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2 hours ago, VulpiFox said:

SexLabAroused.esm does not show up on the list when I select "Add Masters..." for the created patch

It's definitely installed and functioning properly, and it does show up on the left side in xedit, so I am confused how to fix this


When you run SSEEdit you also have to choose to include SexLabAroused.esm.  So one of two things is going on: 1) you didn't choose it when you started SSEEdit or 2) you have already added it as a master.  When you click on your mod in SSEEdit you can see what masters it has.

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3 hours ago, WaterRabbit said:


When you run SSEEdit you also have to choose to include SexLabAroused.esm.  So one of two things is going on: 1) you didn't choose it when you started SSEEdit or 2) you have already added it as a master.  When you click on your mod in SSEEdit you can see what masters it has.

Apparently it was already a master. Still learning this thing, so thanks for the help!

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Sooo, quests/events not triggering, for me it's almost all about not triggering in wild/road and ect. events. What should I do? Should I stay on event location, wait, and if nothing happening just reload on this location until smth happens?

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8 hours ago, Reksider said:

Sooo, quests/events not triggering, for me it's almost all about not triggering in wild/road and ect. events. What should I do? Should I stay on event location, wait, and if nothing happening just reload on this location until smth happens?


Try to just reset the mod in the settings; you'll know if an event is scheduled to happen when you see a notification top left saying, "I feel something ominous..." or something along those lines. That's strictly a babodialogue related event. Turn up all events to 100, reinstall if necessary, and just either reload the cell or move to a different location if it doesn't trigger in the current one. 

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To those having issues with the horse whiterun quest (getting stuck after checking eyes and heartrate), here's a quick fix you can type in console if you're stuck:


setstage BaboEventAnimalCare 30


Thanks to @traison

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5 hours ago, thruwaya said:

To those having issues with the horse whiterun quest (getting stuck after checking eyes and heartrate), here's a quick fix you can type in console if you're stuck:


setstage BaboEventAnimalCare 30


Thanks to @traison


I think I just figured out why this quest doesn't work, I kept loading older saves until I found one that worked.

I was thinking it had something to do with having crafted horse treats or perhaps sexual activity at first but the guy said something about "the horse liking sexy ladies like you".


My character had older outdated bikini armor equipped in the old save, equipping Iron TAWOBA armor allowed the latest saves to also complete the quest.


After doing some testing I can start the conversation with the travelling merchant while wearing anything (not naked) he won't initiate conversation with you if you're naked.

Tags on armor in Sexlab Aroused seems to break tawoba armor (excluding bikini tag), taking them off restores functionality. 

Having only the "Bikini" tag enabled in Sexlab Aroused in the equipment manager seems to function, if there are more than this one tag it seems to break (I think).

Wearing non-revealing armor makes it not work, like regular hide armor for example. (Unless it's got the bikini tag, none of the other ones).

You can strip totally naked before you examine the horse and it will work (as far as my testing suggests).

If the horse shakes his head when you're checking his eyes that means you got the wrong tags.

It's like the horse "rejects" you if your armor is not sexy/revealing enough or something. (Or more likely have the correct tags, or incorrect ones)

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On 3/30/2024 at 4:58 PM, thruwaya said:

To those having issues with the horse whiterun quest (getting stuck after checking eyes and heartrate), here's a quick fix you can type in console if you're stuck:


setstage BaboEventAnimalCare 30


Thanks to @traison


I was able to get the popup show up basically saying I can go tell the traveler or deal with the situation myself. The problem is when I try to interact with the horse nothing happens. How should I go and initiate the scene with the horse?

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I did the trick with approach not starting from the beginning.....Babo MCM does not appear. I have disabled synthesis. nothing .....
Sometimes Babo starts... sometimes it doesn't start, it always says BaboMCMResetting or something like that.....
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gotta admit i hated this mod at first and was gonna get rid of it sense none of the quests ever worked....but then i started really working on mods like it was my job and found out how keywords work....thanks for this amazing mod. hopefully you dont stop here and possibly make more add-ons or other dirty situation for the dragonborn to get into.

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Is there something like this, but without the sex?  I'm just interested in the character -> player dialogue.   (Maybe something that has the character use one of Gunslicer's more casual poses in Racemenu)

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16 hours ago, just a temp said:

Hey i really need help with the keywords i've tried reading through the manual and it doesnt tell you how to add the keywords so im just not understanding anything, any help would be appreciated!

I have used OSL Aroused and SL Aroused NG in order to achieve the keyword function in game  Both mods allow you to add keywords to any outfit. I think the bikini keyword is the only one you need.  You should see events start to happen after this. Or you can test by talking to an innkeeper "Heard any rumors lately" and they should comment on you outfit.


Edit: You only need one aroused mod or the other, not both.

Edited by bondjamesbond
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21 hours ago, ditrugatorninja said:

how i can convince the stallion to have sex ? it have no more interactions after i check him

Same problem PC came to conclusion that horse wants to mate with her and nothing triggers the sex.

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On 4/3/2024 at 10:03 AM, tageh10005 said:

Is there something like this, but without the sex?  I'm just interested in the character -> player dialogue.   (Maybe something that has the character use one of Gunslicer's more casual poses in Racemenu)


Set every event chance to 0 in the MCM to only have the dynamic flavor dialogue triggered by armor\clothes keywords or NPC greetings.  Do not use the auto trigger mods like HH and approach.

Still need all core requirements.  If no quest is needed to run, the motion pack can be omitted, still needed for the other Baka mods like Defeat-Baka.  The motion pack is used during quest interactions and dialogue. Papyrus Extender is used to fix bugs in quest by replacing failing to trigger papyrus functions with Papyrus Extended SKSE versions.


Edited by safado
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