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REDUNDANT OLD Preg/Offspring Beta Test Release

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No, only the first, however when I updated SexOutNG, Pregnancy, Spunk and SCR I only overwrite the old stable versions with the new versions and started a new game, could that have messed it up in any way? I know most likely I did something wrong along the way or messed something up.


Actually now that I think about it, before I overwrite the stable version of Pregnancy with the beta version I had a character who had several children (Willow had triplets) however after overwriting the stable version with the beta version I did start a new character (Because it told me too) I don't know if that counts or not. 


Oh by the way, don't stress yourself out too much moving, take a break once in a while...

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i have a question, this mod works for player male character?bcs i have a problem with pregnancy on npc and companions:D i use default options in sexout pregnancy mcm menu nothing change,k  "after pouring the mold":DDDDDD on npc and sunny i have debug information about it i give a log 


after sex npcs should have tokens yes?they got only 2 tokens2014-12-2_wrhexes.jpg   2014-12-2_wrhexeq.jpg  its correct?bcs i dont understand this:Dhahahh my q: how it really works? :D btw MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!


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Having the same problem, so since this has been happening both with the new versions of SexOut and the old ones I'm almost certain I installed something wrong or forgot to install something important. I'm going to completely uninstall SexOut and all of my mods that depend on it and re-install them, hopefully this will fix the problem.

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Just start a new game and gave Spunk 0.84 a chance. But Pregnancy won’t happen in this run.


Semen: 5ml

Sperm: 0 swimmers (never changes)









Using this Versions:

SCR 20141210.1

Drugging 20141119.1

OffSpring 20141208.1

Pregnancy 20141210.1


After going back to Spunk 0.83 Pregnancy work again.

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Just start a new game and gave Spunk 0.84 a chance. But Pregnancy won’t happen in this run.


Semen: 5ml

Sperm: 0 swimmers (never changes)









Using this Versions:

SCR 20141210.1

Drugging 20141119.1

OffSpring 20141208.1

Pregnancy 20141210.1


After going back to Spunk 0.83 Pregnancy work again.

Do you perhaps have a link to spunk 0.83? Because I have spunk 0.84 and my pregnancy isn't working either, unfortunately I have not be able to get a spunk version 0.83.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After updating to Spunk 0.86 I get a continuous warning on game reload that Spunk sperm tracking must be enabled.  If I'm quick (and lucky), I can uncheck Spunk sperm tracking, and check it again before Preg loads and the message does not appear.  However, on game reload I have to do it all over again.


For some reason I seem to be loosing NX_GetEVFL "Spunk:iUseSperm" on load.  Confirmed it begins set to 1.  But in 2-3 passes it returns to 0 and I get the message.  No idea what's zeroing it out?


EDIT: NVM.  Looks like it might have something to do with Spunks MCM script.


EDIT EDIT: Or not.

Edited by t3589
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That'll be my bad, I think.


Well I commented out the MCM clr, and it still cleared out so...  That and my default position on almost every problem is that I messed up somewhere. lol


For some unknown reason I suspect Preg is actually working in spite of the message.  I still get the player setup sometimes by Preg (tokens etc.), message or no.


EDIT: Trying it now.

Edited by t3589
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That'll be my bad, I think.


Well I commented out the MCM clr, and it still cleared out so...  That and my default position on almost every problem is that I messed up somewhere. lol


For some unknown reason I suspect Preg is actually working in spite of the message.  I still get the player setup sometimes by Preg (tokens etc.), message or no.


EDIT: Trying it now.


Yeah the message is just a warning that it won't work if it's not turned on, it doesn't block anything, it seems the variable is zero at the time of reading but it may update later.
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Yeah the message is just a warning that it won't work if it's not turned on, it doesn't block anything, it seems the variable is zero at the time of reading but my update later.



Doc fixed it on Spunks end.  Message works as expected now.


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  • 2 weeks later...

quick question, when opening the medical scanner it says that the temperature is 0 degrees and in parentheses says the words not working, now my question is, is this saying that just the medical scanner is not working and the pregnancy system is working just fine or is it saying that the entire pregnancy system is not working?

Second question, is there a way to tell if an NPC is pregnant by looking for a specific token or message? As I said my medical scanner is not working, I'm trying to test if Sunny is pregnant but I don't know what token to look for or if there is one. Sorry if this is a confusing or stupid question.

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Hello Halstorm, I know you are not back in modding right now, but maybe someone else can give a hint:


A while ago I was experimenting with the fertility drugs. I tried to get my courier pregnant with my 'Miss Moo' mod, because I didn't read that the Beta doesn't work with creatures properly ;)

So I kept on playing and my 'overfertilized' courier got immediately pregnant ... with one AfroAmericanMale and two CaucasianFemale. Well, I played further and now my courier got into labour, gave birth to the AAM, the bellysize went back from P6 to P4, the next birth began and the courier gave birth to ANOTHER AAM, the bellysize went up to P5 and now she's in a loop, giving birth to one AAM after another.

I reloaded the game and tryed again, but the loop persists.


OK, I do not belive, that I can save my couriers children, and have to make a cleansave without PregV3. But before I do I have to ask if I still can do this, because AFAIK PregV3 uses NX variables now, and AFAIK(!) they are not properly removed from a savegame. Or am I wrong? Or maybe someone knows another way to stop the birthing-loop.

I realy don't want to go back to a savegame without the pregnancy because I would loose nearly my entire playthrough.

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quick question, when opening the medical scanner it says that the temperature is 0 degrees and in parentheses says the words not working, now my question is, is this saying that just the medical scanner is not working and the pregnancy system is working just fine or is it saying that the entire pregnancy system is not working?

Second question, is there a way to tell if an NPC is pregnant by looking for a specific token or message? As I said my medical scanner is not working, I'm trying to test if Sunny is pregnant but I don't know what token to look for or if there is one. Sorry if this is a confusing or stupid question.

The temperature is not implemented at all


Hello Halstorm, I know you are not back in modding right now, but maybe someone else can give a hint:


A while ago I was experimenting with the fertility drugs. I tried to get my courier pregnant with my 'Miss Moo' mod, because I didn't read that the Beta doesn't work with creatures properly ;)

So I kept on playing and my 'overfertilized' courier got immediately pregnant ... with one AfroAmericanMale and two CaucasianFemale. Well, I played further and now my courier got into labour, gave birth to the AAM, the bellysize went back from P6 to P4, the next birth began and the courier gave birth to ANOTHER AAM, the bellysize went up to P5 and now she's in a loop, giving birth to one AAM after another.

I reloaded the game and tryed again, but the loop persists.


OK, I do not belive, that I can save my couriers children, and have to make a cleansave without PregV3. But before I do I have to ask if I still can do this, because AFAIK PregV3 uses NX variables now, and AFAIK(!) they are not properly removed from a savegame. Or am I wrong? Or maybe someone knows another way to stop the birthing-loop.

I realy don't want to go back to a savegame without the pregnancy because I would loose nearly my entire playthrough.

Yeah I still got a bug in there for multiple births, I think I had fixed something over Xmas, but am still awaiting my SSD with that on it to come back from the data recovery company this week I hope.

All Pregnancy NX variables should be cleared by SCR if it detects that Pregnancy is not loaded, I've never tested it, but the code to do it is there. It also does the same for OffSpring, Drugging, Sexout Assualt, Wear and Tear and Soliciting.

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All right thank you for the reply good to know something is not wrong with my game, though I'm still courious if there is a token that appears in an actors inventory when pregnancy occurs, if not oh well, comment may sound weird because I'm doing this on my phone

Yes there should be a token, but it will only be visible if you have the debugging esp activated.
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All right thank you for the reply good to know something is not wrong with my game, though I'm still courious if there is a token that appears in an actors inventory when pregnancy occurs, if not oh well, comment may sound weird because I'm doing this on my phone

Yes there should be a token, but it will only be visible if you have the debugging esp activated.


Alright, thanks for the info, and the quick reply I appreciate it. I'll activate the debug esp and look for the token.

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