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Dead or Alive 6 - Modding Thread and Discussion

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1 hour ago, Bewul said:

Gosh darn, russian GT to french is absolutely hilarious. I didn't really understood in detail what are you guys discussing, but I have no regrets 

мне еще забавнее, так как русский и английский языки это разговорные языки. A вот французский мой встроенный переводчик не захотел переводить на русский, но смог на английский. Пришлось копировать этот английский текст и переводить с помощью google переводчика. :) причем в этом разделе после вашего поста пропала в браузере кнопка " Перевести" , в других разделах она есть))

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12 hours ago, Alexei81 said:

узнал  что автора того модменеджера  зовут  FluffyQuack . Его можно найти в твитере. Кто может пусть задаст ему нужные вопросы. А я в твитере давно не был и пароль забыл. Да и английским языком не владею :)

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54 minutes ago, Albondiga99 said:

This topic is a mess, those comments in russian should be removed already.

@Alexei81 always  writes only in Russian, he can not be deleted only  for this reason. Probably he does not have a latin alphabet on the keyboard.

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I updated my doa6decsave decryption/re-encryption, now it supports all versions of the game, legit or no.

And yes, it can now be used to re-sign saves from one account to another (including from legit to no-lgit or viceversa).


Instructions: drag and drop the SYSTEMDATA file to the program, and it will generate a file called SYSTEMDATA.dec with content decrypted.

To reencrypt, drag and drop instead the .dec file to the program and it will update/create SYSTEMDATA.


Always drag and drop the SYSTEMDATA or SYSTEMDATA.dec file from the original save location, don't copy it to other place. This is because the program retrieves the steamid 64 from the path of the save file.


Remainder that the program only works with SYSTEMDATA, not with GRAPHICSETTINGS.

Oh, and always do backups of the files before any modification, just in case.




Steps to re-sign a file (I'm going to assume there are two people involved, but it doesn't matter if it is only one).

- The person that wants to share a save, run the program by dragging the SYSTEMDATA file from its original location to the program. Now, send the SYSTEMDATA.dec file to the other person.

- The preson that receives the save. Copy the SYSTEMDATA.dec file to the place where the game stores the save. Now drag the .dec file to the program, and it will generate an encrypted SYSTEMDATA associated to that steam id. You can now delete the .dec file if you want.


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3 hours ago, vagonumero13 said:

I updated my doa6decsave decryption/re-encryption, now it supports all versions of the game, legit or no.

And yes, it can now be used to re-sign saves from one account to another (including from legit to no-lgit or viceversa).


Does your program support the version by XATAB too?

Thank you.

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I've written a 3DMigoto debug shader to visualise the soft body simulation - it's mostly to help me work out how to properly manipulate the mesh vertex posisitions so we can start adding 3D detail to these parts of the mesh, but it might be of interest to other modders here. Link and screenshots in the spoiler block (side by side images because of stereoscopic 3D):




3 hours ago, vagonumero13 said:

I updated my doa6decsave decryption/re-encryption, now it supports all versions of the game, legit or no.

And yes, it can now be used to re-sign saves from one account to another (including from legit to no-lgit or viceversa).

My multiple Steam accounts thank you sir :)

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On 4/1/2019 at 1:04 AM, ausgeek said:

Use the texture hash to match the eyes instead of the vertex/index buffer hash, though you might get shadows of the eyeballs still casting since the texture won't be active during the shadow pass.

how do I do this?


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1 hour ago, Gdog2 said:

how do I do this?


I had a look at the mod. Find the [TextureOverrideCostumefront-byman9] section and replace it with this:

; Index buffer hash (hunt with numpad 789) - NOT UNIQUE, DO NOT USE!
;hash = 732cbdff
; Vertex buffer hash (hunt with numpad /*-) - Unique
hash = c81cf66e
; Texture hash (use frame analysis to find) - Unique
;hash = 3e53f5e4
handling = skip


  • Index buffers represent mesh topologies, and may not always be unique, so generally better to avoid using these hashes.
  • Vertex buffers represent the mesh shape (among other things) and should be unique for all distinct meshes and are generally recommended.
  • Texture hashes represent the image blatted over the top of the mesh, but will not be used in shadow map passes, so using these will not alter the shadow of a modified mesh.
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21 minutes ago, ausgeek said:

I had a look at the mod. Find the [TextureOverrideCostumefront-byman9] section and replace it with this:

; Index buffer hash (hunt with numpad 789) - NOT UNIQUE, DO NOT USE!
;hash = 732cbdff
; Vertex buffer hash (hunt with numpad /*-) - Unique
hash = c81cf66e
; Texture hash (use frame analysis to find) - Unique
;hash = 3e53f5e4
handling = skip


  • Index buffers represent mesh topologies, and may not always be unique, so generally better to avoid using these hashes.
  • Vertex buffers represent the mesh shape (among other things) and should be unique for all distinct meshes and are generally recommended.
  • Texture hashes represent the image blatted over the top of the mesh, but will not be used in shadow map passes, so using these will not alter the shadow of a modified mesh.

Thank you! last thing, the hair/hat is still visible. Do you know how to get rid of that too?

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10 hours ago, ausgeek said:

I had a look at the mod. Find the [TextureOverrideCostumefront-byman9] section and replace it with this:

; Index buffer hash (hunt with numpad 789) - NOT UNIQUE, DO NOT USE!
;hash = 732cbdff
; Vertex buffer hash (hunt with numpad /*-) - Unique
hash = c81cf66e
; Texture hash (use frame analysis to find) - Unique
;hash = 3e53f5e4
handling = skip


  • Index buffers represent mesh topologies, and may not always be unique, so generally better to avoid using these hashes.
  • Vertex buffers represent the mesh shape (among other things) and should be unique for all distinct meshes and are generally recommended.
  • Texture hashes represent the image blatted over the top of the mesh, but will not be used in shadow map passes, so using these will not alter the shadow of a modified mesh.

Thank you, fapservice! ?



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1 hour ago, ausgeek said:

I had a look at the mod. Find the [TextureOverrideCostumefront-byman9] section and replace it with this:

; Index buffer hash (hunt with numpad 789) - NOT UNIQUE, DO NOT USE!
;hash = 732cbdff
; Vertex buffer hash (hunt with numpad /*-) - Unique
hash = c81cf66e
; Texture hash (use frame analysis to find) - Unique
;hash = 3e53f5e4
handling = skip


  • Index buffers represent mesh topologies, and may not always be unique, so generally better to avoid using these hashes.
  • Vertex buffers represent the mesh shape (among other things) and should be unique for all distinct meshes and are generally recommended.
  • Texture hashes represent the image blatted over the top of the mesh, but will not be used in shadow map passes, so using these will not alter the shadow of a modified mesh.

Thank to you.


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On 4/3/2019 at 2:58 AM, 555-555 said:

Actually, it depends on what you are going to do with them.


For example. I wanted the breast to better for Lei_deluxe

i tried to save in various dds formats but i can't find he format he used

sorry for my english  google traslator

Ho capito come fare grazie
I managed to find the way 


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