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CBPC - CBP Physics with Collisions for SSE and VR

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And I attach log (I generate log first time for CBPC 1.44  , and just test 1 or 2 minutes but log becom very huge.. sorry.

In the cell there are 2NPC and 1 PC,, 1Follower,, then I start sex with Follower... with exchange the Condition (comment out/ activate) for CBPCollisionConfig_male.txt

So when comment out, it show pelvis VS genitals.  when I actviate,, no collision effect.  


check log please if it might help..





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On the other hand,   isFemale() condition work.  I could confirm with comment out pelvis nodes setting from  CBPCollisionConfig_Female  (which use conditions=IsFemlae())


1  add NPC pelvis for CPBCollisionConfig_male. and set sphere as same as female.


2  I remove male condition from CBPColliisonConfig_Male  .(NOT IsFemale()), so it is base CollisionConfig for all NPC.


3  I comment out Pelvis nodes and hide setting from CBPCollisonConfig_Female.  (Conditions=IsFemale())


 it stop to work.  if isFemale() not work, or female  setting is ignored,,, it  may keep to show Pelvis physics I suppose.  


3 I activate  Pelvis nodes (Collider target) and sphere setting in CBPCollisionConfig_Female again.


it return NPC vagina open = Pelvis for female start to work  (so the Condition IsFemale() work correctly, I suppose,  but NOT IsFemale() which used for male specific collision setting, not work >> maybe genital nodes collider are ignored, then stop vagina open. Though I do not know what logic cause this effect at all.






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3 hours ago, greenmango12 said:

Yes I clear see, when I comment out Conditions, Male SOS work as collider.. but when I activate the option, Male SOS stop to work as collision collider (for vagina)


CBPCollisionConfig**** files are for collisions on nodes. They are supposed to be used for Affected nodes and to list the colliders for them. So only reason to use a NOT IsFemale() condition for a CBPCollisionConfig*** file is that you want to create a collision config for some Male nodes to be collided with (not as collider). So I don't think you need to have a separate file for males only.

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5 hours ago, Shizof said:


CBPCollisionConfig**** files are for collisions on nodes. They are supposed to be used for Affected nodes and to list the colliders for them. So only reason to use a NOT IsFemale() condition for a CBPCollisionConfig*** file is that you want to create a collision config for some Male nodes to be collided with (not as collider). So I don't think you need to have a separate file for males only.

So you means,, Not female() actually work, but the way to describe collisions for male was  wrong? I understand, I need not use NotFemale() to descibe male collison.


But  I had thought,,  I can describe all female body affected nodes, and  all female body collider nodes. with Condtions=IsFemale()   

So female can set different collision size (eg for finger collision) as female collider / colision target.


(actually it seems work so),   so if I hope to make male specific collision setting,,   use  Not Female(), then  I set all collisions of male body  as male specific,  , with  Conditions=Not female(). But  it not work  as Condition=IsMale()?  (there is no IsMale() condtion, then I supposed,, Not isFemale() work so...


 Practically, I understand, I need not use Not Female()  because  IsFemale() only work for Female , then we can describe Male collision settings as CBPCollisionConfig_XXX.txt.  but just need another CBPCollisionConfig_F.txt.. then use IsFemale() and describe as Female Collision settings. 


so it is just question,  we can not use, "NOT female()"  condition to describe collider collision settings as Male only?


  (though I may need not use it at current, but I simply hope to know how NOT female() work. for collision settings..  or we should not use it.. (actually we need not ,though.. IsFmelae() can separate female..)

Edited by greenmango12
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Ah,, I think now I understand, why it did not work....   so when I use NOT isFemale() as male collision settings,,

but it  describe collider nodes only,, there must need collider target nodes.. though male not have vagina (usually),  it was removed.. but actually CBPC need which nodes wlll be affected, by collider nodes ( as male)..


   so even though It is supposed for male collision settings,, I need to describe collider target (female vagina etc).. as same as female version.....  

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7 minutes ago, greenmango12 said:

Ah,, I think now I understand, why it did not work....   so when I use NOT isFemale() as male collision settings,,

but it  describe collider nodes only,, there must need collider target nodes.. though male not have vagina (usually),  it was removed.. but actually CBPC need which nodes wlll be affected, by collider nodes ( as male)..


   so even though It is supposed for male collision settings,, I need to describe collider target (female vagina etc).. as same as female version.....  


This. It needs Affected nodes to be defined.


But you are talking about female vagina. If you are creating a Collision config file for NOT IsFemale(), that's supposed to be for the Affected Nodes of a Male actor. Unless there are female vaginas on male bodies :confused:


So when you are creating a collision config file, you need to ask whose affected nodes is it? If it's for female npc's affected nodes, then you can use IsFemale(). If it's for male npc's affected nodes (like male pecs etc.), then you can use NOT IsFemale().

Edited by Shizof
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2 hours ago, Shizof said:


This. It needs Affected nodes to be defined.


But you are talking about female vagina. If you are creating a Collision config file for NOT IsFemale(), that's supposed to be for the Affected Nodes of a Male actor. Unless there are female vaginas on male bodies :confused:


So when you are creating a collision config file, you need to ask whose affected nodes is it? If it's for female npc's affected nodes, then you can use IsFemale(). If it's for male npc's affected nodes (like male pecs etc.), then you can use NOT IsFemale().


I see.. but I can not believe my self if I really understand ^^;


1.  At first I hope to make Female collision setting = CBPCollisionSetting_F. then anyway I use condtiion=IsFemale(),,  I asked my sefl, so what affected nodes for  female Then  I describe pelvis, , and vagina nodes,, breasts.. etc.. (all female body (skelton nodes))


2.. Then I have new  question  ?...  of course  those affected node need Collider nodes... so must I need to describe Collider Nodes,  in the CBPCollisionSetting_F ?


if the answer is "YES"   I write,  each  genitals, creature specific genital node name,,  (and hands etc), which need to work as affected nodes. in same CBPCollisionSetting_F.


but if CBPC read those Affected nodes, why we need another one?  eg current 3BA offer CBPCollisionSetting.txt and CBPColliisonSetting_Female.txt.. 


In CBPCollisionSetting.txt,,,  there is no affected nodes.. but only describe collider rnodes name and setting (so it include SOS etc)  then I suppose it is for male. (actually old 3BA version was made so, with use NOT_Female() condtion. >> it did not work.


then in CBPCollisionSetting_Female,, it have pelvis, vagina etc as affected nodes. at same time describe almost all  Collider nodes, include SOS.. (just removed upper arm collider nodes because it cause issue, then acro hide it for CBPCollisionConfig_female.


To understand how collider used , I  comment out,  all genital nodes (collider) from CBPCollisionSetting.txt  only.    I supposed  if it work,, but not work..

when PC sex with NPC female...  So I really do not know,, In which file, I need to describe Collider nodes , and which ones are actually used as Collider  for female affected nodes.. (pelvis, or vagina or breast).. I should write same collider nodes for both? 


I have almost same question,,, when I check your CBPCollisionConfig_Yuriana,  you use condition for Yuriana.  then it describe all Yuriana affected nodes,and sphere setting.  at same time you describe collider nodes (include SOS genitals).. in same file..so it is Collider nodes which may work with Yuriana affected nodes. right?


Then  your CBPColliisionConfig.txt (not yuriana, so it supposed to work for all actor) describe All collider nodes.too. as same as Yuriana version.


If I only test with Yuriana,, even though I do not describe Collider nodes in CBPCollisionConfig.txt,,,  PC sos work as collider nodes? becuase you already describe SOS nodes, in yuriana collision config  as collider...


 So where I should describe, Collider nodes, which file collider nodes work for Yuriana affected nodes?  in CBPCollisionConfig_Yuriana,  or CBPCollisionConfig.txt, or we should describe for both config txt? 


 we must need to describe all collision nodes for all CBPCollisionConfig_XXXX txt. without  I hope to remove Collider.. with condtion? (Like Acro remove upper arm collider for female only...)






Edited by greenmango12
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2 hours ago, greenmango12 said:

2.. Then I have new  question  ?...  of course  those affected node need Collider nodes... so must I need to describe Collider Nodes,  in the CBPCollisionSetting_F ?



2 hours ago, greenmango12 said:

but if CBPC read those Affected nodes, why we need another one?  eg current 3BA offer CBPCollisionSetting.txt and CBPColliisonSetting_Female.txt.. 

You don't. As you can see in CBPC install. I only show CBPCollisionConfig_Yuriana for defining different spheres for a specific actor. All the normal definitions are in the main CBPCollisionConfig.txt file. You don't need separate configs for all female and male nodes or anything. It's never designed for that. I don't know why 3BA has those female and male config files, you should ask Acro.


2 hours ago, greenmango12 said:

So where I should describe, Collider nodes, which file collider nodes work for Yuriana affected nodes?  in CBPCollisionConfig_Yuriana,  or CBPCollisionConfig.txt, or we should describe for both config txt? 


 we must need to describe all collision nodes for all CBPCollisionConfig_XXXX txt. without  I hope to remove Collider.. with condtion? (Like Acro remove upper arm collider for female only...)

All the affected nodes to be used for those actors that fit that condition and all the colliders for them need to be defined. You cannot separate colliders to a different config.

Edited by Shizof
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Thanks.. I suppose I could understand more.. (but still 80% I feeel), 


I  understand, what 3BA trying with 2.12 (not work)  and changed 2.13 (worked)


for Female, (Conditions=IsFemale)  describe as  CBPCollisionConfig_Female.txt


 >Avoid to  use Some nodes from Collider nodes. eg upper Arm nodes  seems cause problem when it work as Collider,  for many pose.  then 3BA removed Upper  Arms collider for female.


For Male. (Conditions = NOT IsFemale (for 2.12)  describe as  CBPColliisonConfig_Male.txt >>   2.13 remove the condition. (then rename it, as CBPCollisionConfig.txt, but it not matter)


>There is no Affected nodes. (though we can add it if we like)  so 3BA removed all Affected Nodes for Male.   but only describe Collider Nodes <<  it was difficult part for me..




Then could you answer the reason (why it not work)  to make things clear for me?


 I use Condition (IsFemale()) then I describe all Female Affected Nodes, and describe All Collider nodes in the file. (SOS genital nodes and hands etc)

then I only use the file CBPColliisonConfig_femle.txt


Why it can not work??   my assamption is,, swhen use Condition (IsFemale) or (NOT IsFemale()) and make ColliisonConfig_XXX. txt

 we must need  another setting file "without any condtion" ..as base  right?

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I've been curious for a long time, so I tested this time



First, I defined bones and bone aliase on CBPCMasterConfig
but if not using specific bone alias in CBPConfig


That bone physics doesn't seem to affect the game performance because not used except for reading in the first game load, right?


Looking at the log, I think it's right



if right

So there is no need to erase or annotate on a specific line of CBPCMasterConfig for performance

Just can control performance by missing or defining bone aliases in CBPConfig



and when providing optional physics configs

I can make that we can choose whether to install some of the CBPConfig files or not without having to provide a variety of CBPCMasterConfig


And defining bones as much as possible in CBPCMasterConfig for compatibility


Because it doesn't affect the performance except for the first game load



wait, I did see wrong
For the best performance, define bones of CBPCMasterConfig must be limited


If bone alias missing in CBPConfig , it would be better not to use that bone

Edited by Acro748
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4 hours ago, Acro748 said:

wait, I did see wrong
For the best performance, define bones of CBPCMasterConfig must be limited


If bone alias missing in CBPConfig , it would be better not to use that bone

That's right. If a node is defined in CBPCMasterConfig, it's processed for bounce even if you don't use it in CBPConfig*** files.

Best way is to remove it from under [ConfigMap] in CBPCMasterConfig if it's not going to be used.

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I now try to set Genitals nodes of SOS as Affected only for male body with use condition... when female/male  hand or foot (collider)  touch me.


I already find way, to clear devide for male only, and female only, (though it need 3 collision setting file, base(no condition), female, male,  I believe it work) about affected nodes.


but can I set same SOS nodes as collider and affected ? though for male version, I remove them from Collider,, but only describe hand and feel as Collider,,

then male version only describe SOS nodes as Affected nodes.  = only when hand, or feet, or finger touch SOS, it show collision effect = SOS shake.


(Then CBPCollisionConfig_Base describe all collider and affected nodes, but for female, and for male, I remove un-necessary nodes from collider or affected part for each)


It work? 

And as future request ^^;

if there is multipler which can adust Collider VS affected nodes, effect strength,, I think we can fine tune more.

at current I think how affected nodes move decided by Collision size and Config setting of each nodes.. 

So affected node bounce setting (CBPConfig_XXX)  effect much for Collision move.. I hope if we can use multipler (which I may set for CBPCollisionConfig_XXX

affected nodes,,)  then even though I set large movements for usuall physics (walking etc),, collision affected nodes can controll less weak or more move when hit...  (of course if it cause too peformance loss,, I do not hope it,,)


Edited by greenmango12
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Hi Shizof anytime if you can have time, I hope you check these CBPColliison setting files, and teach me the usage of each file and condtions was correct or wrong.. ?


Each parameter of CBPConfig_SOS.txt is not matter...  and there are already CBPConfig_XXX.txt for all described nodes (which need to move and set as affected nodes) 

then I did not pack them.  But what I planed is,, these ..


1.  Male only use SOS lags as Affected nodes.  then when any Foot and toe, finger  nodes touch SOS lags,  it will move genital lag bones with collision physics (I could not confirm it)

2.  Female only use SOS genitals as Collider nodes, then SOS genitals touch the female pelvis ,, it will open vagina  (I could confirm it) 

3.  when self  SOS genitals (Collider) hit with SOS lags (affected nodes), collision not work.. because Male only use SOS lag as affected nodes,, then female only use SOS genital as Collider. so there seems no problem about self collision (lags vs genital node) 


Though I use 3 setting files  default (no condition)  female (IsFemale()) and male (NOT IsFemale())

I understand you may not recommend , but I hope to confirm my way will work..even though you can make it as one or 2 file only...  about the case hope how I can merge them as 2 collision setting file (or only one, I think to achive it, at least I need 2 files for collision setting)


(if so, I can limit the problem,, maybe feet vs genital lag collision moving conflict with  Sexlab anmation or Sexlab arousal rotation..)  of course I only ask when you can find time..so not hurry at all.. I am now tweaking CBPConfig with you and Acro all advices. 



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On 11/27/2021 at 3:02 AM, greenmango12 said:

(Then CBPCollisionConfig_Base describe all collider and affected nodes, but for female, and for male, I remove un-necessary nodes from collider or affected part for each)


It work? 

Yes, I think so.


On 11/27/2021 at 3:02 AM, greenmango12 said:

And as future request ^^;

if there is multipler which can adust Collider VS affected nodes, effect strength,, I think we can fine tune more.

at current I think how affected nodes move decided by Collision size and Config setting of each nodes.

Collision response is calculated from the radius overlap between nodes automatically. So adjust the radius of each node. Collision response cannot be higher than the smallest radius between two spheres basically.


3 hours ago, greenmango12 said:

I understand you may not recommend , but I hope to confirm my way will work..even though you can make it as one or 2 file only...  about the case hope how I can merge them as 2 collision setting file (or only one, I think to achive it, at least I need 2 files for collision setting)

I think it would work. I checked the config files you attached, and they seem fine. You included main CBPCollisionConfig file alongside male and female ones, that's good. I recommend doing that, extra config files are meant to be extra instead of replacing the original.

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>>You included main CBPCollisionConfig file alongside male and female ones, that's good


Thanks actually It is my main customize point,, to use condtion as I can understand,,,  ^^;


if I remove the main file, (no condition),, but only remain female and male version,,  after all I could not see physics for female vagina open with SOS colliders,,, (though I do not know the reason, , but from thinking all things about your offered character spercific setting files, , and 3BA versions,,  anyway I made all one collision config... which include all possible affected and Collider,, then limit nodes with condition (or adjust spheres for valid Actor with condtion)


At same time even though CBPC try to move them I feel there still remain issue, when start sexlab animation or when arrousal adjust those nodes... (it seems block CBPC effect I feel)

for SOS affected nodes,,  anyway, thanks, I could understand correct way.. to use those condtion,, and make CBPColliisonSettings as I need now..

.. so I can detect reason when some nodes not work well.. 


(But how locate collider and affected node place and set radius is different problem still,,, it need try and error with nif-scope ^^; (I hope If I edit feet or toe sphere size and lcoate more well,, SOS affected node start to work,, with feet animation..but can keep good hard penis when hit with vagina.  unfortunatelly I still not sucess about toe, finger/ foot VS genitals lag.  when sexlab animation start / sexlab arousal adjust penis rotation .. maybe at current it should work,, when I have no arousal, and no sex start...^^;

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I did more test about condition..then I got new one question. 


To make things simple,, 

1. I made CBPCollisionConfig.txt  then describe all possible Collider VS Affected.  then it describe female pelivs, vaginas, and breast nodes. as affected nodes.

  then describe R.L arms, hands and SOS nodes as collider


2.  I duplicate it and make CBPCollisionConfig_female.txt then add "Condtions=IsFemale()"

I could confirm, about affected nodes, and extra settings (how belly show collision vs sos nodes,  and vagina open) female specific collision setting file overwrite default setting.

So I can controll which nodes will be affected for female easy.. (and affected nodes sphere size etc)


3.  Then I check how condition will work about Collider nodes...   this is new question and what I hope you confirm..why there is difference.


case A,,,  I comment out,,  genitals nodes from collider nodes in the CBPCollisionConfig_female (Condtions=IsFemale ())


I still see vagina open clear... I double check I have no other CBPCollisionConfig_XXX... so I only set SOS genitals as collider in CBPCollisionConfigs.txt

that means,,, at least about SOS (collider) , and see SOS vs Pelvis>>vagina open,,,  female version is ignored... because If CBPC use the femal version, there is no SOS nodes as collider,,, then I suppose CBPC use CBPCollisionConfig.txt collider nods. (there is SOS nodes as collider)


case B,,,  I remove R and L arms, hands and fingers from collider nodes in CBPCollisionConfig_female (Condtions=IsFemale ()) 

I clear see,,  if I remove those from collider, when female NPC pose,, they do not show collision effect for breast, when self arms hands touch breast..

when I return those as collider node (edit in female version only),,  the collision effect return ,then breast deform by arms, hands collider nodes.


Is it your intention?   (only think I can suspect,, when I edit CBPCollisionConfig_female (Conditions=IsFemale ()) collider nodes,, it only effect the female collider nodes..

so she do not have genitals,, then CBPC read and find genitals nodes collider in default config files.


but all female may have arms / hands,, so the collider setting which described in the female setting file is used as collider for breast bones (affected nodes),, I removed hand or finger, so breast bones can not find self collider (female hand or arms), then it stop to show collision effect even though I describe them in CBPCollisionConfig.txt


the differece seems somehow complex,, to use condtion correctly I feel...  If I remove genitals nodes collider from female setting file,, I may suppose it should stop to work.= vagina should not open, when SOS nodes touch pelvis.

. (as you said,, we need to describe all collider which may effeect the affected node, describe in the setting files)


or if when I remove SOS genitals node from same file which I set affected node with condition,, CBPC simply use CBPCollisionConfig.txt (no condtion version),,  the same thing may be expected about arms or finger bones..


That means, even though I remove arny collider nodes, from CBPCollisionConfig_female (use condtion), I have written it in CBPCollisionConfig.txt so female need to use it as their collider.. I suppose...


but if collider node settings described in ColliisonConfig_XXX( with condtion) will overwrite or remove only about nodes for the condtion valid actor,,

eg female hand, female arms Collider use the CollisionConfig_femlae..  but male hand or male arms Collider use the CollisionConfig (no condtion),

it seems reasonable,, but I do not know actually you made so or not..  I only confirm, how it work,, but can not see clear rule.. about collider usage with conditon..





Edited by greenmango12
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And it is request (I supposed I requested same thing before ^^;)


I clear remember we can use  Animobject A or B node, as collider,   so I can use them as collider node of male / female..

but the problem is even though there is no Animobject,, CBPC still try to use them as collider, then some strange things happen..when PC close to NPC


Request 1 

On and off mode, when only load animobjects, (something attached it),, CBPC activate animobject A B node.


Request 2

So I really hope to add Collider node, for any anime objects which not attached human skelton, but only used in specific animaiton.. 

like this triangle horse.    (Estrus etc animation animobject)


At current I think I can not use these nodes as collidar...  I actually test to add collider node and set spheres (8) for some nodes, but no success.

though I do not remember reason,, but I think at current there is no way to attach new collider node for these Anime objects which only loaded when animation start, and seems not attached to human skeltons.   


Can I expect,,  CBPC will offer way to  add collider for static mesh nodes (not weighted) or these anim object nodes.   like your offered PDF to decide collision pos and size,, with nif scope. (I know it is only used to get transform values, and radius,, but hope if we can add any nodes,, in nif scpole, and set it as collider,,, for CBPC,,, so we can really easy add new collider for those mesh which may collide with NPC or PC body parts ^^;;   (I may hope to manually add new child node ,then I can set name more specific,, == I suppose we can avoid, un-expected collision effect, when bone happend to have same name like Bone1 etc..




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And I hope to see,,

 wearable CBPC collider...for CBPC  ...


eg when female use strap-on (sexlab offer),, I do not think I can make it as CBPC collider..  which need to work only when female wear it,

Though I suppose I can add new collider  bone as child of pelivis node for female skelton,,,

and set the node as collider in CBPC collision setting files.

But as you know,, it always work as collider node like animobject A B bones,,if I describe it as collider,, for female pelvis ,    so the way is not good...


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On 11/29/2021 at 4:50 PM, greenmango12 said:


Request 1 

On and off mode, when only load animobjects, (something attached it),, CBPC activate animobject A B node.


Request 2

So I really hope to add Collider node, for any anime objects which not attached human skelton, but only used in specific animaiton.. 

like this triangle horse.    (Estrus etc animation animobject)





Just to tell what I think



Request 1 is a great idea to turn off/on some collisions/bounces using certain triggers


However if turning off/on a specific bone is difficult in the current design, It would be nice to read specific collisions/bounces file when trigger is activated

For example
1. create a Condition (name is just example) folder and put a file there

(That files in the Condition folder are not read at game start or even if tuning is turned on)

2. Read files in a specific folder using triggers like papyrus script and replace or add to the collision/bounce entry

3. The disable that files will also be carried out in the same way (or may temporarily do the tuning once)


It is not to turn off/on only a specific bone, and to replace or add the collision/bounce entry for some actors

And it would be better to allow users to directly triggering like papyrus scripts, not to detect animation




Request 2 is that bones are chain nodes so maybe be possible request 2 at v2.0 that support chain node


But there's one problem

Even though estrus objects are skinned meshes, they are still animation objects



all animation objects are attach into the actor skeleton using NiStringExtraData not NiNode

so this means need to different way from chain nodes physics of most cloth, wigs, etc

(I'm saying for the skeleton merge method of chain nodes and actors skeleton for physics simulate)

So even if shizof made chain nodes physics, idk that can extend to these animation objects


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7 hours ago, Acro748 said:



Just to tell what I think



Request 1 is a great idea to turn off/on some collisions/bounces using certain triggers


However if turning off/on a specific bone is difficult in the current design, It would be nice to read specific collisions/bounces file when trigger is activated

For example
1. create a Condition (name is just example) folder and put a file there

(That files in the Condition folder are not read at game start or even if tuning is turned on)

2. Read files in a specific folder using triggers like papyrus script and replace or add to the collision/bounce entry

3. The disable that files will also be carried out in the same way (or may temporarily do the tuning once)


It is not to turn off/on only a specific bone, and to replace or add the collision/bounce entry for some actors

And it would be better to allow users to directly triggering like papyrus scripts, not to detect animation


Request 2 is that bones are chain nodes so maybe be possible request 2 at v2.0 that support chain node


But there's one problem

Even though estrus objects are skinned meshes, they are still animation objects



all animation objects are attach into the actor skeleton using NiStringExtraData not NiNode

so this means need to different way from chain nodes physics of most cloth, wigs, etc

(I'm saying for the skeleton merge method of chain nodes and actors skeleton for physics simulate)

So even if shizof made chain nodes physics, idk that can extend to these animation objects



thanks,,, your guide help me a lot to understand, skyrim rig structure for animation?

I see,, Estrus anim object is not static mesh which just attached for Actor Animobject A and B node.. but armature.. so It need different way...


I only understand,,  to attach CBPC collider node for the estrus torture horse (Armature Anime objects) we can not use Actor node,, but need to attach the collider for the torture Armature bone which animate to keep collider pos along with the mesh (the triangle horse) animating. 


I do not know if Shizof can make it work for these case..  I think if there is more easy way to attach or place collider for Ninode of the armature.

I do not expect,  to attach "affected collision" for any mesh or animobjects,.. but about collider, I hope if it can extend more.. 

Current limit is,, we need to use  bone of Actor skelton..  to attach any CBPC collider,    



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Then I now try to customize Animal SOS CollisionSetting with use new condtions,, almost all Animal SOS creature genital node name is same as SOS, so even though I do not make Collider genital setting for each creature, it already work.


At same time,, I think current new conditions not suppose to used to adjust collider sphere for specific race male genitals which work with female affected npdes?   (I think Shizof said so , but I hope someone confirm it = we can not set invidivual race collider for each creature races or NPCs with conditions)


ASOS have offered each race collision setting file which describe collider settings for the creature race, then set different collider pos and radius 

then I had thought it worked (it overwrite or add new collider genitals for each specific race,, then it can show vagina open when hit with any actor pelvis affected nodes, (affected nodes are described in default CBPCollisionConfig.txt)


 I could not change collider setting for each race or each NPC FormID,, with use new condition.  I test with Hentai demon,, because it use different genital node..then ASOS not offer it.   actually hentai demon is "wearbear" race. so I can not use the race name, but use FormID like this,,



# Extra Options

# Node Lists

[PlayerNodes] #These are predefined, so adding wouldn't have any effect. But if you remove them, you won't get collision for that node.

[ColliderNodes] #Define nodes here first, then set the collision spheres down

# Collision spheres
# Multiple lines are supported.
# You can include 0 and 100 weight settings for npcs separating them with |
# Format is: x0,y0,z0,radius0 | x100,y100,z100,radius100
# Collider Nodes

[WWD 3]
0,0,0,2.0 | 0,0,0,2.0
[WWD 4]
0,0,0,2.0 | 0,0,0,2.0
[WWD 5]
0,0,0,1.5 | 0,0,0,1.5
[WWD 6]
0,0,0,1.5 | 0,0,0,1.5
[WWD 7]
0,0,0,2.0 | 0,0,0,2.0
[WWD 9]
0,0,0,1.5 | 0,0,0,1.5



And save as  CBPCollisionConfig_demon.txt  (condotion used)

But it did not show me WWD(summoned hentai demon)  vs Pelivs (Folloer) >> vagina open. 


Then I test to add them in CBPCollisionConfig_female (condition IsFemale())  >>> not worked (I supposed so)


So after all I add them in CBPCollisionConfig.txt (no condtion)  >>>> it worked.

maybe some user know,, hentai demon use skelton which have genitals nodes. (because it use same skelton as wearwolfbeast) with WWD.

then WWD only used for hentai demon.  (at least I can not see it in ASOS nude mesh, it use genitals not wwd)


then I test remove all genitals collider from CBPCollisionConfig.txt  then test again,,  I can confirm wwd worked as collider.  but we need to keep genitals nodes collider  for most of race include human..


Then  if we can not set Specific Collider for Hentai Demon as different collision setting,, we must need to  use CBPCollisionConfig.txt (no condition) to set genitals as collider nodes,, >>>>>  when Hentai demon move around,, those un-used genitals nodes (no mesh assgined) and WWD node (mesh assigned) both work as collider...  I hope to avoid it,,  because genitals node pos not fit for hentai demon mesh.


I can not find way,, if condtion not work to adjust or limit or add  genital collider nodes by  different CollisonSetting files.. .


Then what I hope Shizof confirm (so I do not need to try condtion for collider, but only use self collider like female ForeArm colider remove for female ) and affected nodes).


"CBPC Condition is not supposed to set different collider for specific NPC / race/ gender ,, right? "

(though I only test it with genital for vagina open because it is easy to test,,, so do not know if it work for other part affected nodes,, I know CBPC use special way to open vagina.. so it maybe different from usuall Collider VS Affected. like finger vs breast etc)



Edited by greenmango12
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OK sorry it seems my mistake.. about Conditions.


IsRaceName() and IsRaceFormId(espname|000000) actually could change / add new Collider genitals settings.

And ActorName(Hentai Arch Demon) could change / add Collider genitals. (WWD) without add them in CBPCollisionConfig.txt (I comment out)


But I only fail when I use ActorFormID with esp name now..... the FormID should be base ID right? (and remove first 2 number)

with keep up-date but only comment out in game. and see when it stop to work.


 about esp name, (if not esm), We must include file extension .esp,,  right?

if so I can confirm,, when use ActorFormId with esp name, it not work.  (stop to work)




#Conditions=ActorFormId(HentaiCreatures.esp|0E5970) OR ActorName(Hentai Arch Demon)   #wroked
#Conditions=ActorFormId(HentaiCreatures.esp|0E5970)  #not worked
Conditions=ActorName(Hentai Arch Demon)  #worked


Though most of case I may simply use ActorName,, so usually it not problem..but I hope to know if my usage of ActorFormId is wrong or not.





Edited by greenmango12
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