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13 hours ago, derekl5000 said:

The mod has male slimegirls using the same body parts as female ones. However, the tentacles do not act as a penis for the slimes. The male always has a fertility of zero unless you add a penis to it. Thought I would report this oddity.



For me there's a strange bug that when I attach a penis with the debug-mode, any male pawn has a fertility 0% and neutered -10 stat.


Strangely enough I have 2 "fertility" stats, when I check in medical tab.. does anyone know exactly why? My guess would be with the "birds and the bees" mod..

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Ah, dammit


Edit: I have found a way to alter the thoughts to your liking. It involves a bit of save editing and fiddling around but what you need to do is open the save file. Find the pawn you want, go to their Hediff list, find the hediff_female2futa (for example), go to the severity, and lower it to 0.1 to make them happy with it, and raise the number to make them less happy with it. I dont know the exact values so it can take a bit of editing, saving, and loading.



                                    <li Class="HediffWithComps">


Putting the severity to 0 removes the hediff. Higer = sadder


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fix for menu translations


added menu options for rjw pregnancies
renamed sexhelper->genderhelper
moved pregnancy related stuff to separate folder 
moved pregnancy related stuff to PregnancyHelper
moved fertility options to mod menu
separated pregnancy in 2 classes human/bestial 
added father debug string to rjw pregnancies 
some other fixes for pregnancies 
added single name handler, so now all naming handled through single function, which should prevent this mess scripts from crashing with red errors 
support for Rim of Madness - Arachnophobia, now you can carry those cute spiders inside you
made insect pregnancy more configurable, you can edit egg count and hatch time in Hediffs_EnemyImplants def, or add your own stuff for other custom insects
increased eggs implants to 10-30 depending on insect, increased eggs moving penalty based on insect size up to -3% per egg
added messages for insect birthing
changed chance of generating tamable insect - if father:
- insect faction 5%
- not insect faction 10%
- player faction 25%


removed outdated korean
removed trait limit for birthed pawns
renamed bodypart chest -> breasts
renamed "normal" parts to average
bondage sprites by Bucky(to be impemented later)
added Aphrodisiac made from humpshrooms(seems to cause error when ends)
fixes for animals with bionic parts
fixes for sex need calculation
fixes for zoophiliacs initiating sex 
fixed std error caused by generating broken pawns during world generation




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40 minutes ago, akab said:

I have a strange problem with your mod,
in practice the writings are corrupted. The setting of the game is in English, even if it is not my native language.

Any other installed mod does not have the problem of text corruption.

Can you help me ?


Thanks in advance, and thanks again for your fantastic mod.



I think i had the same problem if used in conjunction with "children, learning and stuff"

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So I've come to greatly enjoy this mod thus far. Though I'm not quite understanding how it is that one fertilizes megaspider/scarb and spelopede eggs once placed inside a female. I've allowed my colonist to be gangbanged by half a swarm of insects and it still seems like nothing is progressing. I've even had one case where the eggs simply vanished after a few days. http://prntscr.com/lker7x 
Is there a trick? or some sort of requirement I'm not meeting? I'm sure the eggs were fertilized by a male of each species. But beyond that I'm not sure what else I'm missing. 


Secondly to that I'm wondering how does one increase the frequency in which my 'breeder' characters are taken by animals such as wolves or foxes, or tamed megaspiders. I've selected 'mark for animals' on the colonist and 'allow animal to breed'. However after a full week ingame I've not seen it happen. Again, am I missing something obvious? Any answers to these questions would be greatly appreciated! And thanks again for the wonderful mod. 

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This might already be fixed in the newest version (haven't restarted yet: got so many mods that it takes forever), but...


That rare std-related character creation problem that I mentioned earlier? Seems like it's triggered by syphilis infection, specifically on these lines:

                        else if (rv < 0.75f)

                            part = BodyDefOf.Human.AllParts.Find((BodyPartRecord bpr) => String.Equals(bpr.def.defName, "LeftKidney"));
                            sev = (float)Rand.RangeInclusive(1, 2);
                            part = BodyDefOf.Human.AllParts.Find((BodyPartRecord bpr) => String.Equals(bpr.def.defName, "RightKidney"));
                            sev = (float)Rand.RangeInclusive(1, 2);


I think LeftKidney and RightKidney got changed in the 1.0 update? So those are no longer valid body parts, which would explain the null error.

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2 hours ago, jojonick said:

Dude can you remove the source files from the release zip? It takes like two minutes to unzip a 30 MB zip because it contains thousands of files

Yikes, you must be running some POS machine there.  I prefer having the source available fore tweaking on, though I wouldn't mind pulling a different D/L if I had to.



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6 hours ago, AlonFlare said:

So I've come to greatly enjoy this mod thus far. Though I'm not quite understanding how it is that one fertilizes megaspider/scarb and spelopede eggs once placed inside a female. I've allowed my colonist to be gangbanged by half a swarm of insects and it still seems like nothing is progressing. I've even had one case where the eggs simply vanished after a few days. http://prntscr.com/lker7x 
Is there a trick? or some sort of requirement I'm not meeting? I'm sure the eggs were fertilized by a male of each species. But beyond that I'm not sure what else I'm missing. 


Secondly to that I'm wondering how does one increase the frequency in which my 'breeder' characters are taken by animals such as wolves or foxes, or tamed megaspiders. I've selected 'mark for animals' on the colonist and 'allow animal to breed'. However after a full week ingame I've not seen it happen. Again, am I missing something obvious? Any answers to these questions would be greatly appreciated! And thanks again for the wonderful mod. 

Ok so your not doing anything wrong as a matter of fact you might be unlucky. If anything it is possible that you have human/animal pregnancy disabled. You could also increase the base chance of pregnancy if you don't want to risk the colonist's life too much as I would assume the male bugs are fertile if the female can implant eggs. Also zoophiles are the only colonists capable of consensual sex with tamed animals if set to breeder. Otherwise you have to take away their ability to consent (hand-cuffs are pink). I would know as i tried to see if I can use prisoners as breeders for my colony but the animals had no interest in the one prisoner I had at the time. So once I recruited her all the male animals gangbanged her and severely-broken her body quite quickly. Hope this is helpful.


(Quick side-note that you may or may not know there is quite a mood debuff associated with this so be prepared for mental breaks until their body is severely-broken since it provides a huge mood boost and sometime the animals do hurt them though rarely if rape beatings are enable and it can be bad as she also got bitten in the neck by one of my housekeeper cats long story short blood was everywhere, she was hospitalized for a few days and the cat die to the plague)

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4 hours ago, Mr. Wick said:

Giant or Buxom breasts would be interesting, more vuln, sex ability, less moving and manipulation compared to huge?


also a fun trait for colonists that are Breast fetishism or Lactophilia that stall your colonist lol 

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Well i cant mod, or program (sadly) but i have a devious mind. 

What I think it would be cool to define SEX as a drug.

It could increase Joy and decrease Pain and consciousness.

You could access the willingness to have sex via the drug policy



An Addiction would greatly increase the sex-need decay .

Addictions might also trigger a rank up for the new mandatory sex trait. Which means every humaniod pawn starts with exactly one of those traits.

Traits would be chaste(rank 0) prude(rank 1), nymphomaniac(rank 2), slut(rank 2),  sex addict(rank 3),  bimbo(rank 4)(needs brain damage).

Each rank would lower the negative mood you get by getting raped, whoring and increase the need decay even further.


Withdrawal could result in a rapist/surrender/whoring mental state, while chasity belts deny that.

A minor Overdose(lets say 3x sex per day) would change recieving body parts slowly from tight to gaping would now reflect on the damage dealt to said parts.

A major Overdose(lets say 5x sex per day) could result in (?temporary?) brain damage(like with vanilla drugs) but would be capped at 50% dmg(bimbofication). There would be no leathal overdose.




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