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Armbinders to Rope bindings/Wrist Cuffs

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This is a simple patch that coverts all the standard DD armbinders/elbowbinders into rope restraints and iron wrist cuffs. While I personally find the armbinders rather sexy I got a few requests to make a mod like this in the comments of my Less Chaste mod. It seemed like a simple request, so here it is. I guess I can understand why some people find it rather silly that bandits would just be carrying around bulky BDSM armbinders rather than just tying their victims up with some stray ropes or slapping them in some shackle cuffs the bandits found in one of those abandoned forts they love to hang out in.




Zaz Animation Pack 7.0: You only need the rope binding meshes/textures from this mod. You don't have to use the esm file if you don't want to.




Me creating this patch over a few bored hours

Zaz for making the rope binding meshes/textures

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    Zaz Animation Pack 7.0, Devious Devices version 4.0
  • Special Edition Compatible
    Not Applicable


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23 minutes ago, Fayhe said:

can you tell me what armor mod you are using in the third screenshot?

That's a composite armor set. The body armor is this, although she (my follower) is also wearing a DD body harness mixed with the armor which is where the extra straps come from.


The gloves are just a normal pair of DD ebonite restrictive gloves while the boots come from this mod if I remember correctly.

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   There is something erotic about rope shibari, it seems more proper in skyrim. but I like the shiny plastic look too sometimes. 


lore wise the rope's and maybe leather strap's and rusty chain's do seem more right.

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33 minutes ago, donkeywho said:

OOIC, what's wrong with the rope bindings that are in DDi/DDe 4.1?


And are these going to end up overwriting them?

DD 4.1 is still in beta testing. This mod don't overwrite any meshes, its just an ESP file that tells the armbinder armor objects to use a different mesh. Disabling the mod would instantly revert them to their original armbinder form. It doesn't effect any rope binders.

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4 hours ago, MrEsturk said:

DD 4.1 is still in beta testing. This mod don't overwrite any meshes, its just an ESP file that tells the armbinder armor objects to use a different mesh. Disabling the mod would instantly revert them to their original armbinder form. It doesn't effect any rope binders.

OK.  So is it reasonable to assume that you'll revert this to the very much nicer looking models in DD4.1 when it comes out, which will have the added benefit of getting the restraints frameworks completely in line again?

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5 hours ago, jungen said:

Some feedbak.

I have tried your mod and everything seems correct until you drop the cuffs, then it CTD.

Well that would be a problem with DD then, since the cuffs are just a mesh taken directly from DD 4.0. I'll see if they crash my game when I drop them and if so replace the ground mesh with something else.


For now you should be able to get rid of them by placing them on an enemy corpse. They'll despawn faster that way anyways.

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Yes! I wanted something like this for a long time.

Now if only there's a way to switch pony boots with other slave heels. There's a certain interesting mod out there that features the pony gear prominently, but I think it might be kind of cool if the pony gear could switch with something else?

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2 hours ago, MrEsturk said:

Well that would be a problem with DD then, since the cuffs are just a mesh taken directly from DD 4.0. I'll see if they crash my game when I drop them and if so replace the ground mesh with something else.


For now you should be able to get rid of them by placing them on an enemy corpse. They'll despawn faster that way anyways.

Thanks for checkout It :)

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I've always said I prefer a more midieval look for bondage in Skyrim, and this certainly helps. Doesn't get all the armbinders though, that pink one that Cursed Loot adds still shows up. Also some oddities with DD escape options where you can "unlock" or "pick the locks" on what appear to be rope bindings. Still for me at least, this is a huge improvement. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

THANK YOU!  Much more realistic.  I got really tired of using Cursed Loot's "free me" option when some mod insists that my character be equipped with those ugly arm binders, even though I tried to turn them off in every mod.  I was waiting for someone to write a mod that allows you to select what devices will be available to be equipped.  There is alot I don't care for.  Simple bondage is more my speed.  Where do they get latex? 

Anyway, Thank you again for sharing this.

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Can you make a patch to get rid of armbinders and yokes?  Change them to something different or at least allow them to removed when getting attacked?  My issue is the animation support for said items.  One animation is trying to load, but after a few seconds it defaults to a Zaz animation.  I don't wish to offend anyone, but Zaz animations suck.  They have never worked for me.  Either my character just stands there or, more often, the characters do not line up.  And when I say they do not line up, I mean my character is almost in the other room.  Oh, and its always the same animation.  Every time now that I see a Zaz animation show up, I hit "end".  I imagine armbinders and yokes would work fine with other animations if they could be removed for those animations, like most other devices.  I kinda like the yokes, but I need better animations for them. 


I hope my many words have not put you to sleep.  I could go on...

Just wondering if you could do this.  Thanks for this mod again.  At least I don't have to look at the ugly arm binders anymore.

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