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Armor Conversions for YII - Techniques-Labors *COTS*

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Hey all,
First time posting, long time reader and follower.
Wanna first start off with a HUGE thank you LDW for all the effort you put into your work, and for the time associated with sharing!
I hope you don't mind, but I'd love to show off some of your bits, and sometime I'd love to pick your brain about some hair ideas, but I'm green as a leaf in CK.














































































The hardest part is figuring out what to wear for more than 5 minutes   :lol:

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Great screenshots and I definitely have to agree. LDW's work is amazing! I used to have so much fun checking this thread every day for a new group of armors, downloading it and then checking them out in game!

Oh, I use UNP Skinny for the rest of the women in game and with UFO I equipped a follower with some of LDW's armor and all it does is make them "unblessed". :D

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@LCD, screeen or we don't believe you :D


Here's a shot of two girls wearing the guys' armour, one in the medium gladiator set and one in the colovian set.  The guy's bodies are less curvy with broader shoulders, so the look is a bit odd, but you don't get invisible bodies or any such thing.


The male armors must be doing the same thing that the male Ground objects do.  With an empty female slot them male armor takes priority.  If you do the reverse the male slot will be empty.   


Aw, shame, I was hoping for more pieces to mix and match!

Thanks for the answers guys, I have one more question for those of you can answer~


I'm still using the old CoTS R2 but I'm kinda curious about that ROTS redone with all the difference races. Is it worth it to switch and will LDW's armors fit on those models?

At the moment, I have not tried it. Don't really need it. I took COTS r2 and made it completely standalone. Still have a few bugs it it but I'll get around to fixing it one day. 


Well guess it's time to ask the pros since I'm on my wits end..


I want to make some parts of an armor (mainly the underwear  :P  ) interchangable with another mesh. So I have a complete set of armor (consisting of body, the main armor slot 32 and the underwear slot 53) and a mesh only consisting of the underwear (slot 53). Thought equipping the other mesh would override the slot 53 but well.. it doesn't  :/


Instead it equips only the new mesh with body. Tried some other things too, but nothing works out as intented :@ .

Does anybody know a way how to get it to work ? ^^


I don't think the CK will let you. If the armor and the underwear are one piece and the they just have different BSDismember slots that will work for sure, but with them being different pieces, unless its selected in the ck, it will ignore it. You are better off just setting the armor to 32 and the underwear as a different .nif to what-ever slot.



do i understand the last few posts right? i can use this stuff (and loli armor pack i.e.) either for COTS or RCOTS?

Yes. Anything that uses UNP should not be a problem. Just some will be "unblessed" and some will be slim.


Hey all,

First time posting, long time reader and follower.

Wanna first start off with a HUGE thank you LDW for all the effort you put into your work, and for the time associated with sharing!


I hope you don't mind, but I'd love to show off some of your bits, and sometime I'd love to pick your brain about some hair ideas, but I'm green as a leaf in CK.



The hardest part is figuring out what to wear for more than 5 minutes   :lol:

Glad you like them. I had forgotten about most of that stuff. 

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lexter, on 18 Jan 2014 - 2:12 PM, said:


Well guess it's time to ask the pros since I'm on my wits end..


 I want to make some parts of an armor (mainly the underwear  :P  ) interchangable with another mesh. So I have a complete set of armor (consisting of body, the main armor slot 32 and the underwear slot 53) and a mesh only consisting of the underwear (slot 53). Thought equipping the other mesh would override the slot 53 but well.. it doesn't  :/


 Instead it equips only the new mesh with body. Tried some other things too, but nothing works out as intented :@ .


 Does anybody know a way how to get it to work ? ^^


I don't think the CK will let you. If the armor and the underwear are one piece and the they just have different BSDismember slots that will work for sure, but with them being different pieces, unless its selected in the ck, it will ignore it. You are better off just setting the armor to 32 and the underwear as a different .nif to what-ever slot.




Thought as much..guess there’s no way around separating the slots completely. Didn’t know the priority option uguu123 mentioned (well more like ignored it XD) – might come in handy some time.


Thx for the help anyway!


@ quequeg:


Thx for the great sceens! Started crying a little bit after seeing the 12 one though – didn’t know there already was a version of the black Lolita dress. Wouldn’t have started making one myself then.. (and I even installed the files but just not the esp *slapping myself*)


It’s LDW’S fault for making far too many of those awesome conversions :P


We really could need a screen overview of all his armors.. makes picking out things for combining new ones far more easy.



@ LDW: Do you have any tips on aligning arms (or shoulder) parts correctly to the skyrim bodys? That’s my biggest issue right now since I’m mainly using the Pose Converter from gerra6 and that’s having some problems with those (for oblivion to skyrim conversions mainly). Aligning them manually often destroys the look of the original mesh – especially with puffy shoulder parts..

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Great screenshots and I definitely have to agree. LDW's work is amazing! I used to have so much fun checking this thread every day for a new group of armors, downloading it and then checking them out in game!


Oh, I use UNP Skinny for the rest of the women in game and with UFO I equipped a follower with some of LDW's armor and all it does is make them "unblessed". :D


It was fun, wasn't it?  Well, here's one just to bring back that old spirit.


Comes in two versions...fully craftable, under glass.


The original is called 'Blue Lion Armour' and you can find the location for it in the .zip file.






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It was fun, wasn't it?  Well, here's one just to bring back that old spirit.


Comes in two versions...fully craftable, under glass.


The original is called 'Blue Lion Armour' and you can find the location for it in the .zip file.


They look great, love the belt on that skirt, reminds me of the wolf pelt belt offna the norfgirl mashy but with a cuter medallion! 



So I have beat my noggin up and down on this, but is there anyway to get my sghairs onto my girls? I have no doubt this can be done in CK but Im pretty sure I do more damage in CK than good...   I managed to get an sghair to stick on a custom follower with some backyard copy/paste action but no matter what I move or change I can't get any of the skykids or the ashen x117 to take anything but apachii, that being said I love the apachii hairs but many of my fav hairs are in the 120pack.  The only work around I've managed is by using Alternative Actors, but that has some very odd and unpredictable results.  Thank you in advance for any ideas that lead to resolution   <3<3

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It was fun, wasn't it?  Well, here's one just to bring back that old spirit.


Comes in two versions...fully craftable, under glass.


The original is called 'Blue Lion Armour' and you can find the location for it in the .zip file.


They look great, love the belt on that skirt, reminds me of the wolf pelt belt offna the norfgirl mashy but with a cuter medallion! 



So I have beat my noggin up and down on this, but is there anyway to get my sghairs onto my girls? I have no doubt this can be done in CK but Im pretty sure I do more damage in CK than good...   I managed to get an sghair to stick on a custom follower with some backyard copy/paste action but no matter what I move or change I can't get any of the skykids or the ashen x117 to take anything but apachii, that being said I love the apachii hairs but many of my fav hairs are in the 120pack.  The only work around I've managed is by using Alternative Actors, but that has some very odd and unpredictable results.  Thank you in advance for any ideas that lead to resolution   <3<3


Have you tried? I put SGHair on my mod wife, so it should work for CotS too.

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@ LDW: Do you have any tips on aligning arms (or shoulder) parts correctly to the skyrim bodys? That’s my biggest issue right now since I’m mainly using the Pose Converter from gerra6 and that’s having some problems with those (for oblivion to skyrim conversions mainly). Aligning them manually often destroys the look of the original mesh – especially with puffy shoulder parts..




I have never used Pose converter. Did not know that would even work for Oblivion to Skyrim.



Great screenshots and I definitely have to agree. LDW's work is amazing! I used to have so much fun checking this thread every day for a new group of armors, downloading it and then checking them out in game!


Oh, I use UNP Skinny for the rest of the women in game and with UFO I equipped a follower with some of LDW's armor and all it does is make them "unblessed". :D


It was fun, wasn't it?  Well, here's one just to bring back that old spirit.


Comes in two versions...fully craftable, under glass.


The original is called 'Blue Lion Armour' and you can find the location for it in the .zip file.



When i hear "Blue Lion" I can only think of Voltron. :P

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Have you tried? I put SGHair on my mod wife, so it should work for CotS too.



I have tried everything I can think of,(which mind you, is limited)  what was your process for getting the hair on your wife?


Its simple if you stop to think about it for a moment. There are two ways. One with the CK and one without.  


The one with out the CK does not seem to work though if you use ECCE as well. I'm guessing it redirect the face saves to its own folder so it cannot see the changes you make and get its direction from the CK.  Every created follower has it own Face folder.  Data/Meshes/Actors/Character/FaceGenData/ .ESP Folder Name. In that folder are all of that .ep's followers face meshes. Open up each one in Nifskope until you find the one you want to change. You can usually tell by the way the hair looks. You would use Nifskope to remove branch the hair and the hairline. Find the SGHair or whoever's that you want to use. You will need the hair file and its matching hairline file.  You will have to rename the NiNode on the two hair files to match the followers NiNode name, (must be exactly the same, you can copy and paste it to avoid spelling mistakes.)  and then copy and paste branch the hair and then the hair line, re-naming them hair and hairline after you paste so you know which one is which. Then save. 


Using the Ck, when you open your .esp, of course you have no SGHairs. If you open them both together than your esp will be together with SGHairs. We don't really want that. So just open your .esp and find any of the hairs that are already there and duplicate it. You will have to do this twice. Once for the (name)hair and once for the (name)hairline.  Open each one of them up and redirect the the model, and the mesh tri file to new ones. (Every SGHair has 3 files for each hair, a hair file a hairline file and a .tri file.)  Re-name it (name) hair and (name) hairline and then it will show up on the list of available hairs for your NPC.

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Have you tried? I put SGHair on my mod wife, so it should work for CotS too.



I have tried everything I can think of,(which mind you, is limited)  what was your process for getting the hair on your wife?



     l l

     l l






Have you tried? I put SGHair on my mod wife, so it should work for CotS too.



I have tried everything I can think of,(which mind you, is limited)  what was your process for getting the hair on your wife?


Its simple if you stop to think about it for a moment. There are two ways. One with the CK and one without.  


The one with out the CK does not seem to work though if you use ECCE as well. I'm guessing it redirect the face saves to its own folder so it cannot see the changes you make and get its direction from the CK.  Every created follower has it own Face folder.  Data/Meshes/Actors/Character/FaceGenData/ .ESP Folder Name. In that folder are all of that .ep's followers face meshes. Open up each one in Nifskope until you find the one you want to change. You can usually tell by the way the hair looks. You would use Nifskope to remove branch the hair and the hairline. Find the SGHair or whoever's that you want to use. You will need the hair file and its matching hairline file.  You will have to rename the NiNode on the two hair files to match the followers NiNode name, (must be exactly the same, you can copy and paste it to avoid spelling mistakes.)  and then copy and paste branch the hair and then the hair line, re-naming them hair and hairline after you paste so you know which one is which. Then save. 


Using the Ck, when you open your .esp, of course you have no SGHairs. If you open them both together than your esp will be together with SGHairs. We don't really want that. So just open your .esp and find any of the hairs that are already there and duplicate it. You will have to do this twice. Once for the (name)hair and once for the (name)hairline.  Open each one of them up and redirect the the model, and the mesh tri file to new ones. (Every SGHair has 3 files for each hair, a hair file a hairline file and a .tri file.)  Re-name it (name) hair and (name) hairline and then it will show up on the list of available hairs for your NPC.


Sorry, I was playing Dragon Age (AwfulArchdemon) :P

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     Hey guys sorry it's taken a sec to get back had a busy couple days at work...  Only have a moment so i'll report and post some success shots later:

LDW - I did get it to work, but I did not have any luck with CK or Nifscope, I ended up duplicating the structures from the Ashenx117 packed in the CoTsBuyMyStuff pack with the opt unblessed opt and overwrote the existing YgNord structure, then after building a skychild, saving the face, and applying the preset to the new YgNord I ended up with a x117 body and skelly with more morphs and options and all the hair packs avail so I can have quicker access to wardrobe changes...   As an unforseen bonus, being in the YgNord slot, more of the morphs work than for Ashenx117/Skykids, the skin textures are easier to change out, and the strange height bug that had the normal YgNord scaled way off fixed itself after the modification so now the 1st person is fixed without needing any other cam mods.   


     So all in all I'd call it a success, though far less elegant a solution than was probably necessary.   Gotta go root out our finest box of wine from the garage for some company tonight, back in a couple with some shots  <3 <3

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Ok so with a few texture and enb changes here are some snips of the girls:

































































































and tonight I been workin on:




















enjoy!  <3


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Ok so with a few texture and enb changes here are some snips of the girls:

































































































and tonight I been workin on:




















enjoy!  <3






Very nice!


Sorry for the moment out of likes:(


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Truly beautiful, and I don't just mean the models and the clothes, but the artistry of your pics.


thank you! 




It's too bad nobody out there is doing this stuff for boys.


I agree though I have seen a couple good bits on LL for the x117 male, I can't recall any of the names but if I can find enough I would love to add some!

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Awesome screenshots quequeg!
I'm using RCRN for lighting but I don't have an ENB mod though I know there are a couple that work with it, I just haven't felt like messing with it. (Getting RCRN to work without messing up my weather took days!)

BTW, does anyone know how to get the vampire glow eyes on the COTS race? Nexus mods always say they only work with vanilla races so I haven't even tried one of them.

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Well guess I too can give something back ^^


Since all of them are conversion of some sort I don’t own any of the underlying textures or meshes and credit goes in the first place to the original authors.


First upload hope I didn’t mess up somewhere ^^’


Body type should be the one ashen is using – required texture is included for those who don’t have monli installed.


Black Lolita Dress + different colored Leggings and drawers





Well tell me if there are any problems


Edit: nearly forgot: there's a container with all of the armor parts. Just type help "ashenconv black lolita sack" 4 in the console and use player.placeatme XXX to summon it

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Awesome screenshots quequeg!

I'm using RCRN for lighting but I don't have an ENB mod though I know there are a couple that work with it, I just haven't felt like messing with it. (Getting RCRN to work without messing up my weather took days!)


Thank you! 

Also, any Enb really as long as it's the most recent, along with the most recent skse should work with RCRN, I haven't used their lights, but I did hop onto their nexus and they have an Enb patch for their core file.  That being said there are two really good options you might try, I enjoy both and keep one on each pc so I can imerse in the two very differing styles.


     The first is RealVision Opt A for realism its: Climates of tamriel, supreme storms, and Realistic Lighting Overhaul, RLO is a little lite (pun intended) but if your pc can handle it, following their recommended install with the HD packs pure waters, grass etc along with Ewi's cfg it is quite gorgeous.


     The second is Saraan Suum my personal fav: Saraan Suum has its own weather control and will not fly with Climates of Tam, and it's not bad with fancy sky/star adds, hd packs etc, works great with Enhanced Lights and FX imo a must have for Suum.


As always a look at Ewi's cfg's will further enhance your Enb experience, there is also a handy dandy lil gui tool for editing most any Enb avail on nexus, though the more you adjust your Enb, the more likely you will prefer the manual edit approach.  

Also very important, depending on your system, in addition to your Enb edits, there are some great Cfg edits in skyrim, enb, and even skse that will further help with stability, loading times and other graphic headaches that creep up on heavily modded game structure. All of these things are avail either here, nexus, or a very fast google search I'm not a hunnid persent sure of the linking rules so the leg work is on you but holla if you have any kwerstions!



Found this in the 'what mod is this' and it's too friggin cute not to share, I'm a freak for anything Nightmare before Xmas and since elle is wearing something from Daywalker's cloth pack I figured I'd share here!


and as a footnote, the claws are a lot of fun too!













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Well guess I too can give something back ^^


Since all of them are conversion of some sort I don’t own any of the underlying textures or meshes and credit goes in the first place to the original authors.


First upload hope I didn’t mess up somewhere ^^’


Body type should be the one ashen is using – required texture is included for those who don’t have monli installed.


Black Lolita Dress + different colored Leggings and drawers





Well tell me if there are any problems


Edit: nearly forgot: there's a container with all of the armor parts. Just type help "ashenconv black lolita sack" 4 in the console and use player.placeatme XXX to summon it



     Hey Lex nice work on the dress had a chance to try it out on elee and snapped a shot for ya

Looks great thank you!





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