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SexLab TDF Prostitution and Pimping (the former "Aggressive Prostitution") v2.2.5.5

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I was so busy pimping NPCs that I just realized that the multiplier doesn't affect PC prostitution. Can you also allow the multiplier to affect PC prostitution?

I already think that the gold awarded is quite high: 35-100 gold for a normal client, 60-200 for a jarl, and 100-250 for a deferred client. But, I'll certainly think about it.

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I was so busy pimping NPCs that I just realized that the multiplier doesn't affect PC prostitution. Can you also allow the multiplier to affect PC prostitution?

I already think that the gold awarded is quite high: 35-100 gold for a normal client, 60-200 for a jarl, and 100-250 for a deferred client. But, I'll certainly think about it.



I think scaling gold rewards would be good better just like NPC prostitutes.

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I've thought about it, and I don't think that developing the PC prostitution aspect is a good direction for this mod. Please understand that this mod started as a simple SexLab-based plugin for me to easily trigger aggressive animations in the context of prostitution-type dialogue, which explains why PC prostitution is still included in the mod. Afterwards, the focus was placed on NPC prostitution, since many other mods already deal with PC prostitution, which is why I've always encouraged users to also use Radiant Prostitution and/or Working Girl. The more I develop the PC prostitution aspect, the more this mod becomes a "competing" mod, and I don't want that. In fact, I get the feeling from some of the posts on this thread that some people consider my mod to be a competing mod. I want this mod to cover things that other mods have not; I want this mod to be complementary to PC prostitution mods.

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I've thought about it, and I don't think that developing the PC prostitution aspect is a good direction for this mod. Please understand that this mod started as a simple SexLab-based plugin for me to easily trigger aggressive animations in the context of prostitution-type dialogue, which explains why PC prostitution is still included in the mod. Afterwards, the focus was placed on NPC prostitution, since many other mods already deal with PC prostitution, which is why I've always encouraged users to also use Radiant Prostitution and/or Working Girl. The more I develop the PC prostitution aspect, the more this mod becomes a "competing" mod, and I don't want that. In fact, I get the feeling from some of the posts on this thread that some people consider my mod to be a competing mod. I want this mod to cover things that other mods have not; I want this mod to be complementary to PC prostitution mods.


I hope you read my comment as being tongue in cheek.


I'll be honest, I've pretty much stopped using radiant prostitution, having done all the quests. I keep using your mod, partly as an adjunct to Puppet Master, and partly as a quick cash maker since I make the Skyrim economy harsh with a few mods and gold can be hard to come by. On top of that, Submit has a habit of taking what cash I do have. So your mod, just as it is, suits my gameplay just fine.


The difference between the other prostitution mods and yours, to me, is quests vs. gameplay. Yours is one that we can use in our role play gaming, like the mods that add a new way of using magic. The strength of your mod is that it has no content, it's Just an Enhancement that we can use to play the game the way we want. And thanks for that.

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@Pinute: Don't worry, I understood what you meant; I was not referring to your post. I just wanted to make my intentions clear that I really have no desire to develop it beyond what it is now.


And for me, it's perfect as it stands. Player prices are rock bottom ;)


Edit: except, if I ever have the time to spend on understanding papyrus and the CK sufficiently I WILL add Puppet Master integration! 

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tdf - sorry to say but your updates 1.74 and 1.74b causing looping animations in my game. As usually, I did installation according your description, but there is something wrong. Reseting the mod doesn't help. Any suggestion? I'm still using Sl 1.24 if it matters at some point.


Never minds this post. Updated to SL 1.31 and it works good.

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tdf - sorry to say but your updates 1.74 and 1.74b causing looping animations in my game. As usually, I did installation according your description, but there is something wrong. Resting the mod doesn't help. Any suggestion? I'm still using Sl 1.24 if it matters at some point.

Are you referring to the dance animations or the sex animations?



If WinRAR is acting up, try re-installing. Do you get similar issues when attempting to use WinRAR to open other .rar files?


I didn't. Any other .rar files seem to be working okay. I'll try reinstalling, maybe even try a different browser just to see what happens.


I swear I haven't started doing anything differently. I'm afraid I am not familiar with the error message. Is there anything on the WinRAR website that might be of assistance?

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tdf - sex animations caused the problems in looping.

Then, this is an issue with how the Framework is handling things. From v1.7.3 to v1.7.4, I made one change to the sex animation scripts: I removed the line DisableLeadIn(). This function is supposed to disable foreplay animations. So, in v1.7.4, this line is no longer present. When I started using threads, I noticed that many example scripts had this line. Perhaps, the reason is that foreplay animations in threads might have posed problems for v1.24 of the Framework; however, that is only speculation based on what you've said. I just tested this with v1.31 of the Framework and everything seems fine. I encourage you to update SexLab Framework.

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Are we not allowed to train our own girls now?

The player option to train the girls is no longer available in the newer editions??

I have to go back to 1_7_2 to get the players option to train..

Then, I must have really f-ed something up. I'll look into it.


UPDATE: I still see it there. Are you sure that you haven't temporarily disabled dialogue? Have you tried dismissing your prostitutes and using the Reset Quests option?

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Are we not allowed to train our own girls now?

The player option to train the girls is no longer available in the newer editions??

I have to go back to 1_7_2 to get the players option to train..

Then, I must have really f-ed something up. I'll look into it.


UPDATE: I still see it there. Are you sure that you haven't temporarily disabled dialogue? Have you tried dismissing your prostitutes and using the Reset Quests option?



Now, as we talking about this subject. In my game too, I have no option to train my prostitute. Only one dialog: "You can train yourself", (something like that), although I asked that question several times and several hired prostitute..

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Great job as per usual i did not read instructions fully as i should have and only just found that i can dance in the tavern using a shout and found it whilst standing outside riftens tavern, got to try this and hell it was great could not stop laughing my ass off its done so well she was dancing to benares by Hol Baumann added by myself of course which has a damn good bass with an eastern flavor which seemed to work real well a little more law friendly than some, Cheers for a job well done :)

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I've thought about it, and I don't think that developing the PC prostitution aspect is a good direction for this mod. Please understand that this mod started as a simple SexLab-based plugin for me to easily trigger aggressive animations in the context of prostitution-type dialogue, which explains why PC prostitution is still included in the mod. Afterwards, the focus was placed on NPC prostitution, since many other mods already deal with PC prostitution, which is why I've always encouraged users to also use Radiant Prostitution and/or Working Girl. The more I develop the PC prostitution aspect, the more this mod becomes a "competing" mod, and I don't want that. In fact, I get the feeling from some of the posts on this thread that some people consider my mod to be a competing mod. I want this mod to cover things that other mods have not; I want this mod to be complementary to PC prostitution mods.


TDF, you have to understand that your mod is way better in terms of actual prostitution mechanics. It does both PC prostitution and NPC prostitution very well. Last night, I had 3 companions, two of them were experienced enough to whore on their own while I helped the third girl get enough customers to become independent. My PC danced in an inn to get customers aroused and then my follower prostitutes went to work, it was practically like running a brothel and it was quite fun. What I found was that I can't run Radiant Prostitution to prostitute my PC while pimping follower prostitutes with your mod, it messes with the follower behavior afterwards. Radiant Prostitution is on hiatus too. This is why I'd rather just abandon Radiant Prostitution and stick with your mod instead. That's why I was asking if you could make PC prostitution scale just like NPC prostitution so that she can make more money as she becomes experienced. It would make the mod overall more valuable to people looking for an immersive prostitution mod.

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Yeah, Radiant Prostitution is essentially abandoned now and it doesn't work with the newest framework, I unfortunately had to uninstall it yesterday. I would also like to see some more PC mechanics being put in. Really, the only thing I'd like to see on top of what is in now is the option to change how much the PC makes as a multiplier and to change the amount of gold that drops when dancing. Other than that, I think the mod is great. 

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Considering the medieval environment in which whores got money to barely survive, I'm pretty fine with a low amount of earned gold, especially at the early stages of the player's "career". After that, maybe it could be better to relate the earned money by the PC on hers:


1. Dragonborn recognition. (Once the PC finished the "Windcaller Horn" quest she will make more money and her girls too). (Honor to fuck the Heroine).


2. General skil level of the player. (Honor to fuck a great warrior).


3. Specific speechcraft level. (Player's sex appeal).


4. Number of clients already satisfacted by the PC herself and, maybe, by the "pool" of pimped girls. (Reputation).


I understand well that this could be complicated by a point of view of mathematical formulas but I'm pretty sure that TDF could handle this if He would have wishes and time to do. Mainly if he wishes to do, of course. After all, this is HIS mod and should satisfy mainly HIS tastes.


Have a nice day.

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@Ozlander68: I'm sorry, I misunderstood your post. I thought you were referring to the top-level topic "I think you need to hone your sex skills" instead of "I can teach you what I know".


@Ozlander68 & inicial44: I will look into this once I get back home.


@Everyone: Is Radiant Prostitution really incompatible with v1.30 of the Framework? Is Working Girl still compatible?

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@Ozlander68 & inicial44: So, I see what you are talking about now. Thankfully, I also see why. I forgot to add a line of code to the player dancing option, which causes the issue if the player has never danced using the Power, or if Reset Quests has not been used. Try those and everything should work out just fine. I'll test to see if my fix is working, and then I'll include it in the next release.


On another note, I'll assume that Working Girl still works wonderfully. I don't use it myself, but I here it has a really awesome PC prostitution progression scheme. Is there any reason that I would want to try to surpass what that mod author has already done?

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