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55 minutes ago, DSHV said:
On 4/18/2023 at 7:49 PM, KalBreen said:

Still not able to find a 2nd password or key

It's in the same room. You need to go on the pipe to another higher area and find the password in the lunch box near the skeleton.


Amazing! Going back to an earlier save I see where the password is now!


55 minutes ago, DSHV said:
1 hour ago, KalBreen said:

I suspect either the door or the base key is bugged. Is there any console command that will open the door or make the base key work?

Click on the door in the console, then type unlock.


OMG! The 'unlock' works! 

DSHV! You are a legend! Absolutely love this mod! Keep up the great work!

Edited by KalBreen
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5 hours ago, DSHV said:

Pre-update before big 1.6 update 1.5.3:


-Changed conditions of skill checks. Now checked not base stats, but changed stats by consumables, clothing, power armor, etc;
-Fixed Maxim Dickson's death. Also it makes his minions mortal and completes all of his quests. And also makes the STR option really fuck him up;
-Added several factions to several NPCs so that the game and others mods adequately perceive them;
-Fixed the possibility of killing clerks in Expansion. Now violence is really the way out!
-Added the opportunity to complete Revelation without killing ghouls. Now the mod supports zero kills walkthrough;
-Added several exits from dialogues, for example for Gadget and Braxton;
-Attempted to fix the dialogues of Bait :(;

-Changed Basil's USSR dialogue;
-Exit door for AAAPOSSpecialRoom;

-Two screenshots.

I am so glad about these edits. Thank you very much. I look forward to the continuation of your work, good luck and inspiration! ?

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13 hours ago, DSHV said:

Pre-update before big 1.6 update 1.5.3:

-Changed conditions of skill checks. Now checked not base stats, but changed stats by consumables, clothing, power armor, etc;
-Fixed Maxim Dickson's death. Also it makes his minions mortal and completes all of his quests. And also makes the STR option really fuck him up;
-Added several factions to several NPCs so that the game and others mods adequately perceive them;
-Fixed the possibility of killing clerks in Expansion. Now violence is really the way out!
-Added the opportunity to complete Revelation without killing ghouls. Now the mod supports zero kills walkthrough;
-Added several exits from dialogues, for example for Gadget and Braxton;
-Attempted to fix the dialogues of Bait :(;

-Changed Basil's USSR dialogue;
-Exit door for AAAPOSSpecialRoom;

-Two screenshots.

Added Recommendations:

Roleplayer's Expanded Dialogue (RED) to add more dialogues and skill checks to the vanilla game so that there is not such a big difference between the mod and base game dialogues;

Heya! Can you tell what you are planning to add in the 1.6 Update?

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Appreciate that you're really busy.


Just wondering if there will be non XDI patch for 1.5.3 or otherwise for the future big update 1.6.


I'm really having heaps of fun with this mod so would really like to keep up to date. 


Cheers mate :)

Edited by KalBreen
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On 4/20/2023 at 3:10 AM, Alturistix said:

Heya! Can you tell what you are planning to add in the 1.6 Update?

On 4/20/2023 at 6:05 AM, KalBreen said:

Just wondering if there will be non XDI patch for 1.5.3 or otherwise for the future big update 1.6.


Plans for 1.6:

Wasteland Survival Guide For Women: New exhibit in the Museum of Lewdness in the Boston Public Library (On the table with the key and the terminal).....100%
Rumors: Consumed by Perverted Settlers.....100%

Liquid Beggar is sitting at the Anna's Cafe (East of Hangman's Alley). You can do a good deed and give her liquid to quench her thirst.....100%
Good Boys and Bad Girl: Find a girl with dogs in the Prost bar. She can tell stories and teach you how to tie knots. Or show her tying knots for males. I don’t know why I so thinly veiled a dog fucking, probably because she is also quite decent for this mod and for a dog fucking.....100%
No Incest In This Quest: Johnny's end of the Familia arc. [Charisma] or [Cherchez La Femme] for woman.....100%
Perverted Settlers: Mr. NTR, Ms. Cuckquean, Satyromaniac:

Find Silver Lewis in the Dugout Inn to to get special setters and learn about your adventures and directions to other mod content.

  • Pickup Artist: Have you heard of Johnny Bravo?.....100%
  • Satyromaniac: Very horny and submissive ghoul. Reference to TOH's Always-Stands.....100%
  • Mr. NTR: To cuck your male PC. You can choose two versions of him - Classic and Delinquent. Compatible with Piper, Cait, Curie, Xana, Nora and Severina. In order for him to see your girl, they must stand quite close.....100%
  • Ms. Cuckquean: To cuck your female PC. Same versions as Mr. NTR. Compatible with Brutus, Nate, Hancock, Robert MacCready, Preston Garvey, X6-88, Alonso Stanford, Shrike, Braxton + Strong, Grendel, Dogmeat, Bait and Pigrat.....100%

Whore's Done It.....X
People Management: Continuation of Revelation. After training, you can find and free (or not free) slaves in Mayor McDonough's office, Drumlin Diner and Deadpool. After the quest new room Degradatorium will appear at the base and slaver raids near Oberland Station, Prospect Hill, also known as Cambridge Park and Columbus Park. After Press On Maxim will give you the newspaper Are Slavery Really That Bad?.....100%
Back in Nude: Continuation of Superheroes Are Not Born. Meet Hubert Commings at Goodneighbor to decide your superheroine fate.....100%
All Hail Hypnocock!: If you want a little abuse then go to Bridgeway Trust and ask Fred Neam by you appearance to hypnotize you. He will do nasty things to you and give a disgusting quest. But you'll do everything, even though there is no reward for it (not even XP), only to remove the quest from your quest log. Here I am such an insidious quest designer.....100%
Buzz 2: Talk to Ginevra for a little Bloatfly content.....100%
Minutewoman 2.....100%

Slaves: Gunners plaza.....100%
The Hero of Ages.....100%
Creepy Encounter.....100%
I also learned about the keywords of animation archetypes. So now NPCs will show character through their movements. For example slaves will be depressed and old people will move and sit like Mama Murphy.



Riding Slut  - Men loves to mount you. +5 carry weight, if there is a male nearby. - All Hail Hypnocock!;

Adelphogamy - Why did you get this perk from Alita? There's some mistake here. You are more difficult to detect while sneaking. Alita is now essential to you. - Trust Ending of No Incest In This Quest;



People Management: Post Quest


Room with PC clone and buttons to sex with Glowing mole rat, Vampiric bloodbug, Stingwing darter and Radroach and viewing chairs.
Note: Small Aperitif
Max, working on your public bestiality shows idea. I already changed a slave to look like your favorite martyr. She's a prototype, for real shows I can create more.


Edited by DSHV
Update the progress
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Hello im having an issue. I want to be Baits bitch but either he wont talk to me, or like this time when i killed the deathclaw in concord he disapeared? Sorry sorry i just really want to do his content :< 

Edited by Lilithia
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So uh... How exactly are you meant to do this? Its the quest "Excommunication".
There's no talk stage before fighting.
This has been like the 4th attempt.
With or without a companion to keep batting the "catacomb" raider, she just gets up, maybe here and there drop a dialogue line before aggro again and...

I have no idea what that whole quest was as I came in blind but given I had not saved for like 2 hours prior, I went through with it and now I am set into finishing it...
Until this happened.

I'll just leave it here and see if I figure it out on my own or not. So far the mod has been great. Oddly enough I am yet do the very first quest from the mod since I've been playing the vanilla game and instead stumbling on random side quests but this one took me really of guard.

Anyhow. The nun will have to do. FeelsBadMan

294437189_2023-04-2316-02-12.mkv 467463486_2023-04-2316-06-45.mkv

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For those who are thinking about it, I took the plunge and deleted FDI and replaced it with XDI so that I could continue this great mod. Turns out it was a very simple remove and install,  and XDI is far superior to FDI. As FDI does not come with an esp no need for a clean save, although i cleaned my save just in case. And i made sure that dialoguemenu.swf was removed from the interface directory, but I also kept the multiactivatemenu.swf as I read that this prevents the vanilla dialogue interface from popping up.


I'm not experiencing any bugs at all. Extremely happy with XDI and with this mod.

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17 hours ago, Lilithia said:

Hello im having an issue. I want to be Baits bitch but either he wont talk to me

Put the mod at the bottom of your modlist in a mod manager. Perhaps he was afraid of the deathclaw and left his original place, so maybe he's around somewhere.

13 hours ago, SrDanny said:

So uh... How exactly are you meant to do this? Its the quest "Excommunication".

Catacomb is not initially hostile. You need to kill her friends, she herself will not join the battle if she is not attacked. Now you probably need to leave the location and wait until she'll cool down.

2 hours ago, KalBreen said:

XDI is far superior to FDI

Especially given that there will be more mods in the future using XDI.

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hi, for some reason, i cant get anyone to respond beyond the initial sentence, no dialogue from anyone beyond that point, i feel have the wrong file downloaded or a conflict on them, whats the recommended current version, ill just purge all file varients and just use the primary file

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On 21.04.2023 at 17:31, DSHV said:


Планы на 1.6:

Руководство по выживанию в пустошах для женщин: новый экспонат в Музее разврата в Бостонской публичной библиотеке (на столе с ключом и терминалом) ..... 100%
слухи: найдите Сильвера Льюиса в таверне «Землянка», чтобы узнать о своих приключениях и направления к другому контенту мода ..... 100%

Жидкий нищий сидит в кафе Анны (к востоку от Аллеи палачей). Вы можете сделать доброе дело и дать ей жидкости, чтобы утолить жажду .....100%
Хорошие мальчики и Плохая девочка: Найдите девушку с собаками в баре Прост. Она может рассказывать истории и учить вас, как завязывать узлы. Или покажите, как она завязывает узлы для самцов. Я не знаю, почему я так тонко завуалировал собачий трах, наверное, потому, что она тоже вполне прилична для этого мода и для собачьего траха ..... 100%
Нет инцеста в этом квесте:  конец Джонни в арке Familia. [Харизма] или [Cherchez La Femme] для женщины ..... 100%
извращенные поселенцы: мистер НТР, мисс Кукуин, пикап-мастер, сатироманьяк ..... 50%
шлюха сделала это.....50%
Максим: управление персоналом и управление персоналом: пост-квест .....50%
Back in Nude  .....50%
Приветствую вас, Hypnocock!:  Если вы хотите немного поругаться, то идите в Bridgeway Trust и своим появлением попросите Фреда Ниама загипнотизировать вас. Он будет делать вам гадости и давать отвратительный квест. Но ты сделаешь все, хоть награды за это нет (даже XP), только для того, чтобы удалить квест из журнала квестов. Вот такой я коварный конструктор квестов .....100%
Базз 2 .....50%
Минутвумен 2 .....50%
Герой Веков .....?
Жуткая встреча .....?
Я также узнал о ключевых словах анимационных архетипов. Так что теперь NPC будут показывать характер через свои движения. Например, рабы будут в депрессии, а старики будут двигаться и сидеть, как мама Мерфи.



Скачущая шлюшка  - мужчинам нравится оседлать тебя. +5 к переносимому весу, если поблизости есть самец. Да здравствует Гипнокок!;

Адельфогамия — Почему ты получил этот бонус от Алиты? Тут какая-то ошибка. Когда вы крадетесь, вас сложнее обнаружить. Алита теперь необходима вам. - Доверьтесь окончанию  «Нет инцеста в этом квесте»;



Управление персоналом: пост-квест

  Скрыть содержимое

Комната с компьютерным клоном и кнопками для секса со светящимся землекопом, кровососом-вампиром, дротиком-жалокрылом и радтараканом, а также стульями для просмотра.
Примечание: Небольшой аперитив
Макс, работающий над вашей публичной зоофилией показывает идею. Я уже превратил раба в твоего любимого мученика. Она прототип, для реальных шоу я могу создать больше.


is it possible to add the option to return to the farm? eventually it became an addiction and it would be nice to have at least a circular quest for part-time work on the farm. Good alternate ending for GG (thank you for your mod)


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On 4/26/2023 at 6:51 PM, theanarchistotaku said:

Content how do I turn off everything but dominant male content(no male sub)

Without the special code, women's content for men simply won't start. NPCs will have different dialogues, and some stages will be just skipped. Just don't press the button in Goodneighbor!

On 4/27/2023 at 11:01 AM, Newtothis91 said:

hi, for some reason, i cant get anyone to respond beyond the initial sentence,

Hi, what version are you using? With XDI or without XDI? And which NPC are you trying to talk to? Maybe they doesn't have a player respons.

On 4/27/2023 at 3:42 PM, zirablack said:

is it possible to add the option to return to the farm?

Repeatable content? Just show same textboxes in the circle? It's possible. But the fact that the sub heroine is denied in slavery is also a kind of abuse.

On 4/30/2023 at 9:41 PM, DarkLeon54 said:

For an unknown reason, my game crash when I try to load a save after installing the mod.

Is it a save in a specific location? What happens if you start a new game with this mod?



I decided to write more follower's great thoughts.

Alice (More of her attic)


You meat bags look best on a floor as rugs.
Unable to contain 15 parameters within limits.
Activated desire to squeeze the frontal meat endlessly.
The sex poses database is incomplete. You can help by expanding this database.
Meat pornography is disgusting. So give me all the pornography you find for further disposal. It will save your energy and soul.
Scanning... Scanning... Scanning... No human pornography detected. The result is unsatisfactory.
A garter belt module on me activate your reproductive instinct? Yes or no, meat?
I'm a much better sex bomb than any female meat. Can they even reach at least 0.005 kilotons?
Do these cooling modules increase my width?
Your parameter of countenance has begun fusion process in my core again, meatbag. Why are you doing this to me?
The knees are the weak point in your design. Take care of them, because you will have to bend and unbend your knees a lot in the future.
(INT) Your level of intelligence is acceptable. For a meat.
Requesting orbital strike... Relax meat. It's was a mischief.
[Robotics Expert] Don't look at my сircuits, perv!
[Robotics Expert] Don't you dare peek at me, pervert!
[Robotics Expert] Did you... did you see me under the armor plates, perv?
Fusion cells are a robogirl's best friend.
My assaultron-sisters are so naughty. We must punish them.
When will you gift me fiberglass or fiber optics?
(USS Constitution) These robots are crazy!
(Power armor) Do you imitate robots? All the same, inside you is not metal but meat.
(Power armor) Meat... Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
(Power armor) Cute meat is trying to become a robot.
Poem LT0782 begin.
Your merits defy calculation,
My heart (metaphorical) divides the indivisible,
And my pelvic and/or knee modules oscillate,
Whenever we are at least 11.8 inches apart,
Also, your face symmetry pleases me,
End composition.

Nate/Nora (More reactions to the mod's perks and NTR from Perverted Settlers)


Vault 111: What? What's happening? This body... Critical existential malfunction!
[Arseface] Oh my dear sweet fright. I still love you.
[Owned] I feel like I'm losing you.
[Scary Wench] I understand that you have to be tough in the new world, but you scare me sometimes too.
[Smart Ass] I can always rely on you to make decisions. You're such a smartie!
[Analzonded] You move somehow strangely, protruding your.. No matter.
[Bitch's Bottom Line] I know that times are hard for us and this is not our brightest moment, but know that your infinite kindness will eventually lead us to the light.
[Cat Lover] So you're a cat person after all. Too bad cats and dogs don't get along well, otherwise we'd get both.
[Cockcentric] You somehow began to look at men in a special way. Should I get nervous?
[Dupe] Don't worry, we'll get through this together. We survived the apocalypse, we will survive your shame. Although you were really very stupid there.
[Endless Pit] Of course, you are a free person, but you could at least tell me about your upgrade. Your pussy is my favorite thing too.
[Good Wifey] How lucky I am to have met you. You are the perfect spouse!
[Minutewoman] You're not into your historical reconstructions too much?
[Nudella/Just a Slut] You know, I love comics too, but... Okay, let's forget that already.
[Pornomancer] You become quite lustful. I like it.
[Punch Bag] Where did you get those bruises in the shape of a fist? Is someone offending you? Who should I fight?
[Punished Cunt] Are you sure about that piercing? It looks too big and seems to be very painful.
[Queen of Sarcasm/King of Sacrasm] Your caustic and vicious sense of humor is what I love about you. Well, maybe after a juicy butt.
[Regina Vagina] You have become somewhat confident. I even want to throw myself at your feet and start kissing your puss.
[Super Slut] What's that funny smell from you? It's different from your usual funny smells. 
(VS) [Whoreborn] My wife is a winner! So proud. Only I didn't quite understand in what, but it does not matter.
(VS) Don't worry. I didn't quite understand what you lost in, but for me you are the best in anything!
[Farm Slave/Runaway Slave] Didn't see that country girl side of you.
(Bunker Hill) Oh, remember we took a photo here? It was like in a past life.
(Nate: Fraternal Post 115) I was supposed to give a speech here, but now I'm shooting super mutants here. All because of war... War never changes...
(Nora: Fraternal Post 115) You was supposed to give a speech here, but now we shooting super mutants here. All because of war... War never changes...
(Sanctuary Hills) This is our Sanctuary. Broken, devastated, filthy, but still our.
(Dogmeat or Bait) I hope this dog doesn't run away from us.
I hope a loot today will be truly epic.
Don't worry if a reward is not as big as you expected. You got valuable life experience!
Can we go to a park?
We still have so much to do, it's good that you write everything down in your Pip-Boy.
When you work in a workshop it's so sexy!
Decisions... factions... managing settlements... What a busy year, unlike previous years when we just stayed in stasis.
(Naked) Didn't notice your exhibitionist habits. Well, except for conception of Shaun.
(Power armor) My cute death machine!
(Nora: Mr. Neto) You yourself introduced me to Mr. Neto. What can be claims to me?
(Nora: Mr. Neto) Ahhh... Mr. Neto... You're so strong...
(Nora: Mr. Neto) This is what Mr. Neto gave you through me. I am also a took a part of the creation of this gift. (+Human Sperm)
(Nora: Mr. Neto) Mr. Neto gives everyone nicknames. For example, I am - Flower. And you are Schmuckalion. Just don't say I said it.
(Nate: Jezabel) You yourself introduced me to Jezabel. What can be claims to me?
(Nate: Jezabel) Ahhh... Jezabel... You're so sexy...
(Nate: Jezabel) This is what Jezabel gave you through me. I am also a took a part of the creation of this gift. (+Woman Natural Lubricant)
(Nate: Jezabel) Jezabel gives everyone nicknames. For example, I am - Macho. And you are Brahmin. Just don't say I said it.

Brutus (More misogyny)


Hey stupid cunt! Just checking how fast you respond.
I owns your arse, but only as long as you amuses me, meat toilet. I can throw you out at any time like a used condom.
You should be grateful I decided to keep your fat ass around. Serving a man like me is what every woman should strive for.
Tighter you lazy cunt! Tighter!
Your retarded mug is just made for battering, cumrag. In second place is your fat belly. "What about my dirty smelly ass?" - you may ask. Your dirty smelly ass is more for kicks.
Squeeze your holes tighter, lowly ashtray, or I squeeze them for you with my fists of slut's education,  nail's dirt.
Love to batter my current punchbag, you.
It's in your best interest to worn out as slowly as possible. I won't hesitate even a second to replace your cunt, little shit.
How lucky you are, my fuckholes-on-legs, that I am ready to give you woman lessons.
[He started shameless molesting you]
(STR) You are one hell of a strong bitch! Can you pick me up and beat your mouth with my dick?
(STR) What weak creatures you women are! Don't worry, little spermbag - a man is here.
Worthless doormat, you're bashing with your weapon all wrong. The man will show you how to do it right. [He showed on your boobs how it's done. You have gained possibly valuable knowledge and red and sore boobs]
(PER) Hey you are a damn perceptive whore! Well, look what it is itches here so much. Look closely, ruin!
[Penetrator] How you break through walls with bullets... A real inspiration for me. You know, I'm something of a penetrator myself.
(END) It's nice that you're so resilient cunt. So boring after every small bitchtrashing have to look for replacement.
(END) You take a hit very well. Great quality for a street trash like you.
(END) What a weakling you are, less-than-fuck toy! You can't even stand a well-deserved lesson to the head. I have to use slaps so I don't ruin you completely.
(END) I'll have to take care of your pathetic girlish body, little scum. Constant beatings perfectly harden a whore's body.
We'll make you a perfect addicted cunt,  cum tank!
[Arseface] Don't look my way, freak. Maybe try beating your arseface for a couple of hours? It won't get worse anyway.
(AGI) Such a flexible slut can be used in many interesting ways.
(AGI) You are not flexible, so I'll have to break you. Nothing personal, I'm trying for my own pleasure and you're just a wooden fuck tool. Hmm, it looks like it's personal after all.
(LCK) [He spat on your face] Oh how lucky you are, less-than-urinal! Right in the eye!
(LCK) [He put some kind of stone under your clothes] Wow you are really lucky! This thing is not radioactive or poisonous.
(LCK) Do you dodge bullets or are you just that lucky? That's why you always ahead in battles, protecting what is truly valuable - me.
Are you more of a cock cleaner or a dick vanisher? I can't decide. But totally a semen consumer, I know your type.
I have decided to give you a new name, smegma sucker. Slu. A simple name, perfect for such a simple slut. Yes, you clearly do not deserve "T" yet.
Here is what belongs to you, scum destroyer. Or vice versa? Well, I don't an expert in your women things. (+Sweeper)
What is the most offensive name for you? Do not speak, I will determine by the muzzle. Stupid bitch. Nasty whore. Low slut. Bimbo toilet. Dirty cumpdump. Behemoth's cocksleeve. Cheap tramp. It look like turned you on instead, horny cunt. A truth arouses you?
Don't you dare show discontent or even disobedience to me, you fucker. Even with a disgruntled face or intonation. And covering your eyes for protection during my strikes will be considered open riot, less-than-trashcan.
Remember that I don't accept your women's usual excuses of bleeding cunts. You do something out-my-personal-slut and I'll put you in your place before you say "equality", disposable toilet.
Hey, look at those dirty shoes that guy has! I know you cunts love to talk about clothes and other shit. You will thank me later with a deepthroat, spits bin.
Cook me meat, less-than-insect! I as man needs meat.

Xana (More lust and reactions to Fallout's Lovecraft and Poe references (She is a chems psychic after all))


(Strong) So you greened? Congratulations on joining the big girls club.
(Mama Murphy) I hate this "Mama" Murphy. Can I kill her? She really reminds me of my mother.
(Dogmeat or Bait) Do you know that dogs lick their asses and then come and lick people's faces? Therefore, you, like a good bitch, must get ahead and lick your dog yourself. So he will have a clean tongue for licking normal people.
(Dogmeat or Bait) Grrrr! Woof! Woof! Awwwwwww! He says you're a juicy bitch.
(Mr. Neto) At least you did something good - brought me a real man.
(Mr. Neto) Crawl into some hole already. Mr. Neto is watching and I don't want you to embarrass me in front of him.
(M: Mr. Neto) You make stuff out of trash, don't you? Do something useful for your race and do a metal lock on your dick. As small as possible, flat to press the stud inside and with spikes. You can also make a long spire inside with spikes too. Oh and a little press for your balls. I'll show you the diagram later.
(The Secret of Cabot House) The blood of interlopers is still strong. Lorenzo is just a herald.
(Kremvh's Tooth) You carry a blade that takes lives like a greedy child - candies.
(Kellogg's pistol) This pistol has a bad history with you. Why are you carrying it?
(Glowing Sea) Ah primality and savagery! This is how the world should look! Beautiful and terrifying!
Big fan of Pickman's work. Maybe he'll sign with a knife on my chest.
(Fens Street sewer and Pickman Gallery) I like this man's style.
(Kingsport Lighthous) I feel an ominous atmosphere here.
(The Castle) Great vibes! I feel this place have a dark history.
(END) It's good that you can endure a lot. Sick of weak slaves who faints if you just press a little harder.
(END) You are so weak, vic. Bah! I can't even try the most interesting tortures on you.
[Chem Resistant] You eat chems even more than me but you do better than me. How do you do it, vic?
[Idiotic Slut] You are very dumb. But vics like you don't have to be smart, just able to find a way to a mistress's pussy.
(INT) It's instresting to have such a smart slave. But remember that the mind can be lost. I know a couple of ways, bad and very bad.
(AGI) It's great that you're so flexible, vic. It means you can reach more places.
(AGI) Train to be more flexible, vic. So you can reach more places of your mistress.
[Mister Sandman] Do you also like to cut throats of sleeping vics? High five!
[Bloody Mess] I like your style, vic.
Intresting, how a deathclaw's cock tastes?
Maybe we'll catch some cute little raider. Harems are never too big.
Had a naughty dreams tonight. Yes, vic - I produced more food for you. A lot.
Lack of big dicks right now I find quite disturbing.
If you find oblong objects, then hand them over to me right away. You should already know my size and volume.
Damn, my pants are wet again! At some level of wetness it will become difficult for me to fight.
Maybe we can catch a deathclaw? You saw their cocks? Even in a calm state, I am all drooling. Ah, a girl can dream.
I thinking about huge cocks, vic. About balls, to be precise.
Cocks, cocks, cocks. Huge dicks. Fat penises that barely fit in panties. Where are they?
I tried to find an angle where I can see a behemoth's cock under his loincloth. Dodgy bastards! Why do they wear clothes at all, they must proudly show their enormous dignity to the world.
If I were a man, I would not let go of my penis for a second. Would play all day long.
Are you planning to lick me or not? Now the moment is not worse than another. 

Do you need anything, Xana?
[She grabs your hair and bites your lips until they bleed] And why do people do this? Nothing special.
I actually want to suck your vic's tiny dick/lick your little vic's cunt. You can see yourself  how desperate I am right now! 
M: Pants off! The order of the mistress of your dick!
F: Skirt up! The order of the mistress of your cunt!

Edited by DSHV
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47 minutes ago, DSHV said:


Is it a save in a specific location? What happens if you start a new game with this mod?

The game start, but if I try to load the save afterwards it crashes again

Edited by DarkLeon54
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I want to share a few tips to help you avoid crashing the game. Previously, my Fallout always broke after a month of playing due to mods. But I studied the topic and now my game is always stable. 1) Never-Never-Never use quicksave. 2) Never-Never-Never save during combat. 3) Saving in the location is best done 5-10 seconds after opening the location. 4) Always use plugin sorting (LOOT). 5) Most importantly - after removing any mod, ALWAYS clean the saves from old strips using a receiver. Using these methods, I was able to fix the most broken saves.

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43 minutes ago, DarkLeon54 said:

The game start, but if I try to load the save afterwards it crashes again

Something very wrong with the core of your game. Perhaps your set of mods gives such an effect. I don't even know what to recommend. Disable mods and enable one after another to test what causing the crashing? Make a separate clean profile with a minimum of mods to play POS?

30 minutes ago, zirablack said:

Please tell me how to meet Shrike.

You need to touch the special Nuka-Cola "For The Most Beautiful" at the left end of the bar when viewed from the entrance. Or find his shelter near Oberland station.

19 minutes ago, Newtothis91 said:

im using ProblemsofSurvivor1.5.3.rar,

Better use 1.5.2 to match XDI-patch. And you don't need POSScripts (probably), they are for modders. All the mod's NPCs don't show dialogue options?

Edited by DSHV
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17 minutes ago, DSHV said:

Something very wrong with the core of your game. Perhaps your set of mods gives such an effect. I don't even know what to recommend. Disable mods and enable one after another to test what causing the crashing? Make a separate clean profile with a minimum of mods to play POS?


Even buffout4 can't find the cause of the problem


Edited by DarkLeon54
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15 minutes ago, DSHV said:

Что-то очень не так с ядром вашей игры. Возможно ваш набор модов дает такой эффект. Я даже не знаю, что порекомендовать. Отключить моды и включить один за другим, чтобы проверить, что вызывает сбой? Сделать отдельный чистый профиль с минимумом модов для игры в ПОС ?

Нужно прикоснуться к специальной Ядер-Коле «Для самых красивых» в левом конце бара, если смотреть со стороны входа. Или найти его убежище возле  станции Оберланд.

Лучше использовать 1.5.2 для соответствия XDI-патчу. И POSScript'ы не нужны (наверное), они для моддеров. У всех NPC мода нет диалоговых окон?

Thank you. I'll go look

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1 hour ago, DarkLeon54 said:

Игра запускается, но если я пытаюсь загрузить сохранение, то снова вылетает

Я хочу поделиться несколькими советами, которые помогут вам избежать сбоев в игре. Раньше у меня Fallout всегда ломался после месяца игры из-за модов. Но я изучил тему и теперь моя игра всегда стабильна. 1) Никогда-никогда-никогда не используйте быстрое сохранение. 2) Никогда-никогда-никогда не сохраняйтесь во время боя. 3) Сохранение в локации лучше делать через 5-10 секунд после открытия локации. 4) Всегда используйте сортировку плагинов (LOOT). 5) Самое главное - после удаления любого мода ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО чистить сохранения от старых скриптов с помощью ReSaver. С помощью этих методов мне удалось починить самые битые сохранения. load any save that can open the game - move to a distant, deserted location, re-save. After that, clean the saves, sort the plugins.

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