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Ideas and Feedback



Please read before posting anything


Please note that this mod is still in early development and anything is subject to change.

I will try and take a look into every idea and see what I could possibly add. This does not mean any of these ideas will be in the final mod.


Ideas so far:

Improving dialog (Better, less repetitive conversations)

Less hard dependencies/light alternative

Small improvements to quests

More dialog options and paths to take

Slaver HQ

Including other mods (List at the end)

Side Events, Quests and Plots
Reworking or removing the Slave Sister system

Different kinds of clothing for slaves (List at the end)

Improving the prequest (Idea by @jxm)

Slave rank/level system

Reworking the nudity law (more realism for cold regions like Winterhold)

Content for escaped slaves (anti-slavery faction, slaver patrols, slave bounties)

Lesbian content 

Overthrow Pike and take over yourself

Simple version/Only core features version


List of suggested clothing mods so far:

Prisoner Clothes and Rags

Leather Harness

Mord Sith Cara Armor

SOS Revealing Armors



List of suggested mods so far:

Punishing Lashes


Devious Adventures

SexLab Survival (Linking the SE conversion)

Dwarven Cuirass

Dwarven Augmentation

Milk Mod Economy

Being a Cow

Latex Witch

Skyrims Licensed Universal Transport Service (S.L.U.T.S)

Paradise Halls


Edited by xKnallAnder


Recommended Comments

I really like slaverun reloaded


probably top 3 favorite mods for skyrim


I like what they did in submissive Lola with the piercings vibrating when you absorb dragon souls. I think that would be perfect for an enslaved dragonborn.


Another thing that could be integrated into slaverun is how when not in battle the PC is bound and dominated but whenever a fight breaks out it lets you get out of the restraints and fight. I think this would be great as well for Slaverun where the slavers have succeeded in enslaving and dominating the dragonborn but recognize their strength and lets them fight for the slavery cause when necessary or when danger is near. This can then be followed by humiliation and sex events where the dragonborn is brought back to her/his place.


There should also be dialogue where the NPC's recognize its the dragonborn and that the dragonborn has been enslaved. This can be done with amazement for the slavers for managing it, humiliating dialogue to the DB for being enslaved..as well of course scenes to go along with that.


Also there really wasn't much for a male PC other than being a slaver. I always thought that specially with Bellamy and Murphy having sex with each other and with other characters alluding to gay/bisexual relations, they would of added that option for a male PC. This could also include options for feminization components for a male PC. Making a male PC into a sissy slave (could add dependencies to other mods to achieve this)


Just like the female playthrough with the body morphing, training, tattoos, piercings make up etc done to the male PC that is enslaved


the male dragonborn would then have their own branch of quests to perform like the female counter part

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A couple more Ideas that i think were not utilized in slaverun and they should of been:


Pike's wife somehow managed to crawl up from being a slave to being a mistress/slaver by not breaking under the training and showing she liked to torture, train slaves so much that pike married her and made her a mistress


I always thought that if she could do it, then there's no way that the Dragonborn would not have the option to be able to do the same thing


 Using Pike's wife as precedent an optional path should be given to the Dragonborn to upgrade from being a slave to becoming a mistress as well. This could be done by toughing out the training and tortures and then showing you like to train and torture others.


You can then become the Master's second wife if he's already married or if you're re-using Bellamy, then as his wife with the option for the player to choose.


If the master is married there could be a conflict between Pike's first wife and the PC to see who becomes the more dominant and favorite


This can also be done through the Molag Bal training if you're re-using it or something similar


I always thought with how much fear the slavers had towards the Dremora then If someone can survive that training without breaking they should be recognized as being incredibly tough. The slavers would fear someone like that. In the old slaverun the PC essentially becomes the chosen of Molag Bal in Tamriel in a submissive role. If sticking to something similar however then the PC could also be made into a dominant chosen of Molag Bal To inflict pain, humiliation, torture to the world


There should be quests where PC then is sent out by Molag Bal and the Dremora to perform Tasks for them as well if you're keeping it....or for whatever new form it might take.


You can then also choose the succubus, daughter of Molag Bal path where you become the human female embodiment of Molag Bal


I also think that if the Thalmor are going to remain in the story, then there should be some Thalmor related training and quest lines as well. It seemed like a wasted opportunity to not have Thalmor related content at all or very little anyway.


Perhaps this can also be a path for the Dragonborn to show how special they are and become more than a slave.


Inversely if the player chooses to break in the training there should be Molag Bal, Dremora, Thalmor quests that can be done for a submissive slave


ie/ Thalmor party where PC gets tortured, humiliated for Thalmor fun. PC becoming Thalmor's favorite plaything toy as they enjoy humiliating and torturing the dragonborn and showing the Nords they have made the Dragonborn their submissive slave





Edited by Ds4nch3z
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Just a suggestion, I want to have TepiKneelHandsHead.hkx animation running (from ZaZ) whenever slave faction npcs talk with slaver faction npcs, and exit the animation when stop talking.

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saw that being a cow was suggested as a potential mod and just wanted to mention it might be better to use botticelli's alternate version since it still has active development/support and I think its script load is much lighter than the original bac.

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