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Nexus gets owned (so to speak)

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Robinsage, a unknown modder, who made one mod, a mod that simply added smelters to cities where they weren't had completely removed his mod from the site because nexus was promoting sexuality and he didn't want to chance his children coming across the latest skimpy armor mod while looking at his present and future work.

I understand this is Loverslab and we all have our, personal tastes but this amuses me because skyrim nexus is pretty much now soft core mods with other things someone might like.

the only people who are anything other than indifferent are nexus fan boys and mods, who while the OP liste steam and TESalliance they either say it's his fault for not personally controlling their accounts to stop them from viewing such content (which would be impossible to my knowledge as one user cant control another thus meaning they could just end up changing their preferences) or for favoring "Big Brother" steam.

my favorite angrish fanboy quote being that the violence in the vanilla game is worst than the sex mods.

the actual post

Slap in the face to everyone who doesn't use those sites and refuses to use those sites. I really hate to break it to you but the game is rated mature as in 18+ why you would let your children not of that age to play it is really beyond me and all the violence the game has is just as bad as all the sex you seek to shield your children from. Sex is in fact a natural wonderful thing that comes to creatures with age while violence within that creatures own species is a horrible terrible thing best treated with the shame it deserves,

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1. so you think that there is anything inappropriate about vanilla skyrim on par with the sex mods?
2 The point of the title was the idea that Nexus' commercialism will start driving away people because they are willing to do anything to keep people coming back while this isn't ment to be seen as "I dislike sex mods" i am saying that front page schlongs of skyrim coverage is incredibly stupid when you have competition. Also even if robinsage did want to keep his sexual habits secret from his children, thats his choice as a adult, however if that was the case he wouldn't have went over to the sites that openly promote that stuff. It exists it has a place, that place is not the front page and the nexus moderators and fanboys cant see that from the POV of a parent.

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Simply look at the Cover of the game there is written why it is rated "M" and what content is in there that is inappropriated, and you will see. I'm talking about Vanilla.


Don't see a problem for a modding site for a Mature Game (17+), promoting or distributing Adult stuff (18+).

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I don't need to look at the cover, i played the game, i found nothing in it that wouldn't be found in a Lotr movie, and even a few things, like when karliah talks about gallus, wouldn't understood by most pre pubescent children (to be fair he didn't say how old his children were) without prior knowledge. Jiggly tits and articulated penises (Peni?) on the front page is completely different, these are things that change that M to a unsellable A rating which you're not going to find in most pop fantasy.

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What's that? Some pissy little modder who has kids doesn't like it that the Nexus has adult mods on it, and instead of BEING A FUCKING PARENT and monitoring his kids use of the Internet, he pulls his mod?


What, does he think he'll change anything? Funny thing about the Nexus; you NEED an account and you NEED to select the ability to see ADULT RATED material on the site. No kid, unless they go through the steps to make an account, or you leave your account logged in, will be able to just see them. And if that's the case, then you're a fucking TERRIBLE parent.


Stop whining about everybody else DOING YOUR FUCKING JOB FOR YOU. Grow the fuck up and be a parent.


I cannot believe I'm defending the Nexus, but seriously.

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I dont think you understand that for a commercial entitiy, especially one like nexus with competition, making working boners a front page feature is not smart. Going even farther the internet is not for porn (Im saying this on loverslab...) it can be there and that great, but nexus cant act as if it's possible to make itself G-rated when it's not possible from a realistic point of view.

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no because turning away adults who have money because your site lacks the ability to stop them from seeing porn without your intervention on a regular basis is bad for business. also kyubey do you not remember how easy and fast it is to get a nexus account (not that it's a terribly good place to find porn)?

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You can block content on Nexus though it lacks parental controls to prevent someone from re-enabling the blocked content. Regarding Nexus and their commercialism of soft core porn / mods. Meh... 
But honestly. He's upset about SoS but perfectly fine with Sapphires story of her family being murdered as she watched. She being brutally raped for a fortnight. And her story ending with Sapphires cutting the throats of her rapists as they slept?
Please. Spare me the righteous indignation of fools Mr. Robinsage. Bet the wife caught him. Thus the need to display outrage. How long has SoS been out? How long as his mod been up on Nexus? How long has bondage mods been available on Nexus? And he's just now noticed them?



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How exactly does having to make an account and then set it to allow you to see adult content make Nexus "lack the ability to stop them from seeing porn"? YOU are the one that has to make the account. YOU are the one that has to go into the options and set it to ALLOW you to see adult content. Even if it's fast and easy to do so, that's still REQUIRED, which is more than I can say for a lot of porn sites.


And if your kids are doing that, then guess what? THAT'S YOUR FAULT, NOT THE NEXUS. The Nexus is not a baby sitter. It's not the Nexus' job to ensure that kids don't lie about it to see boobs. it's a site that allows ADULTS to view ADULT content if they so choose. And if people want to pay them for premium access, then that's also their choice.


Face it; if a kid is seeing adult content on the Nexus, then don't blame them. Blame the parents. And if you're a parent, then BLAME YOURSELF FOR BEING A SHITTY ONE. Be a better fucking parent instead of expecting everybody else to white wash the Internet so you can be a lazy about raising your fucking offspring.


And yes, Skyrim is an adult game. You might not actually see tits, but as has been said, Sapphire recounts her being raped after seeing her family murdered. Serena's past is clued in to things like rape to make her a vampire. The Poison Song is a seven part book series that involves incest and pregnancy by incest. Molag Bal is still the KING OF RAPE. There's torture on the part of the Dark Brotherhood.

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I dont think you understand that for a commercial entitiy, especially one like nexus with competition, making working boners a front page feature is not smart. Going even farther the internet is not for porn (Im saying this on loverslab...) it can be there and that great, but nexus cant act as if it's possible to make itself G-rated when it's not possible from a realistic point of view.


Yeah, because that makes all the difference. It's the god damn internet, what do you expect? I can hop on to Google and type in "Porn" and I get porn. Of course the internet is for porn, there is even a song about it. Hell have you watched Disney movies when your were older and heard the hidden sexual message in those movies?


Because no commercial site has ever made money when it has adult material, right?




no because turning away adults who have money because your site lacks the ability to stop them from seeing porn without your intervention on a regular basis is bad for business. also kyubey do you not remember how easy and fast it is to get a nexus account (not that it's a terribly good place to find porn)?


No it ain't a bad business idea. It's a common business idea that a new product in this case a mod is shown on the front page when it is uploaded to the site. Like kyubey says if you don't want your children exposed to it, be a parent and check what they are going on. Even better block it so they can't view it.

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You can block content on Nexus though it lacks parental controls to prevent someone from re-enabling the blocked content. Regarding Nexus and their commercialism of soft core porn / mods. Meh... 


But honestly. He's upset about SoS but perfectly fine with Sapphires story of her family being murdered as she watched. She being brutally raped for a fortnight. And her story ending with Sapphires cutting the throats of her rapists as they slept?


Please. Spare me the righteous indignation of fools Mr. Robinsage. Bet the wife caught him. Thus the need to display outrage. How long has SoS been out? How long as his mod been up on Nexus? How long has bondage mods been available on Nexus? And he's just now noticed them?




Not to mention that you get your own torture chamber fully stocked with prisoners and no consequences. The road to which is playing a murderer for money. All in the vanilla game.


But I get it, anatomically correct males with schlongs are the real evil here... :rolleyes:

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no because turning away adults who have money because your site lacks the ability to stop them from seeing porn without your intervention on a regular basis is bad for business. 




also kyubey do you not remember how easy and fast it is to get a nexus account (not that it's a terribly good place to find porn)?


It is the parents responsibility to make sure that their kids aren't looking up stuff that parents find unacceptable.  They need to stop being lazy and actually monitor their child's net usage.  There are many ways to easily get porn, with or without the nexus.

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Parenting hypocrisy at its finest. Children should not have access to Nexus or Skyrim for that matter. We are talking about a game where you can chop off someone's head, kill people for pleasure, steal from innocent people, etc. and as parent he is more afraid that his kids might see boobs?


Frankly if I was a parent, I would be more worried about vanilla stuff than pixelated boobs.

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Oh hey, you can get a perk that rips peoples heads off with two handed weapons; boy, that sure is kid friendly. Oh, and what about Pelaguis trying to hang himself at a party? How about The Bear of Markarth, where Ulfric ordered everybody, be they the elderly or children to be murdered if they didn't help his retaking of the city?

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The hell happened to common sense today? I don't know whether to shake my head or laugh at this guy for pulling out his mod out of, um, "protecting the children".


If he's that much politically-correct worried, then someone else will step in and make a mod with the same purpose without the guilt association.


But really, no matter how much those helicopter parents try to shield their children from the supposed dangers of the real world, sooner or later those kids will get to discover the "forbidden".

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My sis and bro-in-law allow my 16 y/o nephew to play Skyrim, but restrict his Nexus access. Why? Nexus access assumes you're over 18, AFAIK.


I was already over 2x the age of 18 when I made my account there back in '06, and as best I can remember, I didn't have to jump through any age verification hoops.


Anyway, the Nexus isn't for kids. Maybe that's why? He wanted his kids to see his mods, but not on a site that's ostensibly Adult. But then, he could have just given the damn things to them on a USB drive or something. SW isn't exactly "kid friendly" either, what with exploding penis arrows and shit. Although that's totally juvenile.


Anyway. I can understand allowing your kids to play Skyrim, because you have a handle upon what they can handle... but unfettered access to Nexus will expose them to stuff like Estrus and lots of other kind of "out there" sex mods.


Not that I oppose the idea of Estrus or "out there" sex mods -- I even have Estrus -- but I wouldn't want to catch any 16 y/o child of mine jacking off to it. That would prompt an immediate sit-down and serious talk about what their sexual views are, to make sure I did my job as a dad and kept them realistic.


Once they're 18, they can j/o to whatever they want... just like me. :P


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I have read other posts and main post but how is this suppose to own nexus ?? The only thing i see here is a modder/parent making a fool of him/herself.


He pulls his/her stuff and life goes on like nothing happened. The only one owned now is the fool who pulled his stuff.

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