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Skyrim SE for Beginners - V 3.2.6 (3BBB / HDT-SMP / HPH)

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The 'Special' got physics for the labia. But it is more than a bit wonky and sort of works with fingers and penis only (no creatures and no objects). And you need textures that actually support it (like the mods in the 'files' section).



Just found Occlusion Culling World Space. If that really works it could be a huge improvement for the game.

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Out of curiosity, is there a trick to getting oldrim mods working with SE? Bween perusing the LL mods list, and a bunch of these SE mods point to oldrim mods.


Also, for the SLIF Override, we just need to start skyrim and then quit when it gets to the main menu, or do you need to actually load a save?

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3 hours ago, Kythana said:


The 'Special' got physics for the labia. But it is more than a bit wonky and sort of works with fingers and penis only (no creatures and no objects). And you need textures that actually support it (like the mods in the 'files' section).



Just found Occlusion Culling World Space. If that really works it could be a huge improvement for the game.

I actually have been using your neisa and Aylis skin. Well, been trying both, been sticking with Aylis the last few runs. Hoping I don't have to redo the bodyslides if i switch skins ><

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14 minutes ago, seljuksultanate said:

Has anyone had trouble with a CTD immediately after exiting whiterun, while looking to the left? I suspect it's JK's Skyrim related and I'm hoping for a workaround since it's such a nice one.

Is it a consistent CTD? Haven't had any issues myself yet.

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32 minutes ago, seljuksultanate said:

It is.  Repeatable on multiple reloads.

I haven't seen/heard anything about mod incompatibilities with Jk's Skyrim. Is there anyone or anything in that particular direction that might also be modded? Could be a broken mesh. 

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8 hours ago, Kythana said:

Nope, that was about MO2. ?


For bodyslide there should be a tutorial on Youtube too. But, if someone uses the 'RS Realistic Sexy Bodyslide', then there's a ready-to-use file available. Download it, install it, run the game and save yourself the headache with bodyslide. Although it is necessary i hate redoing all the armors even more than i hate rerunning DynDOLOD.


It is the same problem over and over again…


And i write the same thing over and over again…


Do NOT use LOOT!


The list is written in a way that you do not need it. Otherwise i could have just made an alphabetical list of the mods. That would have been sooo much easier!

Groups? Pfff, who needs them… Loadorder? Pah, LOOT will fix it.


I don't use LOOT. Yet i'm the one without all those problems… 



I'm 'off' for a while to cool down. Otherwise i'd start to delete threads...

excuse me.. i have not used loot ever since i used your list.... even added a few mods to it. A Forsworn Story. That thing is glitchy as hell, some people don't show up in the right spot, one quest the npc has to at an exact camp to complete it. (fair warning until you go to markarth and are arrested as a forsworn you are hated by ALL cities....

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2 hours ago, asebw said:

I actually have been using your neisa and Aylis skin. Well, been trying both, been sticking with Aylis the last few runs. Hoping I don't have to redo the bodyslides if i switch skins ><

no bodyslide for skins, its the meshes bodyslide cares about

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10 hours ago, asebw said:

Apologies for the late reply, spent the last two days dealing with cookie errors trying to get onto this this site. I finally did manage to fix the jcontainer issue. Turns out, there are a whackload more mods in skyrim that need to be updated after a bethesda update than in FO4. The issue I was having came from violens not being updated of all things. Its version of Jcontainer was what was giving me the issue with creature framework. You are right about it being in the overwrite folder: I figured out the problem by combing through the conflicts in the data tab of MO2. Once I found Jcontainer (Don't ask me where it was cause I can't remember for the life of me), it showed the violens conflict. 



On a side note, @Kythana, I find its good practice to keep backups of save games at key points so that its easy to rollback if things go south with a new mod. 


Also, could you maybe put down a quick tutorial on how you package the bodyslide/FNIS stuff? After several failed attempts, I feel like i'm missing something basic about MO2, and I am in need of fresh input on this one.

could you elaborate more please? package bodyslide fnis stuff? 

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Looking at the SSE Conversion Tracking thread, it looks like the majority of mods from this list have been updated but 4 (Achievement Mod Enabler, Armor Rating Redux, Go to bed, and SEE Fixes) Would it be safe to start modding without those mods on the newest Skyrim build and add them later down the line, or are they mandatory? 

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ok, so after the whole process of manually fixing my LOOT mistake and redoing the whole load order. i launched FNIS to reload everything. now it seems 2 files are missing from Bathing in Skyrim.  either i hadnt noticed it before.. or could they be overwritten?




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5 minutes ago, Dpstyle said:

ok, so after the whole process of manually fixing my LOOT mistake and redoing the whole load order. i launched FNIS to reload everything. now it seems 2 files are missing from Bathing in Skyrim.  either i hadnt noticed it before.. or could they be overwritten?

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You have to download those from a link in the mod description, and then convert them to SE


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9 minutes ago, Dpstyle said:

ahh didnt see it in the description.. but yeah, i see it in the "Posts" now. Thanks. guess i'll just remove BiS though, still too noob to dare temper with that stuff, so i'll just wait for an already converted mod

Not hard to convert the animations.  You just need to install creation kit, and then the guide has a batch file that converts them, you just have to place the batch file and one of the exes from the creation kit in the same folder as the animations.


Another option is just to ignore the warning in FNIS and then don't select animated in Bathing in Skyrim's MCM menu

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ok, i really dont know what is the cause, but i keep getting random CTD while roaming the exterior map (or zoning out of towns). i deactivated all DD and DS (until they are fixed) so i know for certain its not from those.  MO doesnt give me any notification or error messages either. I've tested pretty much all the mods i use that arent on the list (disable > test, swap to test another, rinse & repeat) and its still happening.  im guessing it may be either from vegetation or water mods.. or the ENB?

As far as i know, the only thing different than your listing on my setup that i didnt do the DynDOLOD cause its too advanced for me, so most of that LOD stuff is vanilla.

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9 hours ago, jaeos said:

could you elaborate more please? package bodyslide fnis stuff? 

I just uploaded the ones i already ran through bodyslide and use here. Thats all.



8 hours ago, NomsterWolf said:

Looking at the SSE Conversion Tracking thread, it looks like the majority of mods from this list have been updated but 4 (Achievement Mod Enabler, Armor Rating Redux, Go to bed, and SEE Fixes) Would it be safe to start modding without those mods on the newest Skyrim build and add them later down the line, or are they mandatory? 

ARR and GtB can be added later. Both were not in the list when i started with it.


AME and SEE fixes might be redundant as someone (who knows a lot about mods) mentioned. The 'SKSE Engine Fixes' should cover both, but thats the one that throws an error here… So i'm not entirely sure if thats a 'false positive' from MO2 or if the first two sort of 'replace' the faulty 'Engine Fixes'.


It's even more complicated when you see that an older version of MO2 doesn't throw that error at all.



6 hours ago, Dpstyle said:

ok, so after the whole process of manually fixing my LOOT mistake and redoing the whole load order. i launched FNIS to reload everything. now it seems 2 files are missing from Bathing in Skyrim.  either i hadnt noticed it before.. or could they be overwritten?


6 hours ago, cloudmc said:


You have to download those from a link in the mod description, and then convert them to SE


5 hours ago, Dpstyle said:

ahh didnt see it in the description.. but yeah, i see it in the "Posts" now. Thanks. guess i'll just remove BiS though, still too noob to dare temper with that stuff, so i'll just wait for an already converted mod

I didn't do anything like this. The MCM mentions another animation pack when you want to use other animations than the standard ones.


But i wonder where the line '1 GENDER modifications for Animations\male' comes from. Thats one i havn't seen before.



2 hours ago, Dpstyle said:

ok, i really dont know what is the cause, but i keep getting random CTD while roaming the exterior map (or zoning out of towns). i deactivated all DD and DS (until they are fixed) so i know for certain its not from those.  MO doesnt give me any notification or error messages either. I've tested pretty much all the mods i use that arent on the list (disable > test, swap to test another, rinse & repeat) and its still happening.  im guessing it may be either from vegetation or water mods.. or the ENB?

As far as i know, the only thing different than your listing on my setup that i didnt do the DynDOLOD cause its too advanced for me, so most of that LOD stuff is vanilla.

The ENB is just some sort of a layer on top of what graphics the game provides. It might look strange if set up wrong, but i never heard of crashes because of it.


It looks more complicated than it really is (at least for us users). Run the texture part, compress and activate the created files in MO2, then run the Output part, compress and activate the created files in MO2, and you're done. It just takes a lot of time to finish.


The picture i uploaded is for the advanced setup, just before it is one with just three buttons for quality (low - medium - high). You'll lose a few visual treats the advanced options offer but it will work too.

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i seem to have fixed the major part of my CTD issue. it was from grass shadow, i went into my .ini and entered the  bShadowsOnGrass=0 to remove it and i could play for for last 90 mins without any crash... until now. i ran on a bridge by a waterfall (even looked directly at the waterfall and it was fine) then i noticed a troll corpse under the bridge, i went to loot it and CTD just when i faced the underbridge


im guessing this time it must be something relating to water mods, speaking of which. i think this might be my issue. i didnt take the "Medium Glacial Flour"  because it wasnt compatible with iNEED, i got the light glacial flour instead for that purpose.  do you think that may be the cause of my issue? and if so, do you know any other iNeed compatible replacement?


as for my male anim, i think its from dual wield. think i got two because my female uses Pretty Combat Animation.. so maybe the default dual wield got copied to male folder?

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1 hour ago, Dpstyle said:

i seem to have fixed the major part of my CTD issue. it was from grass shadow, i went into my .ini and entered the  bShadowsOnGrass=0 to remove it and i could play for for last 90 mins without any crash... until now. i ran on a bridge by a waterfall (even looked directly at the waterfall and it was fine) then i noticed a troll corpse under the bridge, i went to loot it and CTD just when i faced the underbridge


im guessing this time it must be something relating to water mods, speaking of which. i think this might be my issue. i didnt take the "Medium Glacial Flour"  because it wasnt compatible with iNEED, i got the light glacial flour instead for that purpose.  do you think that may be the cause of my issue? and if so, do you know any other iNeed compatible replacement?


as for my male anim, i think its from dual wield. think i got two because my female uses Pretty Combat Animation.. so maybe the default dual wield got copied to male folder?

I can only say something if it's in the list. If you add mods and then have crashes it is very propably caused by the things you added or changed…


Afaik is the mod 'Pretty Combat Animations' incompatible with one or two mods in the list. 



18 minutes ago, Rey_Vegeta said:

No need to create a bashed patch with this guide or converting to form 44 those mods that wrye bash says are in old form?

Never needed to do a bashed patch or convert something. ?

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12 hours ago, NomsterWolf said:

Looking at the SSE Conversion Tracking thread, it looks like the majority of mods from this list have been updated but 4 (Achievement Mod Enabler, Armor Rating Redux, Go to bed, and SEE Fixes) Would it be safe to start modding without those mods on the newest Skyrim build and add them later down the line, or are they mandatory? 

SEE fixes would be about the only mandatory one I think. However, I can say from my own play throughs that all 4 are stable and viable. You should have no problems from any of them in a current Skyrim build. 


I should also point out that Kythana (And those of us who are regulars on this thread), is constantly on the watch for issues with the mod list. If anything becomes problematic, it will be noted, or removed/replaced from the list.

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13 hours ago, jaeos said:

could you elaborate more please? package bodyslide fnis stuff? 

That issue has been resolved. I had a bit of a learning moment understanding how the overwrite is supposed to actually work in MO2.

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