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Likes Thumb Gone

Grey Cloud

Recommended Posts


Probably not the place for this but the ;Site Comments and Questions' thread is still locked and I can't see anywhere else.


I noticed few days ago that the green thumbs up button for like has gone. I still get notifications about people reacting to my posts but I cannot see any likes on my posts or anyone elses for that matter.


Any suggestions?

1 hour ago, MadMansGun said:

run CCleaner.

Sadly didn't work. I got back over 11GB of HDD space and lost a few passwords but no thumbs.

1 hour ago, Grey Cloud said:

Sadly didn't work. I got back over 11GB of HDD space and lost a few passwords but no thumbs.


If you go to the bottom of this page (or any page) the final line goes: theme   privacy policy   contact us. If you click on Contact Us you can send a message to the powers that be.

15 minutes ago, woodsman30 said:

seems to show for me

I got the notification that you had reacted but there is nothing here.

Everyone else's posts have the + (Multiquote) and the Quote buttons then a space where the green thumb would be.


It seems to be a browser problem. Using IE - no thumbs; using Chrome  - thumbs are back. So decision time. No way I'm going to use Chrome for my default browser.

8 hours ago, Grey Cloud said:

I'm giving Firefox another go.

LOL.... it give way more control over your browser and does not come with spy ware that microsoft installs in all their browsers .... but i digress.


FF is definitely faster than Chrome.


I've been listening to people slagging off IE for over 25 years and I've seen umpteen 'next big thing' come and go. Google and Chrome were so superior to anything that nasty Microsoft produced until it came out that Google were up to all kinds of shit. Capitalists are capitalists. I expect nothing from any of them so I am never disappointed or surprised.

6 minutes ago, Grey Cloud said:

Capitalists are capitalists. I expect nothing from any of them so I am never disappointed or surprised

Whoa!! someone gets it .....I tip my hat to you... well if I wore one I would :)

1 minute ago, woodsman30 said:

.I tip my hat to you... well if I wore one I would

As they used to say: 'If you want to get ahead, get a hat'.


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