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3 hours ago, B10HAZARD. said:

Meanwhile, in the uk...

Bad times for normal folk. Would be fantastic time for movie crews to film without interference. Imagine the car chases! ?


9 hours ago, porkybork said:

I revisited my storyline save file to take a few screenshots of Ivy.

You sure make purdy sims, P.B. ?

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Scarface series

Tony: What the fuck happend....Ahh... Shit.... Manny I need you... I need you armano.  You asshole Antonio. You know why? You don't listen pendejo. Not even to yourself...

You fucked up... You caused this... this everything....


Tony: Hey Sosa no one takes Tony Montana down, but me. You hear me Sosa... No one but me!


Tony: I'm gonna call George(Tony's Lawyer). revenge5.jpg.7c0c0ceaeb0202d329f6eeeff1b8b55b.jpg

George Sheffield: Hey babies I can make you both famous, but first how about a little head eh?


George Hold that thought ladies... my phone is ringing... Agh Shit...


Tony: We need to talk George.

George: Tony?! Come on, where have you been what happend?

Tony: War that's what. Sosa proably think I'm dead or run off or something... This is my town and my world George and no one is going to take this away from me!


George: Tony baby you know the score... It's going to be dangerous to be associated with you.. Sosa has already given your rackets and your turf to the Diaz Brothers, Gaspar Gomez and Nacho Contreraz.

Tony: They are all fuckin cockroaches, I'm coming to meet you in the Babylon Club. See you soon.

George Shit... I'm screwed.




Tony: Sosa fuckin cocksucker you did me a favour you shit...I got rid of my baggage... Made me lean like before....

Okay.... what you gotta do to make this right Antonio? Sosa this piece of shit must die, I'm going to bring a war against that fuck.

Anybody who try to work with him .fuck em all!.


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While I'm still slowly working on Sohwa and Cindy, I want to try a particular post


Character sheet: Ailana Holiday





Full name: Ailana Holiday

Nickname(s): Ai

Gender: Female

Species: Simosapien

Blood type:  AB

Age: 49

Birthday: 7/22

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog

Nationality: Simerican

Ethnicity: White Simerican

Place of birth: Willow Creek

Education: Associate degree in Fine Arts at Sim State University

Career: Musician

Role: Songwriter, producer, concert pianist 

Median pay: $1,067/hour

Creator: Keollyn
Height: 165.1 cm

Weight:  60 kgs

Figure/Build/Body Type: THICC (mostly waist/hips)

Hair color: Red (pomegranate?)

Hairstyle: Waist length

Eye color: Green

Skin/Fur color: Pale Ivory

Facial hairstyle: N/A

Tattoos: N/A

Scars/distinguishing marks: Facial freckles

Piercings: Ears

Makeup: Eyeliner, lipstick

Accessories: Bracelet (heart and word "Love"), wedding ring and various chokers

Personality:  Ambitious, romantic, family-oriented, alluring, compassionate, loyal, impulsive buyer

Sexual orientation: Bisexual 

Likes: Family activities, dining, traveling, pleasurable sounds

Dislikes: Liars, bad music (though she respects legitimate attempts at music and is more tolerable in that case), conceit

Phobias: Losing a child, arachnophobia 

Favorite color: Pink

Hobbies: Cooking, dining and dancing, movies

Habits: Buying clothes that don't fit (almost to the point of unreasonable), overspending 

Mannerisms: Attentive, readiness, soft-spoken 

Handedness: Right

Flaws: Terrible with the handling of money. If she did not have a successful profession, alongside a husband that's also successful, she'd be in debt

Quirks: Extremely loyal and will do anything for her friends/family

Allergies: N/A

Addictions: Shopping

Talents: Can play the piano, guitar, organ and drums at a professional level, exceptional culinary skill and a very gifted mediator (a talent she picked up by raising 5 children relatively close in age)
Favorite food(s): Clam chowder, omelet

Favorite drink(s): N/A (does not drink)

Disliked food(s): Salmon

Disliked drink(s): N/A 

Parents: Realistically N/A (Alpha Sim), Matt and Caroline Stewart

Siblings: Realistically N/A (Alpha Sim), Josh and Amber

Other relatives: TBD

Intimate relationships: Soma Holiday; husband

Children: Lana, Seth, Nulora, Emerada, Emerald, Sohwa and Proje

Facts: Did you know Ailana originally scoffed at the idea of having children? She felt that it would get in the way of her career. Now, she could not have it any other way.


I'll likely move these kinds of post to blogs, since I do desire to give my sims more fleshed-out identities. Besides, such a post is likely not relevant here

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I made a few elders for the Goth household. Spoiler alert: 2/3 of these sims will be dead in the final version of PBW.


Mortimer's father, Gunther Goth:



Mortimer's mother, Cornelia Goth:



And Cornelia's younger sister, Agnes Crumplebottom:



I'll add one more sim – that will also be dead in the final product – for the Willow Creek neighborhood. Any guesses as to who it'll be? Hint: they're related to Agnes Crumplebottom in some way.


On another note, I still don't know what I'll do for Oasis Springs and Newcrest.


@Juliette Tango Thanks, I try. ?

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Been going a bit crazy last few days with the lack of space ? with school and work closed I ended up with a couple more kids for a few days, feeling worn out already but glad today's quieter, 

Was hard to get my XXX on and be online etc so will be glad for some peace tonight and a kid free room ?

I hope everyone is safe and I'll be doing my best to catch up and stay sane ? love to all ?

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My Sopranos stay offline most of this time, I fear we rl need webspace for a functional normal life and business.

But this is the time to play something offline which is more boring... EA shit...


Judy Wards (criminal) double and her maiden Andrea










my so much beloved gay couple Danny and Markus Flex




And there is something to rent....




Fat thanks to JulietteTango for that idea!

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13 hours ago, Proje said:

I've been loving these Alpha Mama touch-ups

Girls sure got nice curves! Sure don't want to flatten those ?


4 hours ago, Mariana Soprano said:

Judy Wards (criminal) double and her maiden Andrea

Thanks for sharing... what is it about maids that make them so sexy?

Re: something to rent - the desk will cost extra, Mariana ?

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Hey all! Hope you are well ❤️


Some news caught my eye and knowing that some simmers are health workers and key workers of other means.. 


Seems scum are mugging health and key workers for  ID cards to claim any support they get during the covid lock down, 
Eg, free food, discounts etc, 
Make sure you keep them tucked or hidden as best as possible while travelling to and from work! 

Stay safe  all those on the front line and I hope it's over soon xx

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@R-Lo Crazy times we live in right now. As shocking as it is, I can't say I'm surprised to hear about these muggings. Before the lockdown I was still out and about in the countryside working and I saw the full extent of human selfishness and stupidity. People treating this like a holiday and disregarding all rules, laws and advice. Panic buying , having parties, going camping and loads of other shit. Got to the point where I had to start kicking arses and closing down rural hotspots. I hope to God these people still keep going out so the police can arrest them. Bunch of dicks ?


I hope you and the family are keeping well right now. Same goes to everyone else. Stay frosty!

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Crazy times indeed - Where I live is completely deserted at the moment, usually always a few people about. We sensibly stocked up a few bits and pieces, there was hardly anything left because of the panic buyers. Toilet Roll is especially hard to come by we did already have some. My workplace closed for a couple of weeks, cannot work from home. I'll see how it goes when I'm due to go back as I rely on public transport.


Nick disturbed by those monster dreams ...... (vanilla pics and no monsters) :D








More under the spoiler








"I think now also, no more Mario. I think you've fulfilled that fantasy now" said Nadine, "We need to focus on us".

"You're right" said Nick, "Thanks for standing by me, not many people would, I'll try to surpress those urges. It's always been you Nadine, no one else comes close".


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