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UNPB Vanilla Armor Broken Down with BBP and Working Weight Slider

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OMG THAT IS AWESOME! That top is a piece of NightShade by calyps isnt it? That is one of my main armors, I cant play without myself or one of my followers wearing it lol


side question, I looked into the vampire lord armor. I saw that you changed the vampire lord form but did anyone actually finish converting the VL Armor? That would be some sexiness to have with BBP, I saw what jancicc had done while I was looking but it didn't seem like he finished.....

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thx a lot for the "surprise"





hope you get bored more often :P

What hair mods are you using sir? that hair on the the redhead is resting properly on her chest, I have not found any that fit properly with the big chest, either float or clip. Also, body and face textures if you don't mind sorry for asking so much but that character is GORGEOUS!

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the redhead on the right is a follower called bee-V



don't know about the hair she uses


as for my character, it's the sg female texture but the file is hidden on nexus but i think it is somewhere on this forum

i added freackles from a psd ressource of an other mod and i use the wet map from http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19666

the body texture is from


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@Killingsun - Lol didn't know anyone was still interested in that old project.  Some guy even put it up on the nexus and took full credit for it lol.  I will perhaps consider doing it, a soon as I'm done with this project.  


Or did you just mean the Succubus armor?  If so again, once I'm done with this project I'd be glad to.

Technically speaking it's just the succubus armor. One could just paste it over your old mod.^^ At the moment I am fine with it being in ADEC as I redirected the armor to use another path for ADEC skin so that the skin looks flawless.


Oh, I guess it has been taken off. Nexus kiddies.^^


UNP BBP is so beautiful!

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@Killingsun -  Ah got'cha, alright we'll once I get a chance to do some extras I'll take a look at doing it.


@Wurst - Wow your characters are all very beautiful!  In terms of being bored, that "does" happen often ;p


@Wraith132 - Thank you.  As I've said before, I plan to break up the armor pieces like Mak, once I get all the zero weights done.


@Soulsemmer - Thank you.


I'm glad you guys liked it.  Again, once I'm able to finish off this project, I'll probably look more into custom armors.  I'll try to see about getting some others up tonight as well.  Finally have a couple days off. :D

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@skulltryrant -  Heh, that's funny.  The only thing is, there is still a difference between mine and his version.  He used the one from Calyps nightshade armor directly.  Where as I took the same piece, and reshaped it to fit the max slider of unpb.  If you look at the body under alot of Calyps work, its labeled SLIM PUSHUPNW3.  Which I believe is a modified version of the max slider, to fit armors better.


Really what it honestly comes down to is which one clips less lol.  I know with running, mine does experience clipping.  Even with the trick of looking at the edges.  Oh well, its not like it  took me hours to get this done, only a couple of seconds ;p




Sorry bout not updating last night guys, I literally face planted my keyboard lol.  I'm working on a couple right now.  So you should see an update within a couple hours.

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@skulltryrant -  Heh, that's funny.  The only thing is, there is still a difference between mine and his version.  He used the one from Calyps nightshade armor directly.  Where as I took the same piece, and reshaped it to fit the max slider of unpb.  If you look at the body under alot of Calyps work, its labeled SLIM PUSHUPNW3.  Which I believe is a modified version of the max slider, to fit armors better.


Really what it honestly comes down to is which one clips less lol.  I know with running, mine does experience clipping.  Even with the trick of looking at the edges.  Oh well, its not like it  took me hours to get this done, only a couple of seconds ;p




Sorry bout not updating last night guys, I literally face planted my keyboard lol.  I'm working on a couple right now.  So you should see an update within a couple hours.



i checked his version and there is zero clipping. his works with the weight slider as well. no offense

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@skulltryrant -  Heh, that's funny.  The only thing is, there is still a difference between mine and his version.  He used the one from Calyps nightshade armor directly.  Where as I took the same piece, and reshaped it to fit the max slider of unpb.  If you look at the body under alot of Calyps work, its labeled SLIM PUSHUPNW3.  Which I believe is a modified version of the max slider, to fit armors better.


Really what it honestly comes down to is which one clips less lol.  I know with running, mine does experience clipping.  Even with the trick of looking at the edges.  Oh well, its not like it  took me hours to get this done, only a couple of seconds ;p




Sorry bout not updating last night guys, I literally face planted my keyboard lol.  I'm working on a couple right now.  So you should see an update within a couple hours.



i checked his version and there is zero clipping. his works with the weight slider as well. no offense


It can be really easy to break the slider adding bbp though.  Unless you're manually painting weights vert by vert I suppose.  That and bbp has this fun way of making more spots that can clip.  That said I guess it's preferential whether you want bbp no slider or slider and no bbp atm. Reading the comments on Brokefoot's mod though, I'm rather interested to see what Mr.T comes up with.  I wonder if the plan is to just make only a bit of jiggle with the boob, or put a bit of bounce on the whole thing with it mostly rigid (as opposed to the typical stretchy kind of bounce you see on most bbp things).  At least it doesn't have armpits though....  *looks at 'Hunting Grounds Outfit'....  has a sad*

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@skulltryrant -  Heh, that's funny.  The only thing is, there is still a difference between mine and his version.  He used the one from Calyps nightshade armor directly.  Where as I took the same piece, and reshaped it to fit the max slider of unpb.  If you look at the body under alot of Calyps work, its labeled SLIM PUSHUPNW3.  Which I believe is a modified version of the max slider, to fit armors better.


Really what it honestly comes down to is which one clips less lol.  I know with running, mine does experience clipping.  Even with the trick of looking at the edges.  Oh well, its not like it  took me hours to get this done, only a couple of seconds ;p




Sorry bout not updating last night guys, I literally face planted my keyboard lol.  I'm working on a couple right now.  So you should see an update within a couple hours.



i checked his version and there is zero clipping. his works with the weight slider as well. no offense


It can be really easy to break the slider adding bbp though.  Unless you're manually painting weights vert by vert I suppose.  That and bbp has this fun way of making more spots that can clip.  That said I guess it's preferential whether you want bbp no slider or slider and no bbp atm. Reading the comments on Brokefoot's mod though, I'm rather interested to see what Mr.T comes up with.  I wonder if the plan is to just make only a bit of jiggle with the boob, or put a bit of bounce on the whole thing with it mostly rigid (as opposed to the typical stretchy kind of bounce you see on most bbp things).  At least it doesn't have armpits though....  *looks at 'Hunting Grounds Outfit'....  has a sad*


well MrT is looking into add a BBP version where there is some jiggle of the breasts without the chest piece moving.  thing is TBBP will clip badly depending on the outfit.  i think MrT will come up with something good though. i personally would rather have the weight slider working than having BBP and no weight slider, mostly because my char i use 30% body weight with the breasts set at about 100% or slightly larger on the normal UNP body.  im not fond of those enormous breasts sorry if anyone takes offense to this.


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@Everyone - Hmm, let me take a look here.  Not sure what happened lol.


Yeah its like you said, wrong file.  I also had some bloated files I didn't mean to add.  My apologies for being sloppy.  The clean version, with the right files is up now.


@Cyndi - Well the thing is, since I'm modifying files that already have bbp weight painting applied to them.  I'm simply just using what's already there.  I can see how its painted, and normally the painting is done very well.  Specifically Mak, Asianboy, and CT77; do an excellent job.  I guess I could modify it more to avoid clipping.


!! CT77 updated with dragonborn armors ooooooooooooo, time to get to work ;p

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@skulltryrant -  Heh, that's funny.  The only thing is, there is still a difference between mine and his version.  He used the one from Calyps nightshade armor directly.  Where as I took the same piece, and reshaped it to fit the max slider of unpb.  If you look at the body under alot of Calyps work, its labeled SLIM PUSHUPNW3.  Which I believe is a modified version of the max slider, to fit armors better.


Really what it honestly comes down to is which one clips less lol.  I know with running, mine does experience clipping.  Even with the trick of looking at the edges.  Oh well, its not like it  took me hours to get this done, only a couple of seconds ;p




Sorry bout not updating last night guys, I literally face planted my keyboard lol.  I'm working on a couple right now.  So you should see an update within a couple hours.



i checked his version and there is zero clipping. his works with the weight slider as well. no offense


It can be really easy to break the slider adding bbp though.  Unless you're manually painting weights vert by vert I suppose.  That and bbp has this fun way of making more spots that can clip.  That said I guess it's preferential whether you want bbp no slider or slider and no bbp atm. Reading the comments on Brokefoot's mod though, I'm rather interested to see what Mr.T comes up with.  I wonder if the plan is to just make only a bit of jiggle with the boob, or put a bit of bounce on the whole thing with it mostly rigid (as opposed to the typical stretchy kind of bounce you see on most bbp things).  At least it doesn't have armpits though....  *looks at 'Hunting Grounds Outfit'....  has a sad*



well MrT is looking into add a BBP version where there is some jiggle of the breasts without the chest piece moving.  thing is TBBP will clip badly depending on the outfit.  i think MrT will come up with something good though. i personally would rather have the weight slider working than having BBP and no weight slider, mostly because my char i use 30% body weight with the breasts set at about 100% or slightly larger on the normal UNP body.  im not fond of those enormous breasts sorry if anyone takes offense to this.



 A personal preferance is exactly that. Nothing was said to offend anybody.  And for a lot of things, Im inclined to agree about a slider.  If it's something npc's will wear it needs one imo.  Most of my char's wear custom clothes (not armor) that I adjust for me personally (mage armor perks ftw), but I'm a little ocd about how certain things move.  My character generally sits at 100 weight but, I don't have the same boob bones your chars do....  Speaking of skeletons....  mine is gone from your mod page :(


@Everyone - Hmm, let me take a look here.  Not sure what happened lol.


Yeah its like you said, wrong file.  I also had some bloated files I didn't mean to add.  My apologies for being sloppy.  The clean version, with the right files is up now.


@Cyndi - Well the thing is, since I'm modifying files that already have bbp weight painting applied to them.  I'm simply just using what's already there.  I can see how its painted, and normally the painting is done very well.  Specifically Mak, Asianboy, and CT77; do an excellent job.  I guess I could modify it more to avoid clipping.


!! CT77 updated with dragonborn armors ooooooooooooo, time to get to work ;p


=O cheater  lol

I honestly can't do that, I generally chop up,re-weight, and more or less vivisect everything I download (or make) now.  I think the last piece of heavy armor I used for my characters (pc not npc) specifically had close to 30 trishapes, so I could separate rigid things from springy stuff easily (because I can't weight paint very well yet). 

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Hmm, I'm confused here. Did you ask myself and Calyps to upload the West Wind Armor assets to Lover's Lab? NOPE. Don't be a dick, Silvist. Ask permission before modifiying assets, OK ? I understand your UNPB version is even bustier than my altered UNPB version of Calyps' mesh... so its fine to upload here - just ask next time. If I see an upload of my altered assets again without you seeking permission first, I'll be sure your uploads get pulled. Understood ?

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