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1 hour ago, MadMansGun said:

the dragon/dragon animations are:

Dragons DoggyStyle

actor1=Female or Male

Dragon Games


Dragons 69


Dragons Forced Threesome

actor1=Female or Male


then there is the solo animation

Dragon Self Service


how well stuff works/starts depends on other things, Eg:

sexlab's match creature gender setting.

the order in that you hit the actors with matchmaker (if using matchmaker).

if the dragon starts flying (forcing sexlab to abort).


Alright thanks for the help

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Form 43 (or lower) plugins are modules that were made for Skyrim LE (Oldrim) and have not been properly ported to Skyrim Special Edition, which uses form 44 plugins. This usually results in parts of the mod not working correctly.




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3 hours ago, nina74 said:

What mods do i all need to instal for this to work?


the basic SL & MNC setup


2 hours ago, nina74 said:

Form 43 (or lower) plugins are modules that were made for Skyrim LE (Oldrim) and have not been properly ported to Skyrim Special Edition, which uses form 44 plugins. This usually results in parts of the mod not working correctly.

43 plugins are fine in SE.

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  • 3 weeks later...

finally got the compiler working after all this time, but still trying to solve 2 issues with mod.


1.Dragon penises are still being replaced by the black dog penis


2.Despite editing the ever living hell out of Devourment Refractor's Conditional, Management, and Sexlab files, I STILL can't for the life of me swap the vore anims to lethal and am not sure if I'm supposed to edit something in HCS or DR. Anytime a dragon or mammoth eats someone (player included) it STILL just does the endo mechanic and the npc is still there "inside".

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I'm building a Synthesis patch for my load order, and I'm constantly getting this error:



No extra data to consider.
(C:\Users\Arag\AppData\Local\Temp\Synthesis\2bb878d8-510a-4adb-bb95-00e8a35c3d60\Git\k2sif1pa.2pe\Runner\AmuletsShowOnEverything): dotnet build --runtime win-x64 "AmuletsShowOnEverything.csproj" -c Release
Sha d3d049c421183aac856556f914eaa0ead76beed3
(): dotnet run --project "C:\Users\Arag\AppData\Local\Temp\Synthesis\2bb878d8-510a-4adb-bb95-00e8a35c3d60\Git\k2sif1pa.2pe\Runner\AmuletsShowOnEverything\AmuletsShowOnEverything.csproj" -c Release --runtime win-x64 --no-build check-runnability --DataFolderPath "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data" --GameRelease SkyrimSE --LoadOrderFilePath C:\Users\Arag\AppData\Local\Temp\Synthesis\2bb878d8-510a-4adb-bb95-00e8a35c3d60\Workspace\Plugins.txt
(): dotnet run --project "C:\Users\Arag\AppData\Local\Temp\Synthesis\2bb878d8-510a-4adb-bb95-00e8a35c3d60\Git\k2sif1pa.2pe\Runner\AmuletsShowOnEverything\AmuletsShowOnEverything.csproj" --runtime win-x64 --no-build -c Release run-patcher --DataFolderPath "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data" --ExtraDataFolder D:\Games\steamapps\common\Tools\Synthesis\Data\AmuletsShowOnEverything --GameRelease SkyrimSE --LoadOrderFilePath C:\Users\Arag\AppData\Local\Temp\Synthesis\2bb878d8-510a-4adb-bb95-00e8a35c3d60\Workspace\Plugins.txt --OutputPath "C:\Users\Arag\AppData\Local\Temp\Synthesis\2bb878d8-510a-4adb-bb95-00e8a35c3d60\Workspace\0 - AmuletsShowOnEverything" --PatcherName AmuletsShowOnEverything
Mutagen version: 0.31
Mutagen sha: cf708daf0b89c643b94bf08c28e7ab2a719d9451
Synthesis version: 0.19.3
Synthesis sha: e765ef1333b34f3ded15de6ed5ec18983ee48c36
run-patcher --DataFolderPath "D:\Games\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data" --ExtraDataFolder D:\Games\steamapps\common\Tools\Synthesis\Data\AmuletsShowOnEverything --GameRelease SkyrimSE --LoadOrderFilePath C:\Users\Arag\AppData\Local\Temp\Synthesis\2bb878d8-510a-4adb-bb95-00e8a35c3d60\Workspace\Plugins.txt --OutputPath "C:\Users\Arag\AppData\Local\Temp\Synthesis\2bb878d8-510a-4adb-bb95-00e8a35c3d60\Workspace\0 - AmuletsShowOnEverything" --PatcherName AmuletsShowOnEverything
Prepping state.
RecordException  => NakedWerewolfRedHard (005AC1:HornyCreatures.esp<ArmorAddon>): BOD2 type not expected on versions < 43 System.ArgumentException: BOD2 type not expected on versions < 43
   at Mutagen.Bethesda.Skyrim.Internals.BodyTemplateBinaryOverlay.CustomFactory(OverlayStream stream, BinaryOverlayFactoryPackage package)
   at Mutagen.Bethesda.Skyrim.Internals.ArmorAddonBinaryOverlay.GetBodyTemplateCustom()
   at Mutagen.Bethesda.Skyrim.Internals.ArmorAddonBinaryOverlay.get_BodyTemplate()
   at KhajiitEarsShow.Program.RunPatch(SynthesisState`2 state) in C:\Users\Arag\AppData\Local\Temp\Synthesis\2bb878d8-510a-4adb-bb95-00e8a35c3d60\Git\k2sif1pa.2pe\Runner\AmuletsShowOnEverything\Program.cs:line 46   at KhajiitEarsShow.Program.RunPatch(SynthesisState`2 state) in C:\Users\Arag\AppData\Local\Temp\Synthesis\2bb878d8-510a-4adb-bb95-00e8a35c3d60\Git\k2sif1pa.2pe\Runner\AmuletsShowOnEverything\Program.cs:line 67
   at Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis.SynthesisPipeline.<>c__DisplayClass44_0`2.<Patch>b__0(IPatcherState`2 state) in D:\a\Synthesis\Synthesis\Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis\SynthesisPipeline.cs:line 524
   at Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis.SynthesisPipeline.<>c__DisplayClass12_0`2.<<AddPatch>b__0>d.MoveNext() in D:\a\Synthesis\Synthesis\Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis\SynthesisPipeline.cs:line 94
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis.SynthesisPipeline.Run(RunSynthesisMutagenPatcher args, ModKey exportKey) in D:\a\Synthesis\Synthesis\Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis\SynthesisPipeline.cs:line 456
   at Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis.SynthesisPipeline.Run(RunSynthesisMutagenPatcher args) in D:\a\Synthesis\Synthesis\Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis\SynthesisPipeline.cs:line 404
   at Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis.SynthesisPipeline.<>c__DisplayClass36_0.<<InternalRun>b__1>d.MoveNext() in D:\a\Synthesis\Synthesis\Mutagen.Bethesda.Synthesis\SynthesisPipeline.cs:line 378
Synthesis.Bethesda.Execution.CliUnsuccessfulRunException: Error running solution patcher
   at Synthesis.Bethesda.Execution.Patchers.SolutionPatcherRun.Run(RunSynthesisPatcher settings, CancellationToken cancel)
   at Synthesis.Bethesda.Execution.Runner.Run[TKey](String workingDirectory, ModPath outputPath, String dataFolder, IEnumerable`1 loadOrder, GameRelease release, IEnumerable`1 patchers, IRunReporter`1 reporter, CancellationToken cancellation, ModPath sourcePath, PersistenceMode persistenceMode, String persistencePath)


To check the reason why, I removed the offending werewolf ID, and it jumped to the next
NakedWerewolfRedHard (005AC1:HornyCreatures.esp<ArmorAddon>)


Does anyone have an idea what to do?

Edited by aragonit
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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, robbedragon said:

Would a mod that does like "Automatic Variants" or "Dynamic Animal Variants" work with this mod? Like showing their junk and all on the different skins? Or do those type of mods clash with this type?

i can't patch them, they use a esp generator therefor no 2 users have the same esp.

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so, I'm not exactly sure which page to post this to because I'm not exactly sure what mod is affecting it but I think it's this one since it adds Urta the Fox from Horny Werewolves. I got a mesh problem currently, in which the head from HDT werewolves is overriding Urta's head, both of them appearing in the same spot. I believe that the skin was made by Kirakitty, which there is a patch for their skins and I'm wondering if this would work, but if it doesn't what actions should I take? And is it possible to change the dick from a horse to a wolf dick? Seeing a horse dick on a werewolf is... odd and looks unpleasing to me.


Edit: it did not work.

Edited by buddyman4925
New info
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4 hours ago, buddyman4925 said:

so, I'm not exactly sure which page to post this to because I'm not exactly sure what mod is affecting it but I think it's this one since it adds Urta the Fox from Horny Werewolves. I got a mesh problem currently, in which the head from HDT werewolves is overriding Urta's head, both of them appearing in the same spot. I believe that the skin was made by Kirakitty, which there is a patch for their skins and I'm wondering if this would work, but if it doesn't what actions should I take?

the nif would probably need to be edited (NifSkope), maybe the esp as well (xedit).


4 hours ago, buddyman4925 said:

And is it possible to change the dick from a horse to a wolf dick? Seeing a horse dick on a werewolf is... odd and looks unpleasing to me.

copy the female line to the male line in armoraddon.

but you do know that "Urta the Fox" was (loosely) based on corruption of champions right?

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35 minutes ago, MadMansGun said:

the nif would probably need to be edited (NifSkope), maybe the esp as well (xedit).


copy the female line to the male line in armoraddon.

but you do know that "Urta the Fox" was (loosely) based on corruption of champions right?

not gonna lie, I have no idea how to do either of those or where to begin.

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I'm not sure where to ask this , I was googlin around and ended up here.  I think I read on some other post something about a controller patch from MadMansGun. I think it was sexlab 1.62 and werewolf something or another, anyways it somehow landed me here.  My problem is probably an old one-cant use tfc while vampire lord animation. worse the camera pins underneath the actors and cant see anything.  I've tried using immersive first person mod which of course enables 1st person in Vampire Lord form, but unfortunately didnt fix the no tfc issue.  I've never really played as vampire lord or beast form. always found a little ridiculous , But now I've created a vampire mod that if certain needs aren't met within an given timeframe. then she gets all blood frenzied and really horny then forced into vampirelord until enough kills and enough sex has sated her.  got it all working except cant see the frickin animations when played. 

   Does anybody know a fix for this?

Edited by Dg75
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1 hour ago, Dg75 said:

I'm not sure where to ask this , I was googlin around and ended up here.  I think I read on some other post something about a controller patch from MadMansGun. I think it was sexlab 1.62 and werewolf something or another, anyways it somehow landed me here.  My problem is probably an old one-cant use tfc while vampire lord animation. worse the camera pins underneath the actors and cant see anything.  I've tried using immersive first person mod which of course enables 1st person in Vampire Lord form, but unfortunately didnt fix the no tfc issue.  I've never really played as vampire lord or beast form. always found a little ridiculous , But now I've created a vampire mod that if certain needs aren't met within an given timeframe. then she gets all blood frenzied and really horny then forced into vampirelord until enough kills and enough sex has sated her.  got it all working except cant see the frickin animations when played. 

   Does anybody know a fix for this?

use SexLab v1.62 fixes or SexLab Utility Plus (not both)




also you don't need to use tfc, just use sexlab's freecam button (number pad's 3 key).

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On 10/13/2021 at 8:33 PM, MadMansGun said:

use SexLab v1.62 fixes or SexLab Utility Plus (not both)




also you don't need to use tfc, just use sexlab's freecam button (number pad's 3 key).

All right Thank You ! Ill give this a try, and sorry I do use the sexlab tfc(freecam) Just assumed they were the same.


Edit  Successes! Thanks again. I used the sexlab utility plus. it didn't allow for sexlab's freecam while in VL form, but it did fix the camera so as everything is visible.  Apparently fixed some other things as well.

Edited by Dg75
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
12 hours ago, davejack said:

Hello there, when i tried to initiate animations with deers or elks, the animation would just stop and the deer would start running in place, how do you fix this?



5. make sure you have "Allow Creature Animation" checked in SexLab's MCM settings.


6. turn off "Match Creature Gender" in sexlab's MCM settings, if this setting is enabled some animations won't play.


7. did you forget to install the FNIS Creature Pack? install it and rerun the GenerateFNISforUsers.exe, then do steps 5 & 8
NOTE: if you do have the Creature Pack but some creatures are just playing idle animations during sex or not moving try clicking on "De-Install Creatures" in FNIS, after it's done running click on "Update FNIS Behavior"
(doing this will delete all the creature behavior files generated by FNIS and remake new ones...that is assuming you DO have the FNIS Creature Pack installed)


8. you may need to reload the animations, go to the Animation Loader's MCM and then:
8.1. click on the "Disable All" button.
8.2. click on "Rebuild Animation Registry", then Wait for the message to pop up*.
8.3. click on "Reload JSON".
8.4. click on "Enable All".
8.5. click on "Count Animations" and make sure nothing is over 1000, turn off some animations if they are.
8.6. click on "Register Animations", then Wait for the message to pop up*.
*if you like you can press "~" on your keyboard to open the console so you can watch it Register everything, just make sure you close it before you try to click on anything.



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