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Removing that file will make FOMM think none of your installed packages are activated. All the installed packages will remain in the package manager though, since that list comes from the files in the 'mods' dir.


I can't say how this will affect uHUD or MO since I don't use either one.. backup your data dir and fomm dir first just to be safe ;)

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The path seems to be going to two different places. There's an old \FalloutNV there which has mods from a LONG time ago. I'm assuming that's where my old FOMM went to prior to the release of NMM. NMM goes to a seperate directory under Nexus Mod Manager\Fallout NV. As far as FOMM goes, my crash happens before FOMM even opens up, so I can't even change that directory.

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Removing that file will make FOMM think none of your installed packages are activated. All the installed packages will remain in the package manager though, since that list comes from the files in the 'mods' dir.


I can't say how this will affect uHUD or MO since I don't use either one.. backup your data dir and fomm dir first just to be safe ;)


I'll check that out when I can.

If I run FOMM under MO to handle scripted fomods & especially uHUD, the files get dumped in MO's overwrite folder, where I can pack them up as a mod for that profile & have them override whatever they need to. That in itself works fine, and was very encouraging. But switching to a different hud configuration in a different profile (a simple one for modding) borked up on me due to FOMM thinking the other stuff was still there while it wasn't, or vice versa. The joys of experimentation!

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The path seems to be going to two different places. There's an old \FalloutNV there which has mods from a LONG time ago. I'm assuming that's where my old FOMM went to prior to the release of NMM. NMM goes to a seperate directory under Nexus Mod Manager\Fallout NV. As far as FOMM goes, my crash happens before FOMM even opens up, so I can't even change that directory.

You can't do it because you haven't followed all the instructions in order. FOMM will continue to fail to start until that installlog.xml file is removed. Step 4 takes care of that.

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If you add MO to the mix remember that FOMM / NMM should be activated through MO not outside of MO. The resulting files are then dropped into the Overwrites folder. Both manager don't like you messing with those files so it is advised to leave those files alone in the overwrites folder and only use FOMM /NMM for installation of those files that have to be installed with FOMM. Generally install those mods desired last in the installation( Mods like HUD mods that require seeing other mods installed as MO don't allow this because all mods are installed completely independent of each other and cannot see other mods installed.) .


Also really no need to ever use NMM when using MO/FOMM. The all functionality of NMM is covered by both mod managers and is redundant.


If you want a dead simple installation of your mods for a play through in the fallout universe you can do no wrong selecting only FOMM. FOMM is dead simple. Accurate, and very safe even if you screw up there are many ways to recover and restore as proven by Pride's statements above. FOMM has tools that are very useful and used by almost everybody that mod or play games in the fallout universe. 



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DoctaSax, on 27 Sept 2014 - 2:28 PM, said:



prideslayer, on 27 Sept 2014 - 2:14 PM, said:


Removing that file will make FOMM think none of your installed packages are activated. All the installed packages will remain in the package manager though, since that list comes from the files in the 'mods' dir.


I can't say how this will affect uHUD or MO since I don't use either one.. backup your data dir and fomm dir first just to be safe ;)


I'll check that out when I can.

If I run FOMM under MO to handle scripted fomods & especially uHUD, the files get dumped in MO's overwrite folder, where I can pack them up as a mod for that profile & have them override whatever they need to. That in itself works fine, and was very encouraging. But switching to a different hud configuration in a different profile (a simple one for modding) borked up on me due to FOMM thinking the other stuff was still there while it wasn't, or vice versa. The joys of experimentation!



FOMM is freaking out because it can't find the files. If you remove the records to the files .. you remove the freak out. I have not tried this extensivly however ..

A more MO / FOMM friendly work around...


  • Make sure your overwrite folder is empty
  • Open FOMM through MO. Install what you want.. This locks MO.
  • Close FOMM.
  • Use MO. Open the overwrite folder..Create the mod copy the files out to an folder somewhere on your desktop etc. Remove the meta file. zip that up. Now you have a MO friendly mod install setup properly set Name it properly. Make sure the files are still there in the overwrites folder.
  • Return and open FOMM. This locks MO.
  • Uninstall the mods from FOMM.
  • Close FOMM
  • Return to MO. The overwrites folder should be empty.
  • Return to FOMM and FOMM should be empty as well and not freaking out about not having the mods available.
  • Now you can install your customized mod through MO without all the issues of FOMM in the future.

Remember. With the hud mods they have to see other mods to get properly setup. All the mods need to be installed for this to work properly. IN essence you are creating a compilation of HUD mods that you will use. Yes.. you will have to set each one up properly in FOMM and install all that you want to be part of that "compilation". If you desire different HUD setups .. you will have to do this separately for each set up you do.


I haven't used this procedure extensively however briefly and it does seem to work without causing issues to FOMM as FOMM is working as it is designed to.


The above is really only needed to be done if you wish to keep your overwrites folder in MO empty as I do. Otherwise install all the mods you desire through FOMM and leave the Overwrites folder alone. Only useful however if you aren't changing mods and such around like Doctasax desires to do. Also keep in mind that MO will not be able to control any overwriting of mods. Files in the Overwrite folder will overwrite any other files in MO. Only way to have any control over the "conflicts" will be if you create a mod out of the files in the overwrites folder.


The only problem I had before was a strange issue where some of the files would drop into the data folder in this process. I believe it was me messing up the steps, ( skipping steps etc) as I was still figuring it out. However this might still happen not sure. Otherwise the files gathered through the overwrite did seem to work..


Don't have any of those anymore as I had major corruption of all my zip files due to a very bad memory stick(s). I dumped everything. Have to start fresh. Might also have been the issue with files getting dropped into the data folder. Anyway easy enough fix .. :D


Hope that helps DoctaSax... and anyone else that is experimenting with MO/FOMM combination


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Eventually yeah, I miss it too (when it worked). There is some bug in there that I didn't have time to track down that causes it to sometimes start deactivating the next module before it's done with the last one. The 7zip lib it's using isn't threadsafe, so FOMM uses a sort of singleton routine for it so there's only ever one active. This is a Big Problem, as you can imagine.


I was planning on just leaving that feature disabled for safety until I finish my rewrite of the entire archive system. Debugging what's going on in there requires more patience than I've had recently..


I'll see if I can get some FOMM stuff out the door this week if the sexout release doesn't come to bite me in the ass, assuming I manage to get somewhere with the stuff I'm working on for AJ.

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There is some bug in there that I didn't have time to track down that causes it to sometimes start deactivating the next module before it's done with the last one. The 7zip lib it's using isn't threadsafe, so FOMM uses a sort of singleton routine for it so there's only ever one active. This is a Big Problem™, as you can imagine.

Could that cause some files to remain in the Data folder instead of being removed?

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somehow i got screw up



OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0

System.Exception: Malformed InstallLog (C:\Games\FalloutNV\Install Info\InstallLog.xml) ---> System.Exception: Bad InstallLog:


now the mods for my fallout new vegas are gone

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I cant seem to get the file to install correctly. I uninstalled the standard FOMM. Downloaded the main file fomm and extracted to its own folder and opened FOMM. and it looks like the standard version. So I deleted that and download the fommsetup file. Ran it, opened it and it looks just like the standard FOMM and I keep getting the not responding when I try to load TTW. Any help?

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It doesn't look any different than the previous one, why would it? The version # in the application title bar is your tipoff in newer versions.


The "stopped responding" issue is a windows thing, you just have to let it proceed / wait for it to respond. TTW takes a long time.

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Your version of FOMM is much better than the regular 1 and have had no problems until now I think and if you can help me out let me know,


Seeing as how I've had problems in the past with updating mods correctly I delete the old version of 1 and install the newer 1.  I deleted the old version and while trying to install the new version FOMM gives me this error message,


"a problem occurred during install:  the file exists. the mod was not installed."


I talked with the mod's maker and they 1st asked me to make sure I deleted all of the old mod manually, I have, and now he has no idea what is causing the issue.

Someone else responded saying,


"Sounds to me like there's an error in the installog.xml file that FOMM creates for installing mods.  When you uninstalled, that entry wasn't properly removed from the log.

I don't know how to fix it, but if you make a bug report wherever you downloaded it from someone more knowledgeable then me should be able to help you."


If you can help me sir i'll name my 1st child after you



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I can "help" but you aren't going to like it. I don't know what's causing that error, it's probably coming from the 7zip lib or something. So a full cleanup is in order.


1. Remove any mods you've installed with FOMM.

2. Delete the FOMM installlog files. The default location is "c:\games\falloutnv\Install Info"

3. Run the steam "cache validation" on Fallout NV.

4. Test the vanilla game, make sure it works.

5. Start installing mods ONLY via the mod manager of your choice. FOMM, MO, NMM, etc.

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