby Item" Setting, the Argonian will spawn a cuite little Baby that looks kind like a argonian. Same to Khajiit. The Vampire Race AddOn only modify some stats, durations and pains.


also i guess the contraception "pill" % lower the "conception chance" ?  i.e. 50% contraception would lower a 30% conception chance to 15% ?


In the Info Tab there aren't any settings. Those are your current states. At the moment you took the screenshot, your character wasn't pregnant. She was in the ovulating phase. This phase ended after 1 Day, 21 Hours and 48 minutes (ingame time). She had a contraception of 10%... so there was a 10% chance to kill the sperm. Sven and Orgnar came inside you 1 Day, 23 Hours and 36 Minutes ago.

The egg was still traceling and doesn't arrived in the utherus.... when you had some pains during ovulation, they "hurts" (that's low)


Those all are informations about your character. When you chance your sex, some male informations will be displayed (it can be that those won't work for some reason)


and one more question... are the "irregularity %" options from procreation planed for beeing female? as i think they are actually pretty neat so all the timers are not always exactly the same values... i.e. sperm always lives for 12h... where with a 50% irregularity sperm could live 6-18 hours. or the cycle could shift by some hours etc (i.e. are you now pregnant or did your cycle just shift a day?)


Yes the irregularitys are planed but they are realy realy difficulty for Beeing Female. I'm using a complete different system and with my system it's hard to develop something like that. I can't say if i can make it. The problem is... in Procreation you only can change the duration of a phase before you're character enter this phase. In BeeingFemale you can change the duration of a phase even when you are in this phase. In combination with the NPC Support it's realy hard to create the irregulation feature. Actually i don't know how to create this feature with this system I'm using. But maybe i will find a way some days.... lets hope



somehow got a body working with bodyslide2 and some body files from estrus i think (PSB body?)... somehow mixing a cbbe custom preset onto the psb body made the belly grow bigger ... but no the breasts. (probably need to mess with it more.. i am pretty new to the bodyslide stuff).

but i noticed that the menu options for the breast and belly expansion are a bit messed up?

i.e. if you mess with the 2 enable check boxes it kinda randomly enabled ans disables the sliders below?

and the breast slider shows a number 1.0 less then you set it to. (i.e. shows 0.4  after you set it to 1.4. (similar problem as the anal chance maybe?))


I will check the setting again. The Menu got around 2500 Lines of code.... this may take some time :)



apart from these issues (that might be bugs... or might be my installation or so you never know with the elder scrolls haha... so i thought i "report" what i found "weird" incase its an actual bug and others have the same issues) the mod seems to be pretty good. i.e. didnt had CTDs yet or so.


Thanks for the report. It was realy helpful.

It's a realy realy big mod :) But thanks god some peaple helped me, like Muon Shaan (with the MCM Menu), jbezorg and aravis7 with the baby mesh, h38 for StorageUtil, jbezog for a very useful code-snipple and the support for Estrus Chaurus... everyone for bug-reports and spelling corrections and many more.


maybe consider adding the irregularity options from procreation? maybe a option to set the timer for the contraceptive potions? (so you could i.e. set it to 1 day or 3 days so it fits more with whatever the player decides to choose for the cycle times)

well and options for the contraception/pill potions and a chance to remove sperm... both of these are pretty neat to have. (incase that they are not "avaiable" atm in the current beta).


I've already thought about a contraception slider option - but this would be some kind of cheating. instead i will build in a reminder.... you will get a message when you should use the next contraception item (pill, fluid, ...) The contraception system is pritty new and not tested at all.... At now it's set on 2 days - need to test if this is to less, to much, .... and I've to test if the contraception goes to fast to 0% when you don't use it......


well time to test around with it some more...


Well time to go to bed for me :) it's already 0:22 and i have to go to work in a couple of hours.

i hope i could help with some questions that aren't bugs :)



// Edit:

There are many things i still have to do. The current SexLab 1.5 support only contains the basic features so BeeingFemale will work again... but there are many new options i have to discover and implementate, like "who cames inside which women" when you have sex with more then 1 person..... i don't think BeeingFemale notice the correct persons...

Another thing is that SKSE 1.7 is now supported... this opens new ways.... i have to re-do some functions (for example the Contraception system)

Before SKSE 1.7 there wasn't an easy way to figure out the strengh of the Contraception fluid... so i had to create a work around to do this.....

using SKSE 1.7 it's realy easy without any work around.... now i have to remove the work around again. This will save a lot of performance.

With the current system, when ever you cast a spell/drink a potion, the Beeing Female System have to check what kind of spell/potion it is.... is it a contraception fluid? This will be removed with the next release....

This fuction don't realy cost a lot of performance but why should i keep this work around when there is a way better way now? :)



// Edit 2:

btw i've created some pantys.... those pantys will absorb the menstruation blood..... is there a word for something like that?

Something like "sanitary napkin pantys"... or "sanitary pantys" or even "tampon pantys" or something like that? :)

How should i name them?

(And yes... when you are menstruation they turn bloody red)

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     Hello guys. First of all thank you Milzschnitte for your great and immersive mod and the whole community for the support. I know that Beeing Female is still under developing and in beta stage, but with every new version this mod is much, much better. Propably very soon reach a final status. I have a one question. Maybe this is not a bug or I am doing something wrong. Every main mod function seems to be working, but not in my case. I tested modification with SexLab v1.50, 1.51 and now with version 1.54. I have read description with all functions so the main requirements are - SexLab Framework and FNIS, I can not find any more in description but mod should work with every new version of Framework, newer than 1.50.

     I have installed XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended, MatchMaker, Mass Matchmaker, Romance, Squirt, Cumshot, Schlongs of Skyrim and of course SexLab v1.54. I tested Prison Overhaul earlier and I have Zaz Animation Pack (updated to latest version of SexLab) but Prison Overhaul is not working at all - no pilory animations. I dont know, maybe some ot this mod on my list may cause some error, I am trying to find solution right now. I made a clean save and I have a lots of backup saves. At the first time my character can't get pregnat (when mod starts at first time), but in second cycle my female can have kids.

     Here the main part of my post and my main question - BeeingFemale effects and animations. My female dragon slayer and in-game NPC may become pregnant. In mod menu I can find lots of options, labor pains, menstruations paints, etc. I checked default options, then set all pains and effects to 100% and they are not working at all . I can see only birth animations and facial expresion during birthing animations and labor pains are working only. After birth in replenish stage female character feels pains,receives a small amount of damage but without emotions and I hear voices from SexLab. Actor and static baby is spawning but without any voice and during menstruation there is no any visual effect - bleeding, bleed textures on the body, pains, damage (even if I set every possibly options in menu to max), after birth any milking effects or any textures too. In mod directory all important meshes, scripts and texteres are included.

     So my question is - this is normal, I missed something, I have an old any plugin or module, or those function I am asking for are not included in this beta release yet? English is not my native language, sorry for any mistakes. Thanks for this great mod again ang good luck with further development and of course a final version. Greets

I have the same problem with you,why?

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// Edit 2:

btw i've created some pantys.... those pantys will absorb the menstruation blood..... is there a word for something like that?

Something like "sanitary napkin pantys"... or "sanitary pantys" or even "tampon pantys" or something like that? :)

How should i name them?

(And yes... when you are menstruation they turn bloody red)

They would probably be called "sanitary panties" if they were widely marketed, but "period panties" or some such would be fine, I'm sure.

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am I missing anything I have being female and its add-on and the procreation mod as well installed and all my other mods show up but not the being female mod why is that can anyone help me pls???

I added for pics too show u what I have to see if anyone can point me the right way

and tell me what im missing and sorry for the spelling if I have made any mistakes its 4am here atm and Im sitting in the dark atm but once I get this mod going I think I will enjoy it but we will have to see






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am I missing anything I have being female and its add-on and the procreation mod as well installed and all my other mods show up but not the being female mod why is that can anyone help me pls???

I added for pics too show u what I have to see if anyone can point me the right way

and tell me what im missing and sorry for the spelling if I have made any mistakes its 4am here atm and Im sitting in the dark atm


Likely that procreation Mod is conflicting as they both affect the same thing so try disabling that and SexLab is v1.54 with SkSE v1.7 Alpha also.


SexLab is v1.54


----- Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------


Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) REQUIRES SKSE 1.7.0 OR NEWER


Fores New Idles in Skyrim (FNIS) REQUIRES FNIS 5.0 OR NEWER




If you dislike SkyUI for some reason, you can also install SkyUI-Away on top of it.


FNIS Creature Pack version 4.1 or newer is required only if you want creature animation support in SexLab, otherwise it is not required.

FNIS v5.0.2 is latest so get that.


Not sure what the Active Plugin MCM tool is for, well yes I know what it is. I mean, why waste an ESP to show this in game. It shows nothing that's useful in game. Out of game the active Plugin list is useful, with a manager like MO to actually manipulate the Load Order.


If it means you don't use a manager, then I recommend Mod Organizer, (you didn't expect me to say another one) but any is better than none.


Without further info and attempting the suggestions above no other help can be given. Try the above and check the correct versions are installed to start with.

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am I missing anything I have being female and its add-on and the procreation mod as well installed and all my other mods show up but not the being female mod why is that can anyone help me pls???

I added for pics too show u what I have to see if anyone can point me the right way

and tell me what im missing and sorry for the spelling if I have made any mistakes its 4am here atm and Im sitting in the dark atm


Likely that procreation Mod is conflicting as they both affect the same thing so try disabling that and SexLab is v1.54 with SkSE v1.7 Alpha also.


SexLab is v1.54


----- Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------


Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) REQUIRES SKSE 1.7.0 OR NEWER


Fores New Idles in Skyrim (FNIS) REQUIRES FNIS 5.0 OR NEWER




If you dislike SkyUI for some reason, you can also install SkyUI-Away on top of it.


FNIS Creature Pack version 4.1 or newer is required only if you want creature animation support in SexLab, otherwise it is not required.

FNIS v5.0.2 is latest so get that.


Not sure what the Active Plugin MCM tool is for, well yes I know what it is. I mean, why waste an ESP to show this in game. It shows nothing that's useful in game. Out of game the active Plugin list is useful, with a manager like MO to actually manipulate the Load Order.


If it means you don't use a manager, then I recommend Mod Organizer, (you didn't expect me to say another one) but any is better than none.


Without further info and attempting the suggestions above no other help can be given. Try the above and check the correct versions are installed to start with.


ok cool ill see how it goes now and ill see if I can upload a pic of the plugins  out of game manu


thxs u guys I now have it working and thxs again


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I can't seem to get the pregnant belly. What body mod do you use/suggest specifically?

You must wait for your girl the enter at least the 2nd trimester to see a visual change (and set the belly scale to at least 4.5). Of course, you must have a pregnancy body too. Search "hentai pregnancy", there should be a link to some pregnancy bodies. 

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i hope i could help with some questions that aren't bugs :)

yep it did clear up my questions so far... thanks for commenting on all of that.


i guess i was too tired when i was testing the cooking potions part... i always checked the oven and now i actually found the potion recipes in the pot over fire cooking area XD.

didnt seem to be too difficult to create with basically flowers and alcohol.



I can't seem to get the pregnant belly. What body mod do you use/suggest specifically?



i am currently testing around with a mix of "bodyslide2", "the PSB body" you can get linked from "hentai pregnancy->b3lisario's UNPB BBP Pregnant Body" and the "Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-" (i think these sliders for this one are already in bldyslide2, not sure though).

i did load the "cbbe" body ther ein bodyslide... saved a preset and then loaded the psb body and applyed the preset on that one... and created the body.


but i found in bodyslide2 a option for "calente body advanced BBP" that seems to include the pregnant body slider from psa already somewhere at the bottom. so i play around with this advanced one at the moment... just didnt had time to test pregnancy with it yet. but just picking the callente advanced cbbe or so with bodyslide 2 probably works on its own?

maybe give it a test for yourself testing that out. dont forget that if you use custom races i.e. ningheim that you need to copy the 2 created female body files over to the custom race.


also trying around with the batchbuild in bodyslider to apply the body to armor... i guess hoping that would also show pregnant belly with armors probably wont work that easily... i think armor doesnt have that many sliders as the body does. but ya... i am just testing around a bit with this all.



kind of a edit while writing and double checking bodyslide2:

actually it seems i was pretty much just using bodyslide2 and the PSB option in there and not the hentai/estrus one... as i did create new bodies then and the ones you get from hentai/estrus are the actual body files... i dont think i did "load" that one in bodyslide ad then messed with it... think i had the cbbe one and then found the psb option thinking it was the pregnant body i got from hentai/estrus and then applied the saved preset from cbbe on it.


oh well yeah still learning all of this with trial and error :P


so i guess you could just use the hentai/estrus body and copy these files over.... well or you test around in bodyslide 2 and the psb or callente-advanced-bbb-cbbe stuff and create a body there that has the pregnantbelly slider in the advanced sliders.

well its all not toooo difficult, basically just copying the female body files around till something works for you XD

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it's not that simple to give you the spell ID


The Form ID is "008F10"

The first hex-nbumbers before may change when you use more then one mod.

Use the console command: "help beeingfemale" or the nexus mod manager to figure out the first 2 hex-numbers.

For me it's "0C008F10" because BeeingFemale got the load-order 0C (position 13)

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I´ve found another issue:
During the Pregnancy, my character is forced to one weight (in my case 1). I can modify that, but on top of the next hour, the weight get´s set back to 1.

And it stays at that number for the entire pregnancy.
I am using the skeleton-based growth and not the weight based one. So i am rather corious what this causes.
It was weird to see my rather well-build, trained warrior become this little, scrawny woman again after she got pregnant.

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I have been thinking about better ways to make Beeing Female and Hormones play nice together and I think it comes down to two things.


1- A way to tell if the player is pregnant (or recovering from pregnancy) so that I can turn off Hormone's frequent refresh of the shape dynamically


2- An option in Beeing Female to apply shape changes only during pregnancy (and soon after).


I am pretty sure #1 is already doable (is there some documentation about modder resources for this mod yet or should I poke around in the code? :)).


I didn't see an option for #2 - would that be something to consider in upcoming versions?


I could see this kind of system useful with Estrus Chaurus as well.


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There a several ways to test if an Actor is pregnant without using BeeingFemale.


Here are 2 ways using a script


The most easiest way is about StorageUtil.

It's the easiest way to do that curse problems when BeeingFemale was uninstalled wrong.

int BeeingFemaleState = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(ActorRef,"FW.CurrentState", 0)
if BeeingFemaleState >= 4 && BeeingFemaleState <20
  ; Actor is pregnant
  ; Actor is not pregnant

Then there is another pritty nice way jbezorg teached me (for Estrus Chaurus).

I will include propertys for Estrus Chaurus, too.

The first thing you need are 4 Variables and 2 functions in "SLH_QST_HormoneGrowth"

bool property bBeeingFemale = false auto
bool property bEstrusChaurus = false auto
spell property BeeingFemalePregnancy auto
spell property ChaurusBreeder auto
bool function IsPregnantByBeeingFemale(actor ActorRef)
  if bBeeingFemale==true && BeeingFemalePregnancy != none
    return ActorRef.HasSpell(BeeingFemalePregnancy)
  return false
bool function IsPregnantByEstrusChaurus(actor ActorRef)
  if bEstrusChaurus==true && ChaurusBreeder != none
    return ActorRef.HasSpell(ChaurusBreeder)
  return false

The next thing you need is, reading the Spell IDs from the mods using your Actor Alias "SLH_QST_PlayerAlias".

This is pritty easy - when the game is loaded you read all loaded mods. if the mod is Estrus Chaurus or Beeing Female we will read the spell.

(I've already added the pregnancy spell specialy for something like that.... the spell itself  don't do anything - it's only for reading if the Actor is pregnant or not)

Event OnPlayerLoadGame()
  SLH_Util.bEstrusChaurus = false
  SLH_Util.bBeeingFemale = false
  int idx = Game.GetModCount()
  string modName = ""
  while idx > 0
    idx -= 1
    modName = Game.GetModName(idx)
    if modName == "EstrusChaurus.esp"
      SLH_Util.bEstrusChaurus = true
      SLH_Util.ChaurusBreeder = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00019121, modName) as spell
    elseif modName == "BeeingFemale.esm"
      SLH_Util.bBeeingFemale = true
      SLH_Util.BeeingFemalePregnancy = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x000028A0, modName) as spell
This should be all.
The 2 Functions will return true, if the actor is pregnant by Estrus Chaurus or Beeing Female, and false when not.
If you combine the functions you make a Global function, too - but this may slow down your performance.
The best way to is the more dificulty way for sure :)
Without Scripts there is no way at now - all i think.
There shouldn't be a Weight / Node scaling when the character isn't pregnant (all i know ^^ can be - that i've changed something for testing... i will take a look on it again)
But i'm also interested in your Libido global. How the ranges are and how does it work actualy?
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There a several ways to test if an Actor is pregnant without using BeeingFemale.




This should be all.

The 2 Functions will return true, if the actor is pregnant by Estrus Chaurus or Beeing Female, and false when not.
If you combine the functions you make a Global function, too - but this may slow down your performance.
The best way to is the more dificulty way for sure :)
Without Scripts there is no way at now - all i think.
There shouldn't be a Weight / Node scaling when the character isn't pregnant (all i know ^^ can be - that i've changed something for testing... i will take a look on it again)
But i'm also interested in your Libido global. How the ranges are and how does it work actualy?



Thanks, this is great! 


If you can confirm there is no node change outside of pregnancy, all I need to do it detect pregnency has started and activate my update switch to make use of your mod instead of mine.


Here are all the stats I have in Hormones.. this is from the main script but you have the StorageUtil variables right there.


Libido goes from -100 to 100.

	iGameDateLastSex = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iGameDateLastSex") 

	iOrigSkinColor = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iOrigSkinColor") 
	iOrigCheeksColor = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iOrigCheeksColor") 
	iOrigLipsColor = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iOrigLipsColor") 
	iOrigEyelinerColor = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iOrigEyelinerColor") 
	fOrigWeight = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fOrigWeight") 
	fOrigLeftBreast = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fOrigLeftBreast") 
	fOrigLeftBreast01 = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fOrigLeftBreast01") 
	fOrigRightBreast = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fOrigRightBreast") 
	fOrigRightBreast01 = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fOrigRightBreast01") 
	fOrigLeftButt = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fOrigLeftButt") 
	fOrigRightButt = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fOrigRightButt") 
	fOrigBelly = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fOrigBelly") 
	fOrigSchlong = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fOrigSchlong") 

	fLibido = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fLibido") 

	iSkinColor = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSkinColor") 
	iCheeksColor = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iCheeksColor") 
	iLipsColor = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iLipsColor") 
	iEyelinerColor = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iEyelinerColor") 
	fPregLeftBreast = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fPregLeftBreast") 
	fPregLeftBreast01 = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fPregLeftBreast01") 
	fPregRightBreast = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fPregRightBreast") 
	fPregRightBreast01 = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fPregRightBreast01") 
	fPregLeftButt = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fPregLeftButt") 
	fPregRightButt = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fPregRightButt") 
	fPregBelly = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fPregBelly") 
	fBreast = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fBreast") 
	fButt = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fButt") 
	fBelly = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fBelly") 
	fSchlong = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fSchlong") 
	fWeight = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(none, "_SLH_fWeight") 

	iOrgasmsCountToday = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iOrgasmsCountToday") 
	iOrgasmsCountAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iOrgasmsCountAll") 
	iSexCountToday = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexCountToday") 
	iSexCountAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexCountAll") 
 	iOralCountToday = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iOralCountToday") 
	iAnalCountToday = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iAnalCountToday") 
	iVaginalCountToday = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iVaginalCountToday") 

	iSexCreaturesAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexCreaturesAll") 
	iSexDogAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexDogAll") 
	iSexWolfAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexWolfAll") 
	iSexWerewolfAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexWerewolfAll") 
	iSexManAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexManAll")
	iSexMerAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexMerAll") 
	iSexTrollAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexTrollAll") 
	iSexBugAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexBugAll") 
	iSexGiantAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexGiantAll") 
	iSexFalmerAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexFalmerAll") 
	iSexHorseAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexHorseAll") 
	iSexBearAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexBearAll") 
	iSexCatAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexCatAll") 
	iSexGargoyleAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexGargoyleAll") 
	iSexVampireLordAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexVampireLordAll") 
	iSexDragonAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexDragonAll") 
	iSexDaedraAll = StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iSexDaedraAll") 

There is also this flag to force a refresh of the shape if you change anything outside of Hormones.

Set it to 1 to force a refresh of the shape or colors.

StorageUtil.GetIntValue(none, "_SLH_iForcedRefresh")
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