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SexoutBreeder [V8.4] ZOMG an update edition. Titus Riverside Bugfix.

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you'r installing stuff wrong and/or skipped a few things user29 didn't speak of in main post. (check my guide for full description)

make sure you read it all.


Not to mention you aren't creating the proper SCR Resources folder. ( I have link in the sig section) You have un-necessary esps in your load order. This waste space and will prevent you from adding more mods in the future as there is a limit to how many esp/esms that can be installed.


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Question, is Breeder still compatible with the newest versions of Sexout, Pregnancy etc. given how long it's been since this has updated?



Jamil was kind enough to include the proper Sexout and many other files needed into the resource folder he is distributing. Use those resources. They look pretty complete to me from my looking them over. ( not testing yet however they have been extensively tested by others.)



In fact.. I believe that you should only use those files present in his folder. I don't think you even need to create a SCR resources folder as most of those files are already in that resource he is distributing.


Now if you have questions on how to install those resources.. then please ask as it took me a few seconds to find the stuff that I was looking for. However so far after the last 10 minutes looking for various files.. They are there. Trust me. So far I can't find one file that Breeder/Sexout/SCR requires that isn't' there. He did a very complete job with is collection.


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i just send a message to "All" moderators and the admin.
should be done at some point.

soon i'll be able to help more effectively by being in charge of the mod.(if the mods and admin care, that is :D )


by the way i enjoy you'r support ritualclarity ^^

regarding content that Sexout Breeder requires, well there's quite alot of it and its spread wide and far.

the purpose of my compiled version was to gather those 15-16 different mods.

it does not make sense in my head that people have to find 15-16 mods and install them correctly.

i realize the cause of bugs and errors is due to this fact as people are bound to make mistakes....and so i corrected it as best i could with the power i had.


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I'll support where I can even if I haven't played it for over a year.. or perhaps even more.. v6 or something around there.. lol



No problem. Modding is a learning experience and takes time. The good thing is there is years worth of learning that can be done and you will likely never be board, new concepts, new games etc. Good hobby if you don't let the setbacks get to you. When I came to this site I only did basic install. Some manual install so I thought I was doing great. Little did I know I was so NOOB. :D. Still Noob.. but learning.



i'll be able to help more effectively by being in charge of the mod.(if the mods and admin care, that is )

 I think I can speak for them on this matter. ;)

Anything that improves or maintains what has been created is appreciated. This entire site is geared to creation of mods and development of those interested and dedicated enough to venture into the use and creation of mods. I am sure once you get your RL settled and decide to start working on this you will be very effective with this mod and perhaps more addons :D. Maybe an alien one.. ;)..


Now for me to get off my ass and at least load GECK and GECK PU. Too busy playing around with mods and examining their physical structures and file structures to even start ( in the past.)

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ownership transferred.
lets start by cleaning up the main post...

(it'll take some time for me to clean up and update the main page) 

Edit:there...did some make shift changes to the main page.

i'll modify it further later.

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of course.
the purpose is to stabilize the mod by recreating the ENTIRE thing from bottom up.
then add new content.

the issue is that the mod is held together by duck tape and is very confusing to look trough, this in programming terms is called "spaghetti coding"

also because i know the game is good at "jumping" over scripts i'll make a debugging script that checks if things works as intended.

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You are going to create a master file for all the key components shared and then create esps for all the "episodes".. correct jamilnelsen?


If that is so it will take quite a bit of time and work to get that up and running. Not to mention updating the various calls to the newer calls for pregnancy, sperm, ova, etc.

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Personally, my thoughts would be to create separate esp's for each episode, really people shouldn't be playing more than one at a time as the mutations and quests would conflict. I think it's too much for one person to do it all in one go, it'll probably be more manageable too and save your sanity a lot. Perhaps start with the main file and for example if you want to do DeathClaws carve out everything in the mod definitely not relevant to them, then trim out the rest later. Then to do Coyotes, start again with a copy of the original mod and carve out everything not Coyote related.

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i agree that it may be a good idea to split it into multiple files however i don't believe limiting to one quest at a time is the answer.
i believe a script should detect if the player has completed other mutation quests to the degree of gaining mutations, then ask the player if it should overwrite or ignore.

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It is your mod now Jamil.. do what you need to and think should be done.;)


i believe a script should detect if the player has completed other mutation quests to the degree of gaining mutations, then ask the player if it should overwrite or ignore.

Maybe placed in the esm? Then the other esps can run independently.. ? Oh.. and the possibility of cross mutations... muhhaaa..( evil laugh ). A death claw mutation with bloat fly queen wings? Dragon wings with dog mutations? The possible outcomes are very interesting.. :D Anyway. Looking forward to seeing what you do with this and how you go forward.

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Yep... the reason for the muhhaaaa ( evil laugh ). ;)


Anyway it is a very long way off if ever .. stability and functionality is the process now. Time now to clean up that.. "spaghetti codding" I believe you called it.. I wouldn't know.. I haven't really coded anything..


I am working to get settled with the games Skyrim/FNV/FO3 ( both including TTW etc) and Oblivion. Soon I hope to be able to test whatever you needed tested in any combination of mods needed to be tested to see if there are any issues etc. Hopefully along the time you are able to seriously start working on the rework of the mod. ;).

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Guest Long John

There's doesn't seem recently to have been any updates on wip sexbot quest modification (posted in later part of October 2013 - November 2013) when the author was having model and/or texture troubles.


Basically the idea was about potentially being transformed into a sexbot.


If the author isn't working on it anymore is it possible for the idea to be integrated into this modification instead (if updates for this one are still being developed)?

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i think sexbot is a race mod on nexus.

i'm guessing they made(or tried) to make a quest mod out of it.

at the current moment it would be easier for others to take it up.

fixing this mod will take half a year at least.

i don't plan on putting extra work load on top of that before i see the light at the end of the road.

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Guest Long John

@jamilnielsen - It is a race mod on the nexus but they have been customized for us armed forces (textures - according to race lore). However in addition you can be it from the start. Not become one as a result of situation or circumstances (through quest). Though the race may bee a good starting point if permission(s) can be gained.

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good starting point for what?
and what permissions?

please keep in mind Sexout Breeder is about Evolution and there's only one form of cyber evolution and that's "Nanites"
could i get a link to the nexus race and the loverslab topic?...i'll take a look.


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Guest Long John

Here are the links you request.





I also have a suggestion for how it could be implemented please see the text in the spoiler tags:



Through the breeding process your body could gradually fully (completely) "evolve" into a android based sexbot (permently).


The process is driven both by time and the increasing amounts of nanites in the blood stream, causing more and more biological body parts to be replaced with synthetic ones.


Though with a twist you need to have sex regularly and plug into a special recharing bay. Failing to recharge will result in eventually gradual deactivation and eventually going offline (death). Failing to have sex regularly will rest in penalties and optionally (through mcm setting) long term the same as failing to recharge regularly.


A follow up quest could result in your capture and sale as property after your programming is altered. A random individual will buy you and use you as his plaything.


Your altered programming compells you to obey his orders even though there is still a sentient self aware and deciding mind present. All you can do is watch helplessly as your body does things outside of your control. Inside your mind the player character is screaming to be freed.


Escape possibility could come from an author chosen source though the escape and freeing isn't entirely sucessful (your previous programming is restored). Though you still need regular sex and recharging.


The recharing period leaves you helpless (vulnerable) an intelligent malicious person could come along and send a power surge through the recharging bay. Potentially while you are in it frying your components resulting in immendiate termination.


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Guest Long John

A follow up on the initial idea post:





Though if you (player character and/or a potential companion female) escape soon enough before the transformative "evolutionary" breeding process has gone too far and find help you may be able to return to being human again. Otherwise once it has gone too far (on the day at the moment you have completely become an android sexbot or a couple of days afterwards), the change will become permenant. There will be no reversion of the transformation on its own (over time), at will or with help.


In otherwords you will play the rest of the game as an android sexbot without these needs (no need for food, water or sleep). You will also as an android sexbot also be immune to disease, poison and vulnerable to the types of damage which other robots are. Though with two new needs to have sex regularly and to recharge. Following the MCM setting in Sexout Pregnancy V3 (for androids becoming pregnant), you may or may not no longer be able to become pregnant.


When recharging you will essentially be in a powered down state unable to see, hear and move. When recharging is complete you will automatically restart and be able to see, hear and move again. An immobile 3rd person camera will be active showing you as an android sexbot in the recharging bay (if someone comes along and attempts to electrically fry your circuits). Otherwise all you will see is black (your synthetic eyes are closed).


In the top right hand corner you may get a message showing the percentage of how complete your charging is.


While operational from time to time you will get messages in the same corner about how flat (discharged) your power cells have become (in a percentage).




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sounds like a good idea.
but i wont be doing/considering any new content anytime yet.

i'll add a link to store the idea tho.
i'll close "ideas for future episodes" for now.


i will not be accepting any more new ideas for now.

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