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The Sisterhood of Dibella LE (February 2023)

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Vor 8 Stunden sagte Moricano:

Tut mir leid, Bruder, leider habe ich aufgegeben und den Mod bereits gelöscht.
Ich habe mir angeschaut, was Sie über diesen Mod gesagt haben, und mir ist klar geworden, dass er nicht wirklich gut ist. Er ist für so wenig wichtig. Entweder man rettet den Tempel oder man investiert den Tempel in Korruption.
Ich hatte Lust, beide Etappen und sogar die Rettung zu absolvieren, nur um das Ende zu sehen, aber ich war sehr entmutigt …
Ich denke, wenn man ein bestimmtes Alter im Leben erreicht, wie ich es mit über 60 Jahren getan habe, ist die Geduld etwas zu kurz geworden, LOL.... Skyrim-Spiel seit über 10 Jahren, ich habe Mods aller Art ausprobiert, einige davon gut und andere schrecklich. ...aber wie gesagt, ich bin müde und zu gestresst, um mir stundenlang den Kopf mit etwas zu zerbrechen, das nicht so funktionsfähig ist wie dieser Mod.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und Ihren Rat. Wenn ich das nächste Mal ermutigt werde, komme ich zurück, um es erneut zu installieren ... Ich habe sogar die Übersetzung gespeichert, die ich davon gemacht habe, damit ich sie nicht verliere ...


I'll be celebrating my 62nd birthday in May - so I'm a similar age to you... and I've been playing Skrim since it went on sale for... I don't know 12 (?) years.

I, too, have tried out many mods over the years and am now thinking about what I invest my energy into.

This author's mods require a user to have "stamina" and at least I think it's worth it... they open up a completely different perspective on the world of "Nirn".

The first run through with this mod was pure stress for me too... it doesn't forgive any "improprieties" during installation... months passed until I found the error - why I often don't get any conversation options with "Sister Senna". - and the solution came via a completely different mod.

This was only resolved after a complete reinstallation of the entire game.

Why am I currently sticking with this mod? Well - I'm expanding in my thoughts (the "head cinema") the interactions of the "Aedra" and "Daedra" planned in this mod. Maybe that's because I grew up with "hero" stories from the ancient Greek world of gods (Troy, Odysseus, Hercules, Theseus, etc.) and I see a lot of parallels here.

Come back to this mod - when you have motivation and enough time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/14/2024 at 6:14 AM, Miauzi said:

Come back to this mod - when you have motivation and enough time.

Yes, one day, I even translated him into my tongue and spent 1 day or so, so I kept him for another occasion that I am in order to start a new game.

At the moment I have a game started here with almost more than 50% ready of the entire map lol .... months trying to zero this with main missions and secondary quests.

My big problem here is the lack of RAM memory I have on my pc, there is still no money for a new computer here in this country that I live everything is very expensive, and dealing with a family is nothing easy, especially alone, paid 2 Colleges for a couple of children I have, I hope they will form soon so I can get rid of college expenses so I can get a money and be able to get a new computer, I only have 4GB of memory, and what ends with my game is Staying opening doors, city gates or making quick trips this detonates with the RAM memory and the game closes alone or general lock.

Even more friend, we talk to anytime.👍

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, can't seem to locate anyone else with this issue but I am having a problem where when I approach Fjotra in Broken Tower Redoubt, the second I get close to the jail cell she is locked into, she 'updates'(?) and I get a CTD. 


As far as I can see everything is downloaded correctly, currently 80+ hours into a playthrough and this is the first CTD I am getting.


Any help would be appreciated, thank you <3

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Vor 2 Stunden sagte Moshua:

Hey Leute, ich kann anscheinend niemanden finden, der dieses Problem hat, aber ich habe ein Problem: Wenn ich mich Fjotra in Broken Tower Redoubt nähere, sobald ich in die Nähe der Gefängniszelle komme, in der sie eingesperrt ist, „aktualisiert“ sie (? ) und ich bekomme einen CTD. 


Soweit ich sehen kann, wurde alles korrekt heruntergeladen, der Durchspielvorgang dauert derzeit mehr als 80 Stunden und dies ist der erste CTD, den ich bekomme.


Für jede Hilfe wäre ich dankbar, danke ❤️


This is a mistake with the "replacement" of the children's version of "Fjotra" by its (required!) adult version... i.e. something is not installed properly.

I had this error myself more than 2 years ago - the cause as described above.

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37 minutes ago, Miauzi said:


This is a mistake with the "replacement" of the children's version of "Fjotra" by its (required!) adult version... i.e. something is not installed properly.

I had this error myself more than 2 years ago - the cause as described above.

Thank you for the response. Sorry but what do I need to do to fic this? Appreciate the help.

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Vor 19 Minuten sagte Moshua:

Danke für die Antwort. Tut mir leid, aber was muss ich tun, um das zu erfinden? Schätzen Sie die Hilfe.


Which version are you playing with? I myself have the "old" SE version of Skyrim.

Please have a look here



for the LE version please here:


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15 minutes ago, Miauzi said:


Which version are you playing with? I myself have the "old" SE version of Skyrim.

Please have a look here



for the LE version please here:


I am playing SE using SisterhoodofDibellaSE20230226 


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