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Sexout Companions


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I was just wondering if anyone has heard of or attempted to create any NV companions specifically with Sexout, WSEX, Animated Prostitution, etc. compatibility in mind.

I've heard of one or two companions with some sex compatibility, but others seem to have issues with it (for example, Willow's creator says AP and Innuendo create pathing issues for her) or have their own sex options independent of recognized sex mods.


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There are some others if you look around..



The above is nice it adds a little sex where sex is already available but fades to black..



The following one is nice. It uses the already created companions for sex.



What is wrong with me.. this one is not entirely a "companion" in the sense that she follows you but she is a "companion' in the sense that she is "dating material" and you can have sex if you are interested



The sexout Willow version (remember you must have Willow installed before)



Keep in mind that if you have any non sexout companion from the Nexus it is likely that you can use them with Sexout using some basic plugin from Sexout however not as immerse as a designed companion.


If you are interested in creating one there are alot of people here willing to help you with the process.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Yea just look in the download section there is Arpil and Man, Mojave Schoolgirls and Sexout affairs to name a few off the top of my head. The first two might still be beta or WIP. The last one, Sexout Affairs should be stable to play and give little issues. I have tried that mod once or twice. However she won't follow you in your various quests. Other than that I cant think of any others.

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Affairs isn't "designed" for a female, and was definitely designed for male characters at current, but it is not restricted to female characters and they're free to romance Inga.  Just, as was said already, there'll be references to the player being male even if playing as a female.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

The only thing that bothers me on companion mods is the mod authors for some reason or another are always giving weapons with that bogus magic ammo crap.

Which in itself wouldn't be bad because I can change it normally to an ammo list, but when they script the damn things into the character it puts me off using them.

Just leave the weapons and armor be and let me as a player have the ability to arm and armor my own followers.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 5 years later...


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