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2 hours ago, lightspeed77 said:

Has the scene actor drifting bug been fixed yet?

I have a prototype of the new placement behavior in my indev build but itll stake a while until that one is even remotely usable in a proper environment

Ill try to get first test builds onto my discord in about a month

Edited by Scrab
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On 8/4/2023 at 11:03 AM, markdf said:

There's a nice patch out there that converts the OStim version of AA (which has a lot of improvements and fixes) to work with Sexlab -- and that one is compatible with SLP++.


Edited yesterday at 11:06 AM by markdf

So, these three scripts in Sleep Tight for me can directly enable the AAostim version to call the sl scene directly and be compatible with SLP+, or your URL is wrong, I saw the same address on nexusmods in a chat thread between you and the author of Sleep Tight for me?

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7 hours ago, qiyf123@gmail.com said:

So, these three scripts in Sleep Tight for me can directly enable the AAostim version to call the sl scene directly and be compatible with SLP+, or your URL is wrong, I saw the same address on nexusmods in a chat thread between you and the author of Sleep Tight for me?


Sorry, that was the wrong link completely.


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No matter what I do the animation won't start. Instead they fire this message at me:


This is how the log looks like.


[08/09/2023 - 05:01:31AM] NOTICE: ValidateActor(Lena) -- TRUE -- MISS
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:33AM] NOTICE: ValidateActor(Yarbrough) -- TRUE -- MISS
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:33AM] NOTICE: ValidateActor(Rorik) -- TRUE -- MISS
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:33AM] NOTICE: ValidateActor(Savlian Shoal) -- TRUE -- MISS
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:35AM] NOTICE: ValidateActor(Lena) -- TRUE -- MISS
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:36AM] NOTICE: ValidateActor(Yarbrough) -- TRUE -- MISS
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:36AM] NOTICE: ValidateActor(Lena) -- TRUE -- MISS
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:38AM] NOTICE: ValidateActor(Lena) -- TRUE -- MISS
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:41AM] AnimationFilter: GetByTags
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:41AM] Searching for Animation with Keys = [-2147483648, -2147483648] | Tags = ["Aggressive"]
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:42AM] AnimationFilter: GetByTags
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:42AM] Searching for Animation with Keys = [-2147483648, -2147483648] | Tags = ["~Cunnilingus", "~Cowgirl", "~Carry", "-FF", "-MM", "-Lesbian", "-Kissing", "-Foreplay", "-LeadIn", "-Blowjob", "-Rimjob", "-Aggressive", "-Anal", "-Footjob", "-Boobjob", "-Footjob", "-Boobjob", "-Bondage", "-bound", "-Binding", "-Armbinder", "-Pillory", "-XCross", "-Stockade", "-Cuffed", "-Fisting", "-SubSub", "-Magic", "-Mage", "-Dildo"]
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:46AM] _GetAnimations: Found 128 animations | Keys [-2147483648, -2147483648] | Tags = ["Aggressive"]
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:46AM] Thread[0]  - Entering Making State
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:46AM] NOTICE: ValidateActor(Lena) -- TRUE -- MISS
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:46AM] Thread[0] ActorAlias[Lena/2]  - Completed Actor Setup
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:47AM] NOTICE: ValidateActor(Yarbrough) -- TRUE -- MISS
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:47AM] Thread[0] ActorAlias[Yarbrough/1]  - Completed Actor Setup
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:47AM] Thread[0] Event Hook - AnimationStarting
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:47AM] Thread[0] Adjustment Profile - WoodElfRaceM25.NordRaceF25
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:48AM] Thread[0] ActorAlias[Yarbrough/1]  - Voice[Neutral (Male)] Strapn[None] Expression[Shy] BaseEnjoyment[-1]
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:48AM] Thread[0] ActorAlias[Lena/4098]  - Voice[Excitable (Female)] Strapn[[Armor < (0A01A22A)>]] Expression[Angry] BaseEnjoyment[-5]
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:50AM] _GetAnimations: Found 36 animations | Keys [-2147483648, -2147483648] | Tags = ["~Cunnilingus", "~Cowgirl", "~Carry", "-FF", "-MM", "-Lesbian", "-Kissing", "-Foreplay", "-LeadIn", "-Blowjob", "-Rimjob", "-Aggressive", "-Anal", "-Footjob", "-Boobjob", "-Footjob", "-Boobjob", "-Bondage", "-bound", "-Binding", "-Armbinder", "-Pillory", "-XCross", "-Stockade", "-Cuffed", "-Fisting", "-SubSub", "-Magic", "-Mage", "-Dildo"]
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:50AM] Thread[1]  - Entering Making State
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:50AM] NOTICE: ValidateActor(Lena) -- FALSE -- They appear to already be animating
[08/09/2023 - 05:01:50AM] FATAL - Thread[1] AddActor(Lena) - AddActor(Lena) -- Failed to add actor -- They are not a valid target for animation



Can someone help me?


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May I ask how do we update the dead bodies to work with your Framework +?


I'm not even using a work around, just straight up just using:


SexLabFramework SexLab
SexLab = SexLabUtil.GetAPI()
SexLab.StartSex(actors, SexLab.GetAnimationsByTags(2, tags, tagsToExclude, requireAllTags), Actor0, endHook)


What's the method I need to include for dead bodies? (Trying to do a Succubus Revival script for PSQ)

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On 8/9/2023 at 4:05 AM, ASDASDASD_Smasher said:

Can someone help me?

You are using a mod that uses SexLab functions that should not have been used, and are no longer present in p+.

Try if other mods can start SexLab animations. If other mods can that means the issue is that the mod you wanna use is incompatible with p+.

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On 8/11/2023 at 2:41 AM, User39042 said:

May I ask how do we update the dead bodies to work with your Framework +?

In default SL (and the first phase of p+) you cannot animate dead actors, you need to revive them first


Over the course of phase2, dead actors will be branched into a special subsection of the framework to avoid living actors being animated as unconscious/dead. From that point forth, it is recommended to not revive them anymore, as "Necro" animations will no longer be available to living actors. SL will take care of that for you and you just pass your parameters to the new API function to start scenes

With phase2 you will however need specially made animations for unconscious actors, otherwise this "unconscious actor branch" will have no animations available to it. (More info on this later, you dont need to be an animator to make them, dw)

Edited by Scrab
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The next version will remove a couple options from the MCM again, I did this before and think it went quite well

The point of removing these options as before is to get rid of settings that are either dated due to the community as a whole progressing, ie these options can be implemented more qualitatively without requiring SL to intervene, or because they are no longer necessary with p+


With the beginning of phase 2, the following options will be removed:

  • RestrictAggressive
    Used by some legacy filter functions which have seen little use in general. With p+ using a new registry system this option isnt used anymore and due to its application always being fairly limited (thus misleading) I believe its best to part from this setting
  • NPC Saving Voice / Persistent NPC Voices
    This option is used to save the Voice of NPC after theyve first been assigned one which is adding a subtle push in quality and consistency to your game; you may not always realize this but Id argue it is a improvement over having voices reassigned at random every time and there is no actual cost to this feature
  • Refresh Expressions
    If I understand this option correctly it essentially prevent the expression from ever updating after the first application of an expression; Now if there is a cosmetique reason why you would want this disabled I will consider it a bug. Expressions havent been looked at yet, but I think we all agree that dynamic expressions are better than static ones?
  • Allow Female/Female Cum
    I strongly assume that this was made to allow Futa support; but heres the thing: This setting is forcing you into a black/white thinking where either all females are futas, or noone is. P+ explicitly introduces a futa sex which allows it to know which of your females are futas and thus managing this part of the framework on its own in greater detail than this toggle could do. The option is hence no longer carrying much benefit and to aide consistency and realism no longer needed
  • Foreplay Stages
    Apparently unused? The translations tell me its used to play a foreplay animation prior to the actual animation but this sounds like something that the calling author should manage. Making this decision seems out of scope for the framework itself
  • Foreplay Cooldown
    With the removal of the above, if the framework no longer intervenes with an callers animation, then this cooldown is unnecessary and potentially hostile for the same reason
  • Remove Standing Animations in Beds
    This setting, similar to Restrict Aggressive, has a very limited usage case and is thus rather misleading. It disabled "standing" animations from animations that are to be played on a bed, but p+ requires animations to be explicitly allowed for bed usage, hence making  this convention unnecessary and the setting thus loses its purpose
  • Remove Heel Effect
    Not using this option creates severe misalignment when using Heels and has no effect if you dont use them. Is there any reason why this option would not be enabled at all time?
  • Track NPC Stats
    This option is removed for the same reason that the NPC Voice Setting has been removed; Its adds a minor QoL feature into the frame without any reasonable downside
    Another reason for the removal is that with the overhaul of the Stats System, NPC may not be tracked in the way they are currently with this setting enabled, causing this setting to become misleading


Edited by Scrab
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On 8/11/2023 at 10:57 PM, Someone92 said:

You are using a mod that uses SexLab functions that should not have been used, and are no longer present in p+.

Try if other mods can start SexLab animations. If other mods can that means the issue is that the mod you wanna use is incompatible with p+.

Is there any easy way to figure out what is the mod that does this because I have shitload of mods and so it can be very difficult to locate the proper one. When I'm using old sexlab everything just works normal so I have no idea what is the culprit. When I'm using p+ I cant get any animation to start at all. Whenever I try that pop up just shows up no matter what mod tries to start the scene. The pop up also shows up when Im installing sexlab p+.

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Don't know if this is a problem with this, SLSO, Apropos 2, the patches, or all of the above but I'm having a couple issues, the SLSO bars during all scenes stay empty with the values saying 100%, the scenes themselves go by very quickly, with Deadly drain, which usually extends the final part of the scene as well, not activating at all even manually, the Apropos descriptions always referring to humans by my characters name (an issue that would occasionally happen with certain lesbian scenes with other mod setups I've had but here it's all humans), and the following error message popping up occasionally

Edit: realized I forgot to put in the context of these parts of my load order and versions of stuff

SLSO and SLP+ glitch.jpg

Modlist context.png

Modlist context 2.png

Edited by DevilsAvacado
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1 hour ago, ASDASDASD_Smasher said:

Is there any easy way to figure out what is the mod that does this because I have shitload of mods and so it can be very difficult to locate the proper one. When I'm using old sexlab everything just works normal so I have no idea what is the culprit. When I'm using p+ I cant get any animation to start at all. Whenever I try that pop up just shows up no matter what mod tries to start the scene. The pop up also shows up when Im installing sexlab p+.

Crash Logger

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3 hours ago, ASDASDASD_Smasher said:

Is there any easy way to figure out what is the mod that does this because I have shitload of mods and so it can be very difficult to locate the proper one. When I'm using old sexlab everything just works normal so I have no idea what is the culprit. When I'm using p+ I cant get any animation to start at all. Whenever I try that pop up just shows up no matter what mod tries to start the scene. The pop up also shows up when Im installing sexlab p+.

The papyrus log prints a tracestack with this message that shows you where its been called from



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On 8/15/2023 at 10:29 PM, DevilsAvacado said:

I wanna ask about that too now cuz I have that installed because BF and FM don't work for modern SSE at least for me and that's the one I use

Fertility Mode + Fertility Mode fixes and tweaks works perfectly fine with this. 

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2 hours ago, RJLbwb said:

With this mod when the sex lab  giant camp bug occurs you are stuck in the sky and if you coc tp out, reload the game, it's an instant crash to disk.


Just wow.

1) Any chance you got a crashlog?
2) What is a "crash to disk"? Did you mean "crash to desktop"?
3) What mod is triggering the sexlab scene? 

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7 hours ago, RJLbwb said:

Just wow.




The project is an ongoing effort which will include many new additions next to simple fixes


This mod is a patch, whilst further work is going on with SL by Scrab and co. If it doesn't work for you, don't use it for now. It is not a complete fix atm.


If you want to help, post a log of the crash. "Wow" don't cut it.

Edited by Nuka Cherry
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As mentioned the MCM is gonna get another revisit to strip down some unused or redundant settings, the new layout for the main settings page is now finished:




Next to the few options that are missing there are also some other changes:

  • For one, the Target Sex is now always visible
  • Both target and player sex are no longer a text option but a menu option that will let you choose to set your sex between male/female/futa as opposed to only male or female (unless youre a creature, no futa creature support!)
  • Then we got the SSL_ClimaxType setting (that I sill didnt do the translation for) which will replace the previous Seperate Orgasm toggle. Orgasms will get a minor rework with p+ and I will let you choose if you want this new design that I implemented which has the orgasm stages be marked on the animation directly, the old one that plays an orgasm at the end of the scene for all actors independent of animation, or let something external handle orgasms altogether (like SLSO does)
  • The Cum Effect Timer Setting has its scaling adjusted, I will allow you to set this time in minutes instead of seconds and have the timer scale on 5 minute interval as opposed to a 5 second one. The maximum duration that this effect can persist will stay at 12 hours. (Yes I didnt adjust the translations for this setting either, thats why is still saying seconds)
  • The Fade settings will have the "solid black" setting removed and only support vanilla shaders. its not SLs responsibility to look after the shortcomings of your ENB and with the starting time being more consistent than before I can make some more "immersive" shaders as well and thus there is simply no place for "toggled shaders"


As for the MCM in general,

  • the setting saving/loading has been adjusted and now uses the same system as in Acheron. I know the current way settings are auto saved/loaded in SL causes a lot of issues for some people and certainly isnt as fool proof as it should be. This will be solved in the beginning of phase 2
  • With the introduction of .slr files replacing animation packages and papyrus sided animation installation, the installation time for SL has been reduced to a mere 2 seconds. The procedure wont be removed entirely as Expression and Voice registry are still papyrus sided



There will also be a new .ini file with some more finetuned options, such as toggling necro content or disabling only specific animals/creatures from SexLab which would allow you to disable common animals, such as Dogs and Horses, while still engaging with Draugrs and Atronachs

Edited by Scrab
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I've been testing this today and seems like really good work, thanks for your efforts.


I have set it up with SLSO on SSE as has been outlined. I got the SLSO patch from this thread and overwritten that with the SLSO + sslAliasStripFix.


I've found 1 issue thus far:

In SLSO actor positions are reversed, I assume this was a purposeful decision as player is the first actor selected when making adjustments using hotkeys. It always used to be that the actor in position 1 (not position 0) was selected first. However it has been done, it appears to have had a knock on effect with other mods. SLSO is not detecting player position correctly which means that the male/female orgasm conditions don't work. Additionally I have been using "FurnitureMarkerSex" and that has the actors in the correct position but rotated 180 degrees incorrectly. I am having a quick look at whether I can write a patch for the issue with FurnitureMarkerSex. 

UPDATE: I just came across this: https://gist.github.com/MissCorruption/887725102fb18d96d43e26555e008bbb the issue with furniture mods is noted there. I don't see why this cannot be fixed by rotating actors 180 degrees within the furniture mod as a quick fix for now. I'm looking into it.

I also should say for anyone else having issue with RP, it needs updating to work with this version of SL. @Polonium - Put you here as you were asking about it. I'm writing an updated version but can't find RP on the website currently? I will gladly share it when I've tested but unless I can find author permissions I cannot do so.

I also note there are other patches on the link I posted so I will look at those before posting further.

Edited by Bratty Cheeks - RMCW
Found github testing page
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