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Gwynolda's Daily life(9/)



Previous parts: 



Gwynolda's story

Act I

Gwynolda's Daily life(9/)

Chapter 9


Fmolwxfm o


Vrm0xz1q o


2fpugecv o


Mnlefwdh o


G4kc2wsh o


8lsna3nf o


Ppkjuzyt o


Ahh, there you are


Exhausted, Weak, Wasted, Beaten

Treated like a dog


4pj8dj1q o


But useful as dog


2lil1aru o


Pbwonshh o


Gmkft0go o


Time to patch you up a bit


Uylzmdak o


Dp8nurzc o


Iggzfqac o


You have woken, good 


Fqpkzeps o


How are you feeling beast?


Hc00llg3 o

Lost your tongue? Can't talk?


Wifaxtgd o


2xwxoq6t o


Qxgfc8s2 o


15hsgbwi o


Ohh, you seek to fight?

So be it..


Hfxogwko o


Lhojzvql o


8vd5bzhl o


Tyy05gjb o


Sfycfpun o


Kbiiuwqq o


Sl4ouwnp o


That was foolish


6ff6xmax o


Now then..


Evvmtdav o


It seems, you can't speak


Ehoqn0vr o

How unfortunate for you


9bimcuef o


But don't worry


Glp6hivk o


I can make sure that you will speak.


7qsgxj6v o


Isn't it much better?


Iarmcfwy o


Let me take a look at you


Lqsw24o0 o


How crude


N4seb6nl o


How ugly


D2uprcg6 o


What do you want witch?


I have a task for you, with some compensation for a crude beast like yourself.. 

Freedom, maybe some beauty for your rotten look. 

5eylpvln o

Fuck that! To oblivion with you witch! 

Crawl back to where you belong!


3cym99pp o


I do not make deals with scum like you.


Axsykf4w o

How proud for what you are! Such a joke




Ibqdnxos o


We can play this game!


8a4j89bi o


I'll make sure you'll be willing to work with me. 


Zny5sqrr o


Yq8ofk29 o


Xnf9e3sn o


Xg58kg4i o


I can be very convincing.

We have a lot of time to get to know each other. 

But do not be worried, I can heal all your wounds, while I make new ones. 

Vjkidt6h o

(Meanwhile at the Temple) 

I should read the reports for tomorrow's meeting at the Understone keep. 

Petty nobles quarrel in the kingdom, but some of them are my useful allies for now. 


5mfr3idu o

I should soon hear a report from Camelia 


Nkrhwvbp o


She will be doing the last of my preparations today. 


Bcj1r1ur o



An hour? Hours perhaps? Days? Weeks? Months? Years?


Htpjtf1n o
Who knows, your sense of time must have been dilated quite badly by now. 


Let me stop it for now, and talk. 

Uigmyyv1 o

So, how are you feeling? 


Damn.. you witch..


Uoglruy4 o


Still lively, good..


Mwvymtzu o

Ready for the second run or perhaps you would consider doing my task? 

Fhnq05be o

Damn.. it..

I'll do it.. just stop it. 

 6djjr6qi o

Wonderful, now then.

Let me begin.


B1ihpiog o
You will work for the Temple of Dibella.


H6qzpvx9 o


Serving the High Priestess's case directly 


1bjfahnw o


Your target is an escaped servant of the Temple.


Vip5otkj o


Who goes by the name of Gwynolda. 


4yrllyp7 o


Teach her a lesson by any means.
Break her, Despoil her, have fun.
Whatever a crude creature like you does best. 

M0gxsxct o

She's usually hiding at an old abandoned tower bordering the Hroldan region. 

She'll barely offer any resistance, but still, don't go there unprepared. 

Adzgx4g4 o

Once done, tie her up and capture her.

Or kidnap her if that's a word you understand. 

Once that's done.

Rbyeafea o

Bring her in front of the High Priestess.


Dkbc6itz o


Make sure she is alive, don't you dare forget that. 

In what shape? that's up to you. 

You can have as much fun with her as you wanna, until she is in the temple. 

T6mxdrst o

Remember, The temple can offer many rewards.

For your service, we pay well, heal and make sure you are free of your current sins. 

I'll dispell this spell for you now. 

Dttp909z o

I've restored your look . 


Le9mqc9o o
Is it your original look or your ideal? Doesn't matter 


You've been granted healing as payment in advance. 

Yifzy3gb o


I have one more task for you. 

Epshs8sa o

I neutralised most of the prison's defences. 


Stiz5fdx o


Rile up the rabble, make an uprising against the Silver-bloods. 
Do some damage to your captors.

Ewljzbov o

Then escape from the old city's way and focus on Gwynolda.


Am I clear? 

936najks o

Now then, I'll take my leave. 


Fen7xknj o


What a load of crap..


What am I, bandit scum? 


Dwty1oja o

A messy situation I've sure gotten myself into.. 


M2zauc1y o

Task's done 


Qqtropzy o

The Worst scum is set to retrieve Gwynolda 
and Sabotage the Silver-bloods for tomorrow's meeting. 

M7fzgd4k o


Utj4xciy o

Time to head back


Qdgvymy3 o


Mbrien85 o


Knadkeq0 o


Xzbamgtl o


J2ranyeb o


Ddsqiq5f o


Yddpgste o


"My my, look who it is"


Vcidsmaz o


If it isn't the head of the assassins.

Back from a mission perhaps? 

X5tqeryr o


For High Priestess Hamal?

2pmbysah o

Yes Elder Vivienne.

Please forgive me, but I have to report back as soon as possible 


J6teqyrd o


Go on then, go and make a report to the High priestess. 


3d6kroc7 o


After that, make a full report to me, I wish to hear all of it.

Of course Elder Vivienne.

0m20htrb o

I expect you to be in my chambers soon.


Bumzpaxt o


Until then.


5qyoboic o


6f7d6x60 o


W9caes8r o


Hysmoxuw o


Jbw5ldby o


Qj9qzi0y o


I have returned High priestess and ready to report.


Qt6wcomy o


Ahhh, there you are.

I wondered what took you so long. 


Qnjupj81 o


Let me hear the report, girl. 


Zc0mkbtk o


I found a very promising and willing canditate to bring Gwynolda back. 


What about the Sabotage you were tasked weeks ago? 

Qvjjxolu o

Our new canditate organises a prison uprising as we speak 


Soon the Silver-bloods lose their biggest asset.

The Cidhna mines.

Ciidbatk o


Hpgyqoq6 o


Xmhk6xz9 o


Zd3w1ytk o


Ixvxqqsg o


Have you made sure it looks like their incompetence caused it? 

Yes Highpriestess.



4swf4jvv o


Vw1bq1o4 o


Last thing we need is to be traced back to this sabotage.


Zc2dpeij o


The current stagnating political shape of Markarth is too risky, any errors can cost a lot to us and our allies in the Understone keep. 

Ywyzo39w o


Is there anything else?


Elder Vivienne requested that I share the reports of today's mission with her. 


Ljxhhvju o


Heh, curious isn't she?


Rp7tlqxz o

Fine, let her know everything outside of Gwynolda's retrieval. 


That would leave me too open for a backstab right now. 

Csh2wjql o

You did well today, Camelia

You deserve a reward


54dkedik o

Take off your clothing.

L8gbrdu6 o

And worship me


Izup8lk1 o


Qlffylrm o


You worked hard for this.



Author's notes


Damn this was a hard one, riddled with a lot technical difficulties and other massive annoyance, but its here now.


It's a bit different type of chapter than my normal ones, but hopefully was enjoyable 😊

Edited by Resdayn


Recommended Comments

Wow! This one flowed so smoothly! Tasteful erotic scenes towards the end too. 👀


I fear for Gwynn though :persevere: But I have a good feeling our orc friend is better than that. Hamal's plotting and scheming is truly reprehensible, but why does she have to be so hot? :sweat_smile: Camelia and Vivienne too actually. 👀


Welcome back btw, it's nice to see a new chapter! 



Edited by Abandoner
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A very long entry indeed! Nice work on the story, lighting, expressions and overall details ^_^ :thumbsup:

Edited by Z4chary
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12 hours ago, Abandoner said:

Wow! This one flowed so smoothly! Tasteful erotic scenes towards the end too. 👀


I fear for Gwynn though :persevere: But I have a good feeling our orc friend is better than that. Hamal's plotting and scheming is truly reprehensible, but why does she have to be so hot? :sweat_smile: Camelia and Vivienne too actually. 👀


Welcome back btw, it's nice to see a new chapter! 




Thank you 😊


You know, villains must be hot, even they are bad 😝


Same for the new ladies 👀


Indeed it seems Gwynolda's time might a lot harder as our villains on our move, we see what our new friend do :classic_ph34r:


12 hours ago, Z4chary said:

A very long entry indeed! Nice work on the story, lighting, expressions and overall details ^_^ :thumbsup:


Thank you 😊


I'm glad you liked it.

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Thank you i enjoy all your stories and i hope for a good outcome for our Gwynolda  😅

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1 hour ago, wilson99 said:

Thank you i enjoy all your stories and i hope for a good outcome for our Gwynolda  😅


Thank you 😊


We all hope that 🤭

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9 hours ago, Jay-Omms said:


  Reveal hidden contents

Jay-Omms: And worship me.






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Very fun chapter, a lot of schemes coming into play!

I'm sure Gwynolda and Jeanne will be fine with dealing with the orc!

And if it doesn't go to plan, I bet Hamal wouldn't be too happy with Camelia 😝

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12 minutes ago, VFB said:

Very fun chapter, a lot of schemes coming into play!

I'm sure Gwynolda and Jeanne will be fine with dealing with the orc!

And if it doesn't go to plan, I bet Hamal wouldn't be too happy with Camelia 😝


Thank you 😊


I'm glad you liked it.


We see how our protags handle the orc soon 😇

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Quite an unusual chapter for you indeed, with a fight/action scene right off the bat. The "persuading" that follows was quite well intertwined with Hamal's whereabouts I must say, and the ellipsis regarding most of the torture well placed, so I'll agree with what's been said : it flows very well. Still some impressive scenery shots, and a particular affinity towards highlighting the female body. And nothing shocking regarding the grammatical aspect. With an unsurprisingly quite enjoyable result, Resdayn ! :D👌




ldyMRSUy_o.png « I wanna say one thing or two :

               - They really got a problem with clothing in that temple. I'm nearly sure they choose their dresses only for pee-pee showing, uh. :classic_sleep:


                - Everyone keeps telling about my hair, but that Mrs Hamal got a lot too, and no one says nothing to her. million_dollar_baby.gif


                - That Hamal Mrs thinks that kissing her toes is a reward, I think, but If I was paid like that I'd never take the job again, no. :classic_blink:


                - They've got meany ideas about Gwynolda. She'd better buy a taser and avoid the place. :classic_lightbulb: »



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👀very conspicious! very very very!



And an excellent story to tell 👏


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21 hours ago, Tirloque said:

Quite an unusual chapter for you indeed, with a fight/action scene right off the bat. The "persuading" that follows was quite well intertwined with Hamal's whereabouts I must say, and the ellipsis regarding most of the torture well placed, so I'll agree with what's been said : it flows very well. Still some impressive scenery shots, and a particular affinity towards highlighting the female body. And nothing shocking regarding the grammatical aspect. With an unsurprisingly quite enjoyable result, Resdayn ! :D👌




ldyMRSUy_o.png « I wanna say one thing or two :

               - They really got a problem with clothing in that temple. I'm nearly sure they choose their dresses only for pee-pee showing, uh. :classic_sleep:


                - Everyone keeps telling about my hair, but that Mrs Hamal got a lot too, and no one says nothing to her. million_dollar_baby.gif


                - That Hamal Mrs thinks that kissing her toes is a reward, I think, but If I was paid like that I'd never take the job again, no. :classic_blink:


                - They've got meany ideas about Gwynolda. She'd better buy a taser and avoid the place. :classic_lightbulb: »




Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it 😁


I expect you gotta say something about action 😝, I told you once I'm done with setups, I slowly beginn.


as for ldyMRSUy_o.png


You should visit the temple, Hamal could use a girl like you, she rewards you for the service 😝


But yes, Gwynolda should be careful.


12 hours ago, worik said:

👀very conspicious! very very very!


  Reveal hidden contents

And an excellent story to tell 👏



Indeed 😁


I'm glad you enjoyed it Worik.

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