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REDUNDANT OLD Preg/Offspring Beta Test Release

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Ok this token bug has me completely stuffed, it appears any script added to any creature token won't run for some strange reason, if I add the creatures script to a human it runs fine, if I runthe human script in a bighorner it just fails to run at all, not even a debug message placed on the first line appears. I can't see any difference at all in the tokens as far as their AR/type etc. The only thing I got to go on is the name of the tokens is the issue some how.

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Yeah it's something broken just for creatures, it's currently got me stuffed as creatures code is just a copy of humans. I'm working on it now with no idea yet why it's happening.



Yeah, it's kinda crazy (I compared the scripts.).  I'ma load the BighornerM script with a ridiculous amount of debug-prints and see if I can isolate where it's crashing.  (debugging old-school style).


/edit: Nevermind, hah, glad you got it.

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Critters are working! Yay! Here we go:


Update 20140324.1:



Nothing, just version number update



Added pregnancy scripts for Centaur & SporeHybrids

Fixed PregDebug.esp to not delete creature pregnancy scripts

Fix to CumBloating not working



Nothing I can think of, just a version number update to keep up

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Yeah, I'll look into timer, birthing is screwed, no idea why it broke or how to fix it, I don't know squat about animations so they maybe broken forever...........


Found the birth hours to go timer issue, just sleeping on how to best fix it tomorrow. It's only the Medical scanner reading that's bjorked.

You just have to look in debugging setting 3 till then.

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Yeah, I'll look into timer, birthing is screwed, no idea why it broke or how to fix it, I don't know squat about animations so they maybe broken forever...........


I suggest when you looking into the timer of birthing animation, it might be the same line problem in the debug esp.

It seems just like its the same problem all over again, just this time is with the animation swapping.


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Yeah, I'll look into timer, birthing is screwed, no idea why it broke or how to fix it, I don't know squat about animations so they maybe broken forever...........


I suggest when you looking into the timer of birthing animation, it might be the same line problem in the debug esp.

It seems just like its the same problem all over again, just this time is with the animation swapping.


Yeah I think it did screw up my testing when I was trying the new script, hence I need to try the new script again, but the new script was one of my last desperate straws to fix it, I failed at everything I tried before that.

The PregDebug parameter overwritten, doesn't actually overwrite the script itself, just which script the token has added.

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It seems creature preg is working, but yeah, definitely borked on the birth animations. One question I have, is it supposed to equip a random weapon from your inventory and ready it during birth? I unequipped the one I had, and it equipped a random .45 ACP SMG from my inventory, then my body went transparent, and I had to tfc to get it to recover after the birthing.


Edit: everything seems to be working on med scanner for fertility other than the percentage issue that you're already aware of.

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It seems creature preg is working, but yeah, definitely borked on the birth animations. One question I have, is it supposed to equip a random weapon from your inventory and ready it during birth? I unequipped the one I had, and it equipped a random .45 ACP SMG from my inventory, then my body went transparent, and I had to tfc to get it to recover after the birthing.


Edit: everything seems to be working on med scanner for fertility other than the percentage issue that you're already aware of.

It's not supposed to equip any weapon but it's majorly screwed up, I'll have to remove birthing animation till someone works out how it works to fix it. I'll screw around with it some more now and see what I can do, before I upload the BirthHourCounter fix today.

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I was wondering, as I had it happen with the stable before I updated everything to the betas also, and I had the infinite loop happen then, which is why I swapped over to the betas.

Yeah it's been broken since August but not reported till last few months..........
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Ok for the braver souls out there, I have done little testing on this other than it starting up ok, I'll do some testing on it tommorrow.


Update 20150325.1:



Fix to Lily being in Female Human Compaiion formlist



Added SetToPlayable to hide and show tokens by debug settings, PregDebug.esp is no longer used

Added Message to tell people to stop using PregDebug.esp

Fix to HoursToBirthing (untested)

Attempted fix to Birthing Animation (untested) found a flag causing the drawing weapon thing and also tried using a MISC Token instead of ARMOR to try avoid the reequip armor issue with NPC's

Added MaximumBellySize slider to MCM (untested)



Added SetToPlayable to hide and show tokens by debug settings, OffSpringDebug.esp is no longer used (untested)

Added Message to tell people to stop using OffSpringDebug.esp

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Brave soul is here.


Comfirm Med Scanner's Timer is working, birth animation is somewhat working.


The first birth animation not working right, seems like it stalled on tfc, but after the first birth and manually toggle tfc the rest of the birth animation are working nomally.


I guess you might want to check the SOPreg's camera position checksum or anything related on it.


And after birth exshaustion is locking up control, can wait in this action but locked other control input. It jeep keeps repeat the pushing animation.


Heres doc's debug record,but it too have preg's information in it so I post it up.


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Yeah, I'll look into timer, birthing is screwed, no idea why it broke or how to fix it, I don't know squat about animations so they maybe broken forever...........


I took a stab at this, but didn't have much luck with it. (My game is a mess from all of my failed attempts to learn how to mod, so I'm never sure when bugs I come across are something I've caused or not.) I can offer a couple of observations I made while looking through the script, though:


In multiple births (somehow I got 24 mantis eggs...not sure if that's my modding caused), I notice that TFC is toggled each time. You might need some kind of a DoOnce flag for the session.


Should AI Packages be assigned to the player? I saw that it was being done (I think this causes the weapon drawing), but I wasn't sure if it was intentional.


I have no idea what code actually makes the animations play. I've been editing Arwen's Tweaks in my own game, and noticed the PlayIdle command for Stimpak and water-drinking animations, but I didn't see anything like that in here (and my attempts to use it didn't produce any results).


So, there, that's all a novice modder was able to make out from that code. Don't know if that helps at all. You might need to hit up someone on here with more experience with animations. ;)

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Brave soul is here.


Comfirm Med Scanner's Timer is working, birth animation is somewhat working.


The first birth animation not working right, seems like it stalled on tfc, but after the first birth and manually toggle tfc the rest of the birth animation are working nomally.


I guess you might want to check the SOPreg's camera position checksum or anything related on it.


And after birth exshaustion is locking up control, can wait in this action but locked other control input. It jeep keeps repeat the pushing animation.


Heres doc's debug record,but it too have preg's information in it so I post it up.



Yeah, I'll look into timer, birthing is screwed, no idea why it broke or how to fix it, I don't know squat about animations so they maybe broken forever...........


I took a stab at this, but didn't have much luck with it. (My game is a mess from all of my failed attempts to learn how to mod, so I'm never sure when bugs I come across are something I've caused or not.) I can offer a couple of observations I made while looking through the script, though:


In multiple births (somehow I got 24 mantis eggs...not sure if that's my modding caused), I notice that TFC is toggled each time. You might need some kind of a DoOnce flag for the session.


Should AI Packages be assigned to the player? I saw that it was being done (I think this causes the weapon drawing), but I wasn't sure if it was intentional.


I have no idea what code actually makes the animations play. I've been editing Arwen's Tweaks in my own game, and noticed the PlayIdle command for Stimpak and water-drinking animations, but I didn't see anything like that in here (and my attempts to use it didn't produce any results).


So, there, that's all a novice modder was able to make out from that code. Don't know if that helps at all. You might need to hit up someone on here with more experience with animations. ;)


Both of these posts were very helpful, thanks guys, I haven't actually found any cause or solutions to the problems presented but they did lead me to some other possible issues I've now fixed. The animations are actually called by adding the package with the animation in it to the actor, this worked fine 2 years ago when it was first added, but got broken somehow, I tried PlayIdle but couldn't get it to work at all.


I'll see if I can copy Doc's spunk DebugLog code and add that to pregnancy too.


This is the birthing code for anyone interested:


scn SexoutP4SBirthingEvent

ref rActor
int iCount
int iRandom
int iDoOnce
int iCountTarget
int iOkToRun
int iDeadTimer
int iRemoving
int iDebug
int iValidActor
int iCnt
ref rItem
int iBirthStage
float fDistanceToPlayer
int iBirthAnimation
int iActorSound
ref rPregType
ref rBirthType
int iBirthCount
int iSymbioteWorn
ref rUpperBody
ref rBackPack

int iWaterBroke
int iMessageCount
int iWaterBroke
int iVaginaClear
int iBodySuitBlock
int iBlockedVagina
ref rBlockedVagina
int iLockedVagina
ref rLockedVagina
int iClothCheck

Begin GameMode

Set rActor to GetContainer

if rActor && gPregStartCounter > 7 && iRemoving < 1
	Set iCountTarget to 199 + (200 * (SexoutP0QVAR.iBirthDuration / 100))
	Set iCount to iCount + 1
	if iCount > iCountTarget
		Set iCount to 0
		Set rBlockedVagina to HatParty
		Set rLockedVagina to HatParty
		Set rUpperBody to rActor.GetEquippedObject 2
		Set rBackPack to rActor.GetEquippedObject 7

		Set fDistanceToPlayer to rActor.GetDistance PlayerREF
		if rActor == PlayerREF
			Set fDistanceToPlayer to 1
		Set iDebug to 0
		if fDistanceToPlayer > 0 && fDistanceToPlayer < 900
			if SexoutP0QVAR.iDebug == 4
				Set iDebug to 4
			elseif SexoutP0QVAR.iDebug == 7 && rActor == PlayerREF
				Set iDebug to 4
			elseif SexoutP0QVAR.iDebug > 7
				Set iDebug to 4

		Set iValidActor to 0
		if rActor.GetIsSex Female || rActor.GetIsSex Male || rActor.GetIsCreature
			Set iValidActor to 1

; *** Check OK to run
		Set iOkToRun to 1
		if rActor.GetDead || iValidActor == 0
			Set iOkToRun to 0
			Set iDeadTimer to iDeadTimer + 1
			if iDeadTimer > 5
				Set iOkToRun to -1
			Set iDeadTimer to 0
			if (rActor.NX_GetEVFo "Sexout:Started::spellTarget" != 0) || (rActor.GetItemCount 00SexoutActor > 0)
				Set iOkToRun to 0
 			if rActor != PlayerREF && rActor.GetInSameCell PlayerREF == 0
				Set iOkToRun to 0

		if iOkToRun > 0 && gPregBirthSelectHappening < 1 && gPregBirthPregHappening < 1 && (rActor.NX_GetEVFl "SOP:bPregBodySwapFlag" == 0) && (rActor.NX_GetEVFl "DOS:bSwappingFlag" == 0)
			Set iBirthStage to rActor.NX_GetEVFl "SOP:iBirthStage"
			Set iVaginaClear to 0
			Set iBodySuitBlock to 0
			if rUpperBody
				Set iBodySuitBlock to 1
				if (rActor.GetEquipped SexoutSLClothPregEffectOkForBirthOutfits)
					Set iBodySuitBlock to 0
					Set iBirthStage to 2
			Set iBlockedVagina to 0
			if (rActor.GetEquipped SexoutSAPFISkinSuit)
				Set iBlockedVagina to 1
			if rActor.GetEquipped SexoutSLClothBindingsBlockedVaginal
				Set iBlockedVagina to 1
				Set iCnt to ListGetCount SexoutSLClothBindingsBlockedVaginal
				Label 1
				if iCnt > 0
					Set iCnt to iCnt - 1
					Set rItem to ListGetNthForm SexoutSLClothBindingsBlockedVaginal iCnt
					if rActor.GetEquipped rItem
						Set rBlockedVagina to rItem
						Set iBirthStage to 2
				goto 1
			Set iLockedVagina to 0
			if rActor.GetEquipped SexoutSLClothBindingsLockedVaginal
				Set iLockedVagina to 1
				Set iCnt to ListGetCount SexoutSLClothBindingsLockedVaginal
				Label 2
				if iCnt > 0
					Set iCnt to iCnt - 1
					Set rItem to ListGetNthForm SexoutSLClothBindingsLockedVaginal iCnt
					if rActor.GetEquipped rItem
						Set rLockedVagina to rItem
						Set iBirthStage to 2
				goto 2
			if iDebug == 4
				if iBirthStage < 2 || iBodysuitBlock > 0 || iBlockedVagina > 0 || iLockedVagina > 0
					DebugPrint "Preg4BirthPrep %n: Cloth %n, BodyS %1.0f, BVag %1.0f, LVag %1.0f" rActor rUpperBody iBodysuitBlock iBlockedVagina iLockedVagina

; *** Pre Birthing Contractions & Water Breaking
			if iBirthStage == 1
				Call SexoutP4SUDFBirthSelectType rActor
				Set iBirthStage to rActor.NX_GetEVFl "SOP:iBirthStage"
				Set rPregType to rActor.NX_GetEVFo "SOP:rPregType"
				Set rBirthType to rActor.NX_GetEVFo "SOP:rBirthType"
				Set iBirthCount to rActor.NX_GetEVFl "SOP:iBirthCount"
				Set iBirthAnimation to rActor.NX_GetEVFl "SOP:iBirthAnimation"

; *** Remove Spells, add Birth Message token & effect spell
				if rActor.IsSpellTarget SexoutP3ECramp
					rActor.Dispel SexoutP3ECramp
				if rActor.IsSpellTarget SexoutP3EMorningSickness
					rActor.Dispel SexoutP3EMorningSickness

				if iMessageCount < 1
					Set iRandom to (GetRandomPercent / 20)
					if iRandom == 1
						if rActor == PlayerREF
							MessageEx "The Contractions are stronger now making it difficult to walk"
						elseif fDistanceToPlayer > 0 && fDistanceToPlayer < 700
							MessageEx "The Contractions are making it hard for %n to walk" rActor
						Set iActorSound to 2
						Set iMessageCount to 1
						rActor.AddSpell SexoutP4EBirthingDue
					elseif iRandom == 2
						if rActor == PlayerREF
							MessageEx "The Contractions are strong, you moan loudly, you are about to start giving birth"
						elseif fDistanceToPlayer > 0 && fDistanceToPlayer < 700
							MessageEx "The Contractions force %n to grunt in pain as the birthing of her offspring begins" rActor
						Set iActorSound to 2
						Set iMessageCount to 1
						rActor.AddSpell SexoutP4EBirthingDue
				endif ; *** Contractions Messages

				if iWaterBroke < 1
					Set iRandom to (GetRandomPercent / 20)
					if iRandom == 1
						if rActor== PlayerREF
							ShowMessage SexoutP4BirthWaterBrokeZPlayer
						elseif fDistanceToPlayer > 0 && fDistanceToPlayer < 700
							MessageEx "%n moans loudly, her inner thighs suddenly drenched in water, her water just broke" rActor
						rActor.CIOS SexoutCumming
						Set iActorSound to 2
						Set iWaterBroke to 1
						rActor.AddSpell SexoutP4EBirthingDue
					elseif iRandom == 2
						if rActor == PlayerREF
							ShowMessage SexoutP4BirthWaterBrokeZPlayer
						elseif fDistanceToPlayer > 0 && fDistanceToPlayer < 700
							MessageEx "%n groans and grabs her crotch in surprise, her inner thighs are soaked as her water breaks" rActor
						rActor.CIOS SexoutCumming
						Set iActorSound to 2
						Set iWaterBroke to 1
						rActor.AddSpell SexoutP4EBirthingDue
				endif ; *** Water Breaking

				if iWaterBroke > 0 && iMessageCount > 0
					Set iBirthStage to 2

			elseif iBirthStage == 2 ; ***  PreBirthing Complete, Check if clothing is ok for birthing to happen
				if rActor == PlayerREF
					if iBodysuitBlock == 0 && iBlockedVagina == 0 && iLockedVagina == 0
						Set iVaginaClear to 1
						if iLockedVagina
							ShowMessage SexoutP4BirthLockedClothesZPlayer
;							DebugPrint "Preg4BirthPrep %n: Locked %n, BodyS %1.0f, BVag %1.0f, LVag %1.0f" rActor rUpperBody iBodysuitBlock iBlockedVagina iLockedVagina
							Set iActorSound to 6
							ShowMessage SexoutP4BirthStripClothesZPlayer
;							DebugPrint "Preg4BirthPrep %n: Cloth %n, BodyS %1.0f, BVag %1.0f, LVag %1.0f" rActor rUpperBody iBodysuitBlock iBlockedVagina iLockedVagina
							Set iActorSound to 2
				else ; *** NPC Actor
					if iBodysuitBlock == 0 && iBlockedVagina == 0 && iLockedVagina == 0
						Set iVaginaClear to 1
						if iLockedVagina
							if fDistanceToPlayer > 0 && fDistanceToPlayer < 700 && GetRandomPercent > 90
								MessageEx "%n struggles to remove her clothes so she can give birth, but can't remove her %n" rActor rLockedVagina
								Set iActorSound to 6
							if fDistanceToPlayer > 0 && fDistanceToPlayer < 700
								MessageEx "%n struggles from her clothes so she can give birth to her OffSpring" rActor
							if rActor.GetEquipped SexoutSAPFISkinSuit
								rActor.UnEquipItem SexoutSAPFISkinSuit
							if rUpperBody
								rActor.UnEquipItem rUpperBody 0 1
							if iBlockedVagina
								rActor.UnEquipItem rBlockedVagina 0 1
							Set iVaginaClear to 1
							Set iActorSound to 2
				endif ; *** Player or NPC ?
				if iVaginaClear < 1
					if rActor.IsSpellTarget SexoutP4EBirthTooTightClothes < 1
						rActor.CIOS SexoutP4EBirthTooTightClothes
					rActor.Dispel SexoutP4EBirthTooTightClothes
					Set iBirthStage to 3

			elseif iBirthStage == 3 ; *** Pick from Pregnancies over 95% to be born
				Set gPregBirthSelectHappening to 1
				Call SexoutP4SUDFBirthSelectType rActor
				Set iBirthStage to rActor.NX_GetEVFl "SOP:iBirthStage"
				Set rPregType to rActor.NX_GetEVFo "SOP:rPregType"
				Set rBirthType to rActor.NX_GetEVFo "SOP:rBirthType"
				Set iBirthCount to rActor.NX_GetEVFl "SOP:iBirthCount"
				Set iBirthAnimation to rActor.NX_GetEVFl "SOP:iBirthAnimation"

				if (rActor.IsSpellTarget SexoutP4EBirthingHappening < 1)
					Set iBirthstage to 4
					Set iBirthstage to 5
					if iDebug == 4
						DebugPrint "Preg4Birth %n: Repeated stage Skipping Animation Start" rActor 
				if rUpperBody || rActor.GetEquipped SexoutSAPFISkinSuit
					if (NX_IsInList SexoutSLClothPregEffectOkForBirthOutfits rUpperBody < 1) || (rActor.GetEquipped SexoutSAPFISkinSuit)
						Set iBirthstage to 2

			elseif iBirthStage == 4 ; *** Drop to ground & Start Animation
				rActor.NX_SetEVFl "SOP:bPregBirthAnim" 1
				ListAddForm SexoutPActorsBirthing rActor
				rActor.AddItem SexoutP4BirthingAnimationFlag 1 1
				rActor.Dispel SexoutP4EBirthingDue
				rActor.AddSpell SexoutP4EBirthingHappening 

				if iBirthAnimation < 2
					Set iRandom to GetRandomPercent
					if iRandom < 50
						if rActor == PlayerREF
							MessageEx "The Contractions force you to the ground in the throes of giving birth"
						elseif fDistanceToPlayer > 0 && fDistanceToPlayer < 700
							MessageEx "The Contractions force %n to the ground in the throes of giving birth" rActor
						Set iActorSound to 2
					elseif iRandom >= 50
						if rActor == PlayerREF
							MessageEx "The Contractions are too strong, you drop to the ground & moan loudly, you are about to start giving birth"
						elseif fDistanceToPlayer > 0 && fDistanceToPlayer < 700
							MessageEx "The Contractions force %n to drop to the ground & wail in pain as the birthing of her offspring begins" rActor
						Set iActorSound to 2

					if rActor == PlayerREF
						DisablePlayerControls 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
						con_tfc ; It won't play the animation unless TFC is toggled on a little after it's started playing.
						if 1 == IsPC1stPerson ; in first person, force to 3rd
							TapControl 13
						rActor.SetRestrained 1
					rActor.AddScriptPackage SexoutP4PACKBirthingAnimationF ; *** adding an AI script package to the Actor
					if iDebug == 4
						DebugPrint "Preg4Birth %n: BirthAnimationAdded" rActor

				elseif iBirthAnimation == 9 ; *** Add Egg birthing animation outfit
					if iDebug == 4
						DebugPrint "Preg4Birth Animation 9 Egg Start"
					rActor.AddItem SexoutSNudeEggImpregT3P0B3 1 1
					rActor.EquipItem SexoutSNudeEggImpregT3P0B3 1 1

				endif ; *** End Animation Options
				Set iBirthstage to 5

			elseif iBirthStage == 5 ; *** Offspring starts coming out
				Set iRandom to GetRandomPercent / 40
				if iRandom == 1
					if rActor == PlayerREF
						MessageEx "You pant & moan in pain as your OffSpring begins to breach your stretching Love canal"
					elseif fDistanceToPlayer > 0 && fDistanceToPlayer < 700
						MessageEx "%n pants & moans in pain as her OffSpring begins to breach her stretching Love canal" rActor
					Set iBirthstage to 6
					Set iActorSound to 2
				elseif iRandom == 2
					if rActor == PlayerREF
						MessageEx "You cry out in pain as you push forcing your offspring from your painfully stretched pussy"
					elseif fDistanceToPlayer > 0 && fDistanceToPlayer < 700
						MessageEx "%n cries out in pain as she pushes forcing her offspring from her painfully stretched pussy" rActor
					Set iBirthstage to 6
					Set iActorSound to 2

			elseif iBirthStage == 6 ; *** Offspring comes out
				Set iRandom to GetRandomPercent / 40
				if iRandom == 1
					if rActor == PlayerREF
						MessageEx "You scream as your OffSpring finally emerges from your straining pussy"
					elseif fDistanceToPlayer > 0 && fDistanceToPlayer < 700
						MessageEx "%n screams as her OffSpring finally emerges from her straining pussy" rActor
					Set iActorSound to 6
				elseif iRandom == 2
					if rActor == PlayerREF
						MessageEx "You pant in relief as your final push sends your Offspring from your straining vagina"
					elseif fDistanceToPlayer > 0 && fDistanceToPlayer < 700
						MessageEx "%n pants in relief as her final push sends her Offspring from her straining vagina" rActor
					Set iActorSound to 6

; *** Call Birthing UDF to add correct offspring to inventory or world
				Set gPregBirthPregHappening to 1
				Call SexoutP4SUDFBirthPregType rActor rPregType
				Set iBirthCount to iBirthCount - 1

; *** Reset loop to Birth next Offspring if more than one?
				if iBirthCount > 0 ; *** || iPregCountEggSporePod > 1
					Set iBirthstage to 3
					if iDebug == 4
						DebugPrint "Preg4Birth %n: MultipleBirth Restarted, BirthCount %2.0f" rActor iBirthCount
					Set iBirthstage to 7
					if iDebug == 4
						DebugPrint "Preg4Birth %n: End of Birthing, BirthCount %2.0f" rActor iBirthCount

; *** Remove Animations, Pregnancy & Effects
			elseif iBirthStage == 7
				if iBirthAnimation < 2
					if rActor == PlayerREF
;					else
;						rActor.SetRestrained 0
					rActor.SetRestrained 0
					rActor.PushActorAway rActor 2 ; *** Prevents NPC's crab walking
				elseif iBirthAnimation == 9
					rActor.UnEquipItem SexoutSNudeEggImpregT3P0B3 1 1
					rActor.RemoveItem SexoutSNudeEggImpregT3P0B3 1 1
				endif ; *** End Animation Options

				rActor.RemoveItem SexoutP4BirthingAnimationFlag 1 1
				ListRemoveForm SexoutPActorsBirthing rActor
				rActor.Dispel SexoutP4EBirthingHappening
				if rActor.IsSpellTarget SexoutP4EBirthExhaustion != 1
					rActor.AddSpell SexoutP4EBirthExhaustion
				if rActor.HasPerk SexoutSBroodMother != 1 
					rActor.AddPerk SexoutSBroodMother
				if iDebug == 4
					DebugPrint "Preg4Birth %n: BirthAnimationRemoved %1.0f" rActor iBirthAnimation
				Set iBirthAnimation to 0
				Set iBirthCount to 0
				Set rBirthType to HatParty
				rActor.NX_SetEVFl "SOP:iBirthAnimation" 0
				rActor.NX_SetEVFl "SOP:iBirthCount" 0
				rActor.NX_SetEVFo "SOP:rBirthType" HatParty
				rActor.NX_SetEVFo "SOP:rOffSpringAdded" HatParty
				rActor.NX_SetEVFo "SOP:rOffSpringPlaced" HatParty
				rActor.NX_SetEVFl "SOP:bPregBirthAnim" 0

				if iDebug == 4
					DebugPrint "Preg4Birth %n: %n: BirthComplete %2.0f" rActor rBirthType iBirthCount
				Set iBirthstage to 8
				Set iOkToRun to -1

			elseif iBirthStage > 7
				DebugPrint "Preg4Birth %n: ERROR BirthStage %1.0f" rActor iBirthStage

			endif ; *** End Birth Token Stages

			if Sexout.useVoice > 0 && iActorSound > 0
				if iActorSound == 2
					rActor.PlaySound3D SexoutVoiceNs02
				elseif iActorSound == 6
					rActor.PlaySound3D SexoutVoiceNs06
				elseif iActorSound == 7
					rActor.PlaySound3D SexoutVoiceNs07
				elseif iActorSound == 8
					rActor.PlaySound3D SexoutVoiceNs08
				elseif iActorSound == 12
					rActor.PlaySound3D SexoutVoiceNs12
				elseif iActorSound == 14
					rActor.PlaySound3D SexoutVoiceNs14
				Set iActorSound to 0
			endif ; *** End Actor Birthing Sounds

			rActor.NX_SetEVFl "SOP:iBirthStage" iBirthStage
			if iDebug == 4
				DebugPrint "Preg4Birth %n: %n: BirthType %n, Animation %1.0f, BirthStage %1.0f, BirthCount %1.0f" rActor rPregType rBirthType iBirthAnimation iBirthStage iBirthCount
		endif ; *** Ok to run?

; *** Actor not OK, Remove Birthing Token
		if iOkToRun < 0
			DebugPrint "Preg4Birth %n: Removing" rActor
			rActor.Dispel SexoutP4EBirthingDue
			rActor.Dispel SexoutP4EBirthingHappening
			rActor.NX_SetEVFl "SOP:iBirthStage" 0
			rActor.NX_SetEVFl "SOP:bPregBirthAnim" 0
			rActor.NX_SetEVFl "SOP:iBirthAnimation" 0
			rActor.NX_SetEVFl "SOP:iBirthCount" 0
			rActor.NX_SetEVFl "SOP:fHoursTillBirth" 0
			rActor.NX_SetEVFo "SOP:rPregType" HatParty
			rActor.NX_SetEVFo "SOP:rBirthType" HatParty
			rActor.NX_SetEVFo "SOP:rOffSpringAdded" HatParty
			rActor.NX_SetEVFo "SOP:rOffSpringPlaced" HatParty
			rActor.RemoveItem SexoutSP4TokenPregTestPositive 9 1
			Set iRemoving to 1
		endif ; *** Ok to run?
	endif ;*** rActor & iCnt > iTarget
endif : *** iRemoving < 1 & iPregMainStarted



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Would it be NVSE or its extender updates change some command lines or nx variables names so preg's code didn't doing what they used to do?


I think I had seen a notice somewhere around here before last year Xmas that said there were something change to some of the lines in the new nvse extender 14 or later, could be where the issue starts.


But I have a very bad memory ( I can't even remember what I eat at lunch, which just happens 2 hours ago.), might could be mistaken with other stuff.

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Just wondering since im a total noob at scripting, i noticed after ; *** Remove Animations, Pregnancy & Effects theres a section with a comment there, and its got a ', it changes the color of the text for the rest of the script does that actually effect the script or is it just a coloration deal?

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Just wondering since im a total noob at scripting, i noticed after ; *** Remove Animations, Pregnancy & Effects theres a section with a comment there, and its got a ', it changes the color of the text for the rest of the script does that actually effect the script or is it just a coloration deal?

Just coloration as far as I know anything after a ; is ignored and thrown away when the script is compiled.

Just testing an update now.

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Yeah they're still broke, infinite birth animations pretty much atm, but it is recoverable if you let the births happen, then reset the preg vars on the affected characters, then use sexkey or another button-press method of initiating a sex scene on that character, which will break them out of the loop. A couple of things I did notice when it happened, tokens in inventory showed birthing animation stage 2 or 3 where it was sticking. Also the body swap seems to be stacking bodysuits in the inventory many times over(saw one npc in the SO bunker where I set assault to ridiculous numbers on stalking, where she ended up with like 50 P3 stage bodies in inventory).

Sorry to say, I didn't have scof running at the time it happened, however.

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Just wondering since im a total noob at scripting, i noticed after ; *** Remove Animations, Pregnancy & Effects theres a section with a comment there, and its got a ', it changes the color of the text for the rest of the script does that actually effect the script or is it just a coloration deal?

Just coloration as far as I know anything after a ; is ignored and thrown away when the script is compiled.

Just testing an update now.



Wait, I've spot something in your post a few days ago...


Isn't that " birthanimationremove %1.0f " and " birth complete %2.0f " token in the lower purple zone of the note script should be a running script?


It seems you had put it into a note script and stall at that point. ( And it might actaully does, since we all stopping just after regaining control but locked up at droped down position like the script last few working line saids. )


I think that " *** prevents NPC's crab walking " should actaully be " *** prevents NPC''s crab walking ".

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