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Pie in the sky starfield mod ideas

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(Assuming a defeat style mod)


When you lose a starship battle, the enemy boards your ship, fucks/tortures you until you pass out, and you wake up somewhere (prison/backwater/whatever) with quest markers to steal your ship back and rescue all of your NPC companions who were taken captive.

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I can almost be that turning your starship into a proper home will be some of the most popular mods. 

Star Wars and Star Trek uniforms and weapons need to be a thing, I am certain the Star Wars stuff will be, but Star Trek never really gets any love. 

A Twi'lek race mod and Orion Slave Girls with stripper poles and animations needs to be a thing too.


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33 minutes ago, Gray User said:

(Assuming a defeat style mod)


When you lose a starship battle, the enemy boards your ship, fucks/tortures you until you pass out, and you wake up somewhere (prison/backwater/whatever) with quest markers to steal your ship back and rescue all of your NPC companions who were taken captive.

That would be great for a cartel to sell you after and continue on the story till you end up in a dungeon like you were saying.  Until you finally get bored and escape. 

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9 hours ago, Kathylady said:

How easy will it be to mod Starfield? It uses the Creation Engine 2 which is an upgraded version of the CE1 that was used for Skyrim.


Depends, have they stated that they will even release the ck, if so when, though chances are if it is moddable, then we will get a version of xedit first, though that may well take a while depending on just how different the two engines are I would suppose.

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On 6/27/2023 at 8:50 AM, DocClox said:

I want to add some modules to the base and starship builders. If i can want to rearrange the furniture and give it that personal touch. And of course, I want furniture for brainwashing captive pirates, performing deeply unethical experiments upon them.


And I think I'd like a combination sex doll and co-pilot. Maybe with a small footprint charging station where I could store her if not in use.


I wanna create the sex dolls ?

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 new trait called "Master or Mistress" would be nice, same like "Kid Stuff" but you have a "Master or Mistress" instead of your parents as a trait. Same could be done to the "Dream Home" trait there could be a new trait called "Dream Dungeon".


Maybe there could also be an "Adoring Fan" alternative, turning him/her into a sex slave instead of just an annoying creepy fan.


I hope at some point there will be a bunch of BDSM studios and stuff in Neon City, i mean that city just asks for things like that.


I hope for dungeons we can build in our spaceships and in the base builder mode.


I hope for a Devious Follower mod. And something like Captured Dreams Shop or Lauras Bondage Shop.


And much much more stuff, but i am too lazy typing it down.

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2 hours ago, Mexicola88 said:

I hope at some point there will be a bunch of BDSM studios and stuff in Neon City, i mean that city just asks for things like that.


No reason why it can't be New Atlantis as well, it would be just more regulated. As for Akila, they might keep such stuff more hidden, away from the eyes of "proper" folks.


As for modified traits. I was thinking that a variation of Wanted could be something like "Gorgeous" giving an advantage in social dialogues, but slavers will show up and try to capture the player.

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The traits could really add a lot to the character creation hopefully it's as simple as right clicking and adding a new trait to the list.


Well hopefully that simple before the hundreds of hours it might take to script new encounters for it.

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So for those that haven't seen it, there was a recent Dev QnA over at the Bethesda discord for Starfield. One of the things they said was for the Crime system, it was like Skyrim. Commit a crime, pay a fine or go to jail along with a bounty system. There will be some missions that explore crime and punishment in the future, but the basics will be Skyrim style. 


That's kind of meh for me. I was hoping for something new. But its a simple system that should moddable, but what? 


Like prostitution, I think that law and punishment should be different for each faction. The UC might believe in rehabilitation and even go as far as some form of hypnotherapy a criminal's kleptomancy to make them a productive member of society (maybe gives a debuff when one steals or murders). Akila is more the usual frontier justice with executions, chain gangs of (enslaved) hard labor. Neon might be worse with prisoners used in lab experiments or other dangerous work. Crimson Fleet, the same or just selling the "criminal" off into slavery if not executed.


There are obvious ways of Sexxxoring this up. For the UC, there might be a strong BDSM bent to its hypnotherapy, the parole officer becoming the equivalent of a Dom/me. In FC, sex could be exchanged with guards for gifts and privilages. Same for Neon, though some Corp might want to turn the player into a sex doll. CF just rapes yah. 



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58 minutes ago, Kraven12 said:

Stealing space suits from enemies. Someone in the Q & A  said no. 


There is places in the Starfield direct where a helmet or a spacesuit show up in the quickloot table but most of the time they don't. This might be a quickloot filter, an ini switch, or the Devs playing around with the economy under the guise of realism (just repair the armor? But no item degradation, so don't have that excuse). In any case, because they do show up now and then, should be a simple mod to put in, especially if its an ini setting.


1 hour ago, Kraven12 said:

-Atmosphere entry 

-Planetary landing.  


I don't think it will be possible for seamless atmospheric to happen without a loading screen (though it could be hid).  The planets and space are two separate instances. Flying around the planet should be possible, so I think we'll see that with a mod. 


1 hour ago, Kraven12 said:



Ground vehicles? I hope so. They can be very tricky to implement without them being cartoonish (NMS) or janky. Games like CP2077 had the advantage of strict controlled environments (city streets and desert) that Starfield won't just have. The modder has to worry about collisions and a lot of technical stuff that is beyond me. I just know from reading up on the subject is that it won't be easy, doable, but not easy. We might see a DLC for ground stuff and maybe boats and subs for water worlds.

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This is a totally bonkers, pie-in-the-sky idea, but I would love to see a mod that's a full conversion of Starfield (think Enderal level of full conversion) to make it take place in the universe of the hit NSFW TF game: Trials In Tainted Space (TITS)


The ingredients are all there: Sci-fi Universe and Lore, Planetary Exploration and Creature Encounters, Ship, Weapon and Armor Customization, and various factions of human colonizers on each of the planets. But to make it a full TITS conversion, there would need to be some sort of re-skinning of characters to make it more in line with TITS' yiff content/lore, as well as mechanics to allow for bodily TFs upon consuming potions or other events, a Libido/Lust system, and a Taint/Corruption mechanic.

Even something more limited like just the TF potions, Libido and Taint would be welcome, even if at first it doesn't go all the way to a full conversion of NPCs/environments. And luckily if our experience modding Elder Scrolls/Fallout is any guide, it should be pretty doable to introduce these kinds of mechanics before going all the way to a full TITS conversion

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Honestly, I would love there to be overhauls to existing franchises. It would probably take years and years, but imagine a Star Wars overhaul with blasters, x-wings, etc. And not to mention all the sexy alien races walking around for us to "interact" with.

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Depends on how the armour system works and what export/import tools they release for models but I want to try making unzipped/partially undressed versions of all the male outfits.  It's something I always thought was missing from FONV that I want to try in Starfield. 

God, please, don't force me to use an old version of 3ds max.  Autodesk does not do backward compatibility or purchases for old software versions; it's a total killer for my interest in doing 3d modelling. 

Edited by Veniat
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A few guesses on manual take-off and landing.


The key here is in-atmo flight. If you can do the latter, the former is easy.You fly close enough to a planet and you get a cutscene of Sarah Morgan saying "commencing re-entry now, Captain" or some such thing, and that hides the load screen while the engine unloads space and swaps in the planet, and after that you're in atmospheric flight at high altitude. Similarly, you're in-atmo and you fly too high you geta "commencing orbital insertion" scene and the engine loads space and unloads the planet.


That's more or less what the game does anyway; only difference is that you start or end on the ground rather than the upper atmosphere.


In-atmo itself is harder to do. The ship looks to be its own instance (or "interior cell" to use the Bethesda term) so all you really need to do is move a camera around on the planet and put up the space HUD overlay and you're flying. The space combat AI looks like it uses dragon flight splines, so the dragon riding movement from Skyrim can probably be used to steer the ship. You'll probably want to use dragon riding AI for a landing auto-pilot as well. Point at the ground and tell the ship to land, and let it find the landing marker. Or not, if you're happy to end up with the ship balanced on a spike of rock or half embedded in a mountain.


Which brings us to the question of collision. You don't have any.. At least your flying camera doesn't. Presumably its possible to crash into a space station, so maybe this is take care of. You'll still need to detect collisions with mountains, the ground, buildings, etc and the planet may not be set up for that. You're also going to have problems with different ship sizes having (or not having) different collision boxes, and with flight splines clipping through mountains (which is a problem with some Skyrim flight mechanisms). All this needs to be worked out if you want manual landing on the ground. That part is a bit above my pay grade.


There's also potential problems with high speed movement. There's a limit to how fast the engine can load new overland cells, and the planets are going to be big. In-atmo flight is probably going to need to be quite slow. And there are game balance issues to be worked out. How do you keep a monster challenging when you can laser it down with shipboard weaponry while protected by shields? Do you weaken the shields so pirates with side arms can shoot down a starship? Or toughen the monsters to the point where they're invincible unless you're in a ship? All this needs to be worked out.


All told, I can see why Bethesda decided not to go down this particular rabbit hole.

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2 hours ago, DocClox said:

Ein paar Vermutungen zum manuellen Starten und Landen.


Der Schlüssel hier ist der Flug in der Atmosphäre. Wenn Sie Letzteres können, ist Ersteres einfach. Sie fliegen nahe genug an einen Planeten heran und sehen eine Zwischensequenz, in der Sarah Morgan sagt: „Jetzt beginnt der Wiedereintritt, Captain“ oder so etwas in der Art, und das verbirgt den Ladebildschirm, während der Das Triebwerk entlädt den Weltraum und wechselt auf dem Planeten, und danach befinden Sie sich im atmosphärischen Flug in großer Höhe. Ähnlich verhält es sich, wenn Sie sich in der Atmosphäre befinden und zu hoch fliegen. Es kommt zu einer Szene mit dem Beginn des Orbitaleinsatzes, und das Triebwerk lädt den Weltraum auf und entlädt den Planeten.


Das ist mehr oder weniger das, was das Spiel sowieso macht; Der einzige Unterschied besteht darin, dass Sie am Boden beginnen oder enden und nicht in der oberen Atmosphäre.


In-Atmo selbst ist schwieriger zu bewerkstelligen. Das Schiff scheint eine eigene Instanz zu sein (oder eine „innere Zelle“, um den Bethesda-Begriff zu verwenden). Alles, was Sie wirklich tun müssen, ist, eine Kamera auf dem Planeten zu bewegen und das Weltraum-HUD-Overlay anzubringen, und schon können Sie fliegen. Die Weltraumkampf-KI scheint Drachenflug-Splines zu verwenden, sodass die Drachenreitbewegung aus Skyrim wahrscheinlich zur Steuerung des Schiffes genutzt werden kann. Wahrscheinlich möchten Sie die Drachenreiten-KI auch für einen landenden Autopiloten verwenden. Zeigen Sie auf den Boden, sagen Sie dem Schiff, es soll landen und lassen Sie es die Landemarkierung finden. Oder auch nicht, wenn Sie damit zufrieden sind, dass das Schiff auf einem Felsvorsprung balanciert oder halb in einem Berg versunken ist.


Das bringt uns zur Frage der Kollision. Sie haben keine. Zumindest Ihre fliegende Kamera hat keine. Vermutlich ist es möglich, in eine Raumstation zu stürzen, also sollten Sie sich vielleicht darum kümmern. Sie müssen weiterhin Kollisionen mit Bergen, dem Boden, Gebäuden usw. erkennen, und der Planet ist möglicherweise nicht dafür eingerichtet. Sie werden auch Probleme haben, wenn unterschiedliche Schiffsgrößen unterschiedliche Kollisionsfelder haben (oder nicht haben), und wenn Flug-Splines durch Berge schneiden (was bei einigen Skyrim-Flugmechanismen ein Problem darstellt). All dies muss geklärt werden, wenn Sie eine manuelle Landung auf dem Boden wünschen. Dieser Teil liegt etwas über meiner Gehaltsstufe.


Es gibt auch potenzielle Probleme bei Hochgeschwindigkeitsbewegungen. Es gibt eine Grenze dafür, wie schnell der Motor neue Überlandzellen laden kann, und die Planeten werden groß sein. Der Flug in der Atmosphäre muss wahrscheinlich ziemlich langsam sein. Und es müssen noch Probleme mit der Spielbalance gelöst werden. Wie hält man ein Monster herausfordernd, wenn man es mit Schiffswaffen niederschießen und dabei durch Schilde schützen kann? Schwächt man die Schilde, damit Piraten mit Seitenwaffen ein Raumschiff abschießen können? Oder die Monster so abhärten, dass sie unbesiegbar sind, es sei denn, Sie befinden sich in einem Schiff? Das alles muss geklärt werden.


Alles in allem kann ich verstehen, warum Bethesda beschlossen hat, nicht in dieses spezielle Kaninchenloch zu gehen.


If they don't know how to do it at "Bugdesda" - then they should ask about entering the atmosphere at "Kerbal Space" and about collisions and combat at "Eilte"!


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I'm talking from a modder's point of view - things we'll need to solve if we're going to make a take off and landing mod. Not that I'm volunteering for the project, you understand, just analyzing what will probably need doing.


With Bethesda, I think it was more a question of "how much time will it take?" vs. "how much fun will it be?"

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11 hours ago, DocClox said:

Which brings us to the question of collision. You don't have any.. At least your flying camera doesn't. Presumably its possible to crash into a space station, so maybe this is take care of. You'll still need to detect collisions with mountains, the ground, buildings, etc and the planet may not be set up for that. You're also going to have problems with different ship sizes having (or not having) different collision boxes, and with flight splines clipping through mountains (which is a problem with some Skyrim flight mechanisms). All this needs to be worked out if you want manual landing on the ground. That part is a bit above my pay grade.


There's also potential problems with high speed movement. There's a limit to how fast the engine can load new overland cells, and the planets are going to be big. In-atmo flight is probably going to need to be quite slow. And there are game balance issues to be worked out. How do you keep a monster challenging when you can laser it down with shipboard weaponry while protected by shields? Do you weaken the shields so pirates with side arms can shoot down a starship? Or toughen the monsters to the point where they're invincible unless you're in a ship? All this needs to be worked out.


All told, I can see why Bethesda decided not to go down this particular rabbit hole.


Can you imagine the potential crap storm if they have navmeshed the entire planet, and something is borked in that navmesh, here you are flying along plenty of space above ground level, then wham, you just hit the invisible mountain that is actually thousands of feet away to your left as far as you are concerned, the navmesh however thinks you just flew into it, you would have the same potential issue with vehicles of any sort, especially if they are supposed to be fast moving ones.

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I think Bethesda was going for a more Ease of use and User friendly take, What does In atmo flight add to the experience of an RPG VS a Sim.


Personally I think making things Simpler was a good choice for what they wanted in there vision.


I love Star Citizen, I have Spent more money than I am willing to admit on it. But also as an Ambassador I have seen lots of new players Crash there ship into a planet, lose everything and never play again. Given in Starfield you can just re load a save and not have to fly all the way back and it taking 15- 20min cause "SIMULATION", If it doesn't Auto save when approaching a planet someone can lose HOURS of progress and not realize it until they smack into the ground.


Of course this also messes with Todd's lovely catchphrase of "We don't like to say "no" we like to say "yes" to the player, "Can I do this" or "Can I do that" we say Yes as much as possible."


But what it comes down to is they probably had a Test Audience like Films and Other games, a "Focus Group" or whatever and Test Audiences Probably either Kept crashing into the surface, Couldn't figure out how to land, or just plane didn't like the way In atmo flight worked.

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5 hours ago, ThyraUnn said:

I think Bethesda was going for a more Ease of use and User friendly take, What does In atmo flight add to the experience of an RPG VS a Sim.


Personally I think making things Simpler was a good choice for what they wanted in there vision.


I love Star Citizen, I have Spent more money than I am willing to admit on it. But also as an Ambassador I have seen lots of new players Crash there ship into a planet, lose everything and never play again. Given in Starfield you can just re load a save and not have to fly all the way back and it taking 15- 20min cause "SIMULATION", If it doesn't Auto save when approaching a planet someone can lose HOURS of progress and not realize it until they smack into the ground.


Of course this also messes with Todd's lovely catchphrase of "We don't like to say "no" we like to say "yes" to the player, "Can I do this" or "Can I do that" we say Yes as much as possible."


But what it comes down to is they probably had a Test Audience like Films and Other games, a "Focus Group" or whatever and Test Audiences Probably either Kept crashing into the surface, Couldn't figure out how to land, or just plane didn't like the way In atmo flight worked.

Or it could have been a whole lot simpler:

A. "Is atmo flight difficult to implement?"

B. "Yeah, duh! Holy Cow, you just don't know, man!"

A. "Will it add anything to the core gameplay?"

B. "Well, not really. It'd be really cool, though!"

A. "Sweet! Nix it. Next item on the agenda?"

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41 minutes ago, buzzbombr said:

Or it could have been a whole lot simpler:

A. "Is atmo flight difficult to implement?"

B. "Yeah, duh! Holy Cow, you just don't know, man!"

A. "Will it add anything to the core gameplay?"

B. "Well, not really. It'd be really cool, though!"

A. "Sweet! Nix it. Next item on the agenda?"


I think that's about the size of it. It was never going to be a flight sim.

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True Newtonian flight model for all ships. Including gravity assist and slingshots.

Edited by belegost
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