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Your thoughts about whether to buy Starfield

Should I buy Starfield?  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I buy Starfield?

    • Yes, and the Premium upgrade, too, for the DLC
    • Yes, the Standard edition should be sufficient
    • No, played it and refunded it

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It's good. Definitely one of the better BGS titles. My only gripes are the ugly unnamed NPCs and less than ideal performance on PC, but that's it really. The quests and writing are a big step up from Fallout 4 and Skyrim in my opinion, it's not genius level but it's a big improvement which is a strong step in the right direction. The script extender also just released so things will speed up on the modding side, which is crazy since it took Fallout way longer to get its script extender. I expect the modding scene for this game to rival Skyrim's so you can wait for mods or get it right now, either way is worth the price tag.

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I haven't got a chance to play it much yet, but I finished the first main quest and got to the mansion place. All I can really say is that I quite enjoy the graphics. In true Bethesda fashion there's some real uncanny valley shit going on. Especially with these character/facial animations. I can't wait to see what modders can do with it. I think if you're into Bethesda creation engine/gamebryo games and modding then it's probably worth buying it.

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As said before, better to wait a while for bug-fixes and better yet for some decent mod selection. Although I must say that Iam VERY disappointed that they shoveled in their "trans BS" by pronouns and better yet -> Companion spoiler:


"Female" companion who turns out to be a dude, who transfered his mind into female body. 

That fucking creeped me out. Games should be a form of escapism from this fucked up reality, not "embracing" it.

Edited by Stormer
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On 9/3/2023 at 2:52 AM, MadMansGun said:

i've watched many live streams and i personally think fuck no



Always funny to me when people use "Worth a Buy" to promote whether a game is worth, or isn't worth buying, as there is some games he absolutely dislikes I find to be excellent titles, and the same for the reverse frankly. Obviously, reviews are subjective and all, but seriously, I'm not sure whether he actually measures games on whether their worth buying, or just on how much controversy he can scrounge up to get some clicks here and there, especially if you ever watch half of his reviews on Fromsoft titles.

All in all though, whether Starfield is worth buying or not, I'd say it is if you know what you're in for, and aren't looking for NMS in a Bethesda title. Todd has a way of GREATLY over exaggerating what a game is prior to release, and Starfield really isn't much different in that regard. Is it really worth the $100 up front to have played it 4 or so days ago? Nah, I wouldn't say so, I'd have been very content to just play it now I think in hindsight, but I let my impulses get the better of me. Am I regretting my purchase? No, not at all, at least not yet as I do actually think maybe right up there with Oblivion and maybe Fallout 3 (not including New Vegas as its Obsidian), this is probably my favorite base game, unmodded Bethesda Game experience to date, though for very different reasons from both of those titles. I'll fully admit that deep space sims like NMS and the like tend to turn me off just cause, well, they're basically a game where you just lift off from one rock where you're blasting random aliens and rocks till you get a small base or enough resources to take off again, and doing it all over again on the next one. Its pretty unsatisfying, and the combat isn't much special either in its own right, but I would be lying if I said the promises of seamless travel among quintillions of planets wasn't something that still intrigued me enough to give it a try once upon a time.

Starfield, for all intents and purposes, is an inferior product if you're looking to get a purely NMS sort of gameloop and experience with the game. No seamless travel between planet to space, or planet to planet as there is always a brief loading screen involved no matter what you do with some pre canned animations to get into your ships pilot seat and out of it. However, what this game DOES have in droves over the likes of NMS is, well, actual story, RPG elements, and character. It's obviously not on the level of New Vegas or anything, especially not yet, and its Bethesda writing even now still, but I do think that compared to Bethesda's last outing in Fallout 4, they have made some HUGE improvements. For one, they actually finally took a page out of New Vegas's play book and you can have perks/skills actually give you unique dialogue options which lead to more positive outcomes more easily then simply attempting to persuade them will. I've managed to get unique dialogue that aided in my quests from my Wanted Trait, as well as my Piloting Skill so far as I've heavily invested into it which allowed me to avoid a fight or two here and there through dialogue alone. Also generally just more options for roleplaying whatever kind of character you want then the meme that is Fallout 4 and its voiced protagonist, but all in all, don't go into it expecting NV level of roleplaying, if anything I'd say an improved Fallout 3 in terms of how its panned out is what I'd expect out of it. Haven't done much of the main story, but what little I have done is enjoyable.

All in all, the best possible and simplest way to probably say what the game is, is basically Mass Effect but more sandboxy and with Bethesda mechanics. Lots more to explore, lots more to do in general, though likely a worse plot overall comparatively. If the NASA aesthetic is to your pleasing, and you liked exploration how it worked roughly in Mass Effect 1, and obviously you enjoy Bethesda titles? Then yeah, its a no brainer that you should get it, and its why I'm enjoying it. 

However, if you want the No Man's Sky experience, or expect it out of Starfield? You'll be sorely disappointed, as the game doesn't nearly live up to what that games does, and it was never going to I feel like, despite all of Todd's hyping up of the game. Is it gonna be GOTY? Doubtful, though it is a very enjoyable experience, even if its opening hours can be a bit confusing and boring, once you DO finally make it to the lodge and turn in the Artifact, the game opens up in a HUGE way, almost overwhelmingly so with how much you can do and go see. It also helps that the major cities have things that normally I'd just mod into them, like random window dressing citizens/npcs that don't exist to do much more than simply walk around and serve as population, and major cities in this game, especially New Atlantis so far, do feel like proper settlements and cities worthy of the name, compared to say, the Imperial City back in the day with its odd maybe 100 citizens for the largest capital in all of Tamriel.

Anyways, do your research, maybe watch a few reviews, and if you have any previous experience with Bethesda games, let that be your guide for how worth the game is for you. Its a very solid, if not good game, just not a great one that's gonna revolutionize gaming or anything of the like, and compared to the sheer depth of roleplaying you get in something like the recent release of Baldurs Gate 3, it might even feel lacking in some ways, but not every game is gonna be a true revolutionary experience on a Main Stream level of appeal like BG3 is, and not every game needs to be that. Starfield does what it does well, even if it sought out to do more and ultimately fell a little bit short in the execution, primarily for fans of immersive space sims. 

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Vor 3 Stunden sagte Stormer:

Wie bereits erwähnt, ist es besser, eine Weile auf Fehlerbehebungen zu warten und noch besser auf eine anständige Mod-Auswahl. Obwohl ich sagen muss, dass ich SEHR enttäuscht bin, dass sie ihren „Trans-BS“ durch Pronomen und besser noch geschaufelt haben -> Begleitspoiler:

  Inhalte ausblenden

„Weiblicher“ Begleiter, der sich als Kerl entpuppt, der seinen Geist in einen weiblichen Körper überführt hat. 

Das hat mich verdammt erschreckt. Spiele sollten eine Form der Flucht vor dieser beschissenen Realität sein und nicht ihr „Umarmen“.


für eine kleine Minderheit von uns Menschen ist genau das die Flucht vor der realität von Euch ekligen Trans-Hassern!


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1 hour ago, Miauzi said:


für eine kleine Minderheit von uns Menschen ist genau das die Flucht vor der realität von Euch ekligen Trans-Hassern!


Es gibt keinen Hass gegenüber Transsexuellen. Es gibt Hass gegenüber Unternehmen, die uns ohne eine Opt-out-Option zu etwas zwingen, dem wir nicht zugestimmt haben oder mit dem wir uns unwohl fühlen. Etwas, mit dem Sie gut vertraut sein sollten.

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On 9/3/2023 at 12:04 AM, paparebbe said:

The game is actually good. It’s not BG3, ofc, but side quests are actually huge, the graphics are nice, scale and possibilities are impressive.

What I mostly hate about it is lack of actual ‘strong language’. It seems that in the future even pirates are way too polite and intellectual to say ‘fuck’ or ‘motherfucker’. The hardest word I heard was ‘shit’. That’s a bit immersion breaking for me. And every NPC is either outright friendly or passive-aggressive.

Oh, and there’s no even remotely revealing clothes. Big ‘L’ if you ask me.



That's what Bethesda thinks Go-Go dancers supposed to look like ?

there is a bikini swimsuit at least.

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tried to love it, but refunded it as it just wasn't fun, i can live with a lot of the woke bs, but that is not where the this ends, you very quickly find out that every competent, smart and good person is on one end of the skin color spectrum, but all the bad guys all seem to have the other end in common... and the story is shit, acting well, it was okay but not stellar so they hired good actors at least to do it... but even they cannot lift the flat story and universe from mediocrity and numbness... basically skyrim without the fun, fallout without vats and both without the personal combat experience


the great parts of the game was certainly the exploration and ship building, those where decent and great respectively, i really enjoyed my time in the field looking for the next thing to explore, ship building was fun to play around with, you can get very creative with the builds and walking through them was an experience.


so... i don't think i will be back to this game in years or even ever, somethings can't be patched away and the entire experience just made me want to play no mans sky and space engineers, at least the story and game play is better there... and that is really not something i would ever have thought i would say about NMS nor SE...

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So I have played Starfield since I was first able to, so about 73 hours, by the time my vacation is over I should reach the 1 dollar per hour mark in another day (I paid 82 dollars for the Premium Edition).


I love it. Despite the glitches, the steps back, the missing features, and so on. But I love BGS games and I love sci-fi, so there is the caveat. I am willing to tolerate flaws that would drive someone else into a frenzy. In two-three years when the modders have their tools this game will be amazing. 


But that's then, not now, Starfield is raw. I'm happy with my purchase, but realize that others will not like the game (and some no matter what).


If you have doubts OP, get Gamepass, play the game, then make the decision on whether to buy Starfield or not. It's that simple rather than relying on biased opinions of youtube or elsewhere. 



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The game is fine.

Has performance problems I expect to be solved, and the politics being represented are a corporate techbro musk-brained fantasy. But it is otherwise a good game and the strongest game for modding they've ever released.

Worth a play if you like Bethesda games, not worth a play if you don't like that.

If you're to the left of liberal you'll be annoyed by the politics being very pro-capitalism and only playing basic lip service to criticism of it. If you're right of liberal you'll be annoyed by pronouns and various "woke" things. If you're a turbo liberal you'll adore and be an apologist for every single aspect of its politics. All of these groups can get over these issues with a few mods down the line though.

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On 9/3/2023 at 9:04 AM, paparebbe said:

The game is actually good. It’s not BG3, ofc, but side quests are actually huge, the graphics are nice, scale and possibilities are impressive.

What I mostly hate about it is lack of actual ‘strong language’. It seems that in the future even pirates are way too polite and intellectual to say ‘fuck’ or ‘motherfucker’. The hardest word I heard was ‘shit’. That’s a bit immersion breaking for me. And every NPC is either outright friendly or passive-aggressive.

Oh, and there’s no even remotely revealing clothes. Big ‘L’ if you ask me.



That's what Bethesda thinks Go-Go dancers supposed to look like ?


That's american games for you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. You're only getting sexual content, nudity and strong language from European games or indie. Hence BG3, Witcher or Cyberpunk never strayed from it, so big AAA US games feel so backwards to me

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Going to hold off a bit wait for the developer tools or CK kit who knows what they will call it. I do believe that will be sooner rather than later Bethesda knows what side the bread is buttered on and a CK kit means more mods and more sales. Past games of theirs are only popular still because of mods. They also know modders will make their game better than they can... enter more sales. ....so we will see what time brings.

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If you like to see how your game grows from the beginning buy it now.

but expect a typical bethesda game (modding friendly).

Of course making starfield  a damn good game for yourself you need to invest a lot of time,

if you disliked skyrim / fo4 or dont have a lot of time to invest into your game you should consider another hobby.

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This seems to be a very divisive game, some people love it, other hate it. Now that I got to play it a bit, I can properly comment.


"If you like Bethesda games, you'll like this", some people say. But that's not true. I liked Skyrim and Fallout 4 (F4 a lot less, but I still give it a couple of hundreds of hours), but I can't stomach this game. And while my first time in Skyrim was with a lot of mods, that wasn't the case with F4 where I barely had any mod installed. So, it's not even an issue of unmodded vs modded game either.


It's ugly (not just the npc, EVERYTHING in general), boring, bland... It's as if it had been created by an AI with the prompt: "Create me a generic space game with F4 gunplay and with a woke-capitalism seal of approval layer".


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5 minutes ago, vagonumero13 said:

"If you like Bethesda games, you'll like this", some people say. But that's not true. I liked Skyrim and Fallout 4 (F4 a lot less, but I still give it a couple of hundreds of hours), but I can't stomach this game.


"If you like Bethesda games,..." is an utterly ignorant blanket statement that is completely useless and meaningless, as if all previous BGS games have been equal in quality. "If you liked FO4 you might like SF" is what they should say instead.

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aye Fallout 4 in space is the best way to describe Starfield. I cannot truly like it because its Fallout 4 in space with even less stuff. One major complain we'll need to wait for mods for is the level system. Dear lord its like Skyrim and Fallout 4 had a mutated baby. You can't progress unless you level up enough to place perk points into a skill to even have access to it then dynamically play the game to level it up but need more perk points to unlock the next rank. Its bad. They just need to use the Elder Scrolls dynamic system for Fallout and other games they make. It works. Want to be good at lockpicking? Pick locks. In Starfield you need to kill dozens of people to earn a single point to picklock. Its the bad part of Fallout's 'progression'.

After getting the first piece of the dumb puzzle for the main story I'm now screwing around with tons of screen freezing and infinite loading screens. Got bored. Its like Fallout 4 all over again. Waiting for the mods to make the game interesting/fun.

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