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Soul Cairn Content



One problem with the Soul Cairn, although it can be seen as very subjective, would be that the location does present some base stories on how it's inhabitants found themselves there. However, the way this is achieved, can mean that, possibly, a single NPC can suggest various different ways they arrived there. Meaning, save for perhaps, four characters in the vanilla/DLC Soul Cairn, you do not see any static stories.


Such as...


Valerica - Obvious, given that the DLC MQ centers around finding her at one point.
Jiub - Was in Kvatch before the Daedra invaded the city through the Oblivion gate outside the walls.
Durnehviir - Made a deal with the Ideal Masters for power, and was trapped in the Soul Cairn
Unnamed Adventurer - A skeleton can be found, with a helmet, a greatsword, and a note. The note relates that he likely entered the Cairn in a similar fashion to the player, but was unable to survive it.


So this will be the basis used for a few added characters, along with a few other precepts.


-All added NPCs will be Selachii - not any of the vanilla races.
-They will not speak to the player at all, i.e no random lines like other NPCs, and they will not have any dialog.
-None of them will be followers - it would make no sense, given that they cannot leave the Cairn.
-Quests may be possible, but not planned at the moment.
-These characters will likely feature very, mature content. Perhaps just in writing, but still...


Mayaku, TSF - Born to parents who had several expectations for her. However, most of them were broken with the fact that their daughter was not exactly as they wished. While she grew to view herself as female, her body was not entirely that. This by itself drove a rift between them, which could not be bridged - at all. After some time, this dissonant relationship became, abusive. At ten years of age, in a drunken stupor, her father broke one of her arms, and it was only then that they seemed to care. She spent a night with the Healers, which she was fond of, but some of her memories in the Iyashino-ka, were not to be good ones.


Planned Content


Mayaku's Story -Link(W.I.P)


Character Info

Class: Assassin(CombatAssassin)


Armor: Ragged Trousers, or possibly naked.


Weapons: N/A


Spells: N/A


Items: N/A




-Uses Shark Human schlong addon.


Naki, M - Once nothing more than a simple explorer, he sought the sort of adventure that he had heard of in stories. Always, in spite of the fact that the dangers were never things that people would make unclear. It was while visiting a Selachii village close to the border with Cryodiil, that he heard the people there speak of a few boys that had gone missing days ago, and it was no secret where they went. It seemed odd to him, how some were doing nothing but citing worry for these boys, while others were remarking on how foolish it was to go to such a place. Which, as it seemed, was an Ayleid ruin, just over the border.


Volunteering to go in search of the missing boys, he was warned of possible danger. The people there were aware of the tales - suggesting that the Ayleid crypts were dangerous places, home to all sorts of dangerous entities. But he nearly ignored this, choosing to go anyway.


In spite of the fact that the ruin was barely that - the stone was still bright, and most of the structure seemed intact. There were signs that the path into the ruin was traveled recently, so it was obvious that someone had entered. When he went inside, he was greeted by a thick, greenish smoke, that had an overpowering smell, to the point were even a few breaths had him on the verge of retching.


He soon became a pawn of an ancient Ayleid King, who had sustained himself beyond death by becoming a undead Lich. Only, his best creation was not exactly himself, but others. The missing boys were, in a sense, still alive, and used as nothing more than an experiment for this King, and the real subject was to be this very foolish explorer. What he was to become, was an entity on the verge of death, which could only be brought back, by the consumption of flesh, blood and bile, along with other viscera.


Over time, in spite of the fact that he could not truly fight against his master, he had tried. Not in escaping, but merely in attempting to resist his new nature. For this, he was split in two, his real body an empty, obedient shell, while the rest was sent, elsewhere.


Planned Content


Naki's Writing - Complete - Link


Selachii Legacy(Same no Isan) - "Curse of a Dead Empire"


Character Info

Class: Warrior(CombatWarrior1H)

Armor: Leather Armor(Full, NoHelmet)


Weapons: N/A


Spells: N/A


Items: N/A




-Uses Shark Beast Schlong addon.



Tawake, M - Once of a pair of adventurers, he and his brother traveled the land in search of history, treasure, and good times. For years their tales were ones they remembered fondly, as did those whom they told. However, their end would come in such a place that would have tested the skill of even a battled-hardened soldier. Perhaps their deaths would have been more merciful, a end to the story that no one would ever hear, or read. But in the end, it was a pitiful one, where he had already seen the death of his brother, and the only end left to him was to be by his own hand, or rather by an unusual dagger, bought perhaps foolishly from a shady merchant.


The "end" for this one was indeed quick, but it would be nothing more than a gateway to an eternal torment.


Planned Content


Character Info

Class: Warrior(CombatWarrior1H)

Armor/Cothing: Ragged Trousers


Weapons: Daedric Dagger(With Soul Trap Effect?)


Spells: N/A


Items: N/A




-Uses Shark Beast Schlong addon.


Akari, F - (W.I.P)


Planned Content

"Standing upon two heights of glory, I once was both admired, and later, hated. I followed him in this course, knowing always, where it lead. When he commanded the fleets of our people, I served at his side. I was proud to know that, even if the Council did not understand him, I was there. I knew his reasons, understood them perhaps better than anyone - I was part of his crew, after all. No matter the bloodshed, the smoke, the fires, I followed. As did the rest.




When he fled the city, taking the majority of his fleet with him, some refused, and he did not deny them. He only asked for those whose loyalty would remain, no matter what he did. I agreed. This left him with five ships, and enough men and women to serve aboard them. Not one man or woman voiced discontent when he told them their course. We were to be, Pirates.




It was years later when he sought a treasure above all else. One that would grant us all the time in the world to plunder the seas. Sailing in search of a treasure that would take the attention of something far beyond what most of the crew understood - a Daedric Lord. When found, Clavicus Vile offered a great treasure in return.




Miles away from that place, we encountered other pirates. Perhaps just as eager to obtain the same treasure? Either way, our ship tore through them within hours, and we were left with burning wrecks all around us. Hours of fighting, of smoke, fires, bloodshed. Our ship bested them all, no matter where they came from. It was the pride of our race - we knew how to swim, and to make a ship sail faster than those of other races? Trivial for us. It did not take us long to encounter the race known as Redguards, and from them we learned of Cannons - something that greatly improved our vessels, and made them a terror on the sea. 
Sailing for that place, which we had come to know as cursed. But that was all people said. No other stories told of it, no tales or legends. Just that the place was feared, and one most sailors or pirates chose to avoid. We, would not. We would see what lay in this dark place, and take any treasure it would possess. 


Character Info

Class: Warrior(CombatWarrior1H)


Armor/Cothing: ???


Weapons: Scimitar(x1)


Spells: N/A


Items: N/A




Keeper - (W.I.P)


In-Game Details




Armor/Clothing: Dragonbone Armor(NoHelmet) - Same as other Keepers


Weapons: Dragonbone Sword


Spells: Frost Spells up to Expert Level




NOTE: Images of these characters may be shown twice, due to the "ghost" effect that will be applied to them once they are in-game.


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