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Pie in the sky starfield mod ideas

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On 8/11/2023 at 2:23 AM, DocClox said:

I'm hoping someone gender flips the little toad, personally.


How about Becca as the Adoring Fangirl? She'll stalk the player, threaten to kill their female companions, and be otherwise sexually aggressive unless appeased by dates and headpats. But she is a hellion with guns and when not selected as a companion will sometimes pop out of nowhere to shoot the player's enemies like Fallout's Mysterious Stranger.



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I've always been a huge fan of playing around with the "defeat" or "abduction" mods in skyrim and FO4. My main mod wishes are:


- some sort of kidnapping mod / slavery mod

- BDSM themed furniture for said slaves/damsels

- Building mods for all sort of purposes. decorations, bdsm, dungeon themed.

- Enslaving NPCs, even essentials.

- Alien races that are human-isch. Kinda like Skyrims elves, orcs ect ect.

- Devious devices are almost a given will be implemented sooner or later (hopefully soon after launch)

- Some custome weapons would be really fun to play around with as well like in FO4. I went wild with custome weapon mods.

- hopefully some sort of "sexier pirates" mod like Fo4 has, or something that makes most enemies female.


Slaver things are always a big plus for me whatever it is. just not to gore-y.

Most likely are more mods that I can't think off but those are the main ones I really want to see made shortly after launch ^^

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Huh now that you mention it there's probably going to be a lot of companion mods. With voice AI it'll be easy to base them on popular characters. Smashable 2B anyone?


Hmm my ideal companion will probably be something silly, like a dragon maid or maybe Yor briar with her slowly warming up to you over time.

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On 8/20/2023 at 1:58 AM, ungodlytomato said:

i am kinda afraid starfield might not be going to be very compatible with sex mods gameplay wise. like if the gameplay loop is that you land on a planet, clear a space bandit outpost and take off, then the window for defeat sex will only appear during the fighting in the outpost, right? so unless you are feeling like having sexy time in the vacuum of space, sex content will be limited to cities, bases (some of which interiors only i guess), your ship and finally planets with breathable atmosphere.

compare that to skyrim or fallout 4: you leave your home/base/city//whatever and you are off in the open world. you can go to some bandit camp, you can get defeated on your way there, you can get devious device'd, have your companion want to bang in the middle of a forest etc. - basically have sexy times everywhere. in starfield however it seems to me that there will be a lot fewer places and opportunities to insert sex content. i hope i am just being pessimistic though. ty for reading my rant.


This I think is a reasonable concern. I am definitely hoping that the existing systems lend themselves to a way in which losing in space combat can also trigger defeat sex. 


As another naughty option, perhaps there is a mechanical reason to fuck/get fucked by a companion in your ship or settlement? Maybe a way to increase their traits, or yours?


Or, maybe this is a way to make up for missing a payment on that big loan you took out to get more lasers for your ship? 

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15 hours ago, Gray User said:

a way in which losing in space combat can also trigger defeat sex. 


Your ship could get disabled and boarded, or when your ship blows up you could wake up on another, or just be at an outpost, ready to be used.


There are plenty of ways, and the Community here is uhh... Very creative. so I wouldn't worry about it.

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I seem to recall the whole "boarding a disabled ship" thing being explained as two-way.

Meaning your own ship could be disabled, boarded, and otherwise being removed from

your control.


That whole scenario in and of itself lends into any number of mod possibilities.


Like things that can happen when you board a ship, OR, when your ship is boarded.

The potential for animations bit of it is the uncertain part (at the moment). BUT, with

good scripting and story-telling, I see no legitimate concern toward the capability of

creating a slave mod based on scripted acts and story.


For example:


You lose a battle in space. Your ship is disabled and boarded. Once the vanilla space-fight

and boarding occurs, any number of scripted story angles and consequences could be injected.

Perhaps you're simply dropped onto a planet full of hostile creatures/enemies, with only your

wits and some basic gear with which to not only survive, but to devise a way off that planet.


A signal beacon. A mining laser (with which to mine the materials required to build a basic

ship to carry you back to civilization). Or perhaps the planet is a trash dump for other nearby

planets, with daily freighters dropping off trash which you could stow away on.


Any of those could feasibly work to first: get you back to civilization

Then: start a reasonably timed quest to get your ship back and exact your revenge

And finally: reward you with a vast array of items and ship parts taken from your attackers


Conversely, any NPC you board and maroon (if you don't kill them), may exact their revenge

on you at a later time. I kind of like the thought of this. Because it "could" turn into a protracted

back and forth series of fights until one or the other finally decides that death is the only option

to stop it.


Again, this is just the consequence/story side of it. And ALL of it "should" be possible right

out of the box. Which sufficient supporting animations, it could get MUCH more..... ? interesting? ?

Edited by Trykz
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id like to be able to glass entire planets with something like the Death Star, but to be more reasonable id like a lot of late 19th to late 20th century weapons,

I want to be able to go alien Hunting with a M1 Garand, or Space Pirating with a Mauser C96. 

I don't care if that would put me at a disadvantage in combat, because TGM will probably still be a console command, lol.


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5 hours ago, Midnight19 said:

I don't care if that would put me at a disadvantage in combat, because TGM will probably still be a console command, lol.



Ballistic weapons would seem to be very much a thing in the Starfield universe. Think Firefly: you should be fine with firearms against most things.


I fancy a run with cutlass and  flintlock pistol, myself. Preferably with the flintlock refitted to fire plasma bolts. I may need a mod for that part.

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Vor 5 Stunden sagte Midnight19:

Ich würde gerne in der Lage sein, ganze Planeten mit etwas wie dem Todesstern zu verglasen, aber um vernünftiger zu sein, ich würde viele Waffen aus dem späten 19. und späten 20. Jahrhundert mögen.

Ich möchte in der Lage sein, mit einem M1 Garand auf Alien-Jagd zu gehen oder mit einer Mauser C96 auf Weltraumpiraterie zu gehen. 

Es ist mir egal, ob ich dadurch im Kampf benachteiligt würde, denn TGM wird wahrscheinlich immer noch ein Konsolenbefehl sein, lol.



Yup - these things are totally awesome against aliens



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I mean, you could actually have a planet that hypnotizes anyone that lands on it through some means.  You land on a planet, interact with a few of the people, notice they are acting funny, and then soon you character is falling under the spell and carrying out quests for whoever control the hypno device.  This could include brining people back to be hypnotized.  Hell, they could even call you up while you are travelling elsewhere and trigger you to become their slave and perform jobs for them.

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On 8/21/2023 at 8:38 PM, Reigor said:


How about Becca as the Adoring Fangirl? She'll stalk the player, threaten to kill their female companions, and be otherwise sexually aggressive unless appeased by dates and headpats. But she is a hellion with guns and when not selected as a companion will sometimes pop out of nowhere to shoot the player's enemies like Fallout's Mysterious Stranger.




Over on the Nexus Mods Discord a fellow named XRush_FireX made some feminized voices of the Adoring Fan to turn him into a fangirl. So assuming they follow through, then the character model swap can be more custom to the player's desires. Same thing for the Adoring fangirl's skills and equipment.  


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The revealed detail that modders will be able to create an entirely new planet and insert it into an existing solar system has great possibilities. Of course creating the content; cities, outposts, tech items and society will be a huge undertaking and we can't expect a slaveworld anytime soon, but in a couple of years such a world would be cool.

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I want to see a sex colony, something like either a sex cult got a ship to escape whatever happened to Terra or maybe a billionaire filled a colony ship with nymphomaniacs and eventually they landed and colonized a planet. Immagine a colony of depraved perverts that was left alone for over a century and now has a sex industry as its main source of reveune, porn, erotic simulations, brothels,sex toys manufacturing, etc

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Maybe not that pie in the sky, but I'd love a mod to build/recruit Haydee units or similarly sexy, mute, and faceless NPCs to fill out my ship and outposts with.

Preferably with a choice of skills for min-maxing purposes, but that part isn't entirely necessary.

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On 8/30/2023 at 6:44 AM, Rambles said:

Maybe not that pie in the sky, but I'd love a mod to build/recruit Haydee units or similarly sexy, mute, and faceless NPCs to fill out my ship and outposts with.

Preferably with a choice of skills for min-maxing purposes, but that part isn't entirely necessary.

I have seen you can definitely recruit crew at the spaceports, it was one of the dialogue options when talking to the spaceship sale/repair guy. There was a clip cycling through different people in spacesuits which could have been these available recruits. Being the shallow perv I am I'm likely to cycle through and recruit my crew based on looks rather than skill. Whether these are mute or not I don't know., certainly they are sure to have less interactivity than the cast of companions.

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On 8/30/2023 at 2:44 AM, Rambles said:

Maybe not that pie in the sky, but I'd love a mod to build/recruit Haydee units or similarly sexy, mute, and faceless NPCs to fill out my ship and outposts with.

Preferably with a choice of skills for min-maxing purposes, but that part isn't entirely necessary.

I mean I can see a mod about making clones or vat grown colonists

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Bringing Jabba the Hutt or a non-lawsuitable equivalent - more crime syndicates, drugs, slavery, and everything you'd expect in seedy bars in the shadowy corners of the galaxy - pushers, strippers, pimps, loansharks, and prostitutes.


And on that note, a slave auction hub as in Skyrim so capture/kidnap mods can send you there and slavery mods can buy/distribute you from there.




Intelligent alien life to flesh out the galaxy. As far as I'm aware there are none in Starfield which limits things considerably. Yes we can sex up the alien monsters but it's not the same.

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