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SexoutBreeder [V8.4] ZOMG an update edition. Titus Riverside Bugfix.

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I've been wondering...


If the author of this mod is aware of myriad bugs in the LL version of FOMM, why hasn't he reported them to Prideslayer so that he can fix them?  Supposedly, the whole point of creating the LL FOMM was to fix problems with the original FOMM.  It seems to me that it would be in everyone's interests to have a single, superior FOMM rather than two, differently inferior FOMM's.


Can I infer that, contrary to Prideslayer's instructions, his own script extender works just fine with the old FOMM; or, is that functionality that he mentions which won't work when used with the old FOMM not used with this mod?  If so, what work-around is used when using other mods that need that functionality? 


These questions may sound completely stupid to someone who knows how all of this crap really works; but, I don't.  Apart from knowing how to install files in the right places, I don't understand any of this stuff, and, when left on my own, I can do nothing but walk away from it until someone gives me answers I can understand.  I've just gone ahead and installed this with the new FOMM, since I don't have the slightest idea how to follow Sexout's installation instructions without the new FOMM; and, it would surprise me very much if it's safe to install mods with two, different versions of FOMM at the same time.

  • If you find bugs with Pride's FOMM report them to his thread with as much detail as possible. It isn't fair to expect other mod authors to report suspected bugs when they might not even be aware of them...;)
  • The original author of this mod is not active currently. The current owner is actively working on the mod's own bugs and improvements  to worry about suspected bugs from a mod manager.
  • If you don't like installing the script extender using FOMM install it manually. There are instructions for doing so as I mentioned before. They are in a spoiler on the FOMM OP. Make absolutely sure those files are in the correct location otherwise nothing will work in sexout.
  • NEVER use two mod managers to manage the games files unless you are doing so because you FULLY understand what you are doing and are doing so for specific reasons. Then change your mind and don't do it.  :D. Seriously it is one of the easiest ways to mess up your game. One mod manager won't understand what is going on with the other and in the end files get messed up. Choose a manager and stick with it.
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I'm really excited that this mod has finally been picked up again. While I kinda enjoyed the whole deathclaw thing I really hope that there's some focus on other aspects of the mod this time around, maybe some improvements on the bighorner farm? Like, maybe after you free yourself you can come back and own it, recruiting other people from around the wasteland to come to the farm in various ways.

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not entirely sure what to say, but let me put it this way.
if i find an issue with one version i'll try an other.
if that works i wont complain.
that being said, i understand prideslayer continued the projects and tweaked it for hes wishes.
if i felt like reporting a problem i would have dug though the code and pointed out likely causes. 

if you'r against my decision then use hes i don't mind, just know that i "recommend" the other one for the purpose of these mods.
and i mean no disrespect i just cant be bothered with it when i can find something that works some were else.



oh and an update.

due to bills of two homes currently i am having trouble funding for replacements for my main computer and/or food, and this backup is having alot of trouble.
for now i've limited it to never use more then 35% of its CPU but i believe it will die soon and i don't dare continue my progress until i have something stable. so progress will have to wait a few weeks.

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This mod as it stands is very outdated and will not work correctly with the latest version of sexout and the other requirement mods. It's being actively reworked and updated, but won't be ready for a while. Until then, using breeder will cause problems just like you're experiencing.

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Yes as bilbob1 stated. There are heavy scripts from both this mod and the current sexout mods. These scripts are intensive as they are normally. Now combine conflicting scripts to do the same thing on the same object the game engine has to process all those extra commands. That is what I mean by running Breeder along side of new current Sexout mods. That might help you to understand the reason for the slow down when Breeder is started in your case. If you remove all but what was provided to you by this mod (which has everything as far as I know) the slow down would be minimal.

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seems i have been perm-banned from dropbox, i'll delete the dropbox link.
(the ban is a result of hitting download limit per day and its honestly a horrible limit so it was only a matter of time.)

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did you read the "entire" guide?
did you follow all the steps and not just download, install?
the guide tells you about settings you should have enabled and what they should be set to.

please read it again :)...



oh and i believe this computer to die within 2-3 days, i may try to borrow my sisters backup for a couple of weeks.
this laptop has lost all ability to cool down its CPU   (most likely programmed into it but w/ever.)

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seems i have been perm-banned from dropbox, i'll delete the dropbox link.

(the ban is a result of hitting download limit per day and its honestly a horrible limit so it was only a matter of time.)

Don't forget about your sig.. ;)


did you read the "entire" guide?

did you follow all the steps and not just download, install?

the guide tells you about settings you should have enabled and what they should be set to.


please read it again :)...



oh and i believe this computer to die within 2-3 days, i may try to borrow my sisters backup for a couple of weeks.

this laptop has lost all ability to cool down its CPU   (most likely programmed into it but w/ever.)

If it is going to die anyway perhaps try and open it up. Maybe, hopefully it is just some dust or a need to re-paste the processor etc.

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i checked, the cause is that like many laptops from that generation this one was pre-programmed to stop working after a certain date.
there's little to no dust with is strange by itself.
and it works just fine the 5 seconds before it crashes due to overheat.
all in all the laptop is "prevented" from cooling itself down.

i considered turning back the laptop's clock but that causes problems for browsers.



change my signature to what?

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hey there,


I just have a question, are there any types of guides or walkthroughs for breeder, or at least a bunch of hints somewhere? XD I've been looking around and I havent't been able to find anything past the first 5 that are on the front page. I'm sure this has been asked before, but any help would be appreciated :D


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 Is the fan on the CPU working? Any other fans inside that might have stopped working?


i checked, the cause is that like many laptops from that generation this one was pre-programmed to stop working after a certain date.
there's little to no dust with is strange by itself.
and it works just fine the 5 seconds before it crashes due to overheat.
all in all the laptop is "prevented" from cooling itself down.

i considered turning back the laptop's clock but that causes problems for browsers.



change my signature to what?


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i checked, the cause is that like many laptops from that generation this one was pre-programmed to stop working after a certain date.

there's little to no dust with is strange by itself.

and it works just fine the 5 seconds before it crashes due to overheat.

all in all the laptop is "prevented" from cooling itself down.

I never heard of preprograming to stop working after a certain date. ...  have dealt with many laptops and desktops and general hardware, where I am not a repair person I have considerable exposure to the various aspects and just never heard of that.


i considered turning back the laptop's clock but that causes problems for browsers.

That shouldn't effect the Browsers for a modern OS. The date and time should be able to be changed inside the OS and the Browsers shouldn't be accessing a Bios. ( that would be Very scary indeed) They should be only seeing what the OS tells them the date is. Anyway, if the laptop is going to die and a simple trick like changing dates would work why not try it? It couldn't really hurt just make sure your data is backed up. ( which I would expect has already been done and kept current as we speak since you already know the laptop is giving serious problems. ).


If that don't work try flashing the bios with a new version (which I hope and believe you already tried). Finally if it does die and you can't repair it.. in other words it will be going to the garbage, Try the most risky trick. Flash with a similar bios from the manufacture that don't have this pre-programing issue issue.


change my signature to what?

The signature that states help you get Drop Box Space... ;)


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the fan is working just fine, even checked it for dust.
its hard-coded into the BIO's and i cannot alter that due to most/all settings are locked.
only way to bypass would be to "flash" or remove the bio's chip entirely and replace it.

and that's out of the question.   (cant be bothered)



seen it in my two laptops, my first had a setting ( if power is connected, disable fan yes/no?)   a clear sabotage.
i expect this one to have a similar one.

changing your date a few years back does effect browser, try it yourself and you'll find that everything screws up because of "certificate" it determines if a website is "legit" and unfortunately it checks by using your computers date as "present date".


i could write some or, you could ask here.
easiest to ask here for now tho.

some updates.
got my hands on my sisters backup (its so old that it does not support any graphic card you can buy) so its pretty crappy...but very hard to burn down :)....back in the days were things were build to last :D

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thanks for the reply, and in that case, does anyone have any tips or walkthroughs to share with me? I feel like I've only skimmed the surface of this mod :P Also, is there a way to have sex with the creatures (i.e. Supermutants, geckos, brahmin) without it being in a mission? For example the supermutants at jacobstown.


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Tryouts working girl or sexout sex should work on Jacobstowns super mutants. For creatures try the bangatron or sexassaults stalker/combat rape feature.


You can also try sexkey it should work regardless of the mods installed provided Sexout is installed. No reports of issues so far to me. Just point the target on the NPC/Creature you want to have sex with and click x.. Done.

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Guys i'm having an issue with the current version on the riverside quest.

I got to riverside, bought the house, wait a couple of days and then i found out PC isn't pregnant and none of the deathclaws want to do her ,and all the diary does is swell

her tits up 3 times.

What do?

I am having this exact same issue, anyone have any tips to fix it, or do we just have to wait untill a new, more compatible, version is out.

Thank you for your time.

P.S In the most recent compiled folder that is available for download, several files, including the older, compatible .esp can not be opened and I am unable to find the right versions of the pregnancy mod, and since i am having to use the newest "stable" version, this may be one of the sources of the incompatibility's.

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Guys i'm having an issue with the current version on the riverside quest.

I got to riverside, bought the house, wait a couple of days and then i found out PC isn't pregnant and none of the deathclaws want to do her ,and all the diary does is swell

her tits up 3 times.

What do?

I am having this exact same issue, anyone have any tips to fix it, or do we just have to wait untill a new, more compatible, version is out.

Thank you for your time.

P.S In the most recent compiled folder that is available for download, several files, including the older, compatible .esp can not be opened and I am unable to find the right versions of the pregnancy mod, and since i am having to use the newest "stable" version, this may be one of the sources of the incompatibility's.



You are correct that using the newest "stable" SCR or pregnancy will cause problems, at the least nothing will work. It references different aspects of the game and just won't work. You must use the files provided by the individual that maintains this mod.


Have patience if there is aproblem with the files downloaded I am sure he will respond and fix when able.


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