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to many pages to read. so i was wondering is this mod going to be compatible with skse .17? the game runs fine so far and my other mods seem to function but the pop up saying dll is missing does get annoying. if not ill do the work around to use .16 with the new skyrim just curious is all. 

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Just looking for a little help here.  I tried setting this up a while back but gave up, hoping someone here can point out where I'm screwing up.  I have all the dependencies installed for SoS.  I've downloaded the .rar file from this site, and made sure that my SKSE and runtime versions matched (I'm still on the last versions before this latest Skyrim update).


I try to install SoS with ModOrganizer (file -> install mod) using the .rar file.  It creates the main SoS folder in my mods folder.  Inside that folder is a folder called "meshes", a folder called "SKSE", and a meta.ini file.  Shouldn't there be an .esp or .bsa file (or both)?  

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6 hours ago, kswiggle said:

to many pages to read. so i was wondering is this mod going to be compatible with skse .17? the game runs fine so far and my other mods seem to function but the pop up saying dll is missing does get annoying. if not ill do the work around to use .16 with the new skyrim just curious is all. 

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what exactly is the fix you're referring to? I accidentally updated all my mods (including the USSEP like an idiot) not realizing some will break, so now I need to try and somehow rollback skse but keep my new skyrim se version. Unless someone happens to have the old USSEP and is willing to upload it to dropbox and post it here? D; 

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5 hours ago, DrankDrink said:

Just looking for a little help here.  I tried setting this up a while back but gave up, hoping someone here can point out where I'm screwing up.  I have all the dependencies installed for SoS.  I've downloaded the .rar file from this site, and made sure that my SKSE and runtime versions matched (I'm still on the last versions before this latest Skyrim update).


I try to install SoS with ModOrganizer (file -> install mod) using the .rar file.  It creates the main SoS folder in my mods folder.  Inside that folder is a folder called "meshes", a folder called "SKSE", and a meta.ini file.  Shouldn't there be an .esp or .bsa file (or both)?  

Does the mod installer window show up for you when you install the mod? @DrankDrink

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52 minutes ago, Fetterbr said:

may i ask what mods you use to get the female carekter have a dick

I'm using Schlongs of Skyrim SE along with


SoS - High Poly Futanari Addon + Bodyslide Files




And Textures for "SOS schlong for females" and "SOS - Equipable Schlong" UNP and CBBE Support




Goto player settings in the Schlongs of Skyrim MCM menu in-game to add it on to your character. Then hit the ` key (to the left of "1" above "tab") and type "showracemenu" and navigate over to "genitals" and you can edit how you like.

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2 hours ago, JT0810 said:

I'm using Schlongs of Skyrim SE along with


SoS - High Poly Futanari Addon + Bodyslide Files

  Reveal hidden contents



And Textures for "SOS schlong for females" and "SOS - Equipable Schlong" UNP and CBBE Support

  Reveal hidden contents



Goto player settings in the Schlongs of Skyrim MCM menu in-game to add it on to your character. Then hit the ` key (to the left of "1" above "tab") and type "showracemenu" and navigate over to "genitals" and you can edit how you like.

well now i am running SSE version and CBBE 3bbb body so i dont think i can for now.

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Can someone teach me,, how SOS SE work with physics? 


I am thinking if I can move SOS SE with CBPC only,,, then hope to get knowledge about SOS mesh and bone

I know SOS SE support hdt-smp (by using kampo offered meshes and hdt-smp xmls) but  CBPC may work without use HDT-smp version?


(because  I see kind of shaking about  sos meshes, (tesicles and penis) when I run jump and pose PC (SOS) . 

but when start sexlab animation, SOS will arrouse, then after that it seems lost all physics (CBPC) movement.

(but still keep collision effect, with vagina etc, it is discribed in CBPC config files)


So why these thing may happen?  at current for CBPC only test, I hide all hdt related xmls. and just install default SOS se version. Then assgin SOS nodes, in CBPC master config.  (I check animal sos offered configs, then try same thing)

NPC GenitalsScrotum [GenScrot]=Scrot
NPC GenitalsBase [GenBase]=Scrot
NPC Genitals01 [Gen01]=Mgen
NPC Genitals02 [Gen02]=Mgen
NPC Genitals03 [Gen03]=Mgen
NPC Genitals04 [Gen04]=Mgen
NPC Genitals05 [Gen05]=Mgen
NPC Genitals06 [Gen06]=Mgen


and set  parameters in CBPConfig_male.txt as same as I assgin value for breast, butt, and belly etc.


 So I suppose all movements of SOS cuased by CBPC only. and actually it show kind of physics movements. 

(but it not so smooth, (with my current setting)


  I know we need to use physics compatible bone,, to HDT-smp or CBPC work,,

but about SOS,, how bone work for SOS meshes? 


I check HDT-smp SOS files, but it not include any special bones. (then overwrite sos meshes with collison mesh, and hdt xml config files.)

so basically SOS HDT smp version and  SOS SE seems use same bone about SOS,, is it right?  

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