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The Story of the Red Witch
Chapter Thirty Two: Making Moves



Part One


Silas’s outburst of another woman’s name didn’t so much anger her as it did surprise her because of not only how he said it, but whose name he said.


Liri: (Wait… Rosa—)




Liri felt a sharp pain in her neck and at first was tempted to push Silas away until she realized what he was doing.


Liri: H-hey… You’re hurting me…




Silas retreated from Liri and from the look on his face, even he was surprised by his actions.


Liri: (I’ve never seen him drink blood before…) …I-it’s not that big of a deal. I mean everyone—




Liri: What the fuck happened to your skin!?


Silas: What are you talking about?


Liri: Your skin changed! Quick! Take your gauntlets off or something!




Silas began to remove his gauntlets albeit rather slowly.


Silas: *sigh* (So she told Liri about THAT… I didn’t expect her to blab about that as well…) I don’t know what you’re getting at…




Silas: But my hands are perfectly—!!


With his gauntlets finally off, Silas was able to see exactly what Liri saw, that his skin had become, as Lisaly had put it, normal.


Silas: What the!?




Silas: No way… But that would mean…


Lisaly’s words ran through his head… ‘And cursed her and all of her line with the discolored skin that we have… Unless of course we feed from the person we love…’




Silas took a step back and visibly looked worn out.


Liri: What’s wrong? Did… Did my blood do something to you?




He had been so caught up in the suddenness of everything that Silas couldn’t even remember what her blood tasted like.


Silas: …Sorry, I’m fine. It’s just a lot of things are happening at once and I—




Liri: If it’s all too overwhelming, let’s take it one by one. Tell me… You… You kissing and biting me like that gave you a clue as to where Rosalie might be… Didn’t it?




Part Two


And just like that it was as if Silas had completely regained his composure from those words alone.


Silas: Psh! Don’t get me wrong, I’ve thought about it, but me and the squirt are JUST friends.




Silas: Besides, she’s married and as much of an ass as you may THINK I am, I’m rather particular about the women I lay with and how I treat them.


Liri: *sarcastically* Oh, DO tell.




Silas: Considering I JUST got off your shit list, I think I’ll pass.


Liri: *smirks* Fair enough.


Silas: Don’t worry though. You’ll have nothing to fear from her. She’s like… a sister to me.




Liri grimaced.


Liri: As comforting as that sounds, I hope she never hears you say that.


Silas sighed and Liri burst into laughter.


Liri: Oh. My. God! You told her this!?




Silas: Yeah… Besides… She’s got this ‘baggage’ known as Harkon’s brother floating around, and although I can take him, I’d rather not. He’s an annoying fucker to fight.


Liri: (Him…) You’ve fought?




Silas: Long ago when I not too long after I learned how to transform. And yes, he kicked my ass then, but we’re both not who we were then.


Liri: *smirks* I’m not judging.


Silas: … ANYWAY…




Silas forced his skin back to normal, pulled Liri close and wrapped his hands around her.


Silas: Rosalie contacted me. I taught her a skill that would allow her to do so while I was training her.




Liri: Can you—


Silas shook his head.


Silas: It works kind of how your link with Serana does, except it’s one way only. She talks, I listen.


Liri: Convenient.




Silas: As I said, she’s married. Neither of us wanted to chance me contacting her while she’s getting her brains—


Liri pushed him away and facepalmed.


Liri: I get the picture. You’re so tactless…




Silas: *shrugs* When you’re a god among men, who has time for tact?


Liri: And SO humble as well…


Liri laughed inwardly at how easy this all felt, and thought of what Innis had told her…



Part Three


'He's not THAT bad. He's quite the catch to be honest.'


Liri: …Can’t believe I’m only seeing this now…


Silas: What’s up?


Liri: *shakes her head* So… Are you leaving immediately?




Silas: *sigh* I’d rather spend more time with you, but Rose has been gone for months. Plus, I’ve got to give her a good beating for vanishing like she did.


Liri: *smiles* Hit her once for me!




Silas nodded, and started to leave…


Liri: Wait! I… Come with me first. It won’t be too long.


There was but a moment of silence between the two but it felt like an eternity.


Silas: …Alright.




Silas followed Liri up until they finally arrived at where the two of them had been sleeping before the fell out.


Silas: Heh, you said this wouldn’t be too long.


Liri: Huh?




Silas looked at Liri and then the bed, making her blush.


Liri: W-what!? No! Divines! What is it with everyone wanting me to fuck you today?




Silas encroached upon Liri and forced her against the wall.


Silas: Maybe it’s our destiny to do so? But again, considering it’s us… I don’t know if it’s going to be quick…




Being so close to Silas without actually touching one another made Liri’s heart race and she avoided his eyes.


Liri: I-I’m about a second away from treating you like those assholes in Solitude.




Silas: *smirks* I wouldn’t deserve it though.


Liri: I-I wouldn’t care.




Silas backed up and threw up his hand.


Silas: Fine... So, what is it that you wanted from—




Liri materialized Azsanwess’s collar in her hands and Silas frowned.


Silas: I see… I guess I had been avoiding this, huh. I guess it’s for the—



Part Four


Liri stopped him.


Liri: Personally, I don’t think you need it. I’ve faced beasts and berserkers before, and you definitely had more control than either. However…




Liri: I don’t want this collar to be a way of confining you… In the way you think anyway.


Silas: What’s that supposed to mean?


Liri: I told Aelfna that I want to settle down after everything…




Liri: And I meant it. So… How about this collar being something that… Represents our promise to stay together forever… Until we have time to get something more apt. What do you—




Silas immediately snatched the collar out of her hands and placed it around his neck.


Silas: So the real you likes to overdramatize everything… *smiles* Can’t say I dislike it.




Silas: Hmmm… But I wonder what I should get the woman that wears nothing… Matching collars?


Liri: Ugh… I’m never having anything around MY neck again, wolf boy.




Silas howled like a wolf and Liri giggled, making him smile as well.


Silas: *sigh* I wish we could have been like this before… Anyway, if that’s all—




Liri: There’s ONE more thing.


Silas: Lemme guess, it’s going to be quick.


Liri: Yup! Just a little trick I remembered from when I dealt with a certain ‘Ever-Knowing Witch’.




Liri blasted Silas with a flash of light, altering the clothing he was wearing.


Silas: Oh? Didn’t like my armor, I see.


Liri: Nope, it was too loud and clangy. Plus…




She walked over and embraced Silas.


Liri: This is SO much more huggable, and not as hard or cold. Now go out there and bring Rosalie back!


Silas: …I’ll do my best.




With a parting kiss, Silas made his exit from Azsanwess’s home.


Liri: *sigh* I wish we could have been like this before as well…


???: The meat sack thinks it has feelings. Cute.



Part Five


The lift lead Silas above ground, and he welcomed the cold wind like an old friend.


Silas: People change, times change, but Skyrim stays the same…


???: As do I.




Silas had hoped that the prickly feeling he felt was just his imagination, but sadly it wasn’t to be.


Silas: Last we saw each other you were face down in the dirt. What do you want, Neila?




Neila: You’re off to meet up with the pink haired vampire?


Silas: I am.


Neila: You DO know what I am, what I do?


Silas: You’ve been the Hand of the Emperor for generations now—




Neila: That I have, and WHAT happened to the last Emperor?


Silas: I heard the Dark Brotherhood killed him. But what…!!




Silas suddenly fell into an attack stance upon realizing to whom Neila’s bloodlust was actually directed towards.


Silas: I can’t let you kill her! I don’t care what she did—




Neila: When it comes her time to die, it WILL be by my hands. However, that is not why I am here.


Silas: Then what is it that you want?


Neila: …Tinira sent you to the Soul Cairn recently, correct?




Silas: Yeah?


Neila: Dammit all… Why do your problems always become mine, you shitty excuse for a Head!


Silas: What are you going on about?




Neila: I fought Foran not too long ago, and… I think he may know of this base’s location.


Silas: What!? We have to warn everyone—




Neila blocked him and shook her head.


Neila: They can fend for themselves, especially the redhead. What you need to be focused on is gaining allies, getting Auriel’s Bow, stopping TInira and Harkon…




Neila: …And preparing to face the man you killed to become the Head of Clan Volstikar.


Silas: Nero? But he’s been dead for so long! There’s no way—



Part Six


Neila: You honestly believe TInira would send you to the Soul Cairn JUST to torment you? And yes, I read your mind, boy.


Silas: …So you believe she brought him back?




Neila: *shakes head* I don’t think he ever died at all. I believe all of this has been a long game to keep you in check.


Silas: But why? If she loved… That doesn’t make sense with what Lisaly—




Neila: Your wife was a ghost before you became the Head. And with her death, a multitude of things changed within Tinira. I believe that you never dealt the finishing blow to Nero and instead…




Neila: Tinira sent him to the Soul Cairn, where he could rest up and get prepared for whatever they had planned.


Silas: Which was?


Neila: Night Unending, vampires overthrowing the natural order.




Silas: And how do I know that you’re not sided with them?


Neila: Because I am willing to… OVERLOOK my doppelganger’s atrocities in order to prevent the Night Unending from happening!




Silas: (She’s willing to… Side with us, with Rosalie, in order to defeat Harkon and Tinira? This really is the end of days…) What makes you so sure that he didn’t die?




Neila: When a ‘great’ vampire such as Nero dies we all feel it in our bones. The loss, or in your case, shift in power.


Silas: And you didn’t feel it… But then… Why can I turn into a Vampire Lord?




Neila: *glares* Because Tinira can turn into one, and given enough time, a sire’s abiblites will manifest in their progeny! Are you done now?


Silas could tell that something was up with her and swallowed his impending questions.


Silas: *nods* Y-yeah… Let’s go.




The pair sped off towards Solitude as question after question built up inside of Silas’s head to ask of Neila…




However there was one thing he feared more than anything…


Silas: (If Tinira, Harkon AND Nero can become Vampire Lords AND they have Foran… Do we really stand a chance?)



Part Seven

Liri tensed up as she remembered that savage sounding voice…


Liri: (He can’t be here… There’s no way—)


???: There’s always a way. And you have that vampire to thank for this.




Liri: *spins around* Silas never would! You think I’m going to fall for that, Foran!


Foran: I wasn’t talking about that weakling in the first place, worm! In fact…




Foran gathered an immense amount of Magicka and gave Liri an unsettling smirk.


Foran: I think I’m done talking altogether!




Foran rushed at Liri with his inhuman speed and took a swing at her…




However, instead of feeling her bones break behind his force, all he got was a smirk from the unfazed Nord.


Foran: So you’re playing this game again are you?




Liri: No… I’m done playing!


The ‘Liri’ in front of Foran disintegrated and the vampire groaned.


Foran: You honestly think a meat sack like you can stand against—




Foran turned around and stood face to face with a giant unstable ball of flames.


Foran: Haven’t we done this already?


Liri: You tell me, ‘weakling’.




Enraged, Foran punched the fireball causing the upper level of Azsanwess’s home to go up in flames…




…And alerting everyone present to the presence of an intruder.


Vori: What in Oblivion—!! Those flames…


Azsanwess: Hmmm… Seems like Plan N drew some unwelcome attention.




Vori: You’re okay with this!? They found us and we’re not ready! We’re screwed—


Aelfna: Stop yelling at her, and look!



Part Eight

Everyone followed where she was pointing towards only to see Foran emerge from the flames holding Liri by the neck.




Foran: I’m surprised you’re still conscious, worm.


Liri: *cough* *cough* I’m surprised you still think you can kill me *cough* ‘weakling’…




Foran: *smirks* Say hello to your harlot of a mother in Oblivion, Silas’s whore!


Liri’s eyes lit up in anger, but before she could say or do anything…




Foran released his grip on Liri, sending her careening to the ground below.




Liri: (I… I should be able to survive this! But if not… Is this how it all ends… Innis… Silas… I’m sorry…)




Seeing that Liri wasn’t making a move to save herself, panic gripped Teresa.


Teresa: Damn it all! She froze up! Sevet—




Always in sync with each other, the Imperial didn’t need to be told, as she had already leapt into the air, on a direct course with Liri…




Caught Liri out of thin air…




Repositioned Liri and, albeit it roughly, got them both back to the ground with minimal damage done to Liri… The same couldn’t be said for Sevetia’s back.




Immediately Teresa pushed Liri off of Sevetia, and began treating the Imperial.


Teresa: You… Why did you freeze? What could he have possibly said or done to make you—



Part Nine

Liri: He disgraced my mother…


Teresa: You’re joking… Sevetia risked herself because you can’t handle someone talking about your fucking mother? I should finish what Foran started and—




Innis and Serana stood before Teresa.


Innis: You couldn’t possibly understand! None of you could! How our mother sacrificed… Just thinking of what I’d do if someone tried to ridicule her memory—




Instantly Liri began to disintegrate before their very eyes…




And in the next moment, and torrent of flames shot out from the top floor… Along with Foran himself.




Serana: Dammit Liri…


Innis: Sis…


Vori: What? What’s wrong you two? Isn’t this great? She’s winning now, right?


Innis: She is…




Innis: But at what cost.


Looking up, everyone saw Liri standing at the edge of the landing, but she looked much, much paler than most remember her looking.


Liri: I’m not done with you… Weakling…




Liri jumped down after him, and engulfed one of her fists with flames.


Liri: You think… I’ll let you get away with saying that!!!




The collision of Liri’s first and Foran’s guard caused an intense explosion that would have turned a normal vampire to ashes…




But Foran was no normal vampire.


Foran: Have you learned nothing!


He swung at Liri, who easily evaded.


Foran: You match up poorly to me, meat! And today’s the day…




Foran: I seep this into every fiber of your being!


Liri: No… Today’s the day I finally rid myself and Silas of you!



Part Ten

Serana: Azsanwess! We can’t stay here! She’s putting on a big front, but who knows how long Liri can hold up with her seal broken? Please tell me you’ve got a plan for a scenario like—




Serana: This… Azsanwess?!


Azsanwess: *sigh* You all are always five steps behind.


They looked over and saw Azsanwess standing with Zidayane.


Azsanwess: Yes, I have a Plan L for times like this.




Azsanwess said something to the Snow Elf in its language and after receiving something that looked like a confirmation, Azsanwess motioned everyone towards the lift.




Skirting around Liri and Foran’s duel, everyone was able to safely make it towards the lift.


Vori: Leaving isn’t going to solve anything! He can just follow after us!


Azsanwess: Can he now?




Azsanwess pressed a button on the side of the lift’s lever and the sound of something being summoned was heard.


Aelfna: W-what was that!?


Azsanwess: A portal. To my lab. It’s not what you’d call—




Teresa: Does it have anywhere where Sevetia can rest?


Azsanwess: But of course.


That was all the vampire needed to hear as she immediately walked through the portal with Sevetia in her arms.




One by one everyone else ventured through the portal until only Azsanwess, Innis, Serana, Liri and Foran remained within the Dunmer’s home.


Azsanwess: Come on you two! Let’s go!




Innis: I’m not leaving her!


Serana: I don’t want to either… But look at that!




Serana: Do you really want to get in between THAT?


Innis: Want or not, we HAVE to! I know the signs of fatigue from the seal better than ANYONE! If Liri continues at this pace, she’ll die!




Azsanwess: I think I have a plan… DGA-17! To me!


Seconds later the automaton that had accompanied Innis earlier appeared before the trio.


Azsanwess: Looks like it’s my time to shine.



Part Eleven

Azsanwess: DGA-17, when you get the signal, I want you to detain the intruder… That big vampire and do not stop no matter what!


DGA-17: The probability of this units survival is less than—




Azsanwess: JUST DO IT!


Azsanwess shot out a ball of light from her hands and aimed right behind Liri who was taking a beating now.


Azsanwess: You two, hurry inside the portal!




Trusting the Dunmer’s judgment, Serana and Innis went through the portal and as soon as they went through, Azsanwess shot another ball of Magicka at the base of the portal.




Azsanwess: (That’s it. Now It’s all up to that brute…)




Liri’s limbs were beginning to feel heavy, but she knew if she stopped for a single second she’d be at Foran’s mercy. However for now, it seemed like the most she could do was defend…




Liri: (It’s… It’s like he’s become stronger than before… But there’s just no way…)


Foran: Again you bore me, meat. I suppose I should finish this now that your friends have abandoned you!




The split second that Liri glance behind her was all Foran needed to break through her defenses with a sharp kick and send her flying… Straight towards Azsanwess’s ball of light.




However, instead of crashing into the ground, when Liri hit the ball of light she was teleported through it to Azsanwess’s second spell and her momentum sent her flying through the initial portal…




Realizing what had happened, Foran flew towards Azsanwess in a rage.


Azsanwess: NOW!


Azsanwess dispelled her spells and went through the portal as her automaton flew at Foran…




However Foran decomissioned DGA-17 with but a single blow.




Foran continued towards the portal…



Part Twelve

However, just as he was about to reach it the portal closed before him.




Foran’s bestial roars were deafening as once again Liri was able to escape his clutches.


Foran: COWARDS! Next we meet, I’ll kill them ALL!




Tinira: I knew this was going to happen. *smirk* You just LOVE to play with your food after all…


Yslif: All he had to do was keep the annoyances here. This is twice he’s failed. Let someone else—




Foran glared at Yslif who flinched.


Foran: Before you criticize me, how about you do ANYTHING of worth, you maggot!


???: Yslif has been an invaluable asset in obtaining influence, Foran.




Foran snarled.


Foran: I still don’t like this! Teaming up with those Volkihar weaklings… We should end him NOW Tinira!


Harkon: You still don’t get it, do you boy… This isn’t HER call.




Foran: It sure as hell isn’t yours! Just give me the word and I’ll give you his head Tinira!


Tirira: …I would like you to stop such talk in front of my… new fiancée…




Foran: You’re joking…


Harkon: *fondles Tinira* Afraid not. Our clans were to have been bound by marriage centuries ago, but neither Silas nor Serana were true to the cause.




Harkon: With my wife a dead traitor, there’s no reason to postpone this any longer. Besides, it’s what the TRUE Head of your Clan desires.


Foran: Tinira! You WANT to marry this bastard?




???: No, she does not. However… She’s never had much say in the fate of our Clan, mutt.


Foran: Who in Oblivion do you think you—!!




Foran fell to a knee and changed his tone.


Foran: I… I didn’t know that this was YOUR will, Nero!


Nero: Of course you didn’t. A dog needn’t concern itself with its master’s affairs. Remember that.






Recommended Comments

Not sure if it’s the ENB, but I LOVE the tint of  Azsanwess’s blue skin! It’s that perfect blue with turquoise highlighted contours! 

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Another good chapter ! Aside from the usual, well managed relational developments, we've also had a bit of fighting, with some contenders serious enough to withstand Liri's open sealed state ! That scene with Foran and Liri was badass (though I'm not sure that Foran punching a fireball without being a wizard completely made sense). Also, a bit too much of theatrical entrances ("the door was open" type) for the bad guys, but it allowed to create a flavorful crisis situation, and leaves the reader hyped. The twist about Azsanwess' spells placed at foreseen location was great too. Anyway, the shounen parts were specially entertaining ! :smiley:


Kudos for the firepunch btw (wondered if you used some of movable projectile of if it was photoshopped) :


On 2/4/2020 at 2:58 AM, devious-Drunna said:

Not sure if it’s the ENB, but I LOVE the tint of  Azsanwess’s blue skin! It’s that perfect blue with turquoise highlighted contours! 

Malicia : « You need to read more about The smurfs. There are plenty like her there, yes. :classic_sleepy: »



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