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The Sisterhood of Dibella LE (February 2023)

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@skyrimll - Doesn't it seem odd to you that when transforming into a spriggan that the player character gets to keep their hair. Also they still get to have the beauty dialogue options when becomming a spriggan.


Shouldn't that be impossible to utilise the beauty options (dialogue choice) as a spriggan.


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It would be good if the sisters could comment on a custom basis about becomming a spriggan.


The comments are planned (as part of SD+).


Also, I just updated Hormones to work together with SD+ and cause hair-loss.


You will have to use Hormones for that though...

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Why Pantea is naked walks through riften ?


That in Solitude not Riften... She was not naked in my game, then again I found her in the bards college at the time. I've no clue why she's naked unless you stole her clothes - I would think Skyrimll edits would only affect her dialog.



I edited her outfit in an earlier version (to add a necklace of Dibella) and there is a bug in the game that cause NPCs you have already met to be naked if their outfit is edited.


Open the console, click on her and type: resurrect


That will dress her.


Thank you, I edited the mod with the creation-kit and submitted its initial clothes :dialogues are not affected.

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Hi skyrimll,


Easy question...as I finished Chapter 1, I am tempted to uninstall SexLab_DibellaCult, revert to backup save game, and wait for your Chapter 2.  Though I do like the facegen and outfit changes added by SexLab_DibellaCult_Sisters so I intended to keep it enabled.  I noticed that SexLab_DibellaCult_Sisters esp has no dependency on SexLab_DibellaCult esp...but it does come with a script file.  Can you tell me what the script file from SexLab_DibellaCult_Sisters is for...?  Ok for me to remove it?


Many thanks for making Skyrim fun again.

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Hi skyrimll,


Easy question...as I finished Chapter 1, I am tempted to uninstall SexLab_DibellaCult, revert to backup save game, and wait for your Chapter 2.  Though I do like the facegen and outfit changes added by SexLab_DibellaCult_Sisters so I intended to keep it enabled.  I noticed that SexLab_DibellaCult_Sisters esp has no dependency on SexLab_DibellaCult esp...but it does come with a script file.  Can you tell me what the script file from SexLab_DibellaCult_Sisters is for...?  Ok for me to remove it?


Many thanks for making Skyrim fun again.


The script in the sister's mod is to correctly update their outfit based on the corruption level of the temple. 

Don't run SexLab_DibellaCult_Sisters without it.


Could you tell me what should i do when i arrive to haelga >.<?

Just to know if my game is stuck or not.


Just talk to her. She will deny everything and you will have to find a way to make her talk (in other word, get some leverage on her by completing the vanilla quest between her and Svana).



I am told to find proof I go get the note but nothing happens still. And as for finding the missing sisters there is no markers or hints.


Exactly the same issues I am having, using version 1.2.3.



The missing sisters do not have quest markers. 

I still haven't figured out how to do quest markers properly and I tried to put enough hints in dialogues about them to point you in the right direction.


Hint: They are located in two forsworn strongholds on the North road between Markarth and Roriskstead.

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I picked it up after I updated.


I got it working for me, here's what I did...

I went to the baths next to the locker, opened the console and clicked on it. Then I entered this command "resetinventory" and looted the proof again.

By doing this and having 2 copies of the proof (already had one) the dialogue with mother Hamal was available.


I hope this helps.

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I picked it up after I updated.


I got it working for me, here's what I did...

I went to the baths next to the locker, opened the console and clicked on it. Then I entered this command "resetinventory" and looted the proof again.

By doing this and having 2 copies of the proof (already had one) the dialogue with mother Hamal was available.


I hope this helps.



The quest stage is set when you read it.


I noticed sometimes it doesn't trigger well.


One way to make it trigger is to drop the letter in a container and read it from there.


That's probably the manual equivalent to the resetinventory command.

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Could you tell me what should i do when i arrive to haelga >.<?

Just to know if my game is stuck or not.


Just talk to her. She will deny everything and you will have to find a way to make her talk (in other word, get some leverage on her by completing the vanilla quest between her and Svana).



Had a save just before the missing dialogue.


With the new version dialogue appeared as intended and the quest proceeded till the end smoothly :D.


P.S. but you are really nasty to force players in making a choice....

tried both and seeing the statue both seems too promising :(

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Very nice mod I take it the sisters are going to all get a education in depravity in the next chapter. Just a few problems that I had for some reason sybils face is a light brown color now I'm using the dibellas face pack to make npc look nice also you say that the dresses reflect the corruption in the temple when I first started the mod only senna was wearing the white dress the rest were wearing the bead dresses also when senna get corrupt she doesn't change her outfit to reflect that. Also how do you join in Hamels training sessions with Syilb. Looking forward to the next chapter.

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Ok maybe I didnt see the hint, but I have a question about the quest itself. WHAT or WHERE is the "secret" of Mother Hamal?? I opend her locker in the underground bathhouse and .... but nothing.  I Hope its no bug..don't want to play it again ;)


There should be a letter in the locker.

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I am having issues, and it seems to be connected to this mod. Everytime I perform a "quest hookup" (With Sybil or anyone else in the temple) I lose my ability to do anything. The animation is just the normal standing around, I can get to the main menu, and I can control the camera, but that is it. No ability to move or interact at all. And it only happens immediately after sex. Maybe a Sexlab issue, but I can't find any topics that cover this. Thanks guys.

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