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@ElyLnBeth Hello, I have no idea what "I have alredy made her to go to C" means, but your question is too broad. In general, check out my wiki, linked in my signature, if you have questions about how a particular thing I made works.


@zuzannao Hi, I dont really have a favorite thing. Although right now I am working on D/s training dynamic mod, which might end up being my favorite thing for a while, simply because its pretty complex to make and I hope people will enjoy it. As far as the question about themed showers/bathtubs- well I am open to suggestions but I cant say that I can necessarily picture a bondage shower. If you have any details on what you actually mean and ideally some visual references for me, send them over a private message.

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Just dropping in to say you have my undying love for the urinals. It's really hard (impossible really) to find quality content anywhere else. 


Also, a possible dynamic D/a mod? I love you even more. 


Btw random question but is there a way I can adjust the Confidence/Embarrassment moodlets associated with using certain items up or down? For example (random example), +5 Confident instead of +1 


I feel like it just be possible somewhere. I'm a software engineer irl so if anyone can point me in the right direction I can probably figure it out eventually lul

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Hi I tried downloading a number of objects but when I open the game I can't find any of them. I have moved the files into mods like i usualy do with mods. Also the names appear when I look at my mods in game options. Not sure why they arn't coming up.

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Hi I tried downloading a number of objects but when I open the game I can't find any of them. I have moved the files into mods like i usualy do with mods. Also the names appear when I look at my mods in game options. Not sure why they arn't coming up.

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Hi I tried downloading a number of objects but when I open the game I can't find any of them. I have moved the files into mods like i usualy do with mods. Also the names appear when I look at my mods in game options. Not sure why they arn't coming up.

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First, Thank you for your work !



I don't know if i made a misstake, but for the "TheDungeon1"'s rooms, i extract in the Tray folder as mentionned, but i got any room in game

This bug doesn't appear for "ThemedDungeon1" and "ThemedDungeon2" (i can build and set the room as expected.



Capture d’écran 2023-05-22 144106.png

Capture d’écran 2023-05-22 143905.png

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On 5/19/2023 at 12:44 PM, Jade45 said:

IS it possible to get them in one big download instead of having to do it one at a time. Cause I would like to have them all but keeping track of the one that I've downloaded is hard when there are so many.

Unless you have subscribed Kritical's Patreon, for public version, you won't ever be able to.

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First off, apologies to everyone for being absent for about two weeks- you know how it goes, sometimes life comes at you fast. So, that said-


@simmer1974 You can open the package files with Sims4Studio, find the tuning for the buffs and change it there. Not hard to do- its all in XML, so its pretty readable (especially if you use the tuning editor in S4S). If you need more direction, send me a PM.


@mme634278 "number of objects" tells me nothing. You gotta tell me what you tried so that we can try something a bit more specific than me shrugging.



@reveallaever Its not a bug, the first set of rooms is done differently, so that you have to open them up to place from your library, not the "rooms" section in build mode.


@ioawdfv I dont have separate versions for LL and Patrons- if its available to download here, its the same thing I offer to patrons.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, well I have just spent a lot of time downloading all your current items from this sit and placing them on a lot. But unfortunately the majority of the items have no animations and my Sims are unable to interact with these items, expect to view and the only animations installed are all your animations from this site.


Listed below is a list of objects that work!


Beds, brainwashing machine 1 +2, sensory deprivation chamber, containment tank, exercise bike, workout machine "Freya", urinals, milking machine, body bag, feeding machine.


All other intractable objects DO NOT WORK.


Also the three rooms have missing objects?


Bondage Dogo 18 missing objects, Neural Lab 6 missing objects, VIP Lounge 18 missing objects,  cheats used moveobjects on, ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement, showhiddenobjects, showliveeditobjects and so could you please provide a list of items/objects that should be in each room listing what is free on here and what requires Patron subscription.


Also could please confirm if the spacesuit the is shown on here is available to down from this site and if so what is it's name?


Please advice as to what or why this might be happening?


Edited by crashdodgers
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22 hours ago, crashdodgers said:

Hi, well I have just spent a lot of time downloading all your current items from this sit and placing them on a lot. But unfortunately the majority of the items have no animations and my Sims are unable to interact with these items, expect to view and the only animations installed are all your animations from this site.


Listed below is a list of objects that work!


Beds, brainwashing machine 1 +2, sensory deprivation chamber, containment tank, exercise bike, workout machine "Freya", urinals, milking machine, body bag, feeding machine.


All other intractable objects DO NOT WORK.


Also the three rooms have missing objects?


Bondage Dogo 18 missing objects, Neural Lab 6 missing objects, VIP Lounge 18 missing objects,  cheats used moveobjects on, ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement, showhiddenobjects, showliveeditobjects and so could you please provide a list of items/objects that should be in each room listing what is free on here and what requires Patron subscription.


Also could please confirm if the spacesuit the is shown on here is available to down from this site and if so what is it's name?


Please advice as to what or why this might be happening?


Objects and animations are different things. Kritical makes mostly objects. Animations are made by other authors. In particular, I make animations for a number of Kritical's objects.

You can check them out here:  Animations for Kritical's items


Full list of animators who make animations for Kritical's objects:




















Edited by Yr_Sa
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I'm sorry but did you not understand what I said, i.e. I puty a list of object from Kriticals, down load list that are work and I also stated that the majority of the objects have no function/anaimations, as well the fact the the three room are also missing items/objects when placed on a lot.


And as for the links that you have put in your reply , the link for Kriticals animations DOES NOT have a download link and also quinsims link it also has no download link.


So just to reiterate the majority of kiritacals objects that SHOULD have animations DO NOT have any at all and the three rooms are missing items/objects.


Now if you do not know which items/objects that are missing or you do not have an active link to the requiered animation, then please do not  replyto this post, thank you.

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On 6/12/2023 at 12:43 AM, Landotvg said:

how can i download al of the files in 1 klik 


Kritical, you must be getting pretty damn tired of these questions by now. Don't worry, the rest of us appreciate your work.

Edited by svka
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@crashdodgers I dream of a world where people read instructions. A paradise of milk and honey, where ignorance was abolished to the darkest corners of history and the way forward is so bright even the shades wont help.

All of my WW objects save for the clutter sets come with at least 1 animation, since about two years ago with 4 animations. Its almost always in the Teasing category and its a single sim idle (with gag variants). If you dont see those, you Wicked Whims is broken and/or you are trying to run them with the random option, instead of picking directly or you are missing requirements.

Considering I dont have hundreds of peoples shouting at me, I suspect its not an issue with the objects / animations.

I would hope you checked out for example this wiki page, as it has full list of objects per room and a fairly important notice 1. Place with bb.moveobjects cheat enabled, otherwise the game will remove some objects for overlapping footprints.


No need to get snippy at Yrsa either- just wanted to give you a helpful tip.





Check those two pages out, both your questions are answered there. If you still cant figure it out, send me a private message.


@svka Thanks but dont worry about it. I would imagine people either give in and read the FAQ, or they werent that interested in the first place and dont bother downloading. Win win as far as I am concerned.

Edited by Kritical
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On 6/26/2023 at 9:24 AM, Kritical said:

@crashdodgers I dream of a world where people read instructions. A paradise of milk and honey, where ignorance was abolished to the darkest corners of history and the way forward is so bright even the shades wont help.

All of my WW objects save for the clutter sets come with at least 1 animation, since about two years ago with 4 animations. Its almost always in the Teasing category and its a single sim idle (with gag variants). If you dont see those, you Wicked Whims is broken and/or you are trying to run them with the random option, instead of picking directly or you are missing requirements.

Considering I dont have hundreds of peoples shouting at me, I suspect its not an issue with the objects / animations.

I would hope you checked out for example this wiki page, as it has full list of objects per room and a fairly important notice 1. Place with bb.moveobjects cheat enabled, otherwise the game will remove some objects for overlapping footprints.


No need to get snippy at Yrsa either- just wanted to give you a helpful tip.





Check those two pages out, both your questions are answered there. If you still cant figure it out, send me a private message.


@svka Thanks but dont worry about it. I would imagine people either give in and read the FAQ, or they werent that interested in the first place and dont bother downloading. Win win as far as I am concerned.

Right, first Wicked Whims is not broken as I have just installed the lates version, as for using the moveobjects on cheat, well that is sop for me. Could you please expand on this "Its almost always in the Teasing category and its a single sim idle (with gag variants). If you dont see those, you Wicked Whims is broken and/or you are trying to run them with the random option, instead of picking directly or you are missing requirements." as I have no idea as to what it is you are talking about and as I just stated "Wicked Whims is not broken", further more if Wicked Whims was broken, the none of your items would work, but as a small number do work it proves that Wicked Whims is not broken.


Also when it comes to the three rooms and the missing content from each room, well two of them require a serton pack/kit to which I do not hane and asI am unable to find any reff to said packs/kits in the information onthe page, could you please list all items used and any and all packs/kits used as well as any CC/Mods used and also please provide links to requested items.


And with regards to your coment "No need to get snippy at Yrsa either- just wanted to give you a helpful tip.", when someone starts a post talking about things that where not in my post then sorry I will get "snippy" with them as it says they did not read or full understand what was being said, also I all was accept helpfull tips, if they are truely helpfull and one more thing not even the animations that Yrsa, like in there post work, so the is something very wrong some where to which I have no idea as to where!


And I would very much like help in understanding why some items/animations work and others do not and some of these not working items/animations are all three of your new items, as well as your floor fuck box.

Bondage Dojo.jpg

Neural Lab.jpg

VIP LOnuge.jpg

A selection of objects with missing animations.jpg

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So I’ve taken my sim to cow training and I still can’t get her to use the milking machine, every time I try to get her to use it she cancels the action. Is this a game bug or am I doing something wrong. It did say she failed the endurance, the lactation and one other I can’t remember but it did say she should be able to use it. I cant send screenshots because it happened last night before I shut the game off to see if that fixed it

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Tray Importer is a great tool. However it shows missing objects for me too. Now I sense there might be an issue with the software, rather than with something missing :) Full list of my used items for Themed Dungeon 2 is on the wiki, I dont have the list for the first one since it didnt occur to me to make one, the soft fade columns are a soft requirement because the game will just slap regular columns in if you dont have them. OMSP might delete some items if you dont have the pedestals, so make sure to check if you have that I suppose.


Three of the objects in your last picture are not made by me. One is a chair. That you can sit on. I dont know what else you expected. And I can guarantee you that there are animations for the rest. Because they are packed with the objects in the same package. All your "some of your objects work, others dont" proves is that all of them work, well the Wicked Whims ones anyway, because they are made the same way.


So let me reiterate and end on this-

Wicked Whims objects- I ship 99% of them with a Teasing animation in the Teasing category. That is 1 sim idle using that object. WW objects made after certain date have gag variant (ballgag, bitgag and ringgag) animations of the idle. If you want more animations, you can download my animation sets or better yet check out some of the other animators. Like Yrsa.


You play the animation by standing your sim nearby, clicking on the object, selecting from the list of animations and thats it. Dont use the "random" option.

As far as advanced objects go, you have to check the wiki, I can hardly reiterate how every single one works.


@lukarae Well, why does the sim cancel is kinda imporant to know. If its pathing cancel, then move the machine, as there isnt enough space in front. Otherwise you have to be a bit more specific as to what actually happens.

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