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5 hours ago, Attenater said:

I seem to have an issue with p+ and Sexlab Aroused Redux, Sexlab Aroused updates arousal properly until i start a sexlab animation, afterwards arousal wont update unless i clear sexlab system, then it works until an animation starts. Has anyone had a similar issue?

The issue seems to be related to Aroused scan skipped because sexlab is animating or disabled = False. that pops up in papyrus log a lot

There is an issue with (re) initialization of Threads which is likely to blame on that


You can download a hotfix from here:


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Any idea what could be causing my character not being recognized as valid actor? I'm just getting fatal errors saying my char isn't valid actor for animations.:

SEXLAB - FATAL - Thread[8] AddActor(Triss) - Failed to add actor - - They are not valid target for animation

I've tried the complete reset function (meant for re/uninstall), just reseting animations and rebuilding them (+ registering ZaZ afterwards with it), no change



[05/24/2023 - 05:16:44PM] SEXLAB - Thread[8]  - Entering Making State
[05/24/2023 - 05:16:44PM] [SEXLAB] - NOTICE: ValidateActor(Triss) -- FALSE -- They appear to already be animating
[05/24/2023 - 05:16:44PM] Info: SEXLAB - FATAL - Thread[8] AddActor(Triss) - Failed to add actor -- They are not a valid target for animation


I even tried stopping all animations first and still got this?


Edited by Kaotik
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Can't get any creature mods to work, neither match maker or aroused creatures will trigger animations.


Matchmaker claims "Cannot add an actor to a locked thread".


Although using the debug spell does work, and it plays the animations in full.


Additionally sexlab recongnizes creature framework and the amount of creature animations available (in the debug section), but no creature animations show up in the "toggle animations" section of sexlab.


Addionally the character will look at me during scenes instead of keeping their head where they're meant to, breaking a lot of animations.

Edited by Budoop
Another problem found
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4 hours ago, Caladian said:

I like how this performed but unfortunately SUM doesn't like it, at all.  Says the version is too new

You need to change something in its json file, if you search the thread youll find instructions on how to do that. The SUM thread should also have a tutorial on this somewhere

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Some of you may be wondering why there are no hot fixes or anything happening and the answer to this question is quite simple that things are going well, so well in fact that I decided to stop ignoring this thread for a second to write up a little info post on what ever is even going on

Starting this I wish to go over some of the motivation behind the GUI to build SL Scenes, called SexLab Scene Builder, or SLSB. Ive already posted some screenshots of this tools WIP and did spread some message about some very controversial step that this lil project is about to take. Mostly about how SLAL and manual registration will be made incompatible with SL (oh dear). Especially this last bit invoked some skepticism and had people question my sanity, yet here I wish to remind that preserving sanity is expensive and takes time, not to mention it requires you to meet up with people, hence let me explain some motivation behind this undoubtedly idiotic decision:


  1. Standards
    Meaning, guarantees that we have and dont have, how things are expected to behave and how things are expected to be worked with. The era of SLAL showed a variety of problematic things regarding this, especially when looking at tags
    Id be honestly surprised if there is just a single person this forum that actually understands how SL animations are build up and how to properly work with them. Most of us just take these sslBaseAnimation objects from some function (that we may not even know is the right one) and then pray that it actually does what we want it to do and hey! SL is actually so robust and foolproof that it usually works and thats great! .. except that the more you worry about being foolproof the less performant you become
    Theoretically, this is sounds like a shallow reason to do anything, but practically it means that we elimate all these "maybes" that people may or may not have and also show people what SL can actually can do - and what it cant do. It means that I should be able to give a clear answer to every single question an author or animator may have regarding SL animations. It means that authors have more control over how an animation should look like. It means that animators are able to give their animation the shape and context they want this animation to have. It means that the end user can have a better, less random, more detailed, more realistic, experience
  2. Feature variance
    Vampire exclusive animations, native bondage filtering, a proper unconscious/necro branch, optional positions, fixed length animations, and many more. Part of these things are part of SLAL and default SL others being completely unheard and all of them being unused. Most of you dont even know which of the things I listed above can be done with SLAL and which cant but I can tell you that all of them can be done with SLSB and I promise that anyone making animations for SL++ will also know that they exist and will have an easy time using them
    I wish to offer animators - or those making animations compatible with this patch - the ability to describe their scene in exactly as much detail as they need to get the absolute most out of their animations, far beyond the mere act of "moving of 3D objects" but also including the context in which these animations are used in
  3. Speed & Performance
    With SLSB, I am able to write an entirely new format on how animations are processed and stored. We know from alex's SLAS that SL animations can be filtered quickly, and while "less than 0.5 seconds" sounds decently fast compared to what we had before, I think we can do better, a lot better, at least a 100 times better in fact. However, to be this much "better" we need to be a little bit more.. aggressive than it happened in SLAS
    The new format that animations are being stored in is specifically designed to support this kind of "better", but this new kind of "better" is also unable to properly account for the current way of how animations are stored, and how SLAL and other ways to register animations, treats animations
  4. Control
    There is a huge uprising lately about how things should be "open" and frankly, knowing this will make me some enemies, I consider this to be more hypocrisy than honorable/respectable. Whether or not your things are "open" is a decision you should be making yourself, you should be in full control on how "open" you are and people should respect that decision independent of how annoying it may be for these people
    I know that there has been some recent drama about this very topic here for some animator and while I dont know the details and cant stop someone from just stealing your entire animation package, I can make it incredibly obtrusive, obnoxious, to use this work in an environment it is not intended to be used in


To properly incorporate these principles it is necessary to create a hard reset on animations in SL. This doesnt mean that all of the existing SLAL animations are just "gone" however. Instead (so long there are no issues with the respectable animator) the SLAL files for the specific animation pack simply needs to be re interpreted as a SLSB animation pack. I will do everything I can to make this translation process as easy as possible. I also have a couple helpers that will support me in this step

It is a fairly big undertaking and is admittedly going against the original intention of "backwards compatibility" but I believe this new format is bringing us one massive step closer to real time animation starting and offers a ridiculous amount of additional quality by allowing for filtering for things such as if an Actor is a vampire or not



As for my current progress on SLSB and SL++:

SLSB has a working in dev build that still requires 2 additional feature: One of them is invisible furniture support, which will be separated from tagging in this new format and another one that has been requested by an animator interested in making animations for SLSB which can give those of you interested in consent and romance stories a very nice boost to immersion


SL++ can now parse the by SLSB encoded binaries and has the SLAS inspired section laid out. There are going to be quite a lot of changes, especially to what I did in previous iterations. Things such as "actor keys" have a high chance of being abstracted and removed from the Papyrus interface entirely as they are used in a more concrete way inside the dll. Most of the interaction between papyrus and its SL++s dll will be capped and abstracted to a point where most of SLs heavy processing related code will no longer be stored inside Papyrus. All of these things combined mean in the coming version SL will not only be the fasted adult framework available, but also the most performance friendly in regards to the burden it puts on the papyrus engine

It will still be a while before this is all going round smoothly so dont expect this update to drop in the next week or smth but speed will slowly ramp up again. Were now past the 50% mark of the first release in this second content block. Things are happenin :)



Edited by Scrab
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Hello, I don't know if this happens to someone else or it's simply a mistake due to my large number of mods.


My problem is that I can't start the animations, I've started a new game, I've registered the animations, but when I want to force an animation (Debug option) or any event that starts one, I get this message on the console:


SEXLAB - NOTFICE - StartScene() - Failed to claim an available thread

As I said, surely it could be due to some incompatibility, some mod or something weird behind my mods list. If anyone got this and fixed it let me know. ?


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SL Privacy seems to overwrite the sslThreadModel file in SL Plus. I haven't seen so is there anyway to use privacy with this, with a patch or is there a alternative privacy mod? loving this btw, I'm new to the sexlab scene, tried sexlab on it's own without this and I can already tell the huge difference. 

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On 6/3/2023 at 9:20 AM, Dweny said:

Hello, I don't know if this happens to someone else or it's simply a mistake due to my large number of mods.

Anything that overwrites any of these mods scripts is incompatible unless its specifically made to be compatible with this mod

Follow the link to the gist (top of this page) for some available patches & hotfixes made by others


3 hours ago, MrParanoia said:

SL Privacy seems to overwrite the sslThreadModel file in SL Plus. I haven't seen so is there anyway to use privacy with this, with a patch or is there a alternative privacy mod? loving this btw, I'm new to the sexlab scene, tried sexlab on it's own without this and I can already tell the huge difference. 

There isnt. The way SL privacy is implemented is also pretty outdated itd be better someone would redo it with modern SL in mind, which offers blocking hooks to do the things SLPrivacy does without ignoring SL own "privacy"

.. but for the time being youll have to choose between the two & tyty :)


13 hours ago, ShenGo said:

"Position Adjustments currently only support a "Global" profile"


What exactly does that mean? Will we no longer be able to adjust positions on a per race/gender basis?

If you read that big wall above youll see that Im currently doing a massive overhaul to how animations work in SL

Part of this includes an overhaul to how data is stored exactly, how scaling is treated and all of the other stuff which may influence these position adjustments. I also wish to focus more on scaling and auto adjusting actors which will allow me to create an attempt to make the entire idea of having 23459238475 different manual profiles redundant

Edited by Scrab
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2 hours ago, Scrab said:

If you read that big wall above youll see that Im currently doing a massive overhaul to how animations work in SL

Part of this includes an overhaul to how data is stored exactly, how scaling is treated and all of the other stuff which may influence these position adjustments. I also wish to focus more on scaling and auto adjusting actors which will allow me to create an attempt to make the entire idea of having 23459238475 different manual profiles redundant

I see, my apologies, lol.


The reason I was asking, is I actually prefer to use adjustments instead of scaling, because I use a mod that changes heights dramatically, and I like the look of my PC with some huge NPCs, especially in forced situations. :P

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26 minutes ago, ShenGo said:

I see, my apologies, lol.


The reason I was asking, is I actually prefer to use adjustments instead of scaling, because I use a mod that changes heights dramatically, and I like the look of my PC with some huge NPCs, especially in forced situations. :P


My current library concepts recognize scale as one part of the filtering process and the new animations include scaling info, meaning if you use for example Amubs "big guy" animations which iirc have the male be 1.15 scale while keeping the partner at 1 scale, then when SL filters for animations itll try to assign your PC (which should be at around scale 1) to the scale 1 animation, the other npc (which should be at around scale 1.15) to the scale 1.15 animation and norm both of you to 1.0 and 1.15 respectively

This will allow you to keep your "big npc on small pc" environment except that the framework itself will (attempt) to make this work for you and you no longer need to "butcher together" your scenes manually by trying to somehow make a 1.0 on 1.0 animation fit a 1.0 on 1.15 scale n/pc combo which often doesnt really work and rarely actually looks good as one of your actors then end up glitching into the floor or kinda floating above it, things like that


This is a good example to show an application of the things I talked about in the "feature variance" section in the post above where the things an animator can include in the animation file are simply not enough to actually get everything important from that animation into the in-game scene


Edited by Scrab
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Came across this and read through the discussion in its entirety. So far from feedback from everyone this seems to be the list of incompatible/conflicting mods that will cause issues. a list of mods that have reported issues but have had no reported success yet. Was making a list for myself before installation so figured I'd share.


Spectator Crowds                                                     SLSO---patch available
SL Cum Overlays                                                       SL Animation remover (Redundant)

Apropos                                                                    SL Anim Search (Redundant)
Match Maker                                                             SL Grass Patch (Redundant)
MNC                                                                          SL Tools --- Patched updated works
SL Random Sex                                                          SL Utility Patch
Furniture Framework
SL Privacy
SL Deadly Drain


Seens about 3 posts indication Amorous Adventures Scenes are not triggering. Has anyone had success using AA? Or is that at the moment, incompatible. Thank you by the way, downloading this immediately.

Edited by dage7416
Update info
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On 6/4/2023 at 3:50 AM, Scrab said:

Anything that overwrites any of these mods scripts is incompatible unless its specifically made to be compatible with this mod

Follow the link to the gist (top of this page) for some available patches & hotfixes made by others

Thanks. In fact the one that was causing problems was "SexLab Utility Plus" I hadn't deleted it because with Sexlab P+ overwriting it, I thought there wouldn't be a problem.


So if anyone else has this problem, the solution is to delete SexLab Utility Plus, it doesn't matter that Sexlab P+ is overwriting it or not.

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Also as monoman already reported Here is a bug in sslActorAlias


function OverrideStrip(bool[] SetStrip)
	if SetStrip.Length != 33
		Thread.Log("Invalid strip override bool[] - Must be length 33 - was "+SetStrip.Length, "OverrideStrip()")
		StripOverride = new int[2]
		StripOverride[0] = 0
		int i = 0
		While(i < 32)
				i += Math.LeftShift(1, i)
        StripOverride[1] = SetStrip[32] as int


if setStrip has an false Value is is not incremented at all. Which means we are in an endless loop.


This causes issues with Submissive Lola Mod.


Removing the loop should be fine i guess. basically the loop does nothing. it would just increment i and do nothing with it

Edited by coffeeink
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6 hours ago, coffeeink said:

Also as monoman already reported Here is a bug in sslActorAlias


Ive already fixed that issue in my indev build for phase 2, which will be released in a couple weeks


The correct looks like so:

function OverrideStrip(bool[] SetStrip)
	if SetStrip.Length != 33
		Thread.Log("Invalid strip override bool[] - Must be length 33 - was "+SetStrip.Length, "OverrideStrip()")
	StripOverride = new int[2]
	int i = 0
	int ii = 0
	While(i < 32)
			ii += Math.LeftShift(1, i)
		i += 1
	StripOverride[0] = ii
	StripOverride[1] = SetStrip[32] as int


In case anyone wants to make a patch for this until the next release


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SexlabP+ sslAliasStripFix.zipSexlabP+ sslAliasStripFix SLSO Patch.zip


So i just copied the provided Function and compiled it. for Version


I did this for SexlabP+ Vanilla AND the SLSO  Patch

I tested only the SLSO Patch in the Given/reported Lola Context and it works fine.

Original SLSO Patch is still needed: see here


Load Order without SLSO

SexlabP+ (Version

SexlabP+ sslAliasStripFix


Load Order with SLSO


Sexlab Seperate Orgasm (SLSO)


SexlabP+ SLSO Patch  for Version

SexlabP+ sslAliasStripFix SLSO Patch


Thanks for providing the Code ?

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