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Vacation Time (Charley's Story, Chapter 44)



"You need a vacation, Charley." 




Leave it to Trashcan Carla to state the obvious when I wasn't ready to admit it. I'd come back to Sanctuary after leaving things in Preston's hands back at Concord. I wanted to supervise finishing the buildings in town that we'd left incomplete after all the focus shifted to encircling Concord. Certainly we had the materials to do it now, since the ruins of Concord were a literal treasure trove of every sort of rare salvage you could imagine. 


After an awkward pause, I admitted, "yeah, I know. But there's so much to do, and so little time."


"Kid, listen. You've done more in the last six months than most folks do in ten years. Hell, in their whole lives. You've earned a break. Trudi, Preston, Bart, Blake and Connie, you've got good people who can take charge for a while. Kick back, relax, get some of that stress out."


That earned a rueful laugh from me. "Yeah, good luck with that. Stress is one thing I won't be running out of any time soon."


She took a long drag on her cigarette. "So I hear. Well, if you won't take a break, at least take some 'you time.' Rumor," she chuckled, "legend has it you're looking for your missing kid. That true? If it is, maybe you owe yourself a visit to Nick Valentine. There's nobody better in the Commonwealth for sniffing out a missing person."


I felt a momentary surge of excitement, but then I clamped it down. Frowning, I said, "I don't know, Carla. It's been... too long. What if... Shaun's gone? What if I waited too long? I don't know if I can deal with that right now."


The trader frowned at me. "Charley, he's gone from you now. If you keep doing nothing, he's going to stay gone. I can't promise you're going to find your kid, but if you don't look I can promise you that you won't." 


I know it was irrational, hell, I knew right then and there that Carla was completely right. But as much as I desperately missed Shaun, I really struggled to start on a path that might lead to me learning he was gone forever. I didn't want closure, after all. I wanted my son back. Hell, I wanted my husband back. Right at that moment, I just wanted my old life back. I wanted to just sit there in my living room, damn the bombs, and just draw out every last second of the old world."


Then I shook myself, evidently violently enough to get a start of surprise out of Carla. I didn't want the old world. I didn't want to go back to how things were before. Sure, I wanted to be back with Nate. I wanted to be back with Shaun. I wanted my old body, not this chemically-dyed, conditioned and experimented shell that Vault-Tec inflicted on me. But I wanted my old life in this new world. I didn't want to go back to that hateful, fearful, slowly dying America whose inevitable demise the bombs just hastened.


"Thanks for the advice, Carla. I mean it. But I need to think." 


And I did. I went back to that weird little fort I'd turned my home into before I really got the hang of the Workshop. I unbraided my hair, took a long shower, then sat back and just let the whole afternoon pass me by. No building, no wrangling settlers, no fighting raiders, no haggling for supplies. I just sat back and tried to rest.




What a waste. By the time the sunlight stared to fade, I felt more tired and weighed down than at the start of my 'vacation day.' Maybe Carla was right, I conceded. Maybe I did need to lift some of the weight of my personal problems off my shoulders so I could concentrate on the big goal. And with the rising threats in the distance, I might not get another chance like this for a long time. 


I lay in bed for a long time, sleepless, as the night crept by, finally falling, fitfully, into sleep some time after midnight. And I dreamt of Shaun. Of Shaun in the hands of strangers. Of Shaun in danger. Of Shaun... waiting for me. 


I was still exhausted when I woke up, but I somehow dragged myself out of bed and set about making some breakfast. To my surprise, Mama Murphy was there, evidently waiting for me.


"Rough night, kid?"




"You could say that," I groaned. "Just... ugh, you know. I had dreams. Dreams about the distant past."


She crooked a bit of a grin at me. "The distant past isn't so distant for you though, is it? This whole world is like some bad dream you can't wake up from, isn't it?"


"Maybe," I admitted, "but if so, my waking world wasn't much better. They just hid the bomb damage better. But... my world was already exploding, already falling apart, before the first bomb came down."


"But your heart is still crying out for that world, isn't it?"


I paused a moment to think, then I shook my head. "Not for that world, no. Just for the people I shared it with."


"The sight can help you, kid. If you'll listen to what it's got to say."


"You mentioned the sight before. Preston didn't seem too excited about it."


"Yeah, well, Preston is Preston. Preston is also in Concord now, so I don't think he's got much to say here, does he?"


"His issue seemed to be with you doing drugs. That can't be healthy."


"Let me worry about my health, kid. Maybe you didn't notice because I've got such a firm tummy at my age, but I've been around for a while. The rads have been a little less kind to my nose after all. Come on, have a seat with me and let me see you."


We scooched onto the couch together and Murphy retrieved what looked like a home-made asthma inhaler. Two puffs and I could see her eyes glazing over a little.


"God, that stinks," I gasped as a foul odor whiffed off the inhaler, "what is that?"


"The Jet?" she asked, "you don't want to know. But hush. Let me ride the high and see where the sight takes me."


Mama Murphy was in her own world for a while, but soon she murmured, "Diamond City... it has your answers, but they're locked up tight. Locked up in hearts, and locked up behind doors. There's... so much distrust. So many lies. But there's a heart there still, a good heart. It's just hidden. Hidden in the dark, in the back alleys. Not hidden so well though... when you see it, you'll know, because it's glowing bright. Glowing... bright in the dark. That's what you need to do, kid. Follow the signs and find the heart."




She slumped for a bit, before rousing. "Whew, that too more out of me than usual. I think... I think I need a rest."


I let Mama Murphy crash on the couch while I considered her words. Between her and Carla, now I had two different people telling me to go to Diamond City. Maybe, I supposed, I should just take the hint. Grudgingly, I found myself coming around to the idea of a trip to Diamond City, and I spent the rest of the day meeting with the crew and making sure everything was in good hands while I was out of town. Just as well, as there were one or two conflicts I hadn't fully appreciated - but we hammered everything out and when I finally hit the road everyone was on the same page about who was doing what. 


The road to Diamond City took me back through Concord, and out in front of the museum I found Jan locked up in the same pillory where we'd kept her before he trial. 




I let out a bit of a sigh at the sight. "Don't tell me you managed to get in trouble already," I said.


Jan tried to crane her head towards me, though the pillory limited how far she could shift. "No," she grumbled. "just, um, taking a break."


"Doesn't look like the most comfortable arrangements."


Behind me, I heard Lily's voice, cheerfully interjecting, "don't tease her, Charley, she did really well today."


"Oh?" I asked, turning to look at the petite woman. She was hauling a bucket of soapy water in one hand and a rubber hose in the other. 


"Yeah, she helped out a lot with the garden on the roof over your office. No complaints."


"Then why do you have her locked up."


"Oh, that," she laughed. "It's time for her bathroom break. Turns out, the pillory keeps her in just the right position." As she talked, she turned one of those little circular mailbox keys on a slot at the back of the ex-raider's harness, revealing a small aperture at the rear. After attaching the hose, she started gently pumping a bulb, drawing the soapy water up out of her bucket.


Jan shifted and groaned, and I could had sworn her belly started to swell a little. No, I realized, it wasn't a 'could have sworn' type thing. The harness was shaped in a way that as the sudsy water filled up Jan's guts, her belly was free to expand. Soon enough, Jan was panting and wriggling, struggling to keep a comfortable posture. Lily pulled out the hose with a snap and replaced the cover over the 'filling port.' 




"OK, Jan, you just let the soapy water do its thing. I'll be back in half an hour to empty you out."


I looked to do her with a crooked eyebrow. "Care to explain what this is all about?"


"Well, you saw the big plug that goes with the suit. Jan, and anyone else in her situation, is totally depended on us for, um, relief. She gets one flush in the morning, one mid-day, and one right before dinner. The instructions said that we should dissolve any chems we have her on into the fluid, but right now she's just getting soap and water to keep her from getting backed up."


I slowly shook my head. "Typical Vault-Tec."


"Yeah, they were weirdos, weren't they? But I guess we're Vault-Tec now, right? We've got our vault suits and our vault flags and our vault Workshops. And we're kind of weirdos too," she chuckled at that last part, "so who am I to judge?"


"Alright," I conceded. "Well, keep good care of her. Consider Jan to be your personal project."


"Got it, boss," she agreed.


I left her to her own devices then, albeit under Preston's watchful eye, and continued south and east. After taking a late lunch at the Drumlin Diner, I moved out of my people's territory and into raider country. From there, I took a slower, more careful pace, gradually working my way past Lexington, then down into Cambridge, and finally across the Charles River on what I knew from talking to Carla was the safest route into Diamond City. Still, I almost didn't make it, having managed to walk right into a crossfire between the Diamond City security force and a gang of super mutants. I did what I could to help out, taking pot shots at the Supers from behind some rubble, but after I avoided an ugly shoulder wound thanks only to the bulletproof fabric of my vault suit, I took advantage of the better part of valor and scurried past the intersection on the last leg to Diamond City.


You know this already of course, but Diamond City is, in fact, Fenway Park, the ballpark. Well, not a ballpark anymore. Successive generations of defenders had gradually transmuted the park into a fortress. A fortress which, I quickly came to realize, I didn't have a good way to get into. Watchful to avoid more risks, I carefully circled the edifice until at last I came a small plaza. Before I could completely take in the sights, a voice caught my attention.


"What do you mean you can't open the gate?! Stop playing around, Danny! I'm standing out in the open here!"




Recommended Comments

well - dear children be warned - never pump water mixed with soap into the anus in real life - your intestines make something of the "discharge" - in other words it destroys the biologically important intestinal flora
oki - enough concerns from real life - back to the level of fantasy and soapy water is an essential part of enema games!

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2 hours ago, Miauzi said:

well - dear children be warned - never pump water mixed with soap into the anus in real life - your intestines make something of the "discharge" - in other words it destroys the biologically important intestinal flora
oki - enough concerns from real life - back to the level of fantasy and soapy water is an essential part of enema games!

Thank you for the correction! That's what I get for writing fetish stuff without doing enough research ? 

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no - it's completely fine - in almost all fetish stories I've collected (and read) in the last 20 years on this subject -> always pump soapy water into the bottom

I was only concerned that such fetish stories don't have much to do with real biology


only when the fetishist wants to live out his head cinema in real life does he encounter problems that were previously unknown to him

it was the same for me - I too had to make some very painful experiences of my own

if you want to make it halfway realistic in this context

- an enema of 1 liter is enough to empty the intestines for the whole day

- Depending on the stature of the "victim", the stomach swells a little from 1 liter of enema - with 2 liters you can clearly see something

- with enemas of more than 1/4 liter you should definitely mix in table salt - because with "clear" water the body loses a lot of salt due to osmotic pressure - think of midsummer and heavy physical work - the body has to replace the lost table salt - an intestinal cleansing (without salt) has the same effect

one feels totally exhausted even after less than 1 liter with such an enema

but of course you can also make it really "exciting" for the "victim" with a (medically) correct application with a little exaggerated care - e.g. with changing water temperatures


Please do not understand my comments as a criticism of your scenario - just as a comment as to why I always have to smile for a specific reason when hearing such stories



nee - ist schon völlig in Ordnung - in fast allen Fetisch-Geschichten die ich in den letzten 20 Jahren gesammelt (und gelesen) habe zu diesem Thema -> immer schön Seifen-Wasser in den Po pumpen


mir ging es nur darum das solche Fetisch-Geschichten nicht viel mit realer Biologie zu tun haben


nur wenn der Fetischist sein Kopf-Kino real ausleben möchte er dann auf ihm bis dahin unbekannte Probleme stösst

es ging mir ja auch nicht anders - auch ich habe da einige recht schmerzhafte eigene Erfahrungen machen müssen


wenn man es denn in diesem Zusammenhang so halbweg real machen möchte

- es reicht ein Einlauf von 1 Liter schon aus um den Darm für den ganzen Tag zu entleeren

- je nach Statur des "Opfers" schwillt ab 1 Liter Einlaufmenge schon der Bauch etwas an - bei 2 Liter kann man schon deutlich was sehen

- bei Einläufen von mehr als 1/4 Liter sollte man unbedingt Kochsalz bemischen - da bei "klarem" Wasser der Körper durch osmotischen Druck massiv an Salz verliert - man denke mal an den Hochsommer und schwere körperliche Arbeit - der Körper muss das verlorene Kochsalz ersetzen - eine Darmspühlung (ohne Salz) hat den gleichen Effekt

man fühlt sich selbst nach weniger als 1 Liter bei solch einem Einlauf total schlapp


aber man kann natürlich auch bei (medizinisch) korrekter Anwendung dem "Opfer" durch etwas übertriebene Fürsorge es so richtig "spannend" machen - z.B. mit wechselnden Wassertemperaturen


verstehen Sie meine Anmerkungen bitte nicht als Kritik an ihrem Szenario - sondern nur als Anmerkung warum ich bei solchen Geschichten immer aus einem bestimmten Grund schmunzeln muss


still wondering if the pillory victim's outfit comes from a mod or is one of their own creations?

Edited by Miauzi
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Vor 4 Minuten sagte gregaaz:

Das Outfit des Opfers ist C5Kevs Phase-II-Tresoranzug, mit einigen geringfügigen Anpassungen im Outfit-Studio. 




Thanks - that thing is really awesome - it's going straight into the list for new outfits for the next Fallout run


Yes - the outfit is perfect for the enema game you mentioned

In principle it is about a kind of "discipline" without harsh physical punishment but with a large component of "gentle" humiliation - the game about controlling body openings is very suitable for this.

In addition to bladder control through a catheter (inflatable bladder catheter), rectal control through anal plugs in conjunction with enemas are the scenarios presented.

In that respect you've already "fully hit the mark".

If you wanted to improve something there (for a later scene) -> the high enema

central point -> the introduction of a 50-100 cm long thin tube via the anus through the entire rectum.

This actually applied technique is always supplemented in fetish stories by snapping the outward-pointing end of the tube into the "tunnel" opening of the bottom plug and thus sealing it.

And yes - the tube moves painlessly through the abdominal cavity - but it's a bit "weird" and when someone does it on you without you being able to "defend" (foreign determination)

The high enema is supposed to cleanse the rectum from "above" - the 1-2 liters also fill you up well and it takes a while before you "squeeze" your bottom.

If you then want to increase this further with education through humiliation or withdrawal of self-control -> the bottom hole is not closed - the "rinse" water should consciously run out without being able to close it yourself with your own muscles.. .

..and not 1-2 liters but 10-20 liters and more

no fairy tale - with medical high enemas you can let 60 liters and more run through this construction


By the way, one more note:

what you made of this special power suit for a head cinema story -> absolutely fantastic

(yes - I have this mod and I was always wondering how to speak on the what goes in the mouth part - you explained it convincingly!)



Danke - das Teil ist ja echt krass - das kommt gleich in die Liste für neue Outfit beim nächsten Fallout-Durchlauf


ja - das Outfit eignet sich hervorragen für das von Dir angesprochene Klistier-Spielchen

Im Prinzip geht ja es um eine Art "Disziplinierung" ohne harte körperliche Strafen aber mit einer grossen Komponente von "sanfter" Demütigung - da eignet sich das Spiel um die Kontrolle von Körper-Öffnungen sehr gut.

Neben der Blasen-Kontrolle durch einen Katheter (aufblasbarer Blasen-Katheter) ist die rektale Kontrolle durch anale Stopfen in Verbingung mit Einläufen die angeendeten Szenarien.

Insofern hast Du da schon "voll ins schwarze" getroffen.

Wenn man da noch etwas verbessern wollte (für eine spätere Szene) -> der Hocheinlauf

zentraler Punkt -> die Einführung eines 50-100 cm langen dünnen Schlauches über den Anus durch den gesamten Enddarm.

Diese real angewandte Technik wird in Fetisch-Erzählungen immer dadurch ergänzt das am nach aussen zeigenden Ende des Schlauches in die "Tunnel"-Öffnung des Po-Stopfens einrastet und so abdichtet.

Und ja - der Schlauch wandert schmerzfrei durch den Bauchraum - es ist aber dann doch schon etwas "komisch" und wenn das jemand an einem macht ohne das man sich "wehren" kann (Fremdbestimmung)

Der Hocheinlauf soll ja den Enddarm von "oben" herab reinigen - die 1-2 Liter dazu füllen einen auch gut auf und bis es da zum "Drücken" am Po kommt dauert es schon eine Weile.

Wenn man das dann mit der Erziehung druch Demütigung bzw. Entzug der Selbstkontrolle weiter steigern möchte -> das Po-Loch wird nicht verschlossen - das "Spühl"-Wasser soll bewusst heraus laufen ohne das man selbst über seinen eigenen Muskel es verschliessen kann...

..und es kommen nicht 1-2 Liter sondern sondern 10-20 Liter und mehr

jetzt kein Märchen - bei medizinischen Hocheinläufen lässt man auch schon mal 60 Liter und mehr durch diese Konstruktion laufen


übrigens noch eine Anmerkung:

was Du aus diesem spezielle Power-Suit für eine Kopf-Kino-Geschichte gemacht hat -> absolut fantastisch

(ja - ich habe diesen Mod und ich hatte mich immer gefragt bei dem Teil was in den Mund kommt wie das Sprechen geht - Du hast es überzeugend erklärt!)


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20 hours ago, Miauzi said:


Thanks - that thing is really awesome - it's going straight into the list for new outfits for the next Fallout run


Glad to hear you like it! Make sure you endorse the mod on Nexus to encourage C5Kev to keep making fun outfits like this :) 


20 hours ago, Miauzi said:


Yes - the outfit is perfect for the enema game you mentioned

In principle it is about a kind of "discipline" without harsh physical punishment but with a large component of "gentle" humiliation - the game about controlling body openings is very suitable for this.

In addition to bladder control through a catheter (inflatable bladder catheter), rectal control through anal plugs in conjunction with enemas are the scenarios presented.


Bladder control was actually part of the original concept, but I scrapped it after finding that the Phase II outfit's opening leaves the area uncovered. I suspect the original idea was actually to have the hole over the rear end, but it is what it is and I didn't have the time or patience to edit the mesh, so it ended up relying on bowel control rather than bladder.


20 hours ago, Miauzi said:

In that respect you've already "fully hit the mark".


Thank you!


20 hours ago, Miauzi said:

If you wanted to improve something there (for a later scene) -> the high enema

central point -> the introduction of a 50-100 cm long thin tube via the anus through the entire rectum.

This actually applied technique is always supplemented in fetish stories by snapping the outward-pointing end of the tube into the "tunnel" opening of the bottom plug and thus sealing it.

And yes - the tube moves painlessly through the abdominal cavity - but it's a bit "weird" and when someone does it on you without you being able to "defend" (foreign determination)


This is something that I have on the list of ideas to explore in this series eventually, mostly waiting until after Charley makes contact with the Institute to find a relevant NPC to introduce her to this 'treatment.' I imagined the 'stock' nozzle that comes with the Phase II suit in chapter 43 as something like this toy, whereas these big boys are material that I have a hard time rationalizing into the setting without a proper 'mad scientist' type to educate Charley about.


20 hours ago, Miauzi said:

The high enema is supposed to cleanse the rectum from "above" - the 1-2 liters also fill you up well and it takes a while before you "squeeze" your bottom.

If you then want to increase this further with education through humiliation or withdrawal of self-control -> the bottom hole is not closed - the "rinse" water should consciously run out without being able to close it yourself with your own muscles.. .

..and not 1-2 liters but 10-20 liters and more

no fairy tale - with medical high enemas you can let 60 liters and more run through this construction



Oh, for sure. Its really unfortunate that Fallout 4 doesn't have more furniture resources for compromising poses, because its almost a perfect narrative setting for examining fetish fantasies where power imbalance or reluctant/impaired consent cross with medical or scientific bondage themes. 


20 hours ago, Miauzi said:

By the way, one more note:

what you made of this special power suit for a head cinema story -> absolutely fantastic

(yes - I have this mod and I was always wondering how to speak on the what goes in the mouth part - you explained it convincingly!)


Glad your liked it! The power suit, even though it hasn't featured prominently in the story all that much lately, was an important 'anchor' for Charley's story; imagining how a system like that would actually work, combined with The Kite's headcanon behind her Vault Suit played a really important role in working out how build a sexualized version of the Fallout world without changing it beyond recognition or turning it into parody. 

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Respect - you have really nice "crazy ideas".

The links to the parts for your planned high enema...

.. I would have liked to have had such modern high-tech stuff (silicone!!) - mine is more "old school" -> red rubber with a 1930s style

Moving this to the institute makes a lot of sense!!


I've been using these vault suits for several months now - they allow me to play in a way similar to what you describe in your story.

When Nexus started to change its rules towards mod creators and they then withdrew their mods in droves, I had the problem of getting certain mods that were essential for me after a system crash on my PC


found this page here

Well - and then a completely new world opened up - which I had known from the real world for more than 15 years, but had no idea how far we had come with the implementation of fetish and BDSM themes in the virtual game world!


sure - I felt like a little kid left alone in a toy store at night -> all mine mine mine


it took me quite a long time until I had tried everything and put together my own "mixture".

since I don't really like hard slave scenarios but also don't always want to be the "holy" angel - I came up with a similar idea -> the vault suits were perfect for this

I have a mod where I find prisoners tied up in bandit camps that I can recruit as settlers after they are freed - so I have the opportunity to make much more targeted selections than with the radio signal from the workshop



the decisive difference to the past is the use of "wasteland dairy framework"

this enables me to design the supply of a settlement completely differently -> some of the new settlers do not spend their working days on the field but in "medicinal" chairs or beds and "donate" blood, milk, seeds or produce food or raw materials using them Body

the vault suit with the open chest allows the cups from the milking harness to be put on neatly

it takes quite a while until you have collected all the magazines and thus have access to all the chairs/beds/pods via the workbench

but as it seems the mod is obviously no longer available on LL - a pity


the mod series around "Fusion City" with e.g. "Outcast and Remnants" enables me to take over the institute peacefully - their technology is simply too valuable to be "blown up".

You went your own way and turned the hated object "Preston" into a character that I can understand very much. Oh how well I can understand his problems - I don't think I need to go into too much detail why.

For the way you handled this topic -> a thousand thanks


In any case, I'm very curious to see how you continue to spin the story with the "pain Piper" (which I love very much).



 Respekt - Du hast ja echt schöne "abgedrehte Ideen".

Die Links zu dem Teilen für Deinen geplanten Hocheinlauf...

..so modernes High-Tech-Zeug (Silikon!!) hätte ich auch gerne gehabt - meines ist ehr "Alte Schule" -> Rot-Gummi mit 30er Jahre Style

Dieses dann in das Institut zu verlegen macht sehr viel Sinn!!


Diese Vault-Anzüge verwende ich inzwischen seit mehreren Monaten - gestatten sie mir doch eine ähnliche Spielweise wie Du sie in Deiner Geschichte beschreibst.

Als Nexus begann seine Regeln gegenüber Mod-Erstellern zu verändern und diese dann reihenweise ihre Mods zurück zogen hatte ich nach einem System-Crash auf meinem PC das Problem bestimmte für mich essenzielle Mods zu bekommen


fand diese Seite hier

tja - und da tat sich dann eine komplett neue Welt auf - die ich zwar aus der realen seit mehr als 15 Jahre kannte aber keine Ahnung hatte wie weit man bereits mit der Umsetzung von Fetisch- und BDSM-Themen in der virtuellen Spielwelt ist!


klar - ich kam mir vor wie ein kleines Kind nachts im Spielzeugladen alleine gelassen -> alles meins meins meins


hat recht lange gebraucht bis ich da so alles durchprobiert hatte und mir eine eigene "Mischung" zusammen gestellt hatte

da ich nicht wirklich aufs harte Sklaven-Szenarien stehe aber auch nicht immer der "heiligen" Engel sein möchte - kam ich auf eine ähnliche Idee -> die Vaultanzüge waren dazu perfekt

ich habe da einen Mod bei dem ich in Banditen-Lager gefesselte Gefangene finde die ich nach deren Befreiung als Siedler anwerben kann - so habe ich die Möglichkeit wesentlich gezielter auszuwählen als mit dem Radiosignal aus der Werkstatt



der entscheidende Unterschied zu früher ist aber das Verwenden von "wasteland dairy framework"

das ermöglicht mir die Versorgung einer Siedlung komplett anders zu gestalten -> ein Teil der neuen Siedler verbringen ihre Arbeitstage nicht auf dem Feld sondern in "medizinischen" Stühlen bzw. Betten und "spenden" Blut, Milch, Samen oder produzieren Nahrung oder Rohstoffe mittels ihrer Körper

der Vaultanzug mit der freien Brust ermöglich ein optisch sauberes Anlegen der Cups vom Melk-Geschirr

bis man da alle Zeitschriften eingesammelt hat und man somit via Werkbank zugriff auf alle Stühle/Betten/Pods hat vergeht schon eine ganze Weile

wie es aber scheint ist der Mod wohl offensichtlich nicht mehr auf LL verfügbar - sehr schade


die Mod-Reihe um "Fusion-City" mit z.B. "Outcast und Remnants" ermöglicht mir eine friedliche Übernahme des Institutes - deren Technologie ist einfach zu wertvoll um "in die Luft geblasen" zu werden


Du hast ja einen komplett eigenen Weg bestritten und aus dem Hass-Objekt "Preston" einen für mich sehr nachvollziehbaren Charakter gemacht. Oh wie gut ich seine Probleme verstehen kann - ich muss glaube ich auch gar nicht so viel ins Detail gehen warum.

Dafür das Du überhaupt und wie Du dieses Thema angefasst hast -> tausend Dank


Jedenfalls bin ich sehr gespannt wie Du mit der (von mir sehr geliebten) "Nervensäge Piper" die Geschichte weiter spinnst


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14 hours ago, Miauzi said:

When Nexus started to change its rules towards mod creators and they then withdrew their mods in droves, I had the problem of getting certain mods that were essential for me after a system crash on my PC


found this page here


Well, I won't pretend I'm happy about all those people leaving the Nexus, but I'm happy to hear that you were able to find the Lab as a result.


14 hours ago, Miauzi said:

Well - and then a completely new world opened up - which I had known from the real world for more than 15 years, but had no idea how far we had come with the implementation of fetish and BDSM themes in the virtual game world!


Yeah, I didn't appreciate it for a long time until I started looking for venues where I could post gameplay video - I was a little shocked to discover how few safe platforms exist for this kind of modding. Most places have strict "no mixing sex and violence" or "no heavy fetish stuff" or some combination, and for a game like Fallout 4, where you can't really unwind the violence from the gameplay, it makes it very hard to share setups that include erotic mods. We're really lucky to have the Lab as a community resource.


14 hours ago, Miauzi said:

I have a mod where I find prisoners tied up in bandit camps that I can recruit as settlers after they are freed - so I have the opportunity to make much more targeted selections than with the radio signal from the workshop


<<Commonwealth Captives>>


I use Commonwealth Captives in the setup for this story, and I agree with you that its a very helpful mechanism for gaining population without it being a literal "easy button" (HOTC, I'm looking at you!). At some point I need to make some tweaks/enhancements to the mod, such as creating separate furniture lists for the different factions.


However, this gets back to the whole "not enough furniture" problem that Fallout 4 modding has. For example, I'd like to have furniture based on the raider cages that has captives stuffed into them. The Kite's Overbitch series illustrates the concept, though in addition to raiders the Synths seem like they're begging to have different furniture than just the generic stuff that appears in basic CC. 



I've talked about my ideas with the mod author and they've given me some insight into how to accomplish it, but it'll require a lot of trial and error which don't have the free time for at the moment :( 


14 hours ago, Miauzi said:


the decisive difference to the past is the use of "wasteland dairy framework"

this enables me to design the supply of a settlement completely differently -> some of the new settlers do not spend their working days on the field but in "medicinal" chairs or beds and "donate" blood, milk, seeds or produce food or raw materials using them


I've read about this mod and I considered it for this build. I don't remember what the blocker was but I ran into some kind of technical constraint and decided to save it for a future build. While I am slowly adding to and expanding my current setup, I'm doing it very carefully because I don't want to blow up my saved games or otherwise get into a corrupted state where I can't continue the story. 


14 hours ago, Miauzi said:

the mod series around "Fusion City" with e.g. "Outcast and Remnants" enables me to take over the institute peacefully - their technology is simply too valuable to be "blown up".


That's a pretty solid series. I used it in my previous playthrough, but I had to leave it out of this one for technical reasons (my setup is right on the edge of the settlement cap, and Thuggy's series requires a number of open settlement slots for some of its customizable interiors, and since I'd already played through all the mods I decided to leave them out). If the settlement limit ever gets overcome by the modding community, those mods will be on the short list to rejoin my game world.


14 hours ago, Miauzi said:

You went your own way and turned the hated object "Preston" into a character that I can understand very much. Oh how well I can understand his problems - I don't think I need to go into too much detail why.

For the way you handled this topic -> a thousand thanks


I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed how I handled Preston. Originally, I only installed the mod that gives Preston a female body because at the time I wasn't good enough with Outfit Studio to convert the vault suit for a male body. I kind of liked the end result, however, and it became a staple of my playthroughs. I wasn't 100% sure how I was going to write him for this story, but I'm happy with the result that I got.

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