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First of all, as a lurker, just wanna say this is an amazing mod; really appreciate those who worked on it.  Secondly, I apologize for any lack of knowledge about the topic--though I've been playing FO3 and FONV with mods for years and have been using FOMM/NMM, FNVEDIT, and the Geck for a while, I'm a user and not a modder.  That being said, I'm pretty sure I set this up correctly.  I used NMM to install the most recent versions of SO, SCR, and SOPreg/SOOffspring, and followed the OP instructions.


I didn't want to check 48 pages (not including the beta thread) of posts, but I'm thinking (Improved) Companion Sandbox is incompatible with this mod, when utilizing the sandbox relax feature.  Using PregDebug.esp, it seems that, because the sandbox mod creates a new container for an NPC, the tokens, pregnancy body and whatnot are all set to that container and are removed when I ask my companions to follow again (though they stay in the companions' "relax" inventory).  This wouldn't be a problem since I could just keep them on relax, but when they're giving birth, this mod scripts them to follow again, meaning they lose those tokens.  If I then ask them to relax again, to regain those tokens, they're stuck in the 'giving birth' stage with no way to proceed.  Still, it's sort of funny to watch a sandboxed Cass do pushups with a P6 body, or follow me 'crabwalking' when she's stuck at the birthing stage.  :)


I've set the speed of pregnancy to '1' (the quickest).  Changing the load order (i.e. setting SOPreg/SOOffspring to .esps and moving them after the Sandbox mod) did nothing.  While it's not a big deal for me to simply remove the Sandbox mod or refrain from using the 'relax' feature, I was just curious if it's possible to use both this mod and that one together.  Sorry for the long post; I value detail over brevity.  :/  Thanks much.


EDIT:  Oh, and I'm having the 'preg body/tokens disappear on fast travel/through doors' problem, but I suppose I can just leave the girls at home.


EDIT 2:  In regards to the above post, I managed to get Willow pregnant with tokens in her inventory.  Just saying.

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Well it sounds like this is incompatible with the Improved Companion Sandbox mod, I've never heard of it before this, but if it does any removal of the Scripted tokens in a NPC's inventory it's going to break something for sure in all my mods as they all depend on scripted tokens in the actors inventories, moving them resets al the scripts. If the scripted tokens detect they are in a non living container they automatically delete themselves to remove excess load issues.


The tokens disappearing mod I'm hoping to have fixed in the beta, just testing final changes in a new beta release now before releasing it today if all goes well.

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Well it sounds like this is incompatible with the Improved Companion Sandbox mod, I've never heard of it before this, but if it does any removal of the Scripted tokens in a NPC's inventory it's going to break something for sure in all my mods as they all depend on scripted tokens in the actors inventories, moving them resets al the scripts. If the scripted tokens detect they are in a non living container they automatically delete themselves to remove excess load issues.


The tokens disappearing mod I'm hoping to have fixed in the beta, just testing final changes in a new beta release now before releasing it today if all goes well.


Yup, that's what I thought.  I think I'll just forego the former.  I'm still fretting about the tokens and preg body disappearing during travel and moving through cells, but I'll probably just wait for a fix.  Thanks and hope this beta works well!  :)

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Guest Unimportant


1. Yeah it resets because it only needs to happen once, every time you do it it adds another outfit into the levelled lists which means people were getting 20 preg versions of outfits at a vendor and only one regular version.


2. I found a few quirks in Miscarriage formula a couple of weeks ago and readjusted them in the current beta.


3. Can you check if they have fertility tokens by activating PregDebug.esp or they have PregFert messages in the console with debugging set to 8, I also did some improvement on the fertility enabling in the beta's recently.


4. I will have a look, sounds like Cass's outfit has somehow got in the ok for birthing formlist she should have stripped automatically unless she re-equipped it automatically again. Sometimes NPC's just don't want to have no armor.



1. So, is that once at the beginning of a new game, once every time I start the game up, or once every time I load a save?


3. I started a new game, and I WOULD tell you whether or not pregfert messages showed up, but for whatever reason sex animations won't work anymore, either through conversation or rapekey. Probably unrelated. I've been having a LOT of weird sexout problems this playthrough.


Also, it seems to be a crapshoot as to whether or not the fertility scanner will let me check on a companion, and sometimes when I try to close it it gives me the scans for someone named "Jentai".

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In wear-and-tear, for a while I have been checking for if a birth has occurred via:


rZActor.NX_GetEVFl "SOP:fBirthStretch"


With the assumption that this is incremented 0-50 by you depending on the size of the offspring, and then I reset the NX to 0.


It doesn't seem to work- did this NX increment ever get implemented in Pregnancy, or have I got the wrong ID?


If not, thinking about it, it might be better to name it "SWT:fBirthStretch"

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In wear-and-tear, for a while I have been checking for if a birth has occurred via:


rZActor.NX_GetEVFl "SOP:fBirthStretch"


With the assumption that this is incremented 0-50 by you depending on the size of the offspring, and then I reset the NX to 0.


It doesn't seem to work- did this NX increment ever get implemented in Pregnancy, or have I got the wrong ID?


If not, thinking about it, it might be better to name it "SWT:fBirthStretch"


Currently I'm doing this at the end of birthing, I'll look it over in more detail in the morning and check if it's working, I probably screwed up some variables or numbers somewhere.

; *** Calculate Birth Stretch
			Set fOffspringSize to rZActor.GetItemCount SexoutP3TokPregSize
			Set fOffspringStretch to (fOffspringSize / 3); *** Offspring vary 30-150 in size
			Set fBirthStretch to rZActor.NX_GetEVFl "SOP:fBirthStretch"
			Set fBirthStretch to fBirthStretch + fOffspringStretch ; *** Offspring stretch (10-50)
			if fBirthStretch > 10000
				Set fBirthStretch to 10000
			if fBirthStretch < 0
				Set fBirthStretch to 0
			rZActor.NX_SetEVFl "SOP:fBirthStretch" fBirthStretch

Yeah, found it I should be using:


rZActor.NX_SetEVFl "SOP:fCurrPregSize" fCurrPregSize


instead of counting the tokens, will fix it over the weekend

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Is the pregnant outfit swapping currently bugged?  The powder gangers slave outfit isn't swapping for me and I don't get the message that the outfit is too tight. 

Well this is the first report of an issue with that I've seen in the stable version, I think it is but can't remember for sure that outfit is swappable. I'll check it's code.

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Should note of the outfits I know are Pregnafied this was the only one this happened with.  I'd need a full list to see if any others are having problems.  Ex: I have no idea if the Kennel (Had Sunny dressed as a doggy whore, lol, bitch) restraints from Sexout Store is part of this... if it is then it wasn't swapping either.

Base Clothing worked fine,

Ixia Worked fine (hurray!!),

Mantis Armor was working,

NCRF Slave gear for Breeder I think was working (went to shop to buy PG slave outfit and see if it was just a Tryout Error bought this instead by accident).



Just in case.



wished alot of the outfits I'm not using where both BNB and Pregnafied, some of them are great like the alternate Leather Armors I think there are 6 versions in that mod one of which has a skirt instead of pants. (Type3 Leather Armors).

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Should note of the outfits I know are Pregnafied this was the only one this happened with.  I'd need a full list to see if any others are having problems.  Ex: I have no idea if the Kennel (Had Sunny dressed as a doggy whore, lol, bitch) restraints from Sexout Store is part of this... if it is then it wasn't swapping either.

Base Clothing worked fine,

Ixia Worked fine (hurray!!),

Mantis Armor was working,

NCRF Slave gear for Breeder I think was working (went to shop to buy PG slave outfit and see if it was just a Tryout Error bought this instead by accident).

Cool, I just checked, it is a swappable outfit, looking into it's code now, I can't see any issues with it, it's one of the simplest outfits that swaps.


If the PG Slave Outfit is an outfit given by tryouts then it's not going to swap as Tryouts does not use the SCR outfits.

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purely curious I went though and looked at what items have Prego versions and what didn't (should have made a list I'll work on that) but I'd say about 1/2 of all items were swapping.

Noted in my head a few Not working:

Sunny's Outfit and Sunny's Slave outfit,

Kennel Restraints,

All Vault Suits,

Tryout Outfits (we covered why already just thought I'd add this in),

Alice Murray,

All Pre-War Outfits,

Tested about half of the Faction Gear; PG and NCR outfits with the exception of the Ranger Outfit (?? One with the radio on the hip, but only swapped to P1),


I also noted that unless it was one I saw working I never got the "Too Tight" message.  IE: P2 Body equip Asuka Armor (ok this isn't a prego but I still should get the message for it) no message, Equip any Merc. Outfit got message then swap.


I'm starting to wonder if it's either load order related or something I missed on install (seeing as no one else is reporting this same issue in the stable version).


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purely curious I went though and looked at what items have Prego versions and what didn't (should have made a list I'll work on that) but I'd say about 1/2 of all items were swapping.

Noted in my head a few Not working:

Sunny's Outfit and Sunny's Slave outfit,

Kennel Restraints,

All Vault Suits,

Tryout Outfits (we covered why already just thought I'd add this in),

Alice Murray,

All Pre-War Outfits,

Tested about half of the Faction Gear; PG and NCR outfits with the exception of the Ranger Outfit (?? One with the radio on the hip, but only swapped to P1),


I also noted that unless it was one I saw working I never got the "Too Tight" message.  IE: P2 Body equip Asuka Armor (ok this isn't a prego but I still should get the message for it) no message, Equip any Merc. Outfit got message then swap.


I'm starting to wonder if it's either load order related or something I missed on install (seeing as no one else is reporting this same issue in the stable version).

Asuka armor and other 3rd party armors don't trigger any too tight messages unless it is added into the SCR Too Tight Formlist.

Kennel restraints don't "stretch" for pregnancy, same for combat armor & power armor.

Vault suits need damaged armor swapping enabled, but I'm in the process of redoing them to Pregnancy again.


This is part of the code that does the swapping so essentially the list of swappable outfits, the GetEquipped is a formlist containing all variations of that outfit:



; *** Outfits

if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitUnderwear

Set rSwapUpperBody to Underwear

if iCurrBreastSize > 3

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSUnderwearP0B4



if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitSexyUnderwearSet

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSSexyUnderWearSetP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitBikiniUnderWear

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSBikiniUnderWearP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitPreWarNegligee

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitPreWarNegligee


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitTribalUnderWearBnB

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSTribalUnderwearBnBP0B5


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitArenaNavyWh

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSArenaNavyWhP0B3



if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitSummerSlave

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSummerSlaveP0B3

if iCurrBreastSize > 3

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSummerSlaveP0B4



if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitSkimpySlave1

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSSkimpySlave1P0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitSkimpySlave2

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSSkimpySlave2P0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitBunnySuitRed

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitBunnySuitRedP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitBunnySuitBlue

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitBunnySuitBlueP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitBunnySuitBlack

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitBunnySuitBlackP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitBunnySuitWhite

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitBunnySuitWhiteP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitGamblerSlave01

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSGamblerSlave01P0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitGamblerSlave02

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSGamblerSlave02P0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitGamblerSlave04

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSGamblerSlave04P0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitKhanSlave

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSKhanSlaveP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitPGSlave

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSPGSlaveP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit19Slave

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSVault19SlaveP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitNCRWhore

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSNCRWhoreP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitNCRSlave

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSNCRSlaveP0B3


if rZActor.GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitFarmSlave

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSFarmSlaveP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitArmorNVNCRTrooper

Set rSwapUpperBody to ArmorNVNCRTrooper


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit19Slave

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSVault19SlaveP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitBoomerSlut

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSBoomerSlutP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitProstitute02

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitProstitute02Wearable


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitGambler04

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitGambler04


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitPrewarSpring

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitPrewarSpring


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitPreWarCasualwear

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitPreWarCasualwear


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitPreWarCasualwear2

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitPreWarCasualwear2


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitPreWarCasualwearH50

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitPrewarCasualwearH50P0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitPreWarCasualwear2H50

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitPrewarCasualwear2H50P0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitPrewarBusinesswearDark

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitPrewarBusinesswearDirtyDark


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitPrewarBusinesswear

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitPrewarBusinesswearDirty

if iBodyT3M

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSPrewarBusinesswear3MP0B3

if iCurrBreastSize > 3

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSPrewarBusinesswear3MP0B4




if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitRepublican01

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitRepublican01


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitRepublican02

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitRepublican02


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitRepublican03

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitRepublican03


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitRepublican04

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitRepublican04


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitWasteland01

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitWasteland01

if iCurrBreastSize > 3

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitWasteland01P0B4



if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitWasteland02

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitWasteland02


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitWasteland03

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitWasteland03


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitWastelandDoctor01

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitWastelandDoctor01


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMemphisKid

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitMemphisKid


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitTunnelSnake01

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitTunnelSnake01


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitNVGKSimple

Set rSwapUpperBody to ArmorNVGKSimple


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitDragonGirlDressWhiteSolid

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSDragonGirlDressWhOP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitDragonGirlDressPurpleSolid

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSDragonGirlDressPuOP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitDragonGirlDressWhiteTrans

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSDragonGirlDressWhP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitDragonGirlDressPurpleTrans

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSDragonGirlDressPuP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitPackOutfit

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSPackOutfitP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitCorsetDressBlack

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitCorsetDressBlackP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitCorsetDressBlue

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitCorsetDressBlueP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitCorsetDressRed

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitCorsetDressRedP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitCorsetDressBlackH50

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitCorsetDressBlackH50P0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitCorsetDressBlueH50

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitCorsetDressBlueH50P0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitCorsetDressRedH50

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitCorsetDressRedH50P0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitJumpsuitRobco

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitJumpsuitRobco



if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit101Armored

Set rSwapUpperBody to MountedVaultSuit101Armored


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit101Utility

Set rSwapUpperBody to VaultSuit101Utility


; if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit101

; Set rSwapUpperBody to VaultSuit101

; if iBodyT3M

; Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSVaultSuit1013MP0B3

; endif

; endif

; if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit101H50

; Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSVaultSuit101H50P0B3

; endif

; if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit11

; Set rSwapUpperBody to VaultSuit11

; endif

; if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit11H50

; Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSVaultSuit11H50P0B3

; endif

; if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit19

; Set rSwapUpperBody to VaultSuit19

; endif

; if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit19H50

; Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSVaultSuit19H50P0B3

; endif

if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit21Armored

Set rSwapUpperBody to MS03VaultSuit21Armored


; if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit21

; Set rSwapUpperBody to VaultSuit21

; endif

; if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit21H50

; Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSVaultSuit21H50P0B3

; endif

; if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit22

; Set rSwapUpperBody to VaultSuit22

; endif

; if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit22H50

; Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSVaultSuit22H50P0B3

; endif

; if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit3

; Set rSwapUpperBody to VaultSuit3

; endif

; if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit3H50

; Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSVaultSuit3H50P0B3

; endif

if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit3Utility

Set rSwapUpperBody to VaultSuit3Utility


; if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit34

; Set rSwapUpperBody to VaultSuit34

; endif

; if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVaultSuit34H50

; Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSVaultSuit34H50P0B3

; endif

if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVault34Security

Set rSwapUpperBody to ArmorVault34Security



if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitArmorRaider01

Set rSwapUpperBody to ArmorRaider01

if iBodyT3M

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSArmorRaider013MP0B3



if rZActor.GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitArmorUniqueRaider01

Set rSwapUpperBody to ArmorUniqueRaider01


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitArmorRaider02

Set rSwapUpperBody to ArmorRaider02

if iBodyT3M

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSArmorRaider023MP0B3



if rZActor.GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitArmorUniqueRaider02

Set rSwapUpperBody to ArmorUniqueRaider02


if rZActor.GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitArmorRaider03

Set rSwapUpperBody to ArmorRaider03


if rZActor.GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitArmorRaider04

Set rSwapUpperBody to ArmorRaider04


if rZActor.GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitArmorUniqueRaider04

Set rSwapUpperBody to ArmorUniqueRaider04



if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitTribal

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSXTribe01P0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitTribal04

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSXTribe04P0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitArmorLeather

Set rSwapUpperBody to ArmorLeather


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitArmorLeather3M

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSArmorLeather3MP0B3

if iCurrBreastSize > 3

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSArmorLeather3MP0B4



if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitArmorLeatherReinforced3M

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSArmorLeatherReinforced3MP0B3

if iCurrBreastSize > 3

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSArmorLeatherReinforced3MP0B4



if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitArmorRecon

Set rSwapUpperBody to ArmorRecon


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMerc01

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitMerc01


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMerc02

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitMerc02


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMerc03

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitMerc03


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMerc04

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitMerc04


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMerc05

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitMerc05

if iBodyT3M

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitMerc053MP0B3



if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMerc06

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitMerc06


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitUniqueMerc01

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitUniqueMerc01


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitUniqueMerc02

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitUniqueMerc02


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitUniqueMerc03

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitUniqueMerc03


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitUniqueMerc04

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitUniqueMerc04


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitUniqueMerc05

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitUniqueMerc05


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitUniqueMerc06

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitUniqueMerc06


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitBoSScribe

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitBoSScribe


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitNCRRangerCivilian03

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitNCRRangerCivilian03

if iCurrBreastSize > 3

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSNCRRangerCivilian03P0B4



if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitJuliaChang

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSJuliaChangP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitLaraCroft

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitLaraCroftP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitLady

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSLadyOutfitP0B3



if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitAqua

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitAquaP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitAquaPink

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitAquaPinkP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitAquaRed

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitAquaRedP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitBlack

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitBlackP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitBlackAqua

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitBlackAquaP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitBlackBlue

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitBlueP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitBlackForest

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitBlackForestP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitBlackPink

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitBlackPinkP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitBlackRed

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitBlackRedP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitBlackWhite

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitBlackWhiteP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitBlue

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitBlueP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitBlueAqua

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitBlueAquaP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitBlueBlack

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitBlueBlackP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitBlueRed

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitBlueRedP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitGreen

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitGreenP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitGreenCamo

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitGreenCamoP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitGrey

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitGreyP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitGreyCamo

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitGreyCamoP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitPink

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitPinkP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitPinkCamo

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitPinkCamoP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitPinkAqua

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitPinkAquaP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitPinkBlack

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitPinkBlackP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitPinkPurple

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitPinkPurpleP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitPinkWhite

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitPinkWhiteP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitPurple

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitPurpleP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitPurpleBlack

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitPurpleBlackP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitPurplePink

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitPurplePinkP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitRed

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitRedP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitRedAqua

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitRedAquaP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitRedBlack

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitRedBlackP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitRedBlue

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitRedBlueP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitRedWhite

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitRedWhiteP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitReflex

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitReflexP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitWhite

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitWhiteP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitWhitePink

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitWhitePinkP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitYellow

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitYellowP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitWhiteNurse

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitWhiteNurseP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitBlackNun

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitBlackNunP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitBlackRedNun

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitBlackRedNunP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMantisSuitBlueVault69

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMantisSuitBlueVault69P0B3



if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitStealthArmor

Set rSwapUpperBody to ChineseStealthArmor


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitGhostBikini

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSGhostBikiniP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitGhostArmor

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSGhostArmorP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitMarissa

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMarissaP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitCass

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitCass


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitCassSlave

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSCassSlaveP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitVeronicaRobes

Set rSwapUpperBody to OutfitVeronicaRobes


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitFortuneBnB

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitFortuneBnBP0B5


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitSummerRags

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSummerRagsP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitIxia

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSOutfitIxiaP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLOutfitSantaOutfit

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSSantaOutfitP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLMatriachCloak

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMatriachCloakP0B3


if GetEquipped SexoutSLMatriachCloakBnB

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMatriachCloakP0B5


if GetEquipped SexoutSLMatriachCloakB5

Set rSwapUpperBody to SexoutSMatriachCloakP0B5




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ah... ok I bet I know why I have so many Prego outfits in my files that I thought should swap.  SCS never got incorporated did it?


As for the "tight message" didn't know that, must have been using an item that was on the list then.


PS: O.o odd I had a Combat armor stretch to P1 last night.

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ah... ok I bet I know why I have so many Prego outfits in my files that I thought should swap.  SCS never got incorporated did it?


As for the "tight message" didn't know that, must have been using an item that was on the list then.


PS: O.o odd I had a Combat armor stretch to P1 last night.


Hmm, it shouldn't stretch but then I had a lot of issues with the damaged swapping code, hence I will rewrite it all when I split it into a separate plugin. SCS was only ever used for the Combat Armor Meshes, Damaged Armor swapping was only on Combat Armor, VaultSuits and Corset Dress as they were the only outfits we had damaged versions of, to make it work for Preg swapping I integrated the Preg swapping into the damaged armor swapping, which was a bad idea in hindsight, so I moved the Corset Dress back, now I'm moving the Vaultsuits swapping back into Pregnancy now. Also though as the largest stretch of a CorsetDress or VaultSuit is P3, if the Belly size hits P5 then the outfit tears to become the torn P3 version.

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Here's another oddity I noticed this past night that I hadn't payed much attention to until it happened again (Happened twice just didn't think anything of it the first two times).  I had... er... lets say P3 Body (can't remember which, though pretty sure it was P3) and randomly (couldn't force it to reproduce the same effect) when equiping clothes I'd go down a P size, which also cause the nude body to do the same. P1 and P2 don't do this seems to be only at P3 size... but it's random when it happens.


Starting to wonder if I'm using the stable version or a Beta, lol.  I'll reinstall and see if I get any of the same issues tonight.

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Well I had made some minor changes (improvements I hope) to the body swapping code in last 2 weeks on the beta and if it's a beta problem it should be reported in the beta thread, as I can't look for bugs if I don't know what version to look for them in.

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Hey, just wanted to chime in that I think I found a conflict between the Enhanced Camera mod and your Pregnancy mod. It seems that if the EC is active in your load order, the birthing animation doesn't seem to play and you get an invisible character. The sequence will still end as normal, but the animation essentially becomes invisible.

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Hey, just wanted to chime in that I think I found a conflict between the Enhanced Camera mod and your Pregnancy mod. It seems that if the EC is active in your load order, the birthing animation doesn't seem to play and you get an invisible character. The sequence will still end as normal, but the animation essentially becomes invisible.

Hmm, I barely know how the animations work myself to bug hunt that one, I don't use EC and not sure if others do and have had this issue.

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Hey, just wanted to chime in that I think I found a conflict between the Enhanced Camera mod and your Pregnancy mod. It seems that if the EC is active in your load order, the birthing animation doesn't seem to play and you get an invisible character. The sequence will still end as normal, but the animation essentially becomes invisible.




Hey, just wanted to chime in that I think I found a conflict between the Enhanced Camera mod and your Pregnancy mod. It seems that if the EC is active in your load order, the birthing animation doesn't seem to play and you get an invisible character. The sequence will still end as normal, but the animation essentially becomes invisible.

Hmm, I barely know how the animations work myself to bug hunt that one, I don't use EC and not sure if others do and have had this issue.


@Valdyr there are no esp or esm for the Enhanced Camera mod just NVSE plug-in's plus a small nif mesh,and the conflict only occurs if you are in 1st person prior to the birthing animation .

@ Halstrom (possibly) i think this -minnor- glitch has his routs on Sexout vs Enhanced Camera plug-in's maybe.

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No idea Halstorm, I made sure to install the stable version but haven't felt like starting another character to test things and see if I get the same/similar issues.  I don't think I was using the beta because alot of stuff had been updated since the last time I messed around with bugged mods, such as kennel.


anyway... TTFN.

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New Update:
 There are a few new things added in MCM:
A slider for Menstruation Effects (no visuals, just a charisma Debuff & increased Crit Chance)
A Check Box allowing Male Player Pregnancy (WIP there are few people testing and no male meshes or bodyswapping)


A slider for the ova life in Days, (I did this so it is possible for mods to add ova without needing fertility)


Update 20140510.1:

Fix for accelerated Pregnancy

Fix for Previous Offspring register was probably not working (not sure Slavers 2 is using it or they would have reported it )

Fix for NX_BirthStretch setting remaining at 0

Update 20140509..1:

Fix for Fertility not being added to non-companion actors during Sex

Update 20140508:

Fixes to Fertility Tokens not working

Fixes to Tokens self removing & not being added to Companions

Fixes to Birthing Scripts

Fixes to Ova, added ova life span timer ova are now mainly removed by their age and seconarily by fertility token script

Fix for Slightly Pregnant effects not being removed

Further Prep for Spunk Integration

Moved Corset Dress swapping back into Pregnancy from the SCR Damaged clothing system

Update 20140429.1:

Added support for CustomNPCRace FormList in SCR to add ova, there are 7 formlists in SCR any Custom Race Actor added to those formlists will be treated as that race by Pregnancy

Fixes to Fertility Cycle not reseting after Birthing

Fixes to End Pregnancy Script for missing creature Pregnancies

Tweaks to Mutation/Miscarry

Minor Fixes in Bodyswapping

Fix for P7 Swapping not working

Update 20140424.1:

Fixes in Male pregnancy Fertility may have added fertility to all males upon sex, altered Pregnancy enable settings to Player only, Player + Current Companions,, Player plus Current & Potential Companions and All

Activated Brood Mother, Protective Mother & Bitch In Heat Perks

Update 20140416.1:

Added MCM toggle & support for Player only Male Fertility & Pregnancy, Bodysuit swappiing disabled but everything else should work (untested)

Reduced duration of Pregnancy Size Effect buffs to aid in their removal

Update 20140403:

Added NX variable "SOP:iCurrNumOva" for SexoutSpunk to use

Added facility for Ova added to actors with out fertility to add fertility token

Update 20140327.1:

Added support for Behemoth & NightKin pregnancies, not supported in Offspring yet though.

Fixed a possible issue with Supermutant pregnancies

Did some background work in preparation for SexoutSpunk integration

Added more debug messages to show adding of stuff to Vendors & SexoutStore

Fixed MCM info mixup on Male fertility

Update 20140321.1:

Implemented Optional Menstration Effect

Chances of Menstration in first 10% of pregnancy are as set in 0-100% MCM slider, -1 Charisma & + 5% Critical Chance

Update 20140318.1:

Fix to "<No Name> Fertility Added" at startup

Update 20140314.2:

More fixes to Birthing

More support for HandyBot Pregnancy

Update 20140314.1:

Support for HandyBotOffSpring

Fix for DeathClaw egg Birthing

Update 20140303.1:

Fixes to Nightstalker Pregnancy

Update 20140220.1:

Added Menstuation toggle to MCM, not in use yet.

Split Fertility settings for Female Players and NPC's so they can be different to allow option for Player to be infertile when NPC's are Fertile.

Update 20140219.1:

Some prep work for more diverse humanoid OffSpring

Moved Preg Stage Effect messages into one script and added more craving messages.

Fixed Pregnancy Test kit s not working properly

Requires SCR 20140509.1 or later

Requires PregData 20131126.1 or later

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Is it normal for the P7 body or dangerously pregnant body swap to have a skin tone that doesn't match the player head, hands and feet at all? like not even close. 


My load order bellow


Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm=1
11K2_Tops Pool.esm=1
Project Nevada - Core.esm=1
Project Nevada - Equipment.esm=1
Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp=0
More Perks.esm=1
HK MP5SD3 NV.esp=1
Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp=1
CONELRAD 640-1240.esp=1
Vurt's WFO.esp=1
VT Custom Ranger Gear.esp=1
The Weapon Mod Menu.esp=1
Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp=1
Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp=1
fnvrwlo - brighter nights.esp=1
fnvrwlo - original.esp=1
More Perks Update.esp=1
NCR Ranger Helmet Neck Cover.esp=1
Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp=1
Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp=1
The Mod Configuration Menu.esp=1
Improved Sound FX.esp=1
Project Nevada - Old World Blues (No Cyberware).esp=1
EVE FNV - NO GRA.esp=1
Continue After Games Ending 1.9.3.esp=1
House on The Strip.esp=1
11K2_Tops Pool.esp=1
EVE FNV - NO DLC.esp=1
AG Weapon Reload SFX.esp=1
Improved Sound FX - Weapon Sharing Fix.esp=1
Free Tribal Outfits.esp=1
NVRefugee Outfits.esp=1
Type3 Leather Armors.esp=1
Mantis07Reflex - Realism.esp=0
SexoutCommonResources - VegasChokers.esp=0
Project Nevada - WMX.esp=1
Project Nevada - EVE All DLC.esp=1
Project Nevada - EVE No DLC.esp=1
Project Nevada - EVE No GRA.esp=1
DK Caucasians.esp=1
Ghost Variants Safe.esp=1
Ghost Variants.esp=1
Ghost Variants Adjutant.esp=1
SexoutPowderGangers (HPT Tweaks).esp=1
Tryout - Hard Prison Time.esp=1

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