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UNPB Vanilla Armor Broken Down with BBP and Working Weight Slider

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@Brokefoot - My apologies for not following proper procedure.  It was kind of a wim that I uploaded it.  I'll remove all files related to your mod, and just leave the modified version that is from nightshade as an override.  If that's not good enough, let me know.

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@Brokefoot - My apologies for not following proper procedure.  It was kind of a wim that I uploaded it.  I'll remove all files related to your mod, and just leave the modified version that is from nightshade as an override.  If that's not good enough, let me know.



No, that's perfectly fine. Thanks for following up with this :)

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Heyo everyone,


Geezius talk about stormy weather here.  Yesterday it was like clear 70, with blue skies lol.  


Either case, after seeing CT77's sexy dragonborn armors.  I decided to crank out another one.  I had to do boots with it, because otherwise the leggings clipped.  Funny how I never have issues with boots, and gauntlets :D


The dragonborn stuff will all be packaged below where the screen shots are.  Again I will do stand alone, and break up the pieces once I cover "all" of the vanilla armors. Yeah, probably going to take me a while, and I still have to do the zero weight.  I also realize some of the older armors I came out with clip, and I'll go back and touch them all up.


Either case, enjoy ;D

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HYES, thanks for this! This definitely cements my final decision to go UNPB. Armor support > body options and textures in my book, never mind if you can get both, and I was originally going to forego UNPB in favor of CBBE + Bodyslide + ChronoTrigger77's conversions which I liked on my first install. Luckily, UNPB is getting more and more support by the dozens, and the body by itself fits my definition of a sexily curved, thick-thighs woman well enough anyway. Plus with this, I can use a bunch of sweet, sweet custom armors, some of which are found here on LL....  :heart: 

Now, if possible, could you get on dem Dawnguard stuff and the rest of the Dragonborn armors pronto?  :shy:  Hehe, just kidding, although it would be nice to get those as well. Again, many thanks for these conversions, and excellent work.

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@Begger - You're welcome!


@Doodmbz - Yeah, after I did a search for UNPB a while back, I felt the same way.  I was using ADEc, which armor support was all from the man himself Acdale lol.  He actually converted practically all of the vanilla armors by himself.  To boot his quality of work was off the charts.  He does little edits here and there that a person can really appreciate.  Originally it Acdale worked with Navatsea, who did the really HD unp & cbbe textures.  But..after using an npc with UNPB.  Then seeing the super sexy armor selection, I just couldn't resist.  You can only see armors like nightshade, a couple times before drewling ;p


Regardless, I plan to do ALL of the vanilla armors.  Since my project exanded to encompass CT77, as well as MAK07.  I also plan to break down all of the armors into pieces as well, to make them swap able.  My biggest weakness is in clothes, though lol...so we'll see how they look when I get to doing them ;p


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@ShadowgearX - Thanks for reminding me, I'll take a look at it.  If I recall echo 1162, had a really sexy CBBE version of it.  I'm willing to give it a shot.  Right now I was fighting with doing orcish once again.  Still have to test to see if it works right lol.  This time I used CT77's though.  After I see how my orcish worked out, I'll take a stab at the saviorhide.


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@Gmcal5 - Geezius he already came out with nordic carved? >.<  That guy is like a tornado once he gets going, and he does it seriously in under 1 min.  He actually helped me a couple times, and did me a couple fixes.  Literally a min after I emailed him, he sent a reply with a working fix rofl.


This darn orcish is killing my time right now, I may have to wait till the morrow to look at the savior hide.


At least this time in game it didn't rage with the tex issue I was experiencing when converting Mak07's.  I just need to fight with it to get another leg plate with a strap on the right leg.  Here's a preview ;p














Ignore the scarf, and gloves...those are from west wind assault lol.

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Heyo everyone,


Alright well after a long battle last night, i finally finished the orcish.  Now since shadowgearX pointed it out, I took an attempt at the saviors hide.  I can tell you right off the bat it was hard as can be.  Due to the skills of the modder Echo, the cleavage was really hard to beat.  I tried to reshape unpb to match it, but lol didn't come close.  Regardless I gave a fair attempt at making it fit properly.  It does have some clipping, and that'll be until I can find a better way to shape it.  I still wanted it to be a little bit more flush with the unpb body, but meh it is what it is.  I'll leave it up to you guys to decide on how you like it.


Enjoy :D




I took a look at Acdale's Nordic Carved....wow that's really all i can say in regards to that.  I'll for sure have to take a look at what I can do ;p

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Thank you silvist for doing that conversion. I know whata giant project it is.


I have started in september 2012 with my own UNPB  conversion of these
armors. I worked for hours on it after i've got close to the finish line (weightsilber etc done) my HDD died a horrible death all my work was gone.

After that i was shocked and i haven't found the energy to start again.


I really appreciate your work and its good to know that some has found the energy to get this project done.

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Aw yes! Finally a UNPB saviors Hide! Since you did echo's savior's hide are you planning on doing their version of Ancient Nord as well?

Fantastic work over here! You and B3llisario are doing amazing things for UNPB users everywhere.

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@gmcal5 - Yeah, I had to remove the link to the alt panties.  Althonos had helped me with them, but it wasn't set up to work in game. You can download the file directly from Mak07's Cbbe vanilla armors, under the alt files.  If you know how to use nifskope or how to texture swap, you can manually add the tex you want.


Otherwise, you'll have to wait till I get around to adding them.  After I finish all the armors, I plan to break them down into pieces like Mak's armors.  I plan to do that with the panties, so you can choose which you want to wear with different armors.  I'll make them craft able under the misc section most likely; unless I can figure out how asianboy added his own section to the craft list lol.


To everyone, I'm about to update the main post with two more armors.  Two that I've been fighting with for a while.  I realize Etc wanted me to do the ancient nord from Echo, but I just wanted to get ancient nord out of the way for now.  I'll take a look at Echo's version later, to see what the difference is.  Just after working with the savior hide last night *wipes sweat from brow* that was no easy task I assure you lol.


So closer I am to finishing the basic vanilla armors, minus dawnguard and dragonborn.  I'll have to make a decision before I'm done if I plan to go all the way with the rest, or stop and do the weight sliders for the standard vanilla armors.  




I also saw alot of loose files in my upload, and I removed them.  My apologies for not catching that before.  I also noticed armors like the falmer, and general tulius did not have zero weights (dummy ones that is)...so I made sure to fix that lol.  Regardless Enjoy :D

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Otherwise, you'll have to wait till I get around to adding them.  After I finish all the armors, I plan to break them down into pieces like Mak's armors.  I plan to do that with the panties, so you can choose which you want to wear with different armors.  I'll make them craft able under the misc section most likely; unless I can figure out how asianboy added his own section to the craft list lol.


You can run into conflicts fast and easy doing that.....   but it's actually pretty easy.  You just need to be aware that there are a finite number of unused categories available, and depending what dlc's people have I think most are all already used. The number of them available is hardcoded apparently (w/e that means *shrugs*). So the problem lies in when 2 mods use the same keyword, or a mod uses a dlc keyword..... one of those keywords suddenly leads but two things.... Jack, and $h!t.... and jack left town.


There are 10 possible slots.

In the ck, click "Gameplay" then "Settings..." where it branched down.

In the filter box type  (without the quotes): "sGenericCraftKeyword"

Flip a coin, toss some dice, and pick one *shrugs*

Whatever you rename a keyword to, will need a formlistythingymagooglewhatsitcalledandstuff spelled exactly the same to go along with it.

Give your items that formlistythingymagooglewhatsitcalledandstuff like armormaterialdaedric or whatever for example.

And poof.  New listing available.


It's mentioned in the ck wiki somewhere...  and it would be a good idea to look it up incase I'm confusing something or forgot a step.

But yeah...  I think 5 or 6 of those have been used by dlc's and a bunch more by other popular mods.

Notably: Tera conversions,  Calyps' Imperial Investigator set,  and there was another on steam I think that used up like 3 in some fancy expanded crafting menu (which is where most people who didn't read the ck wiki found out how to do it from, or posts by that uploader).


I think they added those in skyrim 1.6 or 1.7?  Anyway unless they hardcoded new crafting keywords for the dlc's already and put them in skyrim 1.8 (I haven't actually looked), you are looking at 1 or 2 possible out of 10 keyword slots that won't cause you a headache......  Until Beth releases another dlc, and uses up the rest of the spots *rolls eyes*

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Would it be possible to do something like the skyforge where they are only craftable at a certain place?

That could probally cut down on crafting screen spam since if you go there you would wan't to make them.

Or maybe how black sacrament armour does it where you cast a spell and it opens a crafting menu with just your items in?

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I realize Etc wanted me to do the ancient nord from Echo, but I just wanted to get ancient nord out of the way for now.  I'll take a look at Echo's version later, to see what the difference is.  Just after working with the savior hide last night *wipes sweat from brow* that was no easy task I assure you lol.


I had to go look now that I see you put up MAK07's Ancient Nord. I didn't see pics of the back of the echo version, but MAK's just seems to have an open back. That may be the only major difference between them. I'm just happy to see one of my favorite armors finally made for UNPB.




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