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The Story of the Red Witch
Chapter Thirty: Progress 


Updates Tuesdays and Fridays (Well... Up until this point ?)

BTW, this was ready late yesterday, but LL wouldn't allow me to post it until I LITERALLY went and pasted each image one by one (instead of using BBCode)




Part One


???: Hey! Wake up! You can’t just mope around and sleep. There IS the LITTLE issue of you having to deal with Silas’s Clan and Serana’s father, cupcake.




Liri rolled away from the disturber of her sleep.


Liri: I’m not moping, Sevetia. I’m just tired. So go away!



Sevetia: Look, I get how hard relationships can be, especially when you probably think you’re putting more into it than the other person.


Liri: …Speaking from experience?




Sevetia hesitated.


Sevetia: …I’m just saying, there’s a reason why you don’t know everything about Silas. There’s a reason why everything he tells you seems like he’s spewing some lie.




Liri sat up but didn’t face the Imperial.


Liri: I know the reason. He doesn’t want to see my reaction, he doesn’t want me to act like… Well, how I am…



Sevetia: Then if you know that, you surely understand that he doesn’t mean—



Liri: I just don’t want to take it, alright! Doesn’t matter if it’s Azsanwess or his wife, I’m just a means to an ends for him that he accidentally became attracted to!



Sevetia: …I’m not going to defend him. But you and I both know that you’d be over it by now if you still didn’t love him. Anyway, Teresa isn’t going to wait another three days for you. Just a warning.




Sevetia descended to the main area of the Dwemer’s home and Liri fell backwards onto the bed again.


Liri: Damn you Silas! Why did I have to fall for YOU of all people?




Liri turned toward the side of the bed that Silas had been sleeping on before that Vampire Lord incident, and curled into a ball.


Liri: …Damn you…



Part Two


Ten minutes later, Liri followed after Sevetia and rather than seeing the Imperial and Vampire duo waiting for her, something else awaited her.


???: Why is that creature still off his leash!?!



Azsanwess: Your apprehension is duly noted Hunter Vori, but it is out of my hands. The prototype lies with Liri, and until she decides to collar him—


Vori: Until SHE decides? Are you out of your—




Liri feigned a cough and all fell upon her.


Vori: So the princess has finally decided to grace us peasants with her presence. How THOUGHTFUL of you.




Liri feigned like she had ignored Vori’s words and looked around.


Liri: (What’s biting her in the ass?) Where’s Serana? I was sure she’d be with Teresa and Sevetia…


Vori: What does it matter where she is? Why haven’t you collared that—



Teresa: Listen mortal, I don’t know how things were done with your pack of hunters, but while you are in MY presence you WILL act with some decorum. *shoots Vori a venomous look* Do you understand?




Vori sucked her teeth and looked away.


Teresa: Good. Now that everyone is here, I think it’s time we updated everyone about the vampire situation. Dwemer?


 Azsanwess: Ah, of course.




Azsanwess stood where she’d be easily visible to everyone and begin.


Azsanwess: The crisis is worse than we believed. Vampire attacks have increased in the major cities and so has their overall influence throughout the province.



Azsanwess: If things continue on this trend, Harkon and Tinira might possibly become the leading power in Skyrim even without Auriel’s Bow.


Liri: Is there anything we can do to stop that?



Vori: Yeah we can! We take the fight to them! Show them who’s boss!


Sevetia: I’m taking it you’ve never been much of a strategist.


Vori: What’s that supposed to mean?



Teresa: It means that if the Dwemer isn’t embellishing about their influence, then openly opposing them could do us more harm than good. In fact, we could make enemies of the entire province!



Part Three


Vori: So we’re supposed to just sit on our asses and while they do as they please? I’m sick of doing nothing! We don’t have time to wait for the Witch to get—


???: Who said we’re not doing anything?




Everyone looked toward the lift and saw Serana standing there with an Elder Scroll in tow.


Vori: What the!? How did you—


Azsanwess: Please allow me to finish with my report.



Azsanwess: Ahem! Despite all of that, there IS some good news. According to Dexi, the moth priest, there are two more Elder Scrolls required to locate Auriel’s Bow. Serana, if you will.



Serana: Right, well they weren’t that hard to locate to be honest. After explaining the situation to Silas, he said he’d felt a similar presence in the Soul Cairn, and the Dragonborn had the other.



Vori: And you knew this, HOW?


Teresa: I’d be surprised if one DIDN’T know that. She wasn’t exactly subtle about the fact that she was in possession of the Scroll before she defeated Alduin.



Aelfna: I think I remember hearing about that. Of how she would walk from town to town with the Scroll on her back—


Vori: So HOW exactly did you get the Scroll? And where’s that monster—




Everything went black and by the time Liri regained consciousness she standing over Vori who was gripping her head in pain.


Vori: Dammit, Witch! What in Oblivion was that for!?




Liri blinked and stepped back.


Liri: I-I… I don’t… I didn’t—


Azsanwess: She wasn’t aware of her actions. I believe the hunter calling Silas a ‘monster’ was the trigger for this, unsurprisingly.



Liri: I… Could you not—


Teresa: Worry not. If anyone tells Silas of this, I’ll PERSONALLY slit their throats.


She glanced at Sevetia.


Sevetia: *sigh* Fine… I’ll let you have the fun this time.



Teresa: So where were we… Ah yes. How indeed did you come to acquire this Elder Scroll.


Serana: I kinda just… Asked for it?


Sevetia: HA! Sounds like something Harkon’s girl would do.



Part Four


Teresa: *sigh* Explain.


Serana: Well I heard that the Dragonborn’s favorite residence is just outside of Whiterun, so I went there and kinda… Explained the situation to her Housecarl.



Vori: And you know she’s trustworthy, HOW?


Liri: Relax. Serana, was she the one with raven colored hair?


Serana nodded.


Liri: Then yeah, she can be trusted. You have my word.



Azsanwess: Hmmm… I assume Silas is still in the Soul Cairn?


Serana accidentally made eye contact with Liri, and then looked away.


Serana: He… Yes, he is…




Liri felt a painful throbbing in her chest and suddenly found it harder to breath.


Liri: C-can… Can we move on…




The room went awkwardly silent until Vori got back to her feet and spoke up.


Vori: That’s all well and good, but aren’t you all forgetting one SMALL detail?


Azsanwess: By my estimation, everything has been accounted for, so I don’t believe I have—



Aelfna: Isn’t the moth priest blind? Her eyesight had been deteriorating ever since she looked at the previous Elder Scroll, and last I heard she’d lost her sight.


Azsanwess: Ah, that minor thing.



Vori: MINOR!?! Who CARES if we have the damn Scrolls if we can’t READ them!


Azsanwess: Again, a minor issue that I have since fixed.


Vori: Fixed? She’s not a damned automaton! You can’t just—



Azsanwess: Dwemer technology and medicine was so much more advanced than what is around now, that fixing blindness was as easy for us as it is for you all to fix Witbane or Rockjoint.



Vori: So you’re trying to tell me that—


???: Yes, I have indeed regained my sight.




The moth priest walked up to Azsanwess and bowed to her.


Dexi: Blessings be upon you for restoring my vision, and giving me a second chance to assist you all. I could never—



Part Five


Azsanwess: Although I am flattered, you can keep your blessings as it wasn’t anything. Fixing your sight was simpler for me than having to go dig up or create a Lexicon.


The tone Azsanwess used was flat, but everyone present could see her face redden.




The moth priest nodded.


Dexi: Even so, I am forever in your debt.


Azsanwess: A-anyway, soon we will have both Scrolls, and after proper setting up we will know the location of Auriel’s Bow.



Vori: Great, so we’ll have a bow. So what?


Liri: We will in effect have the instrument of Tinira and Harkon’s tyranny and destruction in our possession.



Aelfna: I think we’re overlooking something AGAIN


Liri: *sigh* And that is?


Aelfna: Who here is good with a bow? And I don’t mean a crossbow.




Realization shone in everyone’s eyes and a glance around the room would tell anyone that they’d finally come to an impasse… Unless your eyes fell upon the Dwemer.


Azsanwess: Ah, THAT minor thing.



Vori: MINOR!?


Teresa: This time I have to agree with our easily angered hunter. How exactly is this also a minor thing?


Azsanwess: *sigh* And Silas said I wouldn’t have to introduce you all to her…




Azsanwess walked over and through the arch in the corner to the left of the lift.


Azsanwess: Should have known better. Come, if you want to see our archer! Ah! But you have to go THROUGH the arch.




One by one everyone gathered went through the arch and their gasps and murmurs betrayed their astonishment of what they were witnessing…



Azsanwess: I give to you all, the last living Snow Elf, to my knowledge, Zidayane!




The Snow Elf reacted to her name and looked about at everyone nervously before speaking in a language that sounded like complete gibberish to everyone present.



Part Six


Azsanwess saw the look of confusion in their eyes, and realized her blunder.


Azsanwess: My apologies.


She put a collar around the Snow Elf’s neck that seemed to pacify her.


Azsanwess: Better?




The Snow Elf hesitated, looking back and forth from the newcomers and Azsanwess.


Zidayane: …Are these hunters here to finally execute me, Dwemer?




Azsanwess facepalmed.


Azsanwess: *sigh* For the last time, I am NOT going to hurt you.


Zidayane: Then why am I… prisoner? Why can’t I go free? Falmer were right about you Dwemer!



Aelfna: What’s she going on about?


Azsanwess: When we first met I was field testing DCG… That giant Centurion outside.  SHE attacked me, and I neutralized the threat.



Azsanwess: I THEN brought her back here and nursed her back to health. Ever since, she’s been going on and on about how I’ve enslaved her and how the Falmer won’t stand for this. If I let her go…



Teresa: She could bring the Falmer to your doorstep.


Vori: And this presents yet ANOTHER problem, if the Snow Elf refuses to help us, what good is having Auriel’s Bow?



Liri: It’s better for us to have it and not use it, than for it to end up in Harkon and Tinira’s hands.


Vori: We’re  STILL just playing defense… We’re going to lose this fight. I hope you all realize that.



Vori: If that’s all, I think I’ll do another round around Blackreach. You coming Aelfna?


The Halfling nodded, and the two of them departed immediately.



Teresa: Come Sevetia, I have some… ‘needs’ for you to attend to.


Sevetia: Huh, what are you—!! Y-YES MA’AM! Catch you later, cupcake!


The two of them also took their leave.




Dexi: If we’re dispersing now, would it be alright if I continued to browsing through your library?


Azsanwess: Of course.


The moth priest nodded and excused herself as well…



Part Seven


Serana: Well… I think that I’ll also—


Liri: Any word on Innis or Rosalie? And if not… Is there anything that you two are still hiding from me?



Azsanwess: If you want me to be transparent with you, I will.


Serana: Azsanwess!


Azsanwess: Liri is a guest within my home, and as such I will treat her with the respect I believe she is owed.



Azsanwess: However, know that whatever it is that I divulge to you, I am betraying Silas’s trust in telling you. If that doesn’t bother you whatsoever, then ask whatever it is that you wish.




Serana’s face turned sour.


Serana: I won’t be here for this! If you want to know anything, you should just ask him yourself!


Serana turned on her heel and left as well.




Azsanwess looked back at the Snow Elf.


Azsanwess: We can go elsewhere if you’d like. Or we can do this in present company.


Liri: What do you—




Liri followed the Dwemer’s gaze to the Snow Elf and nodded.


Liri: …I’ll follow you.


Azsanwess: Splendid!




Liri and Azsanwess took the lift out of Azsanwess’s home…




...And ended up above ground in the snowy tundra of the northern part of the province.


Liri: *inhales* Ahh… It’s been so long since I’ve been above ground.




Liri went out into the sun and bathed in its warmth.


Liri: I never would have imagined how much I’d miss the sun of all things. Its warmth… Divines I’ve missed this…



Azsanwess: Shall we continue where we left off?


Liri’s face darkened and she nodded.


Azsanwess: Then what is it that you wish you know?



Part Eight


Liri: I want to know so much… Why is it that everything he does hurts me? Why didn’t he tell me about you earlier? Am… Am I still second to his wife? Is there nothing I can do to change that?



Liri: I’m just so confused… So angry… So… Scared… H-heh, imagine that… Me, the Ice Queen of the Shadowswords, so full of emotion… 


Azsanwess: Why do you think you feel this way?



Liri: I… *sniff* I might have a guess… I’ve only ever felt feelings for one other man before. But having fallen in love with Silas I know now that those feelings weren’t love. But rather admiration…



Liri: Men were never on my radar. Either they were useful or they weren’t. They were friend or foe. I never cared for them emotionally, and I never thought I would… AAAARRRGGH!! But now there’s Silas—




Azsanwess raised a finger to silence her.


Azsanwess: I will answer what I am able to, and then afterwards tell you something that will either make you hate Silas with your entire being…



Azsanwess: Or show you that for all his faults, he is in fact trying his hardest to do right by you. Is that alright with you?


Liri nodded.


Azsanwess: *sigh* Then let us begin.



Azsanwess: He didn’t tell you about me and my plans for you because he thought it best. He wanted to handle obtaining you in a way where you’d be WILLING to come with him rather than being FORCED to.



Liri: He LITERALLY kidnapped me! How’s that not being forced?


Azsanwess: Yes, but did HE ever force you to do ANYTHING?


Liri: He… (DID he ever force me to do anything? Or did I willingly comply… I mean he gave me ultimatums, but the consequences weren't that steep...)




Azsanwess took Liri’s silence as her answer and continued.


Azsanwess: As for you being second to his wife, I… don’t believe that you are anymore…  At least from what I’ve observed.


Liri: Then why did he hide their reunion from me?



Azsanwerss: Because he KNOWS you. You’re somewhat… excitable and irritable, a fact which you’ve been putting on display since you’ve gotten here, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Silas.


Liri: I am—



Part Nine


Liri remembered how she’d reacted in the weeks, days, even minutes prior when it came to the subject of Silas, and she couldn’t dispute these claims either.


Liri: Dammit…



Azsanwess: However, I don’t know if you’ll ever be the primary thing in his heart.


Liri: Wait, but you just said that I’m not second to Lisaly anymore!


Azsanwess: Correct, however…



Azsanwess: There’s a darkness that has all but taken hold over Silas. This darkness is the root of everything that’s happened between all of us and Silas. I thought you might be able to rid him of it…



Azsanwess: However, it seems like it has become deeply rooted in who the person Silas is today.


Liri: What… What are you talking about?


Azsanwess: His revenge…



Azsanwess: I thought him meeting up with Lisaly and then accepting his feelings towards you might have changed things, but when I fought him three days ago…



Azsanwess: I saw the same eyes I did in the lost man I met up with centuries ago… Eyes obsessed with vengeance. And if my calculations are correct, rather than being caught up in all this drama…



Azsanwess: You should relish the time you have with him.


Liri: …What’s that supposed to mean?


Azsanwess: THAT you will have to ask him yourself. I will not betray him this.



Liri: (Figures…) *sigh* Was that supposed to be the relationship altering revelation? Or is it something else?


Azsanwess: No. That has to deal with—




The Dwemer saw something behind Liri and smirked.


Azsanwess: …Something we can deal with some other time.


Before Liri could protest, Azsanwess turned and took the lift back to her home.



Liri: Are you serious? What a gyp! I should have known that she’d—


???: Betray me? Yeah, I could say the same thing. But, I can’t blame her for this. Your personality’s a bit… Strong…



Part Ten


Liri swallowed and slowly turned to face the source of her troubles.


Liri: You… How was your three day tryst with your wife? I bet you both had a LOT to catch up on—



???: Liri! Stop being such an insufferable jerk, okay! I didn’t come all the way here to see you act like this!




Liri raised an eyebrow at Silas’s masked companion.


Liri: Um… Do I know—!!


Tears began to well in Liri’s eyes as she realized the masked person’s identity.


???: Heh, took you long enough…




Silas’s companion raised her mask.


Innis: *smiles* Sister, dear sister.




Liri’s knees buckled and she fell to the ground as all of the emotions that had been building up inside of her erupted in the form of unstoppable streams of tears that cascaded down her cheeks…



Liri: Silas… I—


Rather than hear any excuse or explanation that Liri could come up with, Silas knelt before her and silenced her with an affectionate kiss that the two of them desperately needed.



Innis: EHEM! Not that I don’t mind my sister and my new best friend making out in front of me, which I TOTALLY don’t by the way, but where’s some of that love for me, huh?




Liri and Silas separated with a laugh, and Silas stood to his feet.


Silas: I’ll let you two catch up and we can have our much needed talk later.


Liri: *wipes tears away* *sniff* Sounds good to me.




Silas walked off, and Liri spread her arms out toward Innis.


Liri: Well then little sis, with that INSUFFERABLE man gone, my love is all yours.




Innis immediately pounced onto Liri and it was her turn to open the floodgates of her emerald eyes.


Liri: Shhh… I'm here now, Innis… It's all going to be alright, I promise…





Recommended Comments

Finally the two sisters are reunited (an one could say Innis dressed specially for the occasion ^^) ! You played very well on the conflicting relationship between Liri and Silas, that added more stakes to the whole. And as usual, good management of the theatrical arrivals during dialogues. Like Wanobi, I'd also like to mention the edited tears. If how I think that's Photoshop work, I think you'd be a good candidate for a small tutorial on the subject, if you're interested in adding your stone to the top that is. :classic_wink:


Malicia : « When that snow elf showed, everything got very shiny, like when people smile with very clean teeth you see ? I must learn how to do that, uh. million_dollar_baby.gif 


               Anyway, I'm very glad you're getting along with your sister now, Liri. :star: »


PS :


Vori speaking in stead of Aelfnar in the middle of the discussion, about the "Minor issues".


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