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AAF Creature Resources

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What this mod will do:

? Give penis morphs to all the creatures as possible to be used in AAF Animations
? Provide creature resources to be used in other mods


What this mod will not do:
? Mess with animation xmls / patch your AAF setup like One Patch does.

No big deal, just install like any regular mod and load it as last as possible.
!!!You dont want to have this installed if you already have UAP since i'm integrating all these assets in that patch already!!!

Note for Modders!!!
You'll be given an option if you are a modder or a regular user. If you choose the modder option you'll be given bodyslide files for testing purposes or to implement stuff your own.
The models are misplaced in the viewport by default, so before opening the Outfit Studio for any of them, load the equivalent skeleton first. For example, if i want to load a Mutant Hound project, so i have to first go to Bodyslide settings and load the mutant-hound-skeleton.nif

Note for Animators or AAF Authors!!!
All the creatures has the erected state as Erection 100%, so this will be the morph you want to use to make creatures erected in AAF. There are also other morphs for all creatures which are:
Erection Up
Erection Down

Scale -> For deathclaw only
Penis adjust -> Only for gorillas for now

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    AAF / AiO Pack AAF Theme by Halstrom


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48 minutes ago, kt82559351 said:

how to use this mod penis is not erect...

You must install this/sort the assets as last as possible.


12 minutes ago, maddadicusrex said:

I am guessing this overights all other patches. I am using Dog Love for dog penises. Do I disable that? Do I disable other patches that might conflict?

Theres no need to use Dog Love. Just use this patch along with requirements for creature penises. The morphs are designed to work specifically with those meshes.

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Observations. It actually conflicted with some 10 other mods which I then had to sort through Vortex "fix" system. We are talking a lot of other patches, so load order will determine if this new patch is even necessary or working. All my erections and penises were working already without this one, but I try to help out and will try anything if it makes gaming life better. Mutants now have straight boners which do not adjust with different sex positions, ferals have penises, but are not erect (I usually have to use a boner mod for them, anyway) Have not tried animals or dogs yet. AAF Compatibility, CumNWealth (very problematic),AAF Patch Leitos/Crazy,Creature Assets and yours. Should it be after all of these others?

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21 minutes ago, maddadicusrex said:

Observations. It actually conflicted with some 10 other mods which I then had to sort through Vortex "fix" system. We are talking a lot of other patches, so load order will determine if this new patch is even necessary or working. All my erections and penises were working already without this one, but I try to help out and will try anything if it makes gaming life better. Mutants now have straight boners which do not adjust with different sex positions, ferals have penises, but are not erect (I usually have to use a boner mod for them, anyway) Have not tried animals or dogs yet. AAF Compatibility, CumNWealth (very problematic),AAF Patch Leitos/Crazy,Creature Assets and yours. Should it be after all of these others?

yeah, the so fearful and known "conflict" is actually an existing file in multiple mods. Just check the assets and you'll see what the conflicts are. As i said all of penises you may need are already in this mod except for the deathclaw penis (you need to get that one from deathclaw by polistiro), the only deathclaw penis asset i've included is the penis morphs. Other missing assets you need ( from requirements) are animations, some other xmls, and textures.
 So yeah you want to load this as much last as possible. and Yeah this is necessary, because penis morphs have not been integrated and set up for bodytalk that's why this mod exist.



10 minutes ago, kt82559351 said:

didn't used mo 


plugins don't have any impact for my mod, i need to see your modlist

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6 minutes ago, kt82559351 said:







Dongs conflicts with AAF and is not made for it. You need Compatibilty Patches to use Foreplay mods with AAF. You need patches for Leitos and Crazy Mods for AAF. Without all the patches, FP stuff will conflict with AAF. Has AAF ever worked for you?

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2 minutes ago, Ulfbearth said:

MO is not managing your mods, there's not even conflict between my patch and Vadermania animation pack (which there should be) Your mods are probably incorrectly installed.
You first need to fix your MO then we can see further what you're missing. 

Author is right. I use Vortex with Loot sorting and his mod conflicts with 10 others, if all are installed right. My AAF is working fine and so if it stops working, usually it is because of a new mod conflict..

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Just want to say thanks, this is GREAT! Finally in my BT2 load I can be properly used by deathclaws and supermutants without their useful parts aiming the wrong direction or otherwise failing to be felt where they're most needed.

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