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6 hours ago, Alturistix said:

reset quest often fucks up things than fix them. try using sqs to get quest stages, and then skip the stage altogether. Ill also look into the quest dialogue, but don't expect much, as dialogues are a complicated mess.

Thx for the reply.


On some quests-- as is apparently the case with this one-- setstage doesn't neatly dig you out of your hole.  I had already tried sqs and setstage to advance the quest a little at a time to get past the stage at which I was stuck; but, after gradually advancing several steps, my quest log continued to direct me no further than talking to Calcelmo in Markarth, where Calcelmo had no useful dialog option for me. 


At that point, I concluded that this was one of those quests I couldn't simply fix with sqs/setstage.  According to the mod author, I needed to be able to go back to Grym, again, (after incorporating the mod update), and be directed to talk to Calcelmo from scratch; the only command I know that is supposed to be able to do that is "reset quest."  It did give me my second shot at going to Markarth to talk to Calcelmo; but, it didn't get the mod onto the right track as the mod update was designed to do.


I've never gotten a character to this high a level, before (94, so far...) and I challenged myself to see what the highest level I could attain would be.  That's probably been calculated mathematically somewhere using the game's progression logarithm, but, I've been having fun trying to find my personal limit empirically.  Otherwise, I'd just start a new game-- God knows I've done enough of that, already.  I'm sure to do it again in the future; but, for now, I want to enjoy my properly tuned animations and rarely-attained power until I literally run out of anything to do. 

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Slave party - After Obedient Housecarl


Player Female/Male

Hey, Iona.



Yes, Thane?


Player Female/Male

Clean up this mess after our last fun.



I'll take care of it right away, Thane.


<Walk around town in search of new methods for the "Mistress / Master and Slave" game>


<The brochure lying at the entrance to the inn outside.>



Brochure content:


<Do you want to be a slaves mistress or master?

You have a slave but does not obey you?

Do you have a slave and obey or obey you completely?

Do you want to show what your slave is capable of?


If you answered at least one of these questions then we have the place for you!

Finding this brochure means that there is an agent somewhere nearby!

Find him/her and say this password and give this brochure and you must hear this answer.


"I have seen many women, but those from the wilds of Whiterun are the best".


"You have interesting taste my friend. Would you like some mead?"


You will pay and we will train you or WE will pay you for the show with your slave. You can also sell your slave for a good sum.


<Inside the inn there is the "Stranger" NPC typical Nord>


Player Female/Male

Hi. I have seen many women, but those from the wilds of Whiterun are the best.



Hello. You have interesting taste my friend. Would you like some mead?


Player Female/Male

Not this time. I not have many time now.



Well, that's a pity. (He whispers every evening I'm at the stables outside the city, we'll talk there).


Player Female/Male

It was nice seeing you my friend



Next time I'll buy mead for you!


<Evening outside the city walls by the stable>


Player Female/Male

Hello again.



When you are ready, go with your slave to our agent at Snow-Shod Farm. He's pretending to be a vendor, so give him this brochure.


Player Female/Male




Good luck there.


<Go to Iona>


Player Female/Male

Iona, my girl.



Yes, Thane?


Player Female/Male

Take your whore outfit and collar, put it on and wait for me at the city gate next to Mistveil Keep.



Have you found a new way to play our game?


Player Female/Male

Of course!



Ohhh, immediately. Thane.


<At the gate- And ofc Iona clone!>


Player Female/Male

Ready? So follow me.



Yes, mistress / master.


Player Female/Male

Hello, I have something here.



Hmm, got it. We can go?


Player Female/Male



<Moves to unknown location.>


The interior is: Several cages, benches, slaves (High Elf, Dark Elf, Wood Elf all female) and of course a scene.>


Player Female/Male




Welcome to the slave show. And I see you have a slave with you.


Player Female/Male

Yes, she is very obedient. She doesn't even think about running away.



Hah, these are the best and quite good value for money. It's just a pity that many of them want to return to their former mistress or master.


Player Female/Male

I don't want to sell it.


To Female PC ONLY!




I've always been interested in why a woman enslaves another woman.


Player Female

Showing domination over another woman is rewarding.



Have you ever had sex with a male?


Player Female

Obviously what a stupid question, but I prefer to dominate the others.



<He raises his hand towards your cheek>


Player Female

1) (Grab his hand) Don't touch me you fool.



1) You are indeed dominant.


Player Female

2) (Do nothing) Look at him angrily



2) I was expecting something else.


Player Female

Are you finished?  Let's get back to business.



Of course! So what can your slave do?


Player Female/Male

Oral, Anal, Vaginal, Gangbang, Rough and lately she's been learning sex with animals.



Wow, interesting. We have several pets for disobedient slaves. Come slave, your mistress / Master wants a show with you. And you talk to me if you want to see a specific show with her.


<Iona is transported to the stage and she naked. Player and Aelf next to each other at the first bench>


Player Female/Male






Animal (Dog or Wolf/Horse)


We're ending the show for today.



Your mistress / master wants a show, slave!


Aelf - I<f we choose "We're ending the show for today.> Sure, your money and come back again! 200 gold he give.

<If we choose "We're ending the show for today." We're going back (teleporting) to our home in The Riften.>


Player Female/Male

Satisfied, my slave?



It was. Amazing, I almost felt like a real slave. Thank you my Thane. I hope we will go there again.


Player Female/Male

You'll be polite and we'll see. Now, undress and jump into bed.



Yes, my Thane!


<Sex and quest end>


The quest can be repeated by selecting the "Iona, time for real fun in the Mistress / master and slave" game.


<Teleport to unknown location where Iona is on stage and she wait dor orders>


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On 10/30/2021 at 12:45 PM, Golgo13 said:

BTW, Kjon the Cocklover has a Redguard head and a fair-skinned body.

Do all new NPCs added recently by the mod have this bug? I make a facegen for everyone, but the Creation Kit for SE start behaving weird. There are texture and meshes folders in LE version, maybe they are suitable for SE too?

On 10/30/2021 at 12:45 PM, Golgo13 said:

Is there a console command that will fix this?

Quest's id is AAATOHStudyingDwemer. You can try to skip to 11 stage.

On 10/30/2021 at 2:21 PM, ck2modfan said:

- Is the intent for the PC to fight a losing fight on being humiliated and find themselves helpless or to roleplay and go along with the quests?

-Quests only.
-Quests are separated. This mod is rather Interesting NPCs for submissive PC (or dominant), a collection of new characters, encounters and quests (sometimes questlines).
-No mod intergations.

16 hours ago, AcacGames said:

I just wanted to ask some questions ahead of time.

1. Should work. You can, for example, start Real and False Heroes with the beginning of the enslavement of Whiterun to explain why Dragonborn is treated like that. Well, at least I hope so. Main quest of TOH also fitting. At least in the tone of the story.
2. Yes, both make Skyrim world more sexist. I recently added an NPC to Whiterun just for Survival to easy male follower.
3. You can see on the pictures for the Devious Followers - Continued's download page the character from this mod - Bruiser. So it should work.

13 hours ago, crococat said:

Maybe there must be difference depending chosen side, but both TOH warwhore quest pathes could be opened for any player.

Maybe I can add something for those who did not start the Civil War or have already finished it.

Edited by DSHV
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3 hours ago, DSHV said:

Quest's id is AAATOHStudyingDwemer. You can try to skip to 11 stage.

I'd figured out the quest id, and I tried skipping to stage 11, stage 20 and beyond; but, my quest log just continued directing me to talk to Calcelmo in Markarth where I'd get no new dialog options.



I've followed all of the steps in "Sexology" that I can; but "talk to Kjonn" is still on my log even after speaking to Kjonn.  I was going to try sqs, but, "Sexology" must not follow the ordinary naming convention, since there is no quest named "AAAToHSexology;" and I can't figure out any other quest name that it could be.  ?

Edited by Golgo13
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22 hours ago, Alturistix said:

the first half looks like that you have a mod which replaces the default body of all NPCs with a fair skinned one.

I use a commonly used skin mod (Leyenda Skin); but, only the heads of Redguards and (some) dremora are mismatched with their bodies.  The same thing occurs with another commonly used skin mod ("Fair Skin").  Moreover, if I create a Redguard character, I get no such problem-- it only occurs with NPC's.  Orcs and elves all appear normally, no matter what color skin they have on their bodies.

Edited by Golgo13
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7 hours ago, Golgo13 said:

I use a commonly used skin mod (Leyenda Skin); but, only the heads of Redguards and (some) dremora are mismatched with their bodies.  The same thing occurs with another commonly used skin mod ("Fair Skin").  Moreover, if I create a Redguard character, I get no such problem-- it only occurs with NPC's.  Orcs and elves all appear normally, no matter what color skin they have on their bodies.

That might be because your skin textures for redguard npcs is different. normally, I think PC textures are different from npc textures.


As for your other problem, try loading a previous save and trying again. The way skyrim handles resetquest is very weird, and a unique quest will become bugged when using the reset quest. It would have been ok if it was a repeatable quest, but dont hold much hope to complete that quest on that save.

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2 hours ago, Alturistix said:

As for your other problem, try loading a previous save and trying again. The way skyrim handles resetquest is very weird, and a unique quest will become bugged when using the reset quest. It would have been ok if it was a repeatable quest, but dont hold much hope to complete that quest on that save.


I didn't use resetquest until I'd already tried everything else on a previous save.  I'd actually forgotten the command existed since I never used it-- I had to Google my issue to rediscover its existence.


I'd given up hope of ever getting the quest to work on this playthrough even before trying resetquest; that was just the last trick I could scrape out of the bag.  I then asked if anyone else had any ideas as a final "Hail Mary."  Any older save would be materially identical to that one: I'd merely repeat what I did, stop short of using resetquest and be just as stuck.


Thanks for the information, anyway.  I guess this gives me something new to look forward to doing on my next new playthrough.

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21 hours ago, DSHV said:

Do all new NPCs added recently by the mod have this bug? I make a facegen for everyone, but the Creation Kit for SE start behaving weird. There are texture and meshes folders in LE version, maybe they are suitable for SE too?


Only Redguards (excepting Rayya's mother, who's a clone of Rayya, who is also fine) and dremora have the issue. 

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22 hours ago, Golgo13 said:

follow the ordinary naming convention,

It's AAASexology. AAATOH...  is only for the quests of main quest of mod. Usually it's just AAA*Name*. You can find most of quest ids in the Readme.

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Hello again. It's fantastic to see how this mod evolves better and better over time. Thanks you again DSHV.
I'm back to propose a few new contents to enrich the playing experience during the time our (doggie) Heroine spends with Sebastien.
Here under the spoiler I left two quest drafts. They are very basic and my English is poor so feel free to improve it, if you like them.



These scenarios are meant to happen when the Heroine is spending her time as Sebastien's dog.
She must be naked, muzzled (and walking on all fours).
Muzzle is necessary to make Heroine words incomprehensible.
If the heroine has (or picks up) clothes or weapons, Sebastien (his script) should remove them from her (she's a dog after all).
Example of Sebastien quote on weapon's removal: "Belle, don't pick up things. We'll play with stick later"


1 Quest: Rescue Betty Sue

This quest starts when Heroine and Sebastien see a desperate boy along a road.


Desperate Young Boy: Sob. What can I do?
Muzzled Naked Doggy Heroine: Woof? (What happened?)


Desperate Young Boy: Sob. I'm Philip. Are you a hunter and... err... his bitch?
MND Heroine: Ar rooff!! (I'm not a dog! Tell this madman to take this muzzle off!)


Philip: Sorry, I can't understand your gibberishing, but please help me!
MND Heroine: Arf, Bark (Stay calm. Tell us what happened)


Philip: Me and Betty Sue were travelling to "DESTINATION" (i.e: Riften) when bandits ambushed us!  
MND Heroine: Arf? (And?)


Philip: They hit me in the head and kidnapped her. Before fainting I just saw them going towards "PLACE". (You can place the bandits in a suitable place)
Philip: Oh my poor Betty. I can't think to what they might do to her...
MND Heroine: Bay! (Bye!)


MND Heroine (to Sebastien): Arff, woof, groowl! (Let's go, blind man. We have to save her!)
Sebastien: Go Belle, use your nose and track them down!


New objective: Rescue Betty Sue


Doggy Heroine and Sebastien arrive to "PLACE" where tere are 4 male bandits, 1 woman, 1 cow
A sexlab scene - where a male bandit fucks the female - must start or be ongoing when they arrive near the place
There must be a forcegreet before Heroine and Sebastien could attack


Bandit Chief: (Forcegreet) Now, now. Freeze there oldman and... bitch? have you lost your way?
MND Heroine: Grroowl, ruff, Ruff!  (Stop raping that girl. I will kill you all!)


Bandit Chief: I can't understand what the bitch is saying but it seems to me she's jealous of our whore.
MND Heroine: Yelp? (What?)


Bandit Chief: If you're wondering, She's our stimate professional camp whore.
MND Heroine: Whargharble? (Is she not Betty Sue?)


Bandit Chief: Maybe, I begin to understand. Are you here for the cow we took from that boy?
MND Heroine: Woof? Ruff! (The cow? Is Betty sue a cow?)


Bandit Chief: We stole her because of a merchant we robbed last week. To save his life, He revealed us a new way to get rich: milk economy!
MND Heroine: ...


Bandit Chief: He spoke a lot of complicated words and left us a machinery and an instruction book that we're not able to read, but we thought we needed a cow. Isn't it all about milk after all?   
MND Heroine: Ruh-roh? (Are you idiots?)


Bandit Chief: Hey oldman, can you read it for me? Let's drink something too, while my boys take care of your bitch.
MND Heroine: Rrowff? Woof. Groowll? Yelp!!!!  (Don't you see he's blind like as a mole? Wait. What are doing? Help!!!!)


Bandit A, B, ? We guess you do like it doggy style, don't you?


Here you need book or drinking idles for Sebastien and the Bandit chief, while Heroine starts having "fun"  

Sexlab scenes, where Doggy Heroine is fucked multiple times by bandits...
Black Screen
Player regains control of Doggy Heroine
The bandits are gone. There are only Sebastien (sleeping) and the cow


MND Heroine (To Sebastien): Hooowwl Hoowwl (They fucked me all night long until I lost consciousceness!)
Sebastien: Hey Belle. Is it morning?


MND Heroine: Grroowl Roof! Grr! (Fuck you blind madman. What were you doing!)
Sebastien: Why are you so upset, Belle? Did they not feed you? I had a good time with that guy. I even won the cow playing cards!   


MND Heroine: Woof woof arf woof! (Aren't you blind? How could that be possible?)
Sebastien: Let's go and tell that boy his Betty Sue is safe


Heroine and sebastien return to Philip


MND Heroine (to Philip): Woof. Arf. (Your Betty Sue is safe. You can take her back)
Philip: Thank you Mr Hunter... and bitch too. I have no money left to thank you, but I will tell everyone about your noble deed. Thank you again.


Reward: A heartfelt thanks sometimes is worth more than a thousand coins.


With "Milk Mod Economy" mod installed, the story could be a little more interesting (with player used as tester for the machinery, lactacid and so on) keeping the structure of the draft above.  
2 Quest: Purebreed bitch

This quest must start sometime after the quest "Rescue Betty Sue". It starts when a Courier arrives and speaks to Heroine and Sebastien.


Courier: Are you Sebastien the Hunter and... well... his bitch?
Player: Ar rooff! Ar Roof! (I already said that: I'm not a dog! Tell this madman to take this muzzle off!)


Courier: I've been looking for you. Got something I'm supposed to deliver your hands only. Let's see. It's from the Yarl of Markarth.  He's waiting for you. Now I have to go.


The Courier leaves a letter.

Opening the "Letter to Sebastien the Hunter", you can read:


Sebastien the Hunter,
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Igmund, and I have the honor to be the Jarl of the proud and ancient city of Markarth.
The fame of how you and your faithful dog alone rescued a prisoner from a lair full of bandits has brought you to my attention.
If you are interested, I invite you to speak to me the next time you are in Markarth.
Aside from the honor to talk I also can tell you privately how your services will prove useful to me.
I look forward to meeting you in person.
I remain,
Jarl Igmund of Markarth


New objective: Talk with Jarl Igmund of Markarth


MND Heroine (to Sebastien): Woof, woof. (It's fun to see how the rumors are magnified).
Sebastien: Let's go Belle. It's been a long time since I've been in a town but we can't keep the yarl waiting


MND Heroine (to Sebastien):
1) Grroowl, Ruff, Ruff! (Are you crazy? I will never go into a town this way!!!).  
2) Woof! (Let's go!)

in case of 1)
Sebastien: Don't be a rebel Bell, or I'll put you on a leash!


MND Heroine and Sebastien arrive to the Yarl of Markarth


Jarl Igmund of Markarth: Are you Sebastien the Hunter and... I have heard of your deeds and I wanted to see the brave dog who was able to defeat more than 100 bandits, but I wasn't expecting this.
MND Heroine: Caiiinnn (What a shame!)  

Sebastien: Her name is Belle. She's a magnificent doggie. But why do you wanted to see her?


Jarl Igmund of Markarth: You see, I have two dogs. I'm proud them. I wished to find a purebred bitch capable of producing fine puppies at their height, but now that I see her..
MND Heroine: Yelp (Please, let's go away)
Sebastien: You are the Yarl and I'm only an humble hunter, but nobody can belittle my Belle. She is more than a purebread. She's brave and obedient and her puppies will surely be fantastic animals!


Jarl Igmund of Markarth: You seem sure about that! I will believe you so I grant to your bitch to mate with my purebred dogs.
MND Heroine:
1) Cain!!! Yelp! (Are you crazy? Help!)
2) Uiiiin (Resigned sigh)


In case of 1)
Jarl Igmund of Markarth: She seems not to be ready yet. Return to me when when she will go into heat

The player may flee.


In case of 2)
Sexlab multiple scenes with the 2 dogs of the Yarl of Markarth
and reputation reward ("purebread bitch") 

Edited by xesfer
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6 hours ago, waiyan said:

Compatible with Serana dialogue add on and immersive citizens and Dovahkin infamy ? Also how many scenes of lesbian, gangbang, forced and bestialty in this mod?

Serana and Infamy compatible, this mod just add new dialogs.

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Firstly, thanks for your mod and grats for how far it has come. I hardly dare make a suggestion to expand it even more but I have this idea and I think it would fit your mod better than other mods that deal with the same subject.


So the player character has been humiliated and is regarded as a slut and a liar. Good citizens of Skyrim don't tolerate vagrants and other parasites - they must make themselves useful in order to justify the ground that they walk on. In every major city in Skyrim there are bouncers that keep an eye on citizens that don't seem to earn their right to existence (could these be regular NPCs? I don't know... Maybe add that purpose to existing ToH NPCs through quest aliases? I don't want to imply that even more NPCs should be added to the world). You can be approached by them and they will demand that you make menial errands for the city - gather wood, mine ore, collect animal pelts, crops, raw food. Flour sacks would be fun too, requiring you to pick wheat and use the mill - something the game never ever forces you to do. One thing that almost never gets asked in Skyrim - gather an amount of ingredients. All of these would require the player to ensure that flora and ore respawns normally in their game - but I wouldn't worry too much, as failure to comply would simply result in you being abused and insulted as the lazy parasite that you are, and allow you to go on with your game. Maybe get a small bounty? Something simple, the idea would be that if you fail, you suffer a punishment but that doesn't affect the game otherwise.


They'll give you a 12h deadline. After you deliver, there's another 12h cooldown before you can be approached again. Maybe add a random factor to make things less static? And allow for some relief, like every 3 jobs you get a longer cooldown. The idea would be to have some dull work like mining and wood chopping forced upon you - but without making it impossible to go on playing the rest of the game. Chop 40 wood, gather 40 stone or clay (hearthfires), mine 15 ore of common minerals such as iron or corundrum should require you some effort but be doable in a couple hours game time, then you get a cooldown allowing you do go about your business in the city before being bothered again. Always dull and menial work, nothing requiring skills such as alchemy or smithy, or defeat enemies. The PC is just a good-for-nothing impostor.


Bouncers could randomly also require you to satisfy them, either or both when they give you a task, and when you deliver.


Requirements for the quest to start could be tied to the main Serpent quest, that way players would be able to avoid it if they wanted to.


Maybe there's already a mod that does this? I don't know, looked it up quickly and didn't see anything exactly, so I decided to make a suggestion.


Thanks again for your mod, have fun!

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Another suggestion - is it really important to keep the dawnguard and dragonborn expansions separate? I mean, it's 2021, does anyone play Skyrim without those... Couldn't the official DLC be a requirement, period? I'm asking because merging those plugins isn't always such a great idea. It all but prevents you from being able to update the mod mid game - not a great idea either, but still. When you patch the merged mod to your mod list, an update of the merged file could break references in your patches, more likely than simply updating one plugin (as especially in the mods down in the merge list, there might be a extra renumbered records).

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Suddenly find that i lost Lydias forcegreet. Is it possible to launch it again? Still present in dialog menu. And in debug menu Lydia quest is misplaced with higher one.

Also voting for more forced events. Consequences wanted. Looks silly most times when some npc or faction knows you as hardcore masohist and do nothing.

Example: Riverwood trader is badly insulted about not fulfillment of contract and send mesages to all traders to spread contract options to all traders faction and to take payment before any trade options.

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14 hours ago, petronius said:

Another suggestion - is it really important to keep the dawnguard and dragonborn expansions separate? I mean, it's 2021, does anyone play Skyrim without those... Couldn't the official DLC be a requirement, period? I'm asking because merging those plugins isn't always such a great idea. It all but prevents you from being able to update the mod mid game - not a great idea either, but still. When you patch the merged mod to your mod list, an update of the merged file could break references in your patches, more likely than simply updating one plugin (as especially in the mods down in the merge list, there might be a extra renumbered records).

I agree with that, but unfortunately the decision is up to the author.


15 minutes ago, Alturistix said:


I found that in one of the books called lady knight repentance there was a japanese character in a line which caused the text to break, and overlap. AS Skyrim can only use ascii chars, so the jap world caused it to fuck up.

Do you have discord? I can report bugs as soon as I find them there.


Theoretically, it's a good idea, but the amount of bugs and frequency of updates is unlikely to be needed and the forum itself will suffice.

The decision is up to the author, but thumbs for this.

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3 minutes ago, killer905 said:

I agree with that, but unfortunately the decision is up to the author.


Thanks for bump, it was just a suggestion, in the end it's the author's decision, of course. Just seems like keeping the patches separate adds layers of complexity and the benefit is probably minor - but I may be wrong. The modding community I usually hang out with have all moved on to SSE since SKSE64 came out of alpha, that is almost 4 years ago... And before that, since 2015 we built our games around a STEP pack that required all the dlc. I admit others may have a completely different experience.


Anyways, I updated the mod, checked my patches for errors and to my surprise, there weren't many - other than the "usual" tint layer index not found. One patch had a broken NAVI link that I hope I fixed by resaving in the CK, if not I'll have to check it more thoroughly.

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On 11/2/2021 at 4:54 AM, waiyan said:

Also how many scenes of lesbian, gangbang, forced and bestialty in this mod?

A lot. The mod mostly about humiliations and maledom.

On 11/2/2021 at 2:23 PM, petronius said:

Maybe there's already a mod that does this? I don't know, looked it up quickly and didn't see anything exactly, so I decided to make a suggestion.

There are Devious Device - More Devious Quest. I remember that people gave out random tasks, like delivery drinks, clean a sword, sweepthe floor, feed chickens, etc with animations. But it's abandoned and outdated.

On 11/2/2021 at 2:30 PM, petronius said:

Another suggestion - is it really important to keep the dawnguard and dragonborn expansions separate?

I tried to combine them myself, but I didn't succeed. Plus addons change vanilla content and can break other mods. I don’t know, I just feel that this will potentially cause a bunch of problems and a bunch of complaints.

17 hours ago, crococat said:

Suddenly find that i lost Lydias forcegreet.

This is not forcegreet, but a phrase, which blocks other and have cooldown. And quest is only by this option [Stop] Yes, mistress. Please give shape to this sinful slave.

12 hours ago, Alturistix said:

I found that in one of the books called lady knight repentance there was a japanese character in a line which caused the text to break,

This is very strange since my keyboard does not support Japanese.

11 hours ago, petronius said:

checked my patches for errors and to my surprise, there weren't many

Don't worry, most of the bugs are in the wrong grammar and erroneous logic inside the mod. :)

1 hour ago, PHSummoner364 said:

I'm sorry, could anyone help me with Catherine: Model Show quest?

You need to talk to lars in the clothes that were just given to you.

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27 minutes ago, DSHV said:

There are Devious Device - More Devious Quest. I remember that people gave out random tasks, like delivery drinks, clean a sword, sweepthe floor, feed chickens, etc with animations. But it's abandoned and outdated.

Thanks! I hadn't used that mod, looks pretty interesting. I wonder if despite the dependency on an older version of DD it would still work.

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35 minutes ago, DSHV said:

This is not forcegreet, but a phrase, which blocks other and have cooldown. And quest is only by this option [Stop] Yes, mistress. Please give shape to this sinful slave.

Later she stopped me with "what" at dialog attempt after some time passed. Now not. Maybe i reached some point. But i newer had this responce option.


12 minutes ago, petronius said:

Thanks! I hadn't used that mod, looks pretty interesting. I wonder if despite the dependency on an older version of DD it would still work.

Check if you have SexLabSexualFame, it may conflict, as it is prototype.

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