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6 hours ago, Reginald_001 said:

And I keep having these weird, never before had, encounters. Like I finally met that little girl with her Tankbot. And I spoke to a random triggerman that walked up to me, in the middle of nowhere, close to the Edge of the Glowing Sea, telling me to go see Bobbi No-Nose. And these weird traders that suspect one of them is a Synth.

Those 'rare' encounters are really freaking random. In twelve ish playthroughs (honestly lost count on the number of full or near full runs) I have seen the girl and her bot a total of ONE time. Meanwhile I can set my watch to the Art vs Art,  Smiling Larry and Scribe encounters. One run I had Art vs Art literally four times since they spawned in the city at points near hostiles and apparently the encounter does not count as complete if other npc's kill one or both of them to death before you even see them.


And been using Ivy since forever it seems. Though I tend to swap out to the vanila followers and zerg their like meter to get their buffs before swapping back to her for the random raider deathdoll shenanigans she tends to do.

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I have't tried out Ivy in her new version, so I started a new game to play through with Ivy.  Bad idea.  The voucher is an area crawling with super mutants and other mid-game opponents.  Admittedly, I play at a more realistic difficulty than vanilla, but I won't be able to reach the area of the hospital for a while.  So, looks like Ivy is definitely a mid-game companion.  I hope she doesn't have any early-game dialogue.

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34 minutes ago, wdaigle said:

I have't tried out Ivy in her new version, so I started a new game to play through with Ivy.  Bad idea.  The voucher is an area crawling with super mutants and other mid-game opponents.  Admittedly, I play at a more realistic difficulty than vanilla, but I won't be able to reach the area of the hospital for a while.  So, looks like Ivy is definitely a mid-game companion.  I hope she doesn't have any early-game dialogue.

She has lots of content at game start. I advice you to wait for 12 days until the next release. This has been addressed there. The voucher's location is dependent on player level.

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4 hours ago, Flashy (JoeR) said:

Fall damage and bleedout get affected by the glitch too, in a different way of course, but still - something happens that doesn't allow the tags in the animation to be called upon, so the END tag never gets touched and the animation continues to loop. Im sure we've all seen this one - companion goes into bleedout but never gets back up, even when we stimpak them. Only way I've found to resolve it is to dismiss them as companion and fast travel somewhere. Typically within a gamehour or so, the companion is back at the settlement they were sent to, walking around as expected. Not much else to do in those instances since we cannot send events to the animation engine (not to be confused with AAF here, Im talking about Bethesda's game engine for playing idles / animations).


Although... I've never tried clicking on the companion via the console and sending a playidle to them. I wonder if a "playidle looseidlestop" in the console would snap them out of the bleedout (or other stuck animated pose). ?

I was thinking about adding a playidle idlestop in the regular dialogue. One of the first thing players do in such a sitution is trying to talk to their companion, perhaps that could jog them 'loose'.

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2 hours ago, darkhighlander said:

Another rare event that can happen is the Synth Infiltrator event at your settlement.  I had it happen only once in 6 playthroughs - damn settler helped synths when they attacked Sanctuary and when the smoke cleared he had a synth component on him. You need to be hostile with the Institute but not have done Tradecraft mission for the Railroad, which explains why many players will never experience it. What`s pretty funny is apparently even Brahmin can be chosen as the synth infiltrator.....fuckin Bethesda man :D


I`m glad I only gave my settlers assault rifles. Imagine the carnage if that rogue settler had a fucking mini gun or rocket launcher...

Some of the birds in the commonwealth are synths as well.

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4 minutes ago, darkhighlander said:

I didn`t actually realize that...thanks. Now I`m gonna be shooting every damn bird I see to check for a component :D


Anyway, back to watching Farscape Season 1 - been a loooong time since I watched this cult legend ;)

Birds don't leave behind loot, so you're off the hook. :)

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1 hour ago, darkhighlander said:

Anyway, back to watching Farscape Season 1 - been a loooong time since I watched this cult legend ;)

What the hezmana are you doing posting here?!? Do you need a swift kick in the mivonks or something?!? :D


And remember... do NOT swallow the dentec.

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@Reginald_001 I have been a long time follower of this and "played" with Ivy several full runs. Umm, like dozens. I've played every fallout game that was released and have well over 1900 hrs in just FO4. (Know some will be way more! Not offering a competition folks!) Avid user of the command line, FO4edit, MO and many other utilities. This creation kit drives me nuts so I never delved into it much. I would love to be a tester for you for whatever you choose. Only issue I see is I don't post much here so low post count. Up for your consideration sir.


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29 minutes ago, madderoftime said:

@Reginald_001 I have been a long time follower of this and "played" with Ivy several full runs. Umm, like dozens. I've played every fallout game that was released and have well over 1900 hrs in just FO4. (Know some will be way more! Not offering a competition folks!) Avid user of the command line, FO4edit, MO and many other utilities. This creation kit drives me nuts so I never delved into it much. I would love to be a tester for you for whatever you choose. Only issue I see is I don't post much here so low post count. Up for your consideration sir.

Thanks for the offer! With the three testers we're set though for testing. All that's left now is to finish the test build and wait for the test results. :)


1 hour ago, Reginald_001 said:


An Ivy Discord Server was created.

You can find it here: https://discord.gg/yVkpTj


It's still empty but anyone's welcome.

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Interlude 7

Rowena looked at the nursery and collapsed on the floor, wailing. All the children had perished. Hundreds of eggs huddled together in warmth and safety, had been smashed. Many were missing, no doubt taken by the humans. When Garvarth flew in to see what was happening she couldn't believe her worst fears had come to pass.
Rowena got up and hissed at Garvarth.
"You were right. We will not speak more of it. Have the King sent here."
Garvarth bowed, shaken and upset.
She had never wanted to be right.
Why hadn't the King listened? Why hadn't they changed the traditions?
It had been Rowena, she was sure of it.
Rowena had convinced the King to block the proposal.


When King Pelican saw Garvarth, he could read her mind.
Then his heart broke.
"No..", he leaped up in the air, causing Garvarth to hold and hover.
"All of them!", she wailed.
"No!", the King shouted and flew off to the nursery.
But he had already seen the memories, within Garvarth's mind.
Why was Rowena blocked from him? Why had she shielded her thoughts?
But when Rowena finally did open her mind to her first true husband, her voice overwhelmed him.
Her voice was so loud that it caused the King to lose his balance and drop on the floor in front of the nursery.
Awkwardly he got up, ruffling his feathers.
"Alright, Rowena, we'll have it your way. War it is."


When the news spread of the human attack on the nursery, the abduction of the children, not thousands but millions of birds assembled at the Pelican City. It had not been this busy since the first days of the war, when all the birds had been freed. All sat quietly, as they stared at the King. And when their voices finally opened up to him again, he felt the Pelican God's presence for the first time in years again.


"I thought you had abandoned me, dear God", the Pelican King whispered.
"It's time for one more test, then your battle can finally begin.", the Pelican God's voice was loud in the King's head, reverberating through the minds of all other Pelicans and birds in the area. They shook their heads in pain, acknowledging the awesome presence of the Pelican God himself.
"We are tired of fighting, my lord. When will the blood end? I wish to protect my people, not send them to their deaths", the Pelican King wept.
The General had never seen the King like this, he felt a cold chill running down his back and knew that there was something different about the King. Something un-real. But when he looked, he saw the clouds break open, then beams of light as they descended on the King's back, glistening in his armor. It looked like the Pelican God himself blessed him.
The Pelican King spread his wings and flew up.
"To battle!"


The human city was overwhelmed by the birds. Millions of birds, lead by King Pelican's army attacked the unsuspecting humans and their petty lives. They had no mercy. Human skulls were crushed, their children impaled with angry beaks, their bodies mangled by armored wings and armored claws. The King remembered his promise to the human leader, for each bird dead by human hands, a human would follow. Nine thousand, seven hundred and forty seven humans would die today. The exact amount of eggs destroyed in the clutch. He looked down and saw the humans panicking in the streets. Several blocks further the humans were advancing in their armored suits. They had search lights and robot drones, specifically designed to kill birds.


"Forwards!", the King's voice rasped through the clouds of blood on the streets, focusing his army. They spread across the houses, laying in wait for the humans and their robots with fire and weapons of metal.


But once close, the humans halted and turned off their searchlights.
A human began to speak.
"Great King Pelican. Please, we besiege you to stop the fighting. A great misunderstanding has occurred. Please listen to us."
The King growled and landed on the roof, close to the man speaking in some kind of device that amplified his voice.
"We have four thousand, three hundred and twenty two more humans to kill. Why should we listen to you?", the King demanded.
"We were not the ones that destroyed your clutch. Our enemies have infiltrated our countries and your city, and they have killed and taken your children so you would destroy us. But we are not your enemy, they are!"
The King listened as the man spoke.
And in his heart, he knew it was the truth.
"Why should I care! A human is a human! You are all treacherous! Filled with words and lies!", he shouted, but his heart was already convinced.
No! Why had the Pelican God betrayed him so! This was to be his final test! And he failed!
These humans were innocent!
"What would you have us do then? Kill your enemies?", the King demanded.
And the man invited the King to speak once again, with the human leader, in the capital of their United States of America.


"A war is coming. One that is beyond you.", the President said to the King.
The King looked at the man.
"You are less afraid than you were last time. What gives you this new strength of character?", the King rasped.
"you are mistaken. It's not that I'm less afraid of you. It's that I'm more afraid of what's coming, you see?", the President said.
The King looked at the President and saw truth in his eyes.


"I am.. sorry for killing your kind, today.", the King admitted suddenly.
"We have all done bad things.", the President said, looking at the King's wing and armor.
"It's made from the first human I killed. He was trying to set my people on fire, then he took off his helmet so he could better aim for me. It was his undoing.", the King said.
"I know the story well.", the President said.


"Why is it beyond me?", the King asked.
"There are bombs. Bombs that can destroy whole countries.. hell.. they could destroy the world.", the President said.
"And will you use these bombs?", the King asked.
"Yes.", the President said.
"You? Or your enemies?", the King asked.
"In the end, it doesn't matter.", the President said.
"So, war is coming.", the King said.
"No.. it's already here.", the President said.


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I read through the FAQ but didn't see any question for this problem.


I just installed the mod by extracting the files into the Fallout 4 directory as stated, now after loading the game I didn't get the Quest for Ivy. Neither do I hear anything on the Radio, which probably is connected to me not having received the Quest. After that I decided to see where you can find her and went to the root-cellar and while I could talk to her, her voice was not played and neither did her lips move; and yes I did install the Voice pack as well.


What did I miss? I don't have any other mods installed and I did a clean install of Fallout before installing the mod.

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4 hours ago, Durodo said:

I read through the FAQ but didn't see any question for this problem.


I just installed the mod by extracting the files into the Fallout 4 directory as stated, now after loading the game I didn't get the Quest for Ivy. Neither do I hear anything on the Radio, which probably is connected to me not having received the Quest. After that I decided to see where you can find her and went to the root-cellar and while I could talk to her, her voice was not played and neither did her lips move; and yes I did install the Voice pack as well.


What did I miss? I don't have any other mods installed and I did a clean install of Fallout before installing the mod.

Go through the steps in the FAQ. It's working 'out of the box' for 99% of people so there's something going on with your local install, impossible for me to predict. To me it looks like the files were extraced perhaps to the wrong folder? (E.g. they accidentally dropped into a sub folder).


The best way to install is to drop the files in Vortex/Mod Manager and install like that.





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Development Update

I'm in the final stretch. Fixed some script issues, where you could teleport Ivy to you while during her affinity quests (which should be impossible because it's inside her head). And then while playing I found that Ivy was still repeating herself too much while picking up items. She now distinguishes between small and large loot items and recognizes some kinds of loot (e.g. bones) that the player picks up, and will respond accordingly. I also just gave her a shitload more lines to say when the player goes around looting the commonwealth, so that it takes quite a long time before she actually starts repeating herself. It's basically just testing now to see if I can find any more bugs, but it looks like it's extremely close now to being complete.


Which leaves me with the Nuka World quests and integration. There's quite some work for me to do there and I'm thinking on the best way to approach it without a proper voice actor for Dr. Stein's holotapes.

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1 hour ago, Reginald_001 said:

Which leaves me with the Nuka World quests and integration. There's quite some work for me to do there and I'm thinking on the best way to approach it without a proper voice actor for Dr. Stein's holotapes.

Go look on your Discord. ;)

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10 hours ago, Durodo said:

I read through the FAQ but didn't see any question for this problem.


I just installed the mod by extracting the files into the Fallout 4 directory as stated, now after loading the game I didn't get the Quest for Ivy. Neither do I hear anything on the Radio, which probably is connected to me not having received the Quest. After that I decided to see where you can find her and went to the root-cellar and while I could talk to her, her voice was not played and neither did her lips move; and yes I did install the Voice pack as well.


What did I miss? I don't have any other mods installed and I did a clean install of Fallout before installing the mod.

fallout 4 directory makes me think you put it where the game launcher or FOSE is, ivy and all other modes need to be in fallout4/DATA folder, or add the zip file AND the voice files (Zipped to the manager of your choice, install ivy then the voice file.) Like I install "Companion Ivy Base" after that I install "Companion_Ivy_4_ChicGeek" because I use Chic's Voiced files

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As an update to everyone, this evening on the Project Valkyrie discord server, we (myself, KainsChylde, Nika-Cola and others) dug into AFT and we have discovered why it breaks Ivy.


This is IMPORTANT and should settle the question once and for all about Ivy and AFT.


AFT, we have found this evening, includes a HIGHLY modified version of the base game's FollowersScript in it's ba2 file (shame on him for altering a base game script and not advising people on the download page!). This overrules the base game's version of the script. And it is the changes in this script that make custom companions that happen to use the FollowersScript break due to the fact that they are custom followers and have AI and scripting outside of what the base game companions do (and what the followers quest and script are looking for). So using AFT and the changes it makes to that scripting, causes futzing to custom made companion AI.


The bottom line here is that while AFT may do wonderful things for vanilla companions and those companions that are built specifically with the changes AFT makes in mind (My Name Is Darlene), every other companion is at extreme risk of being broken. Ivy is not alone in this. Nika's Kit from The Machine and Her, as well as LlamaRCA's Heather Casdin also break under AFT, in much the same way Ivy does.


So there it is. The real reason you should not use AFT with Ivy (or any custom companion not designed specifically to be used with it). Even if you opt to not allow AFT to manage the companion's AI, you are at risk of messing things up, just by nature of the fact the ENTIRE followersscript is not vanilla, as these custom companions are built using. The bottom line is, honestly, if you use AFT, you have ZERO cause to complain to Reginald about it breaking Ivy. This is not in his control. If you have complaints about AFT breaking custom companions, you need to address that with AFT's author.


So no, this not something that Reg can *just fix* for you AFT users. There isn't a fix, short of AFT being rewritten to NOT alter the followersscript or to at least make a mechanism by which custom companion mod authors can forcefully exclude their companion completely from being detected and used within AFT.






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1 hour ago, Flashy (JoeR) said:

As an update to everyone, this evening on the Project Valkyrie discord server, we (myself, KainsChylde, Nika-Cola and others) dug into AFT and we have discovered why it breaks Ivy.


This is IMPORTANT and should settle the question once and for all about Ivy and AFT.


AFT, we have found this evening, includes a HIGHLY modified version of the base game's FollowersScript in it's ba2 file (shame on him for altering a base game script and not advising people on the download page!). This overrules the base game's version of the script. And it is the changes in this script that make custom companions that happen to use the FollowersScript break due to the fact that they are custom followers and have AI and scripting outside of what the base game companions do (and what the followers quest and script are looking for). So using AFT and the changes it makes to that scripting, causes futzing to custom made companion AI.


The bottom line here is that while AFT may do wonderful things for vanilla companions and those companions that are built specifically with the changes AFT makes in mind (My Name Is Darlene), every other companion is at extreme risk of being broken. Ivy is not alone in this. Nika's Kit from The Machine and Her also breaks under AFT, in much the same way Ivy does.


So there it is. The real reason you should not use AFT with Ivy (or any custom companion not designed specifically to be used with it).

Thank you very much @Flashy (and others) for resolving this. And thank you for doing it in mostly default size text! 


On the other hand i have been using Unlimited Companion Framework and Better Companions since i first started playing with Ivy. UCF also has a modified followersscript.pex in the EFF-main.BA2 file.  I don't know if Ivy has been affected, but she seems to be doing everything described on these pages by Reginald_001 and the other users, and has always been attentive and responsive. My load order is:






UEF.esp (Unlimited Companion Framework)



I find most of the vanilla companions (Piper, Cait, Curie, Hancock) to be an inseparable part of Fallout no matter how dumb and buggy they are, and i always follow their questline until their perk has been given. (Thuggysmurf has recently published the excellent Settler and Companion Dialogue Overhaul which improves the vanilla companions' companionship significantly!) But it is unbearable to dismiss Ivy for those companion quests, especially when she has so many observations and reactions to the locations those quests take us to.  My normal travelling crew is Ivy, Dogmeat and the vanilla or OAR companion of the day.


So has anyone else any experience, problems or advice on using Unlimited Companion Framework with Ivy? Will Ivy 5 be UCF-friendly too?


Thanks again Reginald_001 and everyone else for the high level of technical support these pages have offered over the months.


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6 hours ago, dosfox said:


Thank you very much @Flashy (and others) for resolving this. And thank you for doing it in mostly default size text! 


On the other hand i have been using Unlimited Companion Framework and Better Companions since i first started playing with Ivy. UCF also has a modified followersscript.pex in the EFF-main.BA2 file.  I don't know if Ivy has been affected, but she seems to be doing everything described on these pages by Reginald_001 and the other users, and has always been attentive and responsive. My load order is:






UEF.esp (Unlimited Companion Framework)



I find most of the vanilla companions (Piper, Cait, Curie, Hancock) to be an inseparable part of Fallout no matter how dumb and buggy they are, and i always follow their questline until their perk has been given. (Thuggysmurf has recently published the excellent Settler and Companion Dialogue Overhaul which improves the vanilla companions' companionship significantly!) But it is unbearable to dismiss Ivy for those companion quests, especially when she has so many observations and reactions to the locations those quests take us to.  My normal travelling crew is Ivy, Dogmeat and the vanilla or OAR companion of the day.


So has anyone else any experience, problems or advice on using Unlimited Companion Framework with Ivy? Will Ivy 5 be UCF-friendly too?


Thanks again Reginald_001 and everyone else for the high level of technical support these pages have offered over the months.


I suspect the modifications to the followerscript on that mod are not as severe as on AFT. AFT's overhaul appears to be a complete rewrite of the whole script (which admittedly, it would need to be).  Perhaps UCF is doing things in a less intrusive / less breaking kind of way. No way to know. But most people, as you have said, say that UCF handles custom companions better.


Aside from that, there isn't much I can say. I avoid multi-follower mods like the plague, aside from my own personal +Dogmeat mod I made for myself, that I never actually use, lol, since Dogmeat annoys the heck out of me... LOL.

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Development Update

I've been working for the last couple of hours on Ivy's random encounters with Settlers. I made an actor dialogue event and the quest has fired several times, but no dialogue was established. It's a bit of a bitch to figure out, but only due to my lack of knowledge of the engine and how quests/the story manager work. I think the aliases aren't filling properly, so I'm trying to add some debug messages in a script to see if my aliases are filled at all, and if so, with what. Other than that Ivy is working pretty well, removed all the issues with teleporting her into her own mind (unless the player uses the console to do a hard moveto) and she's looking good.



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